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SUBMITTED TO : Dr. Chuchengfa Gogoi

Submitted by : Pronati Borah

Roll. no : 18BA221
2nd sem political science
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, he is a father of
our nation. He is known as a well name Mahatma
Gandhi in all over the world. Although he is
considered as the great philosopher, spiritual and
political leader of India. he was the greatest of
the humanists that India presented to he world in
modern times.
Gandhi was not a systematic political
philosopher in the academic sense of the term.
Because his ideas can not be justify with any of
the well known schools of Indian philosophy.
Gandhi was a practical idealist so he talked
about the life issues and offers ancient solution
for modern problems. Gandhi’s philosophy
based on Ahimsa or Non-violence. Gandhi not
only famous in India but also he famous in all
over the world and his ideology followed by
them. His philosophy broadly discuss below.
Gandhian political philosophy in a new era in the
history of political thought. It made the world
believe that even the greatest political problems
could be solved only by making personal
sacrifices. Gandhi’s ideas mainly based on two
ways there are Ahimsa or Non-violence and truth
or satya. Truth and Non-violence are two pillars
of Gandhian philosophy. his political ideas were
partyless democracy, decentralization, freedom of
speech, abolition of untouchability etc.
There are many political philosophy left by Gandhi-

(a)Gandhi’s views on Non-violence:

Non-violence or Ahimsa is a basic principles of Gandhian
philosophy. It’s exist on the spiritual or religious, moral, political ,
economic, social and individual etc . Generaly Non-violence or
Ahimsa means absence of violence or himsa .but in this sense
Ahimsa means absolute fearlessness. It’s the basis of sympathy with
all greeds and kindness. If one does not believe in Non-violence he
has no kindness for others. Gandhi’s non-violence is the search for
truth. Truth is the most fundamental aspect in Gandhi’s philosophy
of non-violence. In the 21st century , the concept of non-violence is
more relevant than ever. Non-violence is not only relevance in that
time it is very relevant to today’s world.
(b)His concept on satyagraha :
The philosophy of satyagraha is a new way of
life. For Gandhi, truth and non-violence areas
old as hills, wherever truth through non-violence
is a weapon of social control and is eternal and
creative. Creativity ,its basis of Ahimsa and
moral persuasion. Gandhi’s satyagraha
movement rendered great service to the cause of
racial equality in south Africa . It’s a first
successful application of the political and social
spheres .
(c) His views on swaraj:
The idea of swaraj of self rule is one of the
philosophical principle of Gandhian thoughts, which
stimulate man in conquering complete individuality
and also reorganization of the society. Gandhi’s swaraj
,its meaning for self government. In this way he talked
about the rights of people, justice, equality, self rule of
villagers . It is based on morality. Gandhi said ,”The
swaraj of my dream is the poor man’s swaraj. The
necessaries of life should be enjoyed by you in
common with those enjoyed by the princes and the
monied people”.
(d) His views on Sarvodaya:
Sarvodaya as one of the pillars of Hind Swaraj. Sarvodaya is a
Sanskrit term it means ‘universal uplift or progress of all.’ so the
main purpose of sarvodaya is to create a high moral atmosphere in
the country. the term was used by Mahatma Gandhi to socially and
economically develop of rural areas through the way of gram swaraj
, panchayatiraj and khadi.

(e)Gandhi’s views on economic :

His economic ideas are part of his general life. Gandhi’s two life of
principles govern all economic, social, political and other
considerations based on truth or non-violence. according to Gandhi
the main ideal of economic programme must be human happiness
combined with full mental and moral growth. The wealth of a
nation is its people who produce it. Therefore if economic policy
does not provide each according to his need, it is of no value. He
advised complete decentralization of the productive process.
1.3 Relevance Of Gandhian
Gandhi’s idea based on truth and non-violence. No doubt
truth and non-violence are old traditional concept. but his
philosophy not only famous in 21st century ,but also his
concept is more relevant to today’s world. Some
relevance discuss below.

(A) non violence as weapon of Gandhi’s philosophy and

an ideal way of life. In 21st century, the concept of ahimsa
or non-violence is more relevant than ever. But it is very
relevant in present time. In many parts of world non-
violence is used as the best way to bring social and
political change. So definitely Gandhian philosophy has
create relevance to the today’s world.
(B) Satyagraha as a socio economic and political weapon, Gandhi
insisted that it is based on truth and non-violence. In this way
Gandhi used some techniques are Non cooperation, strike, fasting,
boycott, hijrat, hartal etc. through in this techniques are an
important weapon for fighting against the oppressor. In present time
this techniques are used to all socio and political movement. Its
important to protect human rights of a democratic nation .

(C) Like non-violence, satyagraha has also great relevance to present

time. Both a way of life and weapon of social and political change,
styagraha is used as the based way to solve any kind of violence and
war, satyagraha is the most peaceful way. For example the
appearance of nuclear weapon the use of which total destruction rise
question against the future and present of humanity and world
peace. There is no future of humanity and peaceful progress without
Gandhian philosophy. So to protect the world peace and to protect
humanity Gandhian philosophy is the best way, so Gandhian
philosophy has its relevance to the present world.
(D) Sarvodaya as one of the pillars to bring hind swaraj. Its based
on equality and liberty. Gandhian philosophy of Sarvodaya a
new economic policy of globalization to make the world a
global village. Its belief that all emergent problems- social,
economic, political and moral views. Gandhi developed from
the idea of sarvodaya which aim at socio economic
development and political freedom of village. His concept of
panchayati raj system is still valid without which rural
development is almost impossible.

(E) In present social movement like Chipko movement, Narmada

bachao movement, Anti Arac movement are an example of
inspiration of Gandhian philosophy to protect the scenario. so
Gandhian philosophy is more relevant to today’s world.
(F) Gandhi’s views on self sufficiency of villages still has relevant in
the present time according to Gandhi every village must be
economically self sufficient at least in the production of their basic
need producted by people instead of machine. It is the only basic of
stable economy.

1.4 Conclusion :
In this discussion about Gandhian philosophy and its relevances,
it becomes clear that even in this 21st century Gandhian philosophy
has great relevance. Many critics criticize Gandhian philosophy as
old and it can not be followed in our time. But there critics are
totally wrong because Gandhian philosophy is followed by all over
the world. Even in International organization like UNO, Gandhian
philosophy is followed. No doubt Gandhi’s ideas and views are old.
But Gandhian philosophy is very necessary for the new
and future generation. Gandhi’s thought are positive
and practical. That is why Gandhian philosophy has
relevance time to solve any political, social and others
issues Gandhian way is proved as the best peaceful way
which has relevance to the world peace of this era.
Even outside of India Gandhi is a great inspiration .
Gandhian principles are followed by Nelson Mandela,
Dr. Martin Luther, Aung San Su Kyi and many others.
Gandhian philosophy has great relevance to the present
time from the all aspects like political, social, moral,
spiritual etc. so Gandhian philosophy has great
relevance to our times and future generation .
1.Bali, D.R, Modern Indian thought from Ram Mohan Roy to
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2. Devnath Lakhi and Sen. Sanjay, Indian political thought ,

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3.Gupta R.C, Great political thinkers east and west, L.N

Agarwal educational publisher, Revised edition-1998

4. Jayaram R and Vijayaraghavan, political thought, sterling

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