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Common breastfeeding questions and problems

Starting Out
hari 2-5 post partum
a week transitional milk
hari 10-14 fully matured milk
tiap 2 jam (~6bulan) ~6minggu
Is baby getting enough?
sign in the 1st few weeks :
leaner growth chart
6-8 wet cloth diaper (4-6 disposable diapers) per hari , 3 hari post initial
perubahan BAB 1st week black-green/brown
1-2 bulan 2-3 BAB/hari
setiap setelah feeding
breast terasa penuh before feeding
less full after feeding
leak between feeding
dengar swallowing
how much weight gain during 1st month
first week initial weight lo 5-8% BB 6-10 ons 170-280 gram
first few weeks 115-200 gram/minggu
first six months 1-2 pound 450-900/bulan
6-12bulan 1 pound/bulan
tidak naik BB tapi tidak dehidrasi
tidak dehidrasi mata mulut lembab, 4-6 disposable diaper
cubit kulit bayi yang undernourish, wrinkled
tanda kurang kalori cry to be fed often but fusses cz never satisfied
not getting enough high fat hindmilk
kalo tidur: angkat, burping, latch lagi
tanda failure to thrive sedikit/banyak BAB, loose wrinkly skin
tanda alergi/intoleran formula
bout of crying after feeding
vomit evry feeding
persistent diarrhea/constipation
colic with distended, tense painful abdomen after feeding
generally irritable behavior/frequent night waking
rash di wajah / anus
frequent cold / ear infection
how much?
birth - 6 mo 125-150ml/kgBB/hari
newborn 30-60ml/feed 1-2ons
1-2 mo 3-4 ons/feeding
2-6 mo 4-6 ons/feeding
6mo-1yr ~8ons/feeding
ukuran lambung bayi:fist
kalo haus, kasi air 4-8 ons air/hari
demand feeding
scheduled feeding
per 3 jam

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