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“Make of the world one family”

Xaverian Mission
Volume 67 - No. 2| May 2019 Newsletter •

The Gift of Love .......................................2

Hidden Christians of Japan ...................3
Cyclone IDAI..............................................4
“Silent Meditation” ..................................5
Celebrating Dialogue..........................6-7
Conforti on Creation..............................9
World & US Province News..............10-11

Photo: The platform where the sacred texts are read in the Sikh Central Gurdwara Singh Sabha in Glasgow Scotland
courtesy of
The Gift of Love

The Gift of Love

Message from the US Provincial Superior
Xaverian Dear Mission Friends,
Missionaries Marcia was the eighth of nine children and the only girl,
Provincial Headquarters
12 Helene Court
from a poor family in Brazil. She was the best gift for her
Wayne, NJ 07470-2813 mother. She was only eleven when she felt terrible pains in
Tel.: (973) 942-2975 her left knee. She was found to have a rare type of cancer that
Fax: (973) 942-5012 spreads very quickly. Obviously she cried. Some of her many
missionmedia@xaverianmissionaries. friends in talking to her recalled how Jesus suffered on the cross.
org Immediately she stopped crying and said: “Yes, Jesus suffered like I
Xavier Knoll Mission Center do, actually, more than me. Then, I will make of my pain and suffering a ‘gift of love’
4500 West Xavier Drive for him.” She felt a deep peace within... and began to smile again.
Franklin, WI 53132-9066
Tel.: (414) 421-0831 A couple of months later she went to the hospital for treatment. “I’m trying to
Fax: (414) 421-9108 follow Jesus by always repeating, ‘For you, Jesus.’ This month I had to be taken to
Email: the hospital one more time. I didn’t want to. Then I thought of Jesus and I decided
to go and spend three days there thinking of Jesus’ three hours on the cross. I am
Global Youth Mission Services (the a very happy person because I have encountered Jesus and I love him. May Jesus’
Fatima Shrine peace be with you.”
101 Summer Street
She died a few months later... with a smile on her face despite the strong pain she
Holliston, MA 01746-2207
Tel.: (508) 429-2144 experienced all along. On the day of her resurrection Mass her mother said: “Today I
Fax: (508) 429-4793 give to Jesus the greatest gift that I received in my life. I wish to do it with love, as
Email: Marcia taught me.”

Xaverian Mission Newsletter I was deeply touched by that story. It speaks not so much of tears, suffering, and
Official publication of the
death, rather of resurrection and new life.
Xaverian Missionaries
of the United States
On Good Friday, Jesus’ disciples, too, were ‘buried’ with all their hopes in the tomb
with him. But, as the sun rose on Easter Sunday morning, Jesus rose with it and
Publisher: Fr. Mark Marangone SX
appeared to his disciples. And at that moment the power of Easter began to work in
Communications Board: the lives of the disciples.
Fr. Carl Chudy SX
Fr. Tony Lalli SX Suddenly they were transformed from a band of despairing men and women into
Fr. Rocco Puopolo SX
a community of daring missionaries who set out to carry the news of Easter to the
Fr. Alejandro Rodriguez SX
Fr. Aniello Salicone SX ends of the earth. And the power of Easter began to work miracles in people’s lives,
just as it had in their own lives. And those miracles continue to happen in our time.
Mary Aktay Easter invites us to open our hearts to the Risen Jesus and let Jesus help us love
Printing again, trust again, and hope again: wipe our tears, pick up the pieces, and start over
AlphaGraphics, Totowa, NJ
again. No tomb can hold the Lord of Life any longer, as there is no tomb that can
Email & Web: prevent the love of that young girl, Marcia, from spreading. The Risen Jesus is in our
midst ready to work miracles for us, if we let him. May we be His missionaries today,
sowers of seeds of love, peace and reconciliation for a more united world.
Donation: $5.00 per year
Fr. Mark and the Xaverian Missionaries

Help Xaverian Missionaries spread love everywhere! In

ave f yo cre
Le cy o e St n
. I f y u r im a s e
a h o ur pac
eg de t oreig . Contact: Fr. Mark Marangone, SX h
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Fra ission r Las ent. d ou n c r
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Or visit: for online donations

2 Xaverian Mission Newsletter • May 2019

Xaverian Missionaries in the World

Hidden Christians of Japan

ast year, UNESCO decided to enroll 12 Christian sites where during
the Shogunate Period Tokugawa (1603-1868) the faithful were
persecuted in southwestern Japan in its World Heritage Sites. The
12 sites are all located in the prefecture of Nagasaki and the Amakusa
region, where many Christians, to escape persecution, had to practice
their faith secretly. Among the various sites are: the church of Ōura
(built in the city of Nagasaki and the oldest church in Japan); the ruins
of Hara Castle (a place where some 37,000 Christians lost their lives
during the Shimabara-Amakusa uprising of the years 1637-1638); the Goto
Islands (which offered shelter to many hidden Christians and who are
famous for their many churches); Hirado Island (in which St. Francis
Xavier founded some communities and whose port, during the
isolationist period, became the only access route for trade; the coastal
area of Sotome (where, at the end of the ban on Christianity, some
missionaries built the churches of Shitsu and Ono); the picturesque
village of Sakitsu (whose church was built on the site of the tragic
events of the fumi-e , a term that indicates the trampling of the crucifix
or of the image of the Virgin Mary).
These places are intimately linked to the painful historical period of the
persecutions in which the Japanese saw in Christianity a danger for their
country. These persecutions led to the existence of Kakure Kirishitan
(“hidden Christians”) and whose sites UNESCO wants to celebrate its
“unique testimony.” The Kakure Kirishitan were once an estimated
150,000 in number. They were those who, newly infused with the
Catholic faith four centuries ago, took their religion underground to
escape persecution, torture and death.
In 1865, after Japan had opened up to the western world, the French
missionaries who had built the church of Ōura in Nagasaki were sur-
prised to discover the descendants of the ancient Christians. They were
more than 20 thousand. The police intervened and about 4 thousand
Christians were deported to other areas of the country, while others
were killed. This was the last persecution. Following the pressure of
public opinion and Western governments, the Japanese government,
which had passed from the shogun domain to Meiji emperor, on March
14, 1873 decreed the end of the persecution that had begun in 1614 and
lasted almost uninterrupted for 259 years.
For Japanese Christians, this choice of UNESCO is a further recognition
of their history and the suffering they have had to endure in order to
remain true to their faith — in addition to purify it. As the well-known
Christian novelist Endō Shusaku wrote: “The ‘Kakure’ Japanese, over the
From the top: The Basilica of Ōura; the ruins of
course of many years, had abandoned all those elements of religion they Hara castle; Hirado Island; the church of Sakitsu
were incapable of accepting, and the teachings of God the Father were
gradually replaced by the longing for the Mother – a yearning which is
the very essence of Japanese religion.”
Fr. Tiziano Tosolini SX
Fr. Tiziano Tosolini SX directs the Asian Studies Center of the Xaverian Missionaries in Osaka, Japan, and is a
researcher at the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture in Nagoya. His writings include Man Beyond Man (2015).
With Emi publishing house he also published To Speak of God in the Twilight (1999; sold out edition). His The
Unknown Next won in 2018 the Serafino Cimino Award within the San Michele Capri Award. He has translated The
Persecutions of the Missionaries in Japan by Shūsaku Endō for Martin Scorsese (2016). He also translated and edited
the unpublished stories of Shūsaku Endō.

Xaverian Mission Newsletter •May 2019 3

Xaverian Missionaries in the World

Cyclone IDAI : Desolation of Desolations!

On March 3rd from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m., the inhabitants of Beira and Dondo, Mozambique suffered through a 6
hour nightmare from the thundering passage of category 4 Cyclone Idai, which was moving at a speed of 150 km
per hour. It caused unprecedented human suffering and material damage. As of April the death toll in Mozambique
from Cyclone Idai had risen to 468. According to a UNICEF report more than 600,000 families are homeless.

On March 17th Fr. Bonané Chokola SX wrote: “Our confreres from the community of Dondo, the parish of St.
Anne (Robert, Barthelemy and Enrique) and the confreres passing through Dondo (Justin, Innocent and
Epitace) escaped harm. They are healthy despite widespread panic. According to the testimony of Father
Barthelemy, contacted by telephone, the situation is extremely catastrophic. He said, ‘Here is the total disaster.
The roofs of our houses were washed away by the cyclone. Here in Dondo we are flooded by the waters of the tor-
rential rain that has fallen on us. All our rooms are full of water. This is the terrible mess. We do not know what to
do, or run away because it’s worse outside. The roofs of the halls are on the floor. The church suffered severe
By this cry of distress we said goodbye because the charge of his battery ran out. All Beira is in the dark. No net-
work to communicate us. No internet. This is alarming worry! We are waiting for the restoration of the internet to
receive photos of the current state of our homes in Dondo and Inhamizwa.
Yesterday we managed to log into Facebook. The pictures are distressing. The Sacred Heart Church of Macuti-Ponta
Gea is destroyed as well as the Church of Our Lady of Fatima de Pioneros. It seems that the majority of churches
in our parishes in the archdiocese of Beira have suffered the same fate. It will take many years and many hands to
rebuild our archdiocese.
In front of this tragedy nobody understands anything. The damage seems insurmountable. Our ability to answer is
infinitely small. We lift our eyes to heaven and we cry, Who will come to help us? Our help comes from the Lord
who made heaven and earth. At the same time we extend our hands to the hearts of men and women of good will
so that together we seek to soften the deep pain of our brothers and sisters who have lost everything: Houses,
material goods, children, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, ... and above all, hope.”
(As this newsletter went the printer another storm struck the devastated country. Cyclone Kenneth hit with winds
of 220 km/h (140 mph), flattening thousands of homes and flooding low-lying areas.)

You can help the Xaverian Missionaries bring hope to Mozambique. Either clip this paper and send it to the
address below or help the environment by donating online at:
Name: Donation Amount:
Address: City: State: Zip
Email: Phone: Xaverian House Supported:
Mail to: Fr. Mark Marangone SX, 12 Helene Ct., Wayne, NJ 07470 □Xaverian Knoll, Franklin WI; □Fatima Shrine
Holliston, MA; □Provincial House Wayne, NJ

4 Xaverian Mission Newsletter • May 2019

Xaverian Missionaries in the USA

Provincial Commission on Interfaith Dialogue

he PCID was created to equip ourselves with the suitable
instruments for dialogue with cultures, religions and current
world affairs. Our concern for dialogue is not simply academic,
but very practical: dialogue in action. There is outreach to other
religions and the humanist and atheist communities as well.
The Commission members are: Fr. Michael Davitti, Fr. Carl Chudy,
Fr. Alejandro Rodriguez, Fr. Adolph Menéndez.

Religious Experience and “Silent Meditation”

This branch of PCID focuses specifically on Religious Experience,
as the communal element of the Historical Great Religions.
Buddhism is very popular and fashionable in USA, especially for
its meditation techniques. Buddhist meditation shows us, in great
detail, how self-centered we are, and how our solid sense of self
is an illusion. The challenge for both Christians and Buddhists
who practice meditation is to be simultaneously grounded in our
moment-to-moment experience while we are actively engaged in
our relationships and political environments.
The theologian Karl Rahner reminds us that: “the Christian of
the future will be a mystic or will not exist.” Christians need
more than just moral guidance and instruction in the proper way
to think about God, what is needed is a personal and transforming
experience of the “Divine.” Hesychasm, a mystical tradition
of contemplative prayer in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and
Centering Prayer are the traditional Christian tools to prepare
for this encounter. Soyen Shaku, a Zen Master, reminds Buddhist
followers that: “Without the awakening of the religious sense,
God/Divine is a shadow, the soul a ghost, and life a dream.”
It came as a welcome surprise the realization that, in many ways,
Buddhism and humanism are on common ground with an emphasis
on social justice and reason. The common values which various
schools of Buddhism associate with humanism center on empathy
and the inherent dignity of all people, as well as compassion and
the values of prompting humanistic action, namely, the deep
respect for human rights. In the Buddhist vision of life, God is not
a problem: the suffering of humans is, and demands an answer.
I engaged in bimonthly conversations with Buddhist monks in
Myanmar on Skype. During these conversations we discovered
several similarities and differences between Buddhist and Christian
Hesychia―stillness, quiet, tranquillity. This led to a very enriching
sharing of Buddhist meditation and Meister Eckhart’s apophatic Photo taken in Bangladesh
by Fr. Angelo Costalonga SX
practices. (Apophatic theology attempts to approach God, the
Divine, by negation, to speak only in terms of what may not be In Asian religions and cultures,
said about the perfect goodness that is God.) The Lenten Season especially, in Buddhism and Hinduism,
became more meaningful when compared to a “Vassa” (Buddhist lotus is the embodiment of perfection.
rain retreat). Our faiths and practices can enrich one another. It defines the capacity of the soul to
expand and embrace the beauty of
Truly, God is too big to be contained in one religion! life with a clear conscience. Even in
Christianity, there are images and
~ Fr. Michael Davitti SX symbols of Lotus flowers on icons and
in literature. .

Xaverian Mission Newsletter •May 2019 5

Celebrating Dialogue
averian Missionaries in the United Kingdom
initiated an important gathering of Xaverian
Missionaries working or interested in
interreligious dialogue from Europe and the United
States. The organization of the event brought an
intense five days, together with sharing among
confreres in an important area of our congregational
mission today, along with friends and other colleagues.
The first day was an opportunity to share together
on the impact of interreligious dialogue through
our Xaverian charism. Fr. Carl Chudy facilitated a
conversation on our experience of dialogue through
the unique contexts of each of our regions, their
challenges, stumbling blocks, and what the future
could hold. On this same day Dr. John Stoer of the
Catholic Bishops spoke of the important role of
Catholic interreligious dialogue in contemporary
catechesis and adult faith formation. Finally, Sr.
Isabel Smyth, SND, also of the Bishop’s Committee
on Interfaith Dialogue, provided an informal and
fascinating conversation on the history of the work of
interfaith dialogue in Scotland.
The second day provided a wonderful opportunity to
hear from Mr. Gary McClelland, Chief Executive of
Humanist International Affairs, and the ever-widening
experiences of dialogue that includes Secular
Humanism and the nonreligious. Mr. McClelland was
also an attendee at our first gathering of religious
and nonreligious in Coatbridge through our Common
Ground Project in 2013. In the afternoon Mr. Hugh
Foy, Program Director of Xaverian Missionaries Centre,
facilitated a conversation on the role of dialogue with
the expanding role of Pax Christi in Scotland.
The third day, Ash Wednesday, we visited two
important non-Christian communities in the area.
The morning was spent at the Glasgow Sikh Gurdwara,
and the afternoon at the Lanarkshire Muslim Welfare
Society, also in Glasgow. We were kindly welcomed in
both of these communities and had an opportunity to
have conversations around the life of minority faiths
in the community and their own contributions to
interfaith dialogue.
On Thursday Imam Javed Ali, Director of the
Andalus Institute of Glasgow provided a fascinating
presentation on Islam in the European context, as well
as an exploration of Catholic-Muslim dialogue through
Muslim eyes. The final day provided the opportunity
for each of our regions to share the work and dreams
for dialogue in our respective regions. The local
Xaverian communities, the local church, and the life
of non-Christian faiths in our regions showed us both
the extraordinary variety of dialogue opportunities
and the local challenges and difficulties that are
entailed. The close of our conversations looked at
next steps for collaboration together.

Fr. Carl Chudy SX

Photo Credits: Fr. Carl Chudy SX and Mary Aktay
Conforti on Creation

Lobster Nebula Image by Skeeze from Pixabay

Next page: Milky Way Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

8 Xaverian Mission Newsletter • May 2019

The Spirituality of St. Guido Conforti

Conforti on Creation...
The following quotes are taken from the CONFORTI ANTHOLOGY edited by
Fr. Alfiero Ceresoli SX and Fr. Ermanno Ferro SX

«All created beings invite us to pay honor and glory to the name
of the God who is the source of that being and to whom all
things are destined; all beings joyfully return to God in a harmonious and
solemn journey. Each thing is like a mirror that reflects in some way the
Lord’s infinite beauty and kindness and everything has its own poem that
it recites in a wonderful variety and harmony with the entire universe.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the flowers of the field and
the valleys respond to the harmony of the firmament. The sun, the moon
and the mountains make their Majestic song, and the air and the light,
the forests and the green grass all speak of the God who moves all things,
whose glory penetrates all things and shines through all things; the whole
of creation responds to Him in a rapture of divine joy, obedient like the
harp in the hand of the artist. Oh, Lord our God, how great your name
throughout the earth! Yes, from every being, from the stars that shine to
bring joy to the night, from the light that quickly rains down to stir up
everywhere thousands of colors, from the air that we breathe, from the
earth that produces the fruits we need for our sustenance, from the water
that quenches our thirst, from the very stones that stand together and
compact to make a dwelling and a place of rest for us: everything exclaims:
Sit Nomen Domini Benedictum―May the Name of the Lord be Blessed!
(1916, 8 December, Parma, Homily
“Bestemmia e turpiloquio”; FCT 24, 95-96)

«C reation is like a magnificent concert of harmonious voices; all

created beings understand each other, they bear witness to each
other, they respond to each other from one end of the universe to the
other. Nothing in the world exists in isolation: there is a mysterious and
unknown bond between the blade of grass you trample upon and the sun
that gives us light and heat, between the insect that hides among the leafy
branches and the greatest of the stars in the infinity of space. This law of
union that governs the physical world also governs the world of Christian
souls sanctified by Jesus Christ and who live by him. Among the stars the
law of attraction dominates and the sun is the center, but there is also
the power of attraction among souls and Jesus Christ is its source; they
communicate to each other light, warmth and life.»
(1920, 8 December, Parma - Cathedral, Homily
“Credo sanctorum communionem; FCT 17, 344-345)

Xaverian Mission Newsletter •May 2019 9

World Mission News

World Mission News


Cyclone IDAI: now the threat is cholera; Migrant caravans, “people of faith on National Day of Migrants: appeal of
CUAMM assists affected populations their way towards a better future” the Church for stateless persons
Maputo (Agenzia Fides) - Doctors with Africa Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - “The Church in Mexico Manila (Agenzia Fides) - Help for stateless
CUAMM, highlights the consequences of the is very involved and follows with concern the persons, victims of a “disturbing global
passage of cyclone IDAI in Mozambique. The migrant caravans, from the place of origin to that phenomenon” affecting thousands of Filipino
official number of deaths is 493 people out of destination, showing solidarity and hospitality children is the appeal launched by the Catholic
of a total of 839.748 people affected, while throughout our national territory,” states Father Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care
168.946 families are displaced. “There are Arturo Montelongo, secretary of the Mobility of Migrants. Scalabrinian priest Fr. Restituto
the first cases of cholera confirmed by the Commission in the Catholic Episcopal Conference of Ogsimer, Executive Secretary of the Bishops’
government,” reports CUAMM. Authorities Mexico (CEM). Fr. Montelongo emphasizes the lack Commission on Migrants and Itinerant People,
and various humanitarian organizations are of “responsible leaders who guide them safely and states, “the faithful must defend the rights of
working to build Cholera Treatment Centers in without deception.” The priest says he is surprised stateless persons.” While the world seeks answers
the districts of Dondo, Buzi, Nhamatanda and by the faith present among the people of these and solutions for the phenomenon of asylum
Beira. Doctors Without Borders has already built caravans: “They bring with them the enthusiasm of seekers and refugees, the church must continue
centers. A vaccination campaign started on April a better life, they are aware of the great difficulties to find ways to assist these stateless children.”
3rd with the goal of reaching 1,300,000. Doses they face and they know that without the help “As members of the Church of Christ, we are
of measles vaccines have also been ordered. of God, it would be even more difficult to move called to act now, seek them out and extend
Two hundred community activists have been, forward.” At the same time, the secretary emphasizes our hands to care for them, to embrace them
trained by CUAMM doctors and provided with the great participation of citizens and the favorable and to make them feel loved and recognize
first aid kits. “In addition to carrying out the response of all in Mexico to the humanitarian crisis. their existence in our midst,” says Fr. Ogsimer.
activities that we normally implement in Beira, The Secretary points out the need for “public Current statistics cover 3.7 million stateless people
they will now also raise awareness about correct policies which are attentive to the human rights” in 78 countries, while the office of the UN High
hygienic practices and early detection of cholera.” in the countries of transit and destination, and Commissioner for Refugees estimates that at least
Three ambulances are being set up to recalls that “Pope Francis urges us to welcome, 10 million people globally could be stateless.
transfer maternal complications to hospitals protect, promote and integrate, in order to
transform world society and define once and for As of 2015, reported statistics showed that some
and additional support is being provided to 40 percent of the world’s stateless people – more
the health personnel with the recruitment all that migration is a right and that migrants are
not a danger, but an opportunity for development”. than 1.4 million – were living in Southeast Asia.
of 9 nurses to be sent to three centers
that have a very large number of deliveries. “The Church in the US also works to support the cause It was in 1987 when the Filipino Bishops
of migrants,” notes Fr. Montelongo. “The Bishops in initiated the celebration of the National
Finally, CUAMM is supplying 3 autoclaves Migrants’ Sunday to promote awareness in
to ensure the sterilization of surgical the USA continue to rally against the immigration
policy characterized by separation of families, the church and society on the issues and
instruments used in health centers. concerns linked to overseas Filipino migration.
detention of migrants, and especially the construction
of a wall that separates not only families, but the The event highlights the church’s effort to
cities that historically have the same cultural origin”. help them cope with the effects of migration
on work, their lives and their families.

10 Xaverian Mission Newsletter • May 2019

USA Communities News

News from our USA Communities

of courses and retreats, and meditation in the Save the Date!
Tibetan tradition including introspective meditation October 5th will be the 67th Annual Mission Ban-
methods and an opportunity for active service. quet, St. Joseph’s Hall, Medway. We begin the eve-
ning with Mass at 4 PM followed by happy hour
and dinner, raffle and entertainment. It is a great
way to enjoy your friends and support the efforts
of the Xaverian Missionaries worldwide. This year’s
theme is “Legacies in Mission: Then and Now.”
Xaverian Retreat
Our three USA Communities are gathering at
the Redemptorist Retreat House in Oconomowoc,
WI, from May 19th to the 24th. Fr. Guglielmo
Camera SX is leading the retreat based on our Fatima Days
Constitutions and our Founder, St. Guido Maria May 13th begins another series of Marian Devotions
Conforti’s Testament Letter (1920) in view of 2020’s celebrating the Apparitions of Fatima. From May to
125th Anniversary of the Founding of the Xaverian October on the 13th of each month the evening
Missionaries in Parma, Italy, in 1895. will start with Sacred Songs at 6:30 PM followed
by Mass at 7:00 PM concluding with the candlelight
Fr. Camera also heads the Commission on the
procession at 8:00 PM and fellowship. This year’s
causes of canonization within our Missionary Family. XAVIER KNOLL
theme is: “Women of the Scriptures.”
He gave us input related to the Xaverian martyrs
“Come and See”
in Africa, Asia and Latin America spelling out the
Mission of evangelization our Founder entrusted to On Saturday, June 1st from 2:00 PM to 8 PM there Xaverian Mission Festival – June 22 & 23, 2019
us which, at times, calls for the gift of life itself. will be a Come and See Discernment Retreat for The ‘Mission Sending’ of Fr. Edgar Ruiz Leon will
men and women looking at Missionary service as take place at the Eucharistic Celebration of the
It was a special “Family” moment in this Easter
a priest, brother, sister or lay person. It will be Festival on June 23 at Xavier Knoll.
Season which brings new life.
presented in conjunction with the Xaverian Mission-
Fr. Michael’s Ministries ary Fathers and Sisters as well as the Franciscan Mission Trip
Fr. Michael Davitti SX will be visiting Italy this Missionaries of Mary. For more information con- Fr. Alex Rodriguez SX will be joining ACTS Racine
summer and will continue his Skype conversations tact Fr. Rocco at for their annual Mission Trip. This year the trip will
with the Buddhist monks in Myanmar. On July be to Knoxville, Tennessee. This trip is open to all
Portrait of Mother Celestine current 8th - 12th grade students.
22nd they will discuss “Karma, Destiny, Providence.”
At Easter the Holliston Community joined the
In August 10th he will be with the youth of Xaverian Sisters in Worcester as usual for a festive Social Treat
Reggello (Florence), his home Parish, spending the dinner together. This Ice Cream Social – The annual thank you gather-
day at the “Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa” monastery year the Holliston ing for our festival volunteers will take place on
located in Pomaia, around 40 km south of Pisa. It Community gifted the August 18, 2019 at Xavier Knoll. Please join us for
was founded in 1977 by a small group of Tibetan Sisters with a portrait what will be a very especial celebration.
monks in exile. Since Fr. Michael first visited of Mother Celestine
there in 1989, the Institute has grown into one Bottego and the three
of the largest Tibetan Buddhist centers in Europe. Xaverian Sisters who
It attracts students from around the world who were killed in Burundi.
are interested in deepening their understanding Mr. Harley Bartlett is Keep up with the latest news on
of Buddhism and the mind. It offers a variety the “House” pages of our website.
the local artist. .
Praesidium Accreditation™ publicly demonstrates that the Congregation of the Xaverian
Missionaries has achieved the highest industry standards in abuse prevention and response.

Xaverian Mission Newsletter •May 2019 11

Xaverian Mission Newsletter • May 2019

Frs. Benjamin Gomez SX from Spain and Bideri Nyagasza Côme SX from the UK are united in
Interfaith Dialogue at the Sikh Gurdwara in Glasgow

Embrace the World!

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