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The Teenage Burden

Bring on the teenage burden

It is the only choice;
For a mere pathetic teen
Will have no valid​ ​voice.
People will never hear-
No matter how much they scream
There’s no say in anything-
A teen can only dream.

Bring on the teenage burden

For it has just began-
The piles of homework
And heaps of tough exams,
Which squander the spirit
And ensure no outside life-
For where is the irony
If the teen has no strife.

Bring on the teenage burden

With all it’s fronts and acts,
The lies stack up with speed
And soon the story cracks.
The yearning to belong
Forces lies from the lips-
But it will not be long
Until truth finally slips.
Bring on the teenage burden
Come judgement and cruelty
From everyone in life-
Come all who must see,
The ever foolish teen
Who can’t seem to succeed
For even as they strain-
Each stride will make them bleed.

Bring on the teenage burden

Of balancing it all-
Sports and school and friends and life;
The teen years are a rough haul.
But they give one lesson,
Which cannot be explained-
One must live through it all
To get one’s goal obtained.

Bring on the teenage burden

It is a trying time-
One must grow up and choose
Which path one wants to climb.
The options never end-
Yet the teen is told to pick
The course they’ll take in life
And it all happens quick.
Bring on the teenage burden
For it will not last long-
It will pass in a flash
And the teen will prove them wrong.
They will hear the wise voice
Of the grown up teen
Who is no more pathetic
Than the average man seen.

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