Commercial Dispatch Eedition 4-30-19

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Tuesday | April 30, 2019

Hybrid operating room unveiled at Baptist Forecast

gas prices
Sharp price hike
into summer cause
customers to fear
paying $3 per-gallon
at pump by summer
By Slim Smith

As gas prices
crept over the $2.50
per-gallon mark last
week, the inevitable
question is beginning
Amanda Lien/Dispatch Staff
to emerge of just how
Cardiovascular surgeon Richard Eubanks gestures to one of several monitors on Monday in the Hybrid Operating Room at
Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle where surgeons can see live feeds of their procedures or of x-rays. In the adjacent high prices could get.
room, technicians, doctors and nurses in training can also watch those feeds. “It makes me won-
der if we’re headed Redman
for $3 a gallon,” said Jerry Clem-

Updated technology promises less-invasive procedures mons Monday afternoon as he

filled the tank of his pickup at the
Sprint Mart on Highway 45 near
By AMANDA LIEN downtown. “There’s not much you can do about it. You have to buy gas
whatever they charge. I just hope it
A recently completed multi-million doesn’t get much higher.”
dollar operating room at Baptist Memo- The statewide average for a gal-
rial Hospital-Golden Triangle will enable lon of gasoline is currently $2.53,
surgeons to perform faster, more accu- said Don Redman, regional spokes-
rate and less invasive procedures. man for the American Automobile
The 1,000-square-foot Hybrid Op- Association.
erating Room technology includes a “Every time the price goes up,
C-shaped x-ray machine that provides people wonder where it’s going to
surgeons with a live feed of a surgery pa- go,” Redman said. “But, you know,
tient, an independent cooling system and the prices now are comparable to
generator in case of power outages and a what we saw this time last year.
separate observation room. The $1.3 mil- For some reason, $3 gas is on ev-
lion setup is meant to increase the num- eryone’s mind, and it has already
ber of minimally-invasive procedures passed that point in some areas.”
BMH surgeons can perform. Redman said prices began to
“For surgeries, surgeons can use that rise in March and have continued
live x-ray feed to make several small inci- to climb as the summer driving sea-
sions wherever it is they need to instead of son begins — by about 10 cents in
needing to do an open procedure where the last month alone.
the patient is cut fully or partially open,” And while it’s likely to go higher,
Amanda Lien/Dispatch Staff
said Derrick Forrester, director of periop- Redman said the forecast indicates
The C-shaped x-ray device in Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle’s Hybrid
erative services “... It helps us see much Operating Room will provide surgeons with a live feed of a patient’s body during the price should top out between
better and clearer what’s going on inside the procedure. The design is meant to make more surgeries minimally-invasive by $2.60 and $2.70 per-gallon.
a patient without having to be so invasive. eliminating the need to cut a patient open. “Usually, you see about a 50-cent
“That x-ray (machine) is what makes increase from January to June,”
this what we call a ‘hybrid’ operating Surgeons will be able to use the room “They could perform what we call Redman said. “What’s happening
room,” he added. “But if we have a situ- for procedures starting May 20, Forrest- ‘standard procedures’ like (coronary) this year is not unusual.”
ation where a procedure goes from min- er said. Cardiac surgeons are expected bypass surgery with just some inci- Redman said there are several
imally invasive to, say, open-heart sur- to use it the most since their procedures sions,” Forrester said. “They could also factors that influence the rise in
gery, we have all the equipment in here are often extremely delicate and nu- replace the valve in your heart without prices — converting to the federal-
too, which is also why we call it a ‘hybrid’ anced, he added, so they would benefit having to cut you open.” ly mandated “summer blends” that
OR.” from having access to a live x-ray screen. See Baptist, 3A See Gas prices, 3A

Two injured in crash following weekend police chase

Driver fled from safety checkpoint instead of pulling over press release said. After about
two miles, the driver lost con-
angle, the release said. Depu-
ties do not know the conditions
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT Lowndes County Sheriff’s Of- from Columbus, was under the trol of the vehicle, ran off the of either victim.
west side of the road and hit two LCSO is investigating the
fice press release. Deputies influence of alcohol and they
Two people were taken to trees before coming to rest. crash. Investigator Tony Coo-
had set up a safety checkpoint asked him to pull over to the
area hospitals after a driver fled The driver was airlifted to per said the driver will like-
at Highway 50 and Tabernacle side of the road. North Mississippi Medical Cen- ly face fleeing and eluding
from police and crashed his ve-
hicle on Mill Road east of Co- Road when a Buick Roadmaster Instead, the driver sped ter in Tupelo and an ambulance charges when he is released
lumbus early Sunday. pulled up. After asking for iden- away, turning onto Mill Road drove a 37-year-old passenger, from the hospital. Authorities
The accident occurred just tification, deputies suspected and heading south in an at- also from Columbus, to Baptist will not release his name until
before 2 a.m., according to a the driver, a 39-year-old man tempt to elude deputies, the Memorial Hospital-Golden Tri- he’s charged.

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 What dictator did American troops try to Today meetings
force out of hiding at the Vatican embassy May 6: Lowndes
■ Walk a Mile in Her Shoes: The
in Panama in 1989 by blasting loud, contin- County Supervi-
uous rock music? W’s Counseling Center invites males
sors, 9 a.m., Coun-
2 What is the name of both a psychological from the community to don high heels
and Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, bring- ty Courthouse
test and a superhero in a 2009 movie?
3 What is the more common term for ing awareness to the issue of sexual May 7: Colum-
Nadia Heinkel hypertext markup language? assault. The walk, rescheduled due to bus City Council
4 What substance did Pittsburgh Pirates severe weather, begins at 5 p.m. in The regular meeting,
Second grade, Annunciation
pitcher Dock Ellis claim he was under the W Room on campus. 5 p.m., Municipal

85 Low 64
influence of when he threw a no-hitter in
Complex Court-
High 1970?
Partly sunny
5 What ancient region is the likely birth-
place of the wheel and also the namesake
Thursday room
May 15: Lowndes
Full forecast on ■ Day of Prayer observance: The
of a B-52’s song? County Supervi-
page 2A. Answers, 6B community is invited to an observance
of the National Day of Prayer at noon in sors, 9 a.m., Coun-
front of the Lowndes County Courthouse, ty Courthouse
Inside 505 Second Ave. N., Columbus. Seating May 16: Colum-
available. Sponsored by the non-denom- Tavonta Macon likes bus Light and
Classifieds 4B Health 6A
Comics 3B Obituaries 5A inational citizens group Christian Com- running, buying shoes and Water utility meet-
Crossword 6B Opinions 4A munity in Prayer. For information, email clothes, and chilling with ing, 12 p.m., CLW
140th Year, No. 43 Dear Abby 3B his friends and family. office building


2A TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2019 The Dispatch •

Say What?
Did you hear? “It feels great. It took a long time. I’ve been thinking
about this my whole life and it’s finally here.”
Man accused of newspaper attack Caledonia High School senior Romeo Sanders on
signing with EMCC to continue his educational and
takes up an insanity defense basketball career. Story, 1B.

Five people were fatally shot

in June 2018 in the Capital Gazette
newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland Oktibbeha Young Leaders
with first-degree murder

graduates its first class

The Associated Press in the deaths of Gerald Fis-
chman, Rob Hiaasen, John
ANNAPOLIS, Md. McNamara, Rebecca Ann
— The man accused of Smith and Wendi Winters.
killing five people at the At a court hearing earli-
Memory Shuffield
Capital Gazette newspaper
in Annapolis, Maryland,
er this month, an attorney
for Ramos made several
named program’s
changed his plea Monday
to not guilty by reason of
references to his client’s
“bizarre language” and “bi-
Student of the Year
zarre behavior” leading up By Alex Holloway
Lawyers for Jarrod Ra-
to the June 28 mass shoot-
mos said in a court filing
ing. Attorney William Davis
that the 39-year-old Ramos Memory Shuffield found him-
said Ramos had “longstand-
was not criminally respon- self answering one question more
sible “because of a mental ing” mental health issues
and a period of “mental than others during the first year of
disorder.” Monday’s filing the Oktibbeha Young Leaders pro-
in the Anne Arundel Coun- health disturbances.” Davis
also said a mental health gram.
ty Circuit Court also said That question, he said, was sim-
he lacked the “capacity to expert has been working
ple — what is Oktibbeha Young
appreciate the criminality with the defense.
Leaders? As a member of the pro-
of his conduct.” The state will conduct
gram’s inaugural class, Shuffield
Five people were fatal- its own evaluation to deter-
didn’t have any prior years’ ex-
ly shot in June 2018 in the mine whether Ramos was
amples to point to. So, he said, he
Capital Gazette newsroom. not criminally responsible.
looked to the program and the op-
Ramos was indicted on 23 A doctor independent from portunities it provided him and his
Alex Holloway/Dispatch Staff
the prosecution will write a Memory Shuffield talks about his experiences in the Oktibbeha Young
charges in the attack, in- 19 classmates to find his answer. Leaders program during a Monday graduation and awards ceremony at
cluding first-degree mur- report with recommenda- Shuffield’s answer came in three The Mill at MSU. Shuffield was a member of the program’s inaugural
der. Ramos had initially tions and that report will parts — he said the program is a class and was named the class’ student of the year.
pleaded not guilty, and the then be sent to defense at- reason to be thankful, a reason to
change of plea filed Mon- torneys, prosecutors and smile and a reason to love and be he was the face of this class. He was “We want them to understand
day maintains the not guilty the court. loved, in the companionship with always willing to ask questions and that it takes everyone in a com-
plea. Generally, a judge or fellow class members. give his opinion, as well as bringing munity working together to make
If Ramos were ultimate- jury would consider wheth- “Even though taking a break the team together as a whole.” a community strong,” Amos said.
ly found not criminally er the defendant is not from your routine once a month Shuffield said the program’s les- “Everybody has to work hand-in-
responsible, he could be criminally responsible after sounds insignificant, I promise you sons will stay with him as he moves hand and constantly strive to make
confined to a mental health the trial. it is not,” Shuffield said. “Stepping on through life. it better. If we wait until they leave
prison facility. A November Prosecutors are seeking outside of the classroom and into “This isn’t just something you go and come back to try to turn them
trial has been scheduled. life in prison without possi- the community is exactly what ev- to and come out of not changed,” into leaders, we’re missing an op-
Ramos has been charged bility of parole. ery student needs. Meeting first Shuffield said. “I promise it will be portunity.”
responders, elected officials and ev- something that sticks with me for- Goodwin said Oktibbeha Young
eryone in between really shows you ever.” Leaders will continue to grow
CONTACTING THE DISPATCH how diverse a community we have.” and evolve with lessons learned
The Starkville Rotary Club host- Creating the program through its first year. However, he
Office hours: Main line: ed graduation at the Mill at MSU on Oktibbeha Young Leaders is said, the inaugural year has set a
n 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri n 662-328-2424 Monday for the Oktibbeha Young inspired by a similar program in strong foundation, and the next
Leaders class. Oktibbeha Young Lowndes County, which has been class, which has 21 students, is al-
HOW DO I ... Email a letter to the editor? ready in place.
Leaders is a program for 10th-grade in place for several years.
n “I think we did a really good job
Report a missing paper? students from Oktibbeha Coun- Marc McGee, the Starkville Ro-
n 662-328-2424 ext. 100 Report a sports score? ty’s high schools that was created tary Club president who helped es- our first year for making it success-
n Toll-free 877-328-2430 n 662-241-5000 through a collaboration between the tablish the Oktibbeha version, said ful with what we want to focus on
n Operators are on duty until Rotary Club and Greater Starkville the club wanted to make a program for each month,” Goodwin said. “I
Submit a calendar item? Development Partnership. The stu- that was focused on high school think that was the most important
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. n Go to dents meet once a month and par- kids. McGee said the program had part — to make sure each month
Buy an ad? community ticipated in activities that ranged been in the works for about three served a purpose and built a lead-
n 662-328-2424 Submit a birth, wedding from traveling to Jackson to learn years and came together last year ership skill.”
or anniversary announce- about state government to painting through a mix of Rotary Rodeo Amos and McGee said they
Report a news tip?
ment? a mural downtown. funds, a Rotary district grant and found it rewarding to see the pro-
n 662-328-2471
n Download forms at www. Jake Goodwin, program coor- scholarships from club members. gram’s first class make it through
n dinator for The Partnership, said Michelle Amos, a member of the the year.
Shuffield’s contributions stood out, Partnership board, said Oktibbeha “I think this is a very proud mo-
Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 leading him to be named the inau- Young Leaders focuses specifically ment for all of us,” he said. “They
gural class’ Student of the Year. on bringing together students from come to Rotary once a month to
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511 “He was a very special student in across the county and inspiring present to us, but to see the impact
that he was very outgoing,” Good- them to build rapport and under- that they have felt — it’s tremen-
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759 standing.
win said. “Many people would say dous.”

By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430
Online.......................................... Infrastructure bringing together Trump, Democratic leaders
RATES By KEVIN FREKING together again Tuesday, sian meddling. Lawmakers “I think a deal can be
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. The Associated Press this time in search of a plan and the Republican pres- had if everybody is will-
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. to fix the country’s crum- ident also have on eye on ing to put their battle axes
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. WASHINGTON — The bling infrastructure. It’s the 2020 elections, mean- away for a period,” said for-
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. last time President Don- seen as the one issue with ing every provision of an mer Republican Rep. Bill
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12 ald Trump sat down with the best chance for the two infrastructure package — Shuster of Pennsylvania,
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7 House Speaker Nancy Pe- sides to work together this including how to pay for who served as chairman of
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo. losi and Senate Democrat- Congress — and even that it — will be made with that the House’s transportation
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card. ic leader Chuck Schumer, isn’t given good odds for a in mind. committee for six years.
the president walked out in fruitful ending. More than one “infra- A compromise could
a huff and dismissed their The meeting plays out structure week” already offer political benefits
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320) government shutdown against the backdrop of has come and gone over to both sides. Trump’s
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS talks as a “total waste of high tensions over escalat- the past two years with re-election prospects are
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: time.” ing Democratic investiga- nothing to show for it. Still, tied to a strong economy
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Nearly four months lat- tions following the release advocates for an infrastruc- that would get another
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 er, the leaders are coming of special counsel Robert ture package boost see a boost from new road and
Mueller’s report into Rus- narrow window for action. bridge projects.

April 18 Mississippi
tornado count now
at 44, ties record
The Associated Press


tional Weather service is
now confirming 44 torna-
does in Mississippi from the
April 18 outbreak, tying the
record for a single event.
Forecasters say they
also confirmed that many
tornadoes in Mississippi
during Hurricane Rita in
September 2005.
Surveyors on Monday
confirmed one more tor-
nado near Pulaski in Scott
County. That twister had
estimated top winds of 90
mph with a track almost 1.5
SOLUNAR TABLE miles long.
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game. The one-day total ex-
Day Wed.
Major 10:26a 11:08a ceeds Mississippi’s annual
average of 43 tornadoes
Minor 4:16p 5:11p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
during the years 1991
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
through 2010.
TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2019 3A


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SPD investigating Northside Drive shooting

Victim taken to OCH Regional Medical Center J.L. King Park, at 10:09 p.m. Of-
ficers found the victim with an
OCH Regional Medical Center
for treatment. Oktibbeha Coun-
release, the victim is not coop-
erating with the investigation.
apparent gunshot wound to the ty Emergency Medical Services Anyone with information
By Alex Holloway that hospitalized a male victim. leg upon arriving. Director Michael Hunt said the According to a department on the incident is encouraged
SPD Public Information Offi- victim has since been released.
press release, officers respond- cer Brandon Lovelady said the Police do not currently be- to call SPD at 662-323-4131 or
Starkville police are investi- ed a report of a person being incident happened outside. lieve the shooting was a ran- Golden Triangle Crimestoppers
gating a Sunday night shooting shot on Northside Drive, near The victim was taken to dom incident. According to the at 1-800-530-7151.

Gas prices
Continued from Page 1A
are more expensive to produce would drive the price up but also
by refineries, production rates at encourage less consumption.
refineries, which only approach “For Saudi Arabia, it’s always
full capacity as the summer driv- a calculated decision,” Redman
ing season begins, and of course, said.
world supply of crude oil. On a more positive note, Red-
With the impact of the U.S. man said some of the gas price
government’s sanctions on increase regionally could be at-
Iran’s oil sales beginning to have tributed to a growing economy.
its full impact, Saudi Arabia will “Anytime the economy grows,
own more of the world market, that requires more energy,” he
which means it can effectively said. “In our region, the demand
dictate crude prices. has been outpacing supply even
“Crude oil is selling for about compared to last year.”
$63 per barrel right now,” Red- Redman said the price of gas
man said. “It wouldn’t hurt Sau- is likely to rise until June, if his-
di Arabia’s feelings if it went to tory is any indicator.
$70.” “It will probably go up anoth-
Through its ability to quick- er 10 cents or so,” he said. “Last
Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
ly ramp up supply, Saudi Ara- June, the price was $2.63 in Mis-
Gas prices have risen about 50 cents per-gallon in Mississippi since January. While forecasters pre- bia could flood the market with sissippi, so that’s about where I
dict they will top out at about $2.70, some customers fear the per-gallon price at the pump could oil, driving down prices at the would expect it to be going into
exceed $3 by summer. pump, or limit production, which June this year.”

Continued from Page 1A
The Hybrid OR was built of the heavy equipment. The total cost of the con- place for training, enough may help expand the scope disruptive to the patient,”
over a period of roughly 18 “We ended up having to struction and equipment area to move around in and of surgeries BMH will be he said. “We’re able to
months, Forrester said. mount some of the equip- was somewhere between make sure we had that gen- able to offer, added cardio- do smaller incisions now,
The first step was to com- ment to the floor instead $4 or $5 million, Forrester erator for if there’s another vascular surgeon Richard which means quicker re-
plete special renovations of the ceiling because the estimated. tornado,” he said. “It’s pret- Eubanks. covery, quicker outpatient
to the operating room that ceiling just wasn’t able to “We tried to integrate ty amazing we were able to “We have the ability for care ... and a quicker re-
would enable the floor and handle all the weight,” he all the equipment into this get it all in there.” more complex procedures turn to daily life. That’s the
ceiling to bear the weight said. space so we could have a The Hybrid OR also that could become less goal here.”

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH formerly employed in Edward Blaylock of
OBITUARY POLICY the bakery industry. Sikeston, Missouri;
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
He was a member of daughter, Dianne Mor-
service times, are provided Sulligent First Baptist gan of Kings Mountain,
free of charge. Extended Church. North Carolina; three
obituaries with a photograph, In addition to his par- grandchildren; and
detailed biographical informa- ents, he was preceded nine great-grandchil-
tion and other details families in death by his brother, dren.
may wish to include, are avail-
Daniel Blaylock; and Pallbearers were
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral sister, Verna Mae Blay- Alan Turman, Alvis
homes unless the deceased’s lock. Taylor, Greg Stanford,
body has been donated to He is survived by his Tommy Price, Billy
science. If the deceased’s wife, Mary Sue Bowles Carl Eastman and Jim
body was donated to science, Blaylock of Sulligent, Rogers.
the family must provide official
Alabama; son, Tony See Obituaries, 5A
proof of death. Please submit

Shirley Simpson
all obituaries on the form pro-
vided by The Commercial Dis-
patch. Free notices must be
submitted to the newspaper
no later than 3 p.m. the day Shirley Moorhead Simpson, age 74, of
prior for publication Tuesday McShan, AL, died April 26, 2019, at Hospice of
through Friday; no later than 4 West Alabama.
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
edition; and no later than 7:30
Funeral services were at 3:00 PM Sunday, April
a.m. for the Monday edition. 28, 2019, at Skelton Funeral Home Chapel with
Incomplete notices must be re- the Rev. Kevin Taylor officiating. Burial followed
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. in Bethel Cemetery in the Stansel community
for the Monday through Friday with Skelton Funeral Home of Reform directing.
editions. Paid notices must be Visitation was from 1:00 PM until service time at
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion the funeral home. Skelton Funeral Home was in
the next day Monday through
Thursday; and on Friday by 3
charge of the arrangements.
p.m. for Sunday and Monday She was preceded in death by her husband,
publication. For more informa- Jerry “Bo” Yarbrough Simpson; and her parents.
tion, call 662-328-2471. Survivors include her sons, William Douglass
Simpson and Norman Ewell Simpson (Angela);
two sisters, Daisy Perrigin and Bartie Acton,
Thomas Blaylock both of Birmingham, AL; five grandchildren,
Megan, Jordan, Harrison, Shelby and Payton;
Thomas Edward Blay-
and two great-grandchildren, Neciea and Riyah
lock, 81, died April 27,
and soon to be here Layklynn.
2019, at his residence.
Shirley was born October 2, 1944, in
Services were held
Birmingham, Alabama, to the late Ira “Booster”
at 4:00 p.m. Monday
Moorhead and Sara Ellen Coleman Moorhead.
at Otts Funeral Home
She was a member of the Baptist faith, a retired
Chapel with Jeff Chaf-
secretary for Wheeler Roofing and had been
fin and Byron Picker-
previously employed with Southern Printing and
ing officiating. Burial
First United Methodist Church of Columbus, MS.
followed at Blaylock
Shirley was a loving wife, mother, grandmother,
Cemetery. Visitation
sister and friend, who enjoyed spending time
was from 6-8 p.m.
with her family, going to her grandchildren’s ball
Sunday at the funeral
games, cooking and her time spent at the old
home. Otts Funeral
home place in McShan, Alabama.
Home was in charge of
Pallbearers were Andy Milstead, Chipper
Seymer, Harrison Simpson, Cole Ward, Zach
Mr. Blaylock was Evans, Carter Lachney, Rick Ward and Scott
born Aug. 18, 1937, in Simpson.
Lamar County, Ala- Honorary Pallbearers were the employees of
bama, to the late Wil- Wheeler Roofing.
liam Thomas Blaylock In lieu of flowers, the family suggest memorials
and Odie Bea Smith. be made to Hospice of West Alabama, 3851 Loop
He was a 1957 graduate Rd., Tuscaloosa, AL 35404.
of Greenwood Springs
High School and was Paid Obituary - Skelton Funeral Home
4A TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2019
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Religion and society

Don’t evangelicals ever get tired of being wrong?

At least Judas got some point betrays er, “defends the faith.” Pete thing else: a too-familiar sense throw Christ himself aside?
30 pieces of silver. Jesus. That’s what Buttigieg? Not so much. Last of Christianity — white, con- The answer may be that they
Franklin Graham forgiveness is for. week, Graham attacked the servative Christianity, at least never really knew Him to begin
got a tax cut and the But here it also South Bend mayor and Demo- — once again standing athwart with.
promise of a border must be said in cratic presidential aspirant in a onrushing change with its He, after all, told them —
wall. the spirit of simple series of Twitter rants like the hand up yelling, “Stop!” They told us — to visit the prisoner,
Some may truth-telling that following: did it when Martin Luther welcome the stranger and give
consider it unfair, white evangelicals “Mayor Buttigieg says he’s King preached of his dream, to the poor. One does not find
likening the tragic like Graham have a gay Christian. As a Chris- when Betty Friedan decided those values reflected in the
villain of the Bible been particularly tian I believe the Bible which she’d had enough, when Har- niggardly and narcissistic soul
to Billy Graham’s prolific — and defines homosexuality as sin, vey Milk demanded the right of Donald Trump. In fact, one
controversial son. shameless — in something to be repentant of, to be. They are doing it again finds them mocked and, yes,
And no, their sins Leonard Pitts that regard where not something to be flaunted, now. And you have to wonder: betrayed.
are not alike. Judas Trump is con- praised or politicized. The Don’t they ever get tired of Franklin Graham and
handed Jesus over cerned. He’s a rac- Bible says marriage is between being wrong? Don’t they ever other putative Christians have
to his enemies, then killed ist, misogynistic braggart and a man & a woman — not two get tired of being the last ones enabled this. In so doing, they
himself in anguished repen- bully who gloated about sexual men, not two women.” to get it? backstab the faith they claim.
tance. Graham is just a fervent assault, apparently cheated on To spend any time listening There is no shortage of For a tax cut and the promise
supporter of Donald Trump. his wife with a porn star, could to the Trump faithful is to live scholarly exegesis reconciling of a border wall? Maybe they
But for all the surface not name a favorite Bible verse in perpetual cognitive disso- homosexuality and faith for consider that a good price, but
dissimilarity of their deeds, nor correctly pronounce the nance. It is to hear Melania those who want it — “God and they should know there is no
the two men are ultimately name of one of the best known complain about cyber bullies or the Gay Christian” by Mat- such thing.
guilty of the same transgres- books in The Book. Don Jr. lament the loss of civili- thew Vines, for instance. So As Judas would surely
sion. Meaning betrayal. And Yet white evangelicals — ty and to marvel at their ability we won’t litigate that question agree.
here it must be said in the Graham prominent among to maintain straight faces. And here. No, the question that Leonard Pitts Jr., winner
spirit of Christian humility that them — embraced this swag- yes, one feels the same when bears asking is: In their need of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for
Graham is hardly the only one. gering sybarite and accepted Graham questions Buttigieg’s for a strongman to make commentary, is a columnist for
As flawed and fallible human him as a Christian. Trump, faith after defending Trump’s. change stop, why were white the Miami Herald. Email him
beings, every Christian at Graham once told an interview- But one also feels some- evangelicals so willing to at

Letter to the editor Cartoonist View

Voice of the people
Teacher raises
Wow! As President of The Amer-
ican Federation of Teachers-Missis-
sippi, I feel the need to apologize to
the teachers and assistant teachers
of Mississippi, on behalf of the State.
Some of the teachers and assistants
will be left out of the meager pay
raise passed by the 2019 Legislature,
through no fault of their own. So, how
does the State justify the six-month
wait? AFTMS appeals to the Gover-
nor to not penalize our teachers due
to a mistake made by MDE. The Lt.
Governor supporting a deficit appro-
priation at the beginning of the 2020
legislative session does not meet the
needs of our teachers through the
end of 2019.
It saddens us to know that we live
in a time where the livelihood of our
educators has become a pawn in the
priority struggle of where to spend
state funds. Even in the midst of this
funding battle, the educators contin-
ue to shape the lives of our children.
Educators in Mississippi will
continue to successfully teach our
students at all levels, in whatever po-
litical environment. Whether special
Ed or gifted, Mississippi looks to
teachers to provide a quality educa-
tion for our most precious resourc-
es-our children. However, the State
has worked our guardians of that
precious resource, without proper
pay, (which has been a long-standing
battle), for far too long.
Now is the time for change!
Geraldine Bender State of the nation
AFTMS State President

The very strange case of Stephen Moore


What can you say about would soar under Barack Heritage isn’t embarrassed.”
Stephen Moore? That Obama. Wrong and wrong. There are smart fabricators and
Imagination Library: his economic views tend Then there’s his “schol- dumb ones. Only the dimwitted would
Give the gift of books toward the nutty, and his arship.” I used to cite try to pass off stats that any boy — or
research is a slop job? That studies from The Heritage girl — with basic computer skills
his juvenile fear of females Foundation when the con- could have countered with a visit to
borders on the pathetic — servative think tank was the Bureau of Labor Statistics site.
and that he didn’t find them producing solid research. In his personal finances, Moore
too embarrassing to air? Then Heritage sold its soul is a double deadbeat. He owes more
THE STAFF OF THE DISPATCH That he’s Donald Trump’s to the partisan swamp, out than $75,000 in unpaid taxes. And a
pick to serve on the Federal of which Moore rose as court held him in contempt for not
EDITOR/PUBLISHER NEWS Reserve Board of Gover- Heritage’s chief economist. paying his ex-wife $300,000 as part of
Peter Imes Isabelle Altman nors? Yes, but we repeat Froma Harrop Under that title, he a divorce agreement.
Paul Bowker ourselves. submitted a column in This is the man who brooded:
PUBLISHER Matt Garner Fed board members have been 2014 so shot through with error that “What are the implications of a society
EMERITUS Alex Holloway
Zack Plair
liberal, and they have been conserva- The Kansas City Star vowed to never in which women earn more than men?
Birney Imes tive. Many no doubt harbored sexist publish him again. We don’t really know, but it could be
Mary Pollitz
Ben Portnoy views. But there was never a nominee His thesis was that low taxes disruptive to family stability. If men
ADVERTISING Slim Smith who wrote things like, “No one seems produce explosive job growth. As aren’t the breadwinners, will women
Amber Dumas Jan Swoope to care much that coed sports is doing evidence, Moore wrote that “over the regard them as economically expend-
Kelly Ervin irreparable harm to the psyche of last five years,” no-income-tax Texas able?”
Melissa Johnson
Beth Proffitt
MAILROOM America’s little boys.” gained 1 million jobs while high-tax Moore the breadwinner is also
Christina Boyd He doesn’t like grown-up coed play, California lost jobs. For the same Moore the stud. Allison Moore’s 2010
Mary Jane
Dalen Cochran
Runnels either. He called letting women join reasons, Florida added hundreds of divorce complaint noted that he had
Anterrrio Davis
Luther Shields men in pickup games a “travesty.” thousands of jobs while New York lost created a account and
Joseph Ellis
Jackie Taylor (Just wondering what business it is of jobs. had an affair. She says he told her and
Jeffrey Gore
Katrina Guyton his whether men choose to play sports Whoops. He wasn’t using numbers their children, “I have two women, and
BUSINESS OFFICE Doris Hill with women.) from the previous five years but from what’s really bad is when they fight
Lindsey Beck Quaylon Jones Something must have happened to December 2007 to 2012. But even over you.”
Debbie Foster Toma the poor lad. Did some girl beat him at those numbers were wrong. In fact, Add Moore’s economic ignorance
Mary Ann Hardy McClanahan
Eddie Johnson Kayla Taylor pingpong in the third grade? Texas gained not a million but 497,400 to his arrested development and you
Were he a star economist, we might jobs. Florida actually lost 461,500 jobs have a highly flawed character. May
CIRCULATION PRODUCTION avert our eyes from the strangeness of during that period — while New York the Federal Reserve Board — and
Michael Floyd his social scribbles. But Moore’s eco- gained 75,900 jobs. the public it serves — be spared his
William Hudson
Courtney Laury nomic musings are off the wall as well. “He seemed OK with a correction,” presence.
William LeJeune
Lisa Oswalt
Jamie Morrison He’s supported a return to the gold Miriam Pepper, then the Star’s edito- Froma Harrop, a syndicated colum-
Anne Murphy standard. He predicted that George rial page editor, told me. “But as we nist, writes for the Providence (Rhode
Donta Perry W. Bush’s policies would lead to an dug deeper he got more difficult, then Island) Journal. Her e-mail address is
Tina Perry economic golden age and that inflation hostile.” She added: “I’m surprised
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2019 5A

Obituaries Mary Reese-Sofio

Continued from Page 3A
Visitation for Mary Frances
Prentis Barnes at the funeral home. in the construction Richard Galloway, all of
Reese-Sofio, age 78, of
SULLIGENT, Ala. Memorial Gunter Peel industry. Texas, Frank Galloway
Picayune, MS, who passed
— Prentis Barnes, 87, Funeral Home and Cre- In addition to his of West Point, Mike
away Friday, April 26, 2019,
died April 26, 2019, at matory, College Street parents, he was preced- Pittman and Barkley
was held Sunday, April 28,
Generations of Vernon location, is in charge of ed in death by his first Roberts, both of Tupelo, 2019, from 5:00 PM until 7:00
in Vernon, Alabama. arrangements. wife, Sandy Galloway and Wade Roberts of PM at McDonald Funeral
Services were at 4 and parents, L.E. Gallo- Tennessee; stepmother, Home, Picayune, MS. Private
p.m. Sunday at Otts Fred Galloway way and Alice Galloway. Sara Roberts of West family graveside services were
Funeral Home Chap- STARKVILLE — He is survived by his Point; 17 grandchildren; held at Friendship Cemetery,
el with Glen Hughes Fred Peareson Gallo- wife, Pamela Galloway and one great-grand- Columbus, MS. Arrangements
officiating. Burial fol- way, 67, died April 29, of Starkville; daughters, child. were under the direction of McDonald Funeral
lowed at Taylor Springs 2019, at OCH Regional Libby Clark of Biloxi, Pallbearers will be Home, Picayune, MS.
Cemetery. Visitation Medical Center. Melody Galloway of Phillip McLain, Zach A native of Columbus, MS, she graduated
was one hour prior to Services will be at 11 Fair Hope, Alabama and McLain, Peter McLain, from Lee High School and attended MSCW, both
services at the funeral a.m. Thursday at Rob- Melody Hallows of Phil- Rich Clark, Taylor in Columbus, MS. Mary Frances received her
home. Otts Funeral inson Funeral Home adelphia; son, Phillip Huffman, Greg Hal- Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from Mississippi
Home was in charge of Chapel. Burial will McLain of Philadelphia; lows, Ethan Galloway, State University. She was a loving and devoted
arrangements. follow at Memorial Gar- brothers, L.E. Gallo- Royce Clark and Pieter mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister,
Mr. Barnes was dens Park in Oktibbeha way, Tom Galloway and Slinkman. aunt and friend, who will be truly missed by all
born July 16, 1931, in County. Visitation will who knew and loved her.
Beaverton, Alabama, to
the late William Carlos
be one hour prior to Exceptional Service She was preceded in death by her parents,
services at the funeral Paul Franklin Bates and Bessie Moore Bates;
Barnes and Mary Ann home. Robinson Funer- No Exceptions her husband, Joe Sofio; and her sister, Nancy
Sizemore. He was for- al Home is in charge of Colquette.
merly employed in the Our commitment to
arrangements. Left to cherish her memory are her children,
farming industry and excellent service allows When Caring Counts... Paul (Stacy) Reese, Robert Reese, Jennye (Shane)
Mr. Galloway was
with McCoy Manufac- born Feb. 13, 1952, in us to say that no matter Case and Thomas Reese; seven grandchildren,
turing. West Point, to the late what kind of services Rashell (Alex) Dawsey, ReAnna Reese, Ashton
In addition to his Mary Curtis Ivy and you have in mind, we’ll FUNERAL HOME Reese, Connor Case, Michael Case, Laura Case
parents, he was pre- Fred Roberts. He was provide you with the best 1131 N. Lehmberg Rd. and Hannah Reese; three great-grandchildren,
ceded in death by his formerly employed as service available. Columbus, MS 39702 Railey Dawsey, Raif Dawsey and Payton Reese;
sisters, Willie Mae a general contractor (662) 328-1808 her first husband, Jim Reese; her brother,
O’Mary and Lucille Paul “Buddy” Bates; her brother-in-law, Ernie
Reeves; and brothers, Colquette; her cousin, Patricia Moore Vaughan;
JT Barnes, Raymond and several nieces and nephews.
Barnes, Murphy
Barnes, Kelley Barnes, Mark Leonard Obituary and Register Book can be found on
the internet page at
Grady Barnes and Den- Mark Hampton Leonard, age 71, of Columbus, MS, In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made
nis Barnes. passed away from natural causes on April 27, 2019, at his to the Palmer Home for Children, P.O. Box 746,
residence. Columbus, MS 39703 or the Charity of your
Karen Coleman Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, April 30 at 2:00 choice.
COLUMBUS — Kar- PM at First United Methodist Church in Columbus. Visita-
Paid Obituary - McDonald Funeral Home
en Brown Murff Cole- tion at the same location will be held prior to the service
man, 66, died April 26, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM. Following the funeral, grave-
2019, at her residence. side services will be held at Morgan Chapel Cemetery in

Verda Mae Laws

A memorial service Sturgis, Mississippi. Funeral services are being conducted
will be held at 2 p.m. by Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Home & Crematory, 2nd
Thursday at Memorial Avenue North location, in Columbus.
Gunter Peel Funeral Mark was born in 1948 in Mariana, Florida. He grew up in the Florida Verda Mae Johnson Laws,
Home Chapel, College panhandle in the small town of Blountstown. He graduated from Blount- age 87, passed away Sunday,
Street location, with stown High School in 1966. While in high school, Mark worked as a promi- April 28, 2019, in Columbus,
the Rev. Steve Blaylock nent disc jockey in Blountstown, where he went by the sobriquet, Ben Blue. MS.
officiating. Burial of It was from that experience that his life-long love of the music of Bob Dylan, Visitation will be Tuesday,
cremains will follow at the Rolling Stones and Hank Williams was born. He went on to attend the April 30, 2019, from 5:00 - 7:00
Friendship Cemetery. University of Southern Mississippi, where he earned degrees in history PM at Main Street Presbyteri-
Visitation will be two and political science. Soon after graduating, he was hired by the insurance an Church in Columbus, MS.
hours prior to services company USF&G as an insurance adjuster. After living in Meridian for a A funeral service is planned
short time, Mark was tasked with opening a claims office in Columbus and for Wednesday, May 1, 2019, at
became the youngest manager in the company’s history. Mark would call 11:00 AM at Main Street Presbyterian Church,
Columbus home for the next 44 years. Later in his career, Mark went on to with Rev. Todd Matocha officiating. Burial will
work for 4-County Electric Power Association and Caledonia Natural Gas. follow at Friendship Cemetery. Memorial Gunt-
He retired in 2009. er Peel Funeral Home & Crematory, 2nd Avenue
Soon after arriving in the Friendly City in the mid-1970s, Mark met and North location, is in charge of arrangements.
fell in love with Marilyn Greene of Little Rock, Arkansas. They were mar- Mrs. Laws was born June 1, 1931, in Colum-
ried in 1977 and had three children. The couple remained steadfastly in love bus, MS, to the late Troy Mae and Thomas John-
for 33 years. Their bond was cut short by Marilyn’s passing in 2010. son. She was a graduate of Lee High School and
Mark found love and companionship again in Deborah Berretta New- earned a B.S. degree from M.S.C.W. (MUW) in
man. The couple was married in 2015 and lovingly shared their lives with Columbus, MS. She then went on to the Universi-
one another until Mark’s passing earlier this week. ty of MS, where she obtained a Master’s Degree
Mark was a well-known and much loved figure in the Columbus commu- in Home Economics. She was a professor and As-
nity. He served with the Columbus Kiwanis Club for more than 25 years, sistant Director of Child Development & Labora-
served as president of the club from 2003-2004 and earned the title Legion tory in the Division of Home Economics at MUW
Mark Leonard of Honor Member. He also worked with several other community groups, for 28 years. Mrs. Laws was a member of the MS
Tuesday, April 30 • 12-2 PM including CAFB2000, which proved instrumental in keeping Columbus Air Council on Family Relations, where she served
First United Methodist Church Force Base open during the base-closure hearings of the 1990s. as President, and was the MS Delegate to the Na-
Services: Mark was perhaps most famously known for his unwavering loyalty to
Tuesday, April 30 • 2 PM
tional Convention of American Home Economics
First United Methodist Church the University of Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles and the New York Association.
Graveside Services: Yankees, but will also be remembered for his legendarily encyclopedic The First Baptist Church of Columbus was
Morgan Chapel Cemetery
Sturgis, MS knowledge of baseball, history, the music of the 1960s and politics. He was Mrs. Laws’ home church while growing up, but
Memorial Gunter Peel a master story-teller, but more importantly, Mark never met a stranger, and after her marriage, she attended and was active
Funeral Home in many ways, dedicated his life to spreading laughter and good cheer to all at Main Street Presbyterian Church in Colum-
2nd Ave. North Location
who crossed his path. bus, MS, where she taught Bible School and was
Mark was preceded in death by his first wife, Marilyn Greene Leonard; a member of the Women of the Church.
Verda Laws his sister, Julie Leonard Smith; his brother-in-law, J.A. Daniel Smith; his
Visitation: Mrs. Laws was a member of the Four Seasons
Tuesday, April 30 • 5-7 PM niece, Alison Smith; his mother, Vivian Williamson Leonard; his father, Garden Club, where she served as president and
Main Street Presbyterian Church Henry Clarence Leonard; his mother-in-law, Mary Alice Greene; and his vice-president. She was a charter member of the
Wednesday, May 1 • 11 AM father-in-law, James Robert Greene. Tombigbee Stump Jumpers Ski Club and mem-
Main Street Presbyterian Church He leaves behind his son and daughter-in-law, Wade Hampton Leonard ber of The Supper Club for 51 years.
Burial and Ginny Lindley Leonard of Columbus; his son, James Williamson Leon-
Friendship Cemetery In addition to her parents, Mrs. Laws was pre-
Memorial Gunter Peel ard of Columbus; his daughter, Charlsie Morgan Leonard of Columbus; his ceded in death by her husband of 62 years, John
Funeral Home grandsons, Mark Lindley Leonard and James David Leonard of Columbus; Dickinson Laws, Jr.; and brother, Herbert John-
2nd Ave. North Location his niece, Rene’ Smith Old of Newport News, Virginia; his wife, Deborah son.
Berretta Leonard of Columbus; his step-daughters, Kelly Jean Talley (Mi- Survivors include her daughters, Elizabeth
Karen Coleman chael), Kimberly Denise Finch (Andy) and Casey Lee Clark (Rusty), all of (Beth) Ferguson and her husband, Vee, Brenda
Thursday, May 2 • 12-2 PM Columbus; and his step-grandchildren, Kyley Madison Clark, Ella Grace Comer and her husband, Thomas (Bubba), all of
Memorial Gunter Peel Clark, Emily Anne Clark, Logan Seth Burges, Presley Dylan Finch and Gra- Columbus, MS; grandchildren, Harper Ferguson
Funeral Home
College St. Location ham Michael Talley. of Seattle, WA and John Laws Ferguson and his
Memorial Services: Pallbearers and honorary pallbearers include Mr. Ronald Montford of wife, Ashlee, of Nashville, TN; niece, Jan Mullis
Thursday, May 2 • 2 PM
Memorial Gunter Peel
Tallahassee, Florida; Mr. David Wilson of Louisville, Mississippi; Mr. Rich- and her husband, Bill, of Virginia Beach, VA; and
Funeral Home ard Williamson of Tallahassee, Florida; Mr. Terry Greene of Little Rock, nephew, Cpt. Jay Johnson and his wife, Lisa, of
College St. Location Arkansas; Mr. Scott Greene of Little Rock, Arkansas; Mr. Billy Greene of Vista, CA.
Friendship Cemetery Starkville, Mississippi; Mr. Jerry Parish of Blountstown, Florida; Mr. Ste- Pallbearers will be Howard Fisackerly, Jr.,
phen Boyles of Grafton, West Virginia; Mr. Jim Nowicki of Columbus, Mis- Stephen Imes, Bobby Keys, Andrew Laws, Ste-
sissippi; Mr. Bobby Garner of Columbus, Mississippi; Mr. Troy Little of phen Laws, Robert Rhett, Bo Richardson, Clay
Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Mr. Bob Johnson of Hattiesburg, Mississippi; Mr. Richardson, Todd Waldrop and Lavaris “Punchy”
Marvin Stroud of Tallahassee, Florida; Mr. Fred Hayslett of Columbus, Mis- Williams. sissippi; Mr. Richard Angelici of Memphis, Tennessee; Mr. Charles Hoet- Honorary pallbearers will be Ben Chilcutt,
ink of Atlanta, Georgia; Mr. John Dukes of Atlanta, Georgia; Mr. Michael Billy Swedenburg, Howard Fisackerly, Sr., Son-
Berretta of Atlanta, Georgia; Mr. Andy Finch of Caledonia, Mississippi; Mr. ny Richardson, Greg Nayden, Boyce Adams, Dr.
Michael Talley of Columbus, Mississippi, Mr. Rusty Clark of Columbus, Brett Brown, Dr. Jack Reed, Dr. Dan Bennett,
Mississippi; Mr. Michael Meggs of Columbus, Mississippi; Mr. Mark Alex- William Roberts, Bob Waldrop, Bill Fromm, Al-
ander of Columbus, Mississippi; Mr. Lance Cooper of Columbus, Mississip- bert Laws and Bill Laws.
pi; Mr. Jeremy Clay of Columbus, Mississippi; Dr. Gregory Schulte of Butte, Special thanks to Emma Petty, Shaye Bennett,
Montana; Mr. David Jolly of Columbus, Mississippi; Mr. Wayne Richards of Gloria Lowery, Meka Young, Cherie Coghlan and
Columbus, Mississippi, Mr. Cody Brown of Jonesboro, Arkansas; Mr. Chas Becky Smith.
Send in your Brown of Trussville, Alabama; Mr. Wayne Brown of Columbus, Mississippi; The family requests that memorials be made
News About Town Mr. Jerry Mitchner of Columbus, Mississippi; and Mr. Justin Klieber of Co- to Main Street Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box
event. lumbus, Mississippi. 26, Columbus, MS 39703 or Columbus-Lowndes
Memorials may be made to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Humane Society, P.O. Box 85, Columbus, MS
Tennessee, 39703 or Heritage Academy, 625 Magnolia Lane,
email: =2168236&pg=personal&fr_id=105980. Columbus, MS 39705.

Subject: NATS Sign the online guest book at

Sign the online guest book at
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
6A TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2019 The Dispatch •

Health tip
n Be sure the people around you make you feel
good about you —- no matter what your size or health
condition. In addition, if close friends encourage you to
smoke, overeat, or drink too much, find some new friends
who have good health habits and also want a healthier you.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Mehmet Oz, M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and live your healthiest, tune
Be careful host of “The Dr. Oz Show,” Chair of Wellness Institute into “The Dr. Oz Show” or
with leftover rice and Mike Roizen, M.D. is at Cleveland Clinic. To visit
Jerry Rice, the Hall
of Fame wide receiver
for the San
49ers, has
three Super
Bowl rings
and more
than Frank
Sinatra (al- Oz
most). He’s
also known
for his
that con-
tributed to
his perfor- Roizen
mance and
durability throughout his
20-year career.
Rice, the whole grain,
is known for its durability
and performance, too.
After harvesting, it can
be stored for months,
and a single cup delivers
15% of the niacin, 21% of
the magnesium and 88%
of the manganese you
need every day. Plus, a
little over 2 pounds of
uncooked rice can feed
25 people. No wonder it’s
a staple food for half the
world’s population.
But Great Britain’s
National Health Ser-
vice recently issued a
warning: You need to be
careful about how, and for
how long, you store rice
once it’s cooked. They
discovered that leftover
cooked rice can give you
food poisoning.
Here’s how that hap-
pens: Uncooked rice may
contain spores of Bacillus
cereus, which can sur-
vive the cooking process.
When rice is left out even
for a little while after
cooking, the bacteria can
multiply and produce
toxins that will make you
sick. You may experience
nausea and diarrhea one
to five hours after eating
the rice; symptoms usu-
ally last about 24 hours.
Even if you put it in the
fridge as soon as meal-
time is over, you should
use it up within 24 hours
and reheat it only once.
So enjoy, but don’t count
on using leftovers.

Surge in
US measles
cases leads to
AP Medical Writer

NEW YORK — Quar-

antines in California.
Fines in New York City.
Orders for some people
to avoid public places in
Rockland County, New
As an outbreak of mea-
sles surges across the
United States — with 704
cases this year and count-
ing — some local health
officials are trying to deal
with contagion in unvac-
cinated communities by
turning to extraordinary
police powers from the
“Unfortunately, we are
revisiting diseases from
another generation,” said
Jason Schwartz, an assis-
tant professor of health
policy at the Yale School
of Public Health.
“And now we are re-
visiting public health
responses from another
generation” in instances
where vaccination pro-
grams have fallen short, Tell your child a bedtime story.
he said.
Mississippi state men’s tennis

Bulldogs to open NCAA regional vs. Alabama State

BY BEN PORTNOY Starkville to open its tournament “It just made the guys feel very run. special,” he said. “Just the building
Joining them in the regional are of that throughout the year and then
Mississippi State head coach Tulane and South Alabama. to have the fans do that just meant a
Matt Roberts didn’t need a selec-
“My guys knew, but you’ve just lot to them.”
tion show to tell him who his team
got to go one round at a time,” Rob- MSU will enter the tournament
would open the 2019 NCAA tourna-
erts said. “One day at a time during at 22-3 in dual match play and 10-0
ment with.
Senior Nuno Borges — the No. 2 preparation. One round at a time at home. This will mark the ninth
singles player in the country — felt when you get into the tournament straight season the Bulldogs will
the same. and just continue to play as a team, appear in the NCAA tournament
“I think we already expected it a push each other, be accountable and it is the program’s 28th appear-
little bit,” Borges admitted. with each other’s actions and we ance overall.
After taking home the SEC say, ‘Stay focused on the route, not If MSU advances to the Super
Championships title April 21 over the fruit.’” Regional, it would host TCU, Arizo-
Tennessee, the Bulldogs were of- The Bulldogs also hosted first- na State, Miami or Harvard.
ficially notified of their postseason round matches last season. Rob- “We’re ready,” Borges said. “We
fate Monday afternoon. erts recalled one moment in which had a long semester and I think Ader Garfield/Florida Athletics
MSU is the No. 7 overall seed the team jogged around the courts we’re going to peak in this tourna- Mississippi State senior Nuno Borges, the No. 2 sin-
and will host Alabama State Friday while the MSU faithful regaled his ment, that’s what we’ve been work- gles player in the nation, celebrates a shot during the
at the AJ Pitts Tennis Centre in squad with a standing ovation. ing for.” Southeastern Conference Championships.

Sign here, coach high schools

Sanders signs on
with EMCC hoops
BY BEN PORTNOY about this my whole life and it’s finally here.”
A three-tiered scorer,
Caledonia’s recent bas- Sanders felt his presence
ketball history is margin- on the offensive end in
ally successful at best. 2019. He averaged 20
The Confederates are points, five rebounds and
just a year removed from
three steals per game.
a 7-18 season. But in the
“EMCC is getting a
time since, head coach
player, like I said, that is
Gary Griffin has built a
determined,” Griffin said.
Caledonia finished last “He loves the game. You
season 23-8 and reached don’t have to call him to
the second round of the tell him to come in and
state playoffs. practice, work on his
Monday, one of Grif- game ‘cause he’s going to
fin’s top talents inked his do that on his own.”
way to the collegiate bas- Griffin sees Sanders’
ketball ranks. commitment as a step-
Surrounded by friends ping-stone for a steadily
and family, senior Romeo improving program.
Sanders signed with East “It means a lot, it being
Mississippi Community my second year and hav-
College to continue his ing a player go to the next
educational and basket- level,” he said. “Romeo is
ball career. a dedicated kid and I’m
“It feels great,” Sand- happy to see him be able
ers said. “It took a long to move on and play col-
Chris McDill/Special to the Dispatch time. I’ve been thinking lege basketball.”
Vic Schaefer, the head women’s basketball coach at Mississippi State, signs autographs on Saturday at Dudy No-
ble Field, where the MSU baseball team swept Georgia in three Southeastern Conference games this weekend.

msu women’s basketball recruiting

Bulldogs sign a sixth: 6-6 center Morris

By PAUL D. BOWKER shooting percentage this past sea- 8.7 rebounds per game this past son, making 52.2% of her shots. season as a sophomore, ranking
She joins a recruiting class that fourth in the Arizona Community
Yemiyah Morris, a 6-foot-6 cen- includes McDonald’s All-American College Athletic Conference in of-
ter, became the sixth player of the Rickea Jackson, a 6-foot-3 wing fensive rebounds and blocks. The
Mississippi State’s women’s basket- player whose final options also in- Apaches made the national champi-
ball recruiting class over the week- cluded South Carolina. Five players onship tournament in both her sea-
end. were signed by the Bulldogs in No- sons and won the Region I title with
A native of Las Vegas, she is a vember. Head coach Vic Schaefer’s a 28-4 record this year. Ben Portnoy/Dispatch staff
Romeo Sanders, a senior basketball player at Cale-
junior college transfer from Coch- class has been ranked No. 6 in the Morris was named First Team donia High School, is joined by family members and
ise Community College in Arizona. nation by ESPN. All-Region 1 and First Team All-AC- friends as he signs a letter-of-intent to attend East
She ranked third in the nation in Morris averaged 13.9 points and CAC. Mississippi Community College.

high school athlete of the week: Beau Bates

Caledonia slugger delivers big hits for Confederates

BY BEN PORTNOY the game at two. federates to the brink of forcing that Bates could constantly be three complete games. “We talk to our kids about a game three. found putting in extra work in While his high school career
answering back,” Garner said. Overall, he finished the the batting cages. is over following last Saturday’s
Caledonia head coach Travis “Well, we were behind for one weekend 7-for-9 with a home “When your best player is loss to New Hope, Bates will
Garner knew where to turn in pitch and Beau tied it up. Before run, four runs and two stolen your hardest-working play- head to East Mississippi to con-
clutch time. you could even realize that we bases. er, it makes your job easy as a tinue his baseball career.
Trailing 2-1 in the Confed- were behind, the ball went out Bates has been named the coach,” Garner said. “And that’s “He’s one of the first ones out
erates’ second round matchup onto that building out there Dispatch Prep Player of the what he is.” here,” Garner said. “He’s not
against New Hope, senior Beau somewhere and we had it tied.” Week for his efforts. Bates has also been a prolif- too good to tow equipment or go
Bates stepped to the plate. Bates was similarly stellar at “Very, very impressive week- ic pitcher for the Confederates get equipment or set something
Bates then ripped a first- the plate in game two, finishing end,” Garner said. “And he’s this season. He finished the up. He just quietly goes about
pitch fastball onto the buildings 3-for-4 with three singles — been that way for us all year.” season with a 2.98 ERA in 40 in- his business and we’ll miss him
overlooking the outfield to tie one of which helped the Con- A silent worker, Garner said nings pitched. Bates also threw for sure.”
2B TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2019 The Dispatch •

briefly CALENDAR Baseball

N.Y. Yankees 11, San Francisco 5
Chicago Cubs 6, Arizona 5, 15 innings
L.A. Dodgers 7, Pittsburgh 6
Denver 121, Portland 113, Denver leads series

American League Tuesday, April 30

Baseball Prep Baseball All Times EDT
Monday’s Games
St. Louis 6, Washington 3
Boston at Milwaukee, 8 p.m.
Houston at Golden State, 10:30 p.m.
By The Associated Press Cincinnati 5, N.Y. Mets 4
MSU’s Mangum earns SEC Player of the Week Today’s Games East Division Atlanta 3, San Diego 1 Wednesday, May 1
Jake Mangum earned Southeastern Conference Player of the W L Pct GB Milwaukee 5, Colorado 1 Portland at Denver, 9 p.m.
Week on Monday after helping No. 6 Mississippi State to a perfect
Victory Christian vs. Tabernacle, 4 p.m. Tampa Bay 19 9 .679 — San Francisco 3, L.A. Dodgers 2
New York 17 11 .607 2 Thursday, May 2
4-0 week against ranked opponents and becoming the SEC’s career Thursday’s Games Toronto 14 14 .500 5 Tuesday’s Games Toronto at Philadelphia, 8 p.m.
Boston 12 17 .414 7½ Detroit (Ross 1-3) at Philadelphia (Velasquez
hits leader during a series sweep over then-No. 3 Georgia this past Round 3 MHSAA Playoffs Baltimore 10 20 .333 10 1-0), 7:05 p.m. Friday, May 3
weekend at Dudy Noble Field. Central Division St. Louis (Wainwright 2-2) at Washington (San- Milwaukee at Boston, 8 p.m.
It is the first SEC Player of the Week honor in Mangum’s career Amory at New Hope, 6:30 p.m. W L Pct GB chez 0-3), 7:05 p.m. Denver at Portland, 10:30 p.m.
Minnesota 17 9 .654 — Cincinnati (Castillo 3-1) at N.Y. Mets (Vargas
and his second weekly award from the conference. The Pearl native
earned SEC Freshman of the Week on April 11, 2016.
Prep Softball Cleveland
15 12 .556
12 14 .462

1-1), 7:10 p.m.
Cleveland (Bauer 3-1) at Miami (Alcantara 1-2),
Saturday, May 4
Golden State at Houston, 8:30 p.m.
Mangum broke an SEC record that stood for nearly 21 years on Today’s Games Detroit
Kansas City
12 14 .462
9 20 .310

7:10 p.m.
San Diego (Paddack 1-1) at Atlanta (Teheran Sunday, May 5
Saturday versus Georgia with his 353rd career hit. That hit broke the Victory Christian vs. Tabernacle, 4 p.m. West Division
W L Pct GB
2-3), 7:20 p.m. Toronto at Philadelphia, 3:30 p.m.
Colorado (Marquez 3-1) at Milwaukee (Chacin Denver at Portland, 7 p.m.
conference’s career hits record, which was previously held by LSU’s
Eddie Furniss (352; 1995-98). Most impressive, Mangum accomplished College Baseball Houston
17 12 .586
18 13 .581

2-3), 7:40 p.m.
Pittsburgh (Lyles 2-1) at Texas (Sampson 0-1),
his 353rd hit in his 239th game, while Furniss did so in 265 games.
The senior outfielder ended the weekend with 355 career hits,
Today’s Games Texas
Los Angeles
14 13 .519
14 17 .452
12 17 .414
8:05 p.m.
N.Y. Yankees (Sabathia 1-0) at Arizona (Grein-
ke 4-1), 9:40 p.m.
Junior College Baseball L.A. Dodgers (Buehler 2-0) at San Francisco BASEBALL
moving him into the NCAA record books at a tie for No. 12 all-time in Sunday’s Games (Pomeranz 1-2), 9:45 p.m. American League
Division I history. He is currently tied with Sonny Meade (The Citadel; EMCC at Northeast (DH), 2 p.m. Tampa Bay 5, Boston 2 Chicago Cubs (Hamels 3-0) at Seattle (Hernan- BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Recalled RHP Yefry
Toronto 5, Oakland 4, 11 innings Ramirez from Norfolk (IL).
2006-09) and Chris Campbell (College of Charleston; 2004-07). Mississippi Delta at Itawamba (DH), 3 p.m. Chicago White Sox 4, Detroit 1
dez 1-2), 10:10 p.m.
Wednesday’s Games Minnesota 4, Baltimore 1
L.A. Angels 7, Kansas City 3
Wednesday’s Games Covey from Charlotte (IL).
NEW YORK YANKEES — Purchased the con-
Pittsburgh (Taillon 1-3) at Texas (Miller 1-1),
Ole Miss pitcher named SEC Freshman of the Week Ole Miss at Southern Miss, 6 p.m. N.Y. Yankees 11, San Francisco 5
Texas 14, Seattle 1
2:05 p.m.
N.Y. Yankees (Tanaka 2-2) at Arizona (Kelly
tract of RHP Andrew Bellatti from the Sugar
Land Skeeters.
Ole Miss baseball freshman left-hander Doug Nikhazy was named Thursday’s Games Houston 4, Cleveland 1 2-2), 3:40 p.m. OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Placed 1B/OF Mark
the SEC Freshman of the Week for the second time this season. Chicago Cubs (Lester 1-1) at Seattle (Gonzales Canha on the 10-day IL. Recalled LHP Ryan
He went 7 innings in Friday’s 13-3 win over No. 6 Texas A&M, Mississippi State at Texas A&M, 6:30 p.m. Monday’s Games 5-0), 6:40 p.m. Buchter from Las Vegas (PCL).
Boston 9, Oakland 4 Detroit (Turnbull 1-2) at Philadelphia (Nola 2-0), TAMPA BAY RAYS — Recalled 1B Nate Lowe
allowing just two runs, one earned, on four hits. Nikhazy didn’t walk a
single Aggie and struck out a career-high 10 to earn his fifth win of the
College Softball Minnesota 1, Houston 0
Chicago White Sox 5, Baltimore 3
7:05 p.m.
St. Louis (Mikolas 2-2) at Washington (Scherzer
from Durham (IL). Optioned INF Christian Ar-
royo to Durham.
Tampa Bay 8, Kansas City 5 1-3), 7:05 p.m.
season, a resounding 13-3 victory for the Rebels. Today’s Games Cincinnati (DeSclafani 1-1) at N.Y. Mets (de- National League
Tuesday’s Games
Nikahzy was perfect his first time through the A&M order, retiring Junior College Softball Detroit (Ross 1-3) at Philadelphia (Velasquez
Grom 2-3), 7:10 p.m.
Cleveland (Kluber 2-2) at Miami (Smith 2-0),
Kyle Freeland from the 10-day IL. Optioned
the first nine batters he faced before allowing a single to lead off the Itawamba at Coahoma (DH), 2 p.m. 1-0), 7:05 p.m. 7:10 p.m. RHP DJ Johnson to Albuquerque (PCL).
fourth inning. That run came around to score on a sacrifice fly. He Cleveland (Bauer 3-1) at Miami (Alcantara 1-2), San Diego (Strahm 0-2) at Atlanta (Fried 3-1), MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Placed RHP Aar-
7:10 p.m. 7:20 p.m. on Wilkerson on the 10-day IL. Recalled LHP
bounced right back by striking out the side in the fifth inning to preserve Oakland (Brooks 2-2) at Boston (Porcello 1-3), Colorado (Senzatela 2-1) at Milwaukee (Ander- Donnie Hart from San Antonio (PCL). Selected
a 1-1 tie.
on the air
7:10 p.m. son 2-0), 7:40 p.m. RHP Jay Jackson from San Antonio. Designat-
Houston (Cole 1-4) at Minnesota (Pineda 2-1), L.A. Dodgers (Ryu 3-1) at San Francisco ed RHP Alex Wilson for assignment.
Nikhazy’s outing was the second-longest of his Rebel career, 7:40 p.m. (Bumgarner 1-4), 9:45 p.m. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — Activated RHP Mi-
behind only his spectacular 7.2-inning performance at Missouri, in Pittsburgh (Lyles 2-1) at Texas (Sampson 0-1),
which he took a no-hitter into the seventh and checked out with just two Today 8:05 p.m.
Baltimore (Cashner 4-1) at Chicago White Sox Braves 3, Padres 1
chael Wacha from the 10-day IL. Optioned RHP
Ryan Helsley to Memphis (PCL).
hits allowed in the 3-0 victory. COLLEGE BASEBALL (Nova 0-3), 8:10 p.m. Derek Holland placed on the 10-day IL, retro-
Tampa Bay (Snell 2-2) at Kansas City (Junis San Diego Atlanta
The 10 strikeouts were three more than his previous career-best 6 p.m. — Southeast Missouri vs. Missouri, SEC 2-2), 8:15 p.m. ab r h bi ab r h bi active to April 28. Recalled LHP Ty Blach from
of seven in his first career start against ECU. Nikhazy’s one earned run G.Grcia ss-2b 3
1 1 0 Albies 2b 4 1 2 2 Sacramento (PCL).
COLLEGE SOFTBALL N.Y. Yankees (Sabathia 1-0) at Arizona (Grein-
F.Reyes rf 4 0 1 0 Dnldson 3b 2 0 0 0 WASHINGTON NATIONALS — Recalled INF
allowed was the fewest since he yielded just one against Florida three ke 4-1), 9:40 p.m.
Mchdo 3b-ss 3 0 0 0 F.Frman 1b 4 0 0 0 Adrián Sanchez from Harrisburg (EL). Optioned
weeks ago, a performance that led to his first SEC Freshman of the
6 p.m. — DePaul at Illinois, FS1 Toronto (Buchholz 0-1) at L.A. Angels (Canning
Hosmer 1b 4 0 1 0 Acn Jr. lf-cf 4 0 0 0 RHP Erick Fedde to Harrisburg.
0-0), 10:07 p.m.
Week nod. GOLF Chicago Cubs (Hamels 3-0) at Seattle (Hernan-
Renfroe lf 4 0 0 0 Mrkakis rf 4 0 1 0
Kinsler 2b 3 0 0 0 D.Swnsn ss 4 0 2 0 Frontier League
dez 1-2), 10:10 p.m.
The Rebels begin a four-game road trip on Wednesday at 2 p.m. — PGA Golf: PGA Professional Champion- Erlin p 0 0 0 0 Flowers c 3 0 0 0
Myers ph 1 0 0 0 Incarte cf 1 0 1 0
CHICAGO DOGS — Signed RHPs Ben Allison
and Scott Firth.
Southern Miss. ship, third round, Bluffton, S.C., GOLF Wednesday’s Games Hedges c 3 0 0 0 Camargo pr-lf 2 1 0 0 GARY SOUTHSHORE RAILCATS — Signed
Oakland (Fiers 2-2) at Boston (Velazquez 0-2), Margot cf 3 0 2 0 Soroka p 2 1 0 0 RHP Kaleb Fontenot.
MLB BASEBALL 1:05 p.m. Mrgvcus p 1 0 0 0 Clbrson ph 1 0 0 0
ST. PAUL SAINTS — Signed C Jeremy Mar-
Pittsburgh (Taillon 1-3) at Texas (Miller 1-1), Warren p 0 0 0 0 Tomlin p 0 0 0 0
Southern Miss’ Powell is C-USA Co-Pitcher of the Week 6 p.m. — St. Louis at Washington OR Detroit at 2:05 p.m. France 3b 1 0 0 0 Joyce ph 1 0 0 0
Blevins p 0 0 0 0
Southern Miss junior right-hander Walker Powell earned N.Y. Yankees (Tanaka 2-2) at Arizona (Kelly
Philadelphia, MLB 2-2), 3:40 p.m. J.Webb p 0 0 0 0 Jonah Dean-Hargroves and Jake Simpson;
Conference USA Co-Pitcher of the Week honors on the strength of a NBA BASKETBALL Chicago Cubs (Lester 1-1) at Seattle (Gonzales Totals 30 1 5 0 Totals 32 3 6 2 and RHPs Nick Duron, Heath Renz and Cody
5-0), 6:40 p.m. San Diego 100 000 000—1 Thompson.
complete-game effort against Middle Tennessee last Friday night. WINNIPEG GOLDEYES — Signed RHPs Trev-
Powell registered a career-high 10 strikeouts in posting his third
7 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, TNT Detroit (Turnbull 1-2) at Philadelphia (Nola 2-0), Atlanta 002 010 00x—3
E_G.Garcia (1), Hosmer (3), Margot (1). DP_At- or Charpie and Harrison Cooney.
7:05 p.m.
complete game of the season. In 10 assignments this season, Powell 9:30 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, TNT Cleveland (Kluber 2-2) at Miami (Smith 2-0), lanta 1. LOB_San Diego 5, Atlanta 9. HR_Al-
7:10 p.m. bies (6). S_Margevicius (2). BASKETBALL
has put together a team-best six quality starts as he limited the Blue NHL HOCKEY Baltimore (Hess 1-4) at Chicago White Sox National Basketball Association
Raiders to just six hits and no walks. IP H R ER BB SO NBA — Fined Houston Rockets G Chris Paul
6:30 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Teams TBD , (Rodon 3-2), 8:10 p.m.
Houston (McHugh 3-2) at Minnesota (Perez San Diego $35,000 for aggressively confronting and mak-
The only run he allowed was a solo homer in the second. He Margevicius L,2-3 5.2 4 3 1 3 3
NBCSN 3-0), 8:10 p.m.
Warren 0.1 0 0 0 0 0
ing contact with a game official.
retired 10 in a row at one point – retiring the Blue Raiders in order five Tampa Bay (TBD) at Kansas City (Duffy 0-1), Erlin 2 2 0 0 1 0
times - and did not let more than one run reach base in an inning until 9 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Teams TBD , 8:15 p.m. Atlanta
Toronto (Stroman 1-3) at L.A. Angels (Pena National Football League
he gave up three-straight singles with one out in the ninth. He followed NBCSN 0-1), 10:07 p.m.
Soroka W,2-1
Tomlin H,2
6 4 1 1 1 8
2 1 0 0 1 0 ARIZONA CARDINALS — Agreed to terms
with Drew Anderson, TE Drew Belcher, LB
that with two strikeouts to end the game. He is now 5-2 on the season SOCCER Blevins H,1
Webb S,1-1
0.1 0 0 0 0 1
0.2 0 0 0 0 1 Dante Booker, DL Miles Brown, OL Tariq Cole,
with a 3.02 ERA. 2 p.m. — UEFA Champions League: Tottenham Leaders WP_Erlin. LB James Folston Jr., CB Ryan Pulley, WR A.J.
This is Powell’s third C-USA Pitcher of the Week award this season Richardson, OL William Sweet, DL Immanu-
and third of his career.
vs. Ajax, TNT BATTING_Anderson, Chicago, .375; Andrus, Umpires_Home, Hunter Wendelstedt; First, el Turner, RB Xavier Turner and TE Jerome
Texas, .365; Mancini, Baltimore, .355; Dozier, Jordan Baker; Second, Jerry Layne; Third, Washington.
Kansas City, .349; Reddick, Houston, .337; Chad Whitson. ATLANTA FALCONS — Agreed to terms with
Martinez, Boston, .337; Choo, Texas, .330;
Softball Wednesday Goodwin, Los Angeles, .329; Polanco, Minne- T_2:33. A_19,353 (41,149).
S Parker Baldwin, WR Shawn Bane, LB Yurik
Bethune, T Lanard Bonner, CB Rashard Cau-
sota, .327; Semien, Oakland, .322. sey, LB Tre’ Crawford, T Devon Johnson, WR
COLLEGE SOFTBALL Kahlil Lewis, LB Durrant Miles, LC Del’Shawn
No. 10 ICC softball sweeps No. 7 Gulf Coast 6 p.m. — UMKC at Missouri, SEC RUNS_Haniger, Seattle, 28; Mancini, Balti- Leaders Phillips, T Jaelin Robinson, CB Jayson Stan-
more, 23; Merrifield, Kansas City, 22; Monca-
FULTON – The ICC softball team picked up a pair of wins over ley, LS Kyle Vasey, WR CJ Worton and WR
GOLF da, Chicago, 22; Anderson, Chicago, 21; Betts, BATTING_Bellinger, Los Angeles, .434; Ren- Olamide Zaccheaus.
Gulf Coast on Saturday to remain tied for first place in the MACJC with Boston, 21; Garcia, Chicago, 21; Semien, Oak- don, Washington, .356; Yelich, Milwaukee, CLEVELAND BROWNS — Waived C Kyle
Jones College. 1:30 p.m. — PGA Golf: PGA Professional Cham- land, 21; Voit, New York, 21; 2 tied at 20. .353; McNeil, New York, .347; DeJong, St. Lou- Friend.
is, .342; Cabrera, Pittsburgh, .333; Markakis,
ICC 3, Gulf Coast 1: The Indians (29-10-1, 18-3 MACJC) took a pionship, final round, Bluffton, S.C., GOLF RBI_Santana, Seattle, 30; Voit, New York, 25; Atlanta, .330; Peralta, Arizona, .325; Walker,
Siragusa and S Jason Thompson.
1-0 lead in the bottom of the second inning when Kacey Carpenter 9:30 p.m. — European Tour Golf: China Open, Abreu, Chicago, 24; Mondesi, Kansas City, 24; Arizona, .316; Baez, Chicago, .315. MINNESOTA VIKINGS — Signed S Micah
Rosario, Minnesota, 24; Davis, Oakland, 23; Abernathy; FB Khari Blasingame; QB Jake
(Grenada) reached on a fielder’s choice and scored on a ground out by first round, China, GOLF Gallo, Texas, 23; AGordon, Kansas City, 22; RUNS_Bellinger, Los Angeles, 30; Yelich, Browning; WRs Davion Davis and Alexander
Hope Harbin (Columbus). Springer, Houston, 22; Healy, Seattle, 21. Milwaukee, 26; DeJong, St. Louis, 25; Albies, Hollins; TE Brandon Dillon; C John Keenoy; CB
ICC extended its lead to 2-0 in the fourth on a single by Harbin that 1:30 a.m. (Thursday) — European Tour Golf: Atlanta, 24; Ozuna, St. Louis, 24; Baez, Chi- Nate Meadors; DT Tito Odenigbo and DE Anree
HITS_Mancini, Baltimore, 39; Andrus, Texas, cago, 23; Freeman, Atlanta, 23; McCutchen,
scored Makenzie Toombs (Ackerman) and added another run in the fifth China Open, first round, China, GOLF 38; Semien, Oakland, 38; Anderson, Chicago, Philadelphia, 23; 4 tied at 22.
36; Brantley, Houston, 36; Santana, Seattle, 36;
when Rachel Sternisha (Olive Branch) scored on a double by Summer MLB BASEBALL Martinez, Boston, 34; Merrifield, Kansas City, RBI_Bellinger, Los Angeles, 37; Yelich, Mil-
cob Hollister to the Seattle Seahawks.
Cryder (Tupelo). SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS — Waived WR
7 p.m. — Houston at Minnesota, ESPN 34; 3 tied at 33. waukee, 34; Ozuna, St. Louis, 28; Alonso, Steven Dunbar Jr., DB Godwin Igwebuike, CB
Olivia Burns (Grenada) became the program’s all-time career wins New York, 25; Hoskins, Philadelphia, 23; Baez, Tarvarus McFadden, LB James Onwualu, WR
NHL HOCKEY DOUBLES_Buxton, Minnesota, 12; Healy, Se- Chicago, 22; Franco, Philadelphia, 22; Soto,
leader with her 35th win after improving to 16-4 on the season. She attle, 12; Choo, Texas, 11; Haniger, Seattle, 11; Washington, 22; Swanson, Atlanta, 22; Marte,
Jordan Smallwood, P Justin Vogel and S Terrell
gave up one unearned run on four hits and two walks. 6 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Teams TBD, USA Mancini, Baltimore, 11; AGordon, Kansas City, Arizona, 21.
Williams Jr.
SEATTLE SEAHAWKS — K Sebastian Jani-
10; Simmons, Los Angeles, 10; 4 tied at 9.
ICC 2, Gulf Coast 1: Trailing 1-0, the Indians scored runs in the 6:30 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Teams TBD , HITS_Bellinger, Los Angeles, 46; DeJong, St.
kowski announced his retirement.
bottom of the fourth and fifth innings to rally for the 2-1 win to earn the NBCSN TRIPLES_Mondesi, Kansas City, 5; Kiermaier, Louis, 39; Peralta, Arizona, 39; Yelich, Milwau- lip Andersen, LB Riley Bullough, QB Joe Cal-
Tampa Bay, 3; Merrifield, Kansas City, 3; Polan- kee, 36; Albies, Atlanta, 35; Baez, Chicago, 35;
sweep of the Bulldogs (25-11, 17-5 MACJC). SOCCER co, Minnesota, 3; 7 tied at 2. lahan, DE Hunter Dimick, P Hayden Hunt and
Blackmon, Colorado, 34; 4 tied at 33. DE Nick Thurman.
The Indians took the lead when Mattie Meine (Olive Branch)
walked and stole second before scoring on a single by Sternisha. The
2 p.m. — UEFA Champions League: FC Barcelo- HOME RUNS_Rosario, Minnesota, 11; Davis, DOUBLES_DeJong, St. Louis, 13; Peralta, Ari-
Oakland, 10; Altuve, Houston, 9; Bruce, Seat- Kilgo.
throw back into the infield went to third as Meine sprinted home the na vs. Liverpool, TNT tle, 9; Gallo, Texas, 9; Chapman, Oakland, 8;
zona, 13; Rendon, Washington, 10; Walker, Ar-
izona, 10; Bryant, Chicago, 9; Jones, Arizona, Canadian Football League
catcher dropped the ball on the tag allowing ICC to take the one-run Springer, Houston, 8; Sanchez, New York, 8; 9; Markakis, Atlanta, 9; Posey, San Francisco, EDMONTON ESKIMOS — Released LB Caleb
Vogelbach, Seattle, 8; Voit, New York, 8. 9; 10 tied at 8.
lead in the bottom half of the inning. Thursday STOLEN BASES_Anderson, Chicago, 10;
Bailey, LB DJ Calhoun, DB Justin Gibbons,
DL Evan Gill, DL James Hearns, WR Anthony
TRIPLES_Blackmon, Colorado, 3; Tapia, Col-
COLLEGE BASEBALL DGordon, Seattle, 8; Hamilton, Kansas City, 8; Mahoungou, DL Damani Mosby, OL Brandon
Golf 6 p.m. — Dallas Baptist at Missouri State,
Mondesi, Kansas City, 8; Ramirez, Cleveland,
8; Smith, Seattle, 8; DeShields, Texas, 7; Bux-
orado, 3; Bell, Pittsburgh, 2; Dahl, Colorado, 2;
Marte, Arizona, 2; Pederson, Los Angeles, 2;
Rosario, New York, 2; Segura, Philadelphia, 2;
Smith and DB Jalen Spencer. Announced the
retirement of DB Johnny Adams, WR Peter Ber-
ryman and OL Curtis Krahn.
Trio of ICC golfers qualify for national tournament ESPNU ton, Minnesota, 6; Pham, Tampa Bay, 6; Villar,
Baltimore, 6.
Swanson, Atlanta, 2; Verdugo, Los Angeles, 2.
A trio of Itawamba Community College golfers qualified to compete 6 p.m. — Mississippi State at Texas A&M, SEC HOME RUNS_Bellinger, Los Angeles, 14;
Josh Stewart, DB Christian Boutte and DB
PITCHING_German, New York, 5-1; Glasnow, Mike Jones.
in the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Division COLLEGE LACROSSE Tampa Bay, 5-0; Gonzales, Seattle, 5-0; Ber-
Yelich, Milwaukee, 14; Ozuna, St. Louis, 10;
Pederson, Los Angeles, 10; Alonso, New York,
II Men’s Golf Championship after their performance in the District D rios, Minnesota, 4-1; Cashner, Baltimore, 4-1; 9; Baez, Chicago, 9; Goldschmidt, St. Louis, 9; GYMNASTICS
Championship this weekend. 4 p.m. — Big 10 Tournament: Teams TBD, semi- Chirinos, Tampa Bay, 4-0; Montas, Oakland, Hoskins, Philadelphia, 8; Winker, Cincinnati, 8; USA GYMNASTICS — Named Dr. Edward Ny-
4-2; Verlander, Houston, 4-1; 15 tied at 3. man director of sports medicine and science.
Brandon Barrett (Tupelo), Dean Garrett (New Albany) and Garrett final, BTN 5 tied at 7.

Moore (Southaven) punched their tickets to nationals Sunday in Amory 5:30 p.m. — Big East Tournament: Teams TBD, ERA_Stroman, Toronto, 1.43; Shoemaker, To- STOLEN BASES_Robles, Washington, 7; HOCKEY
National Hockey League
ronto, 1.57; Glasnow, Tampa Bay, 1.75; Bauer, Story, Colorado, 6; Tatis Jr., San Diego, 6;
and helped the Indians finish third in the district. semifinal, CBSSN Cleveland, 1.99; Sanchez, Toronto, 2.32; Ver- CAROLINA HURRICANES — Recalled G Alex
Yelich, Milwaukee, 6; Bellinger, Los Angeles,
“I’m proud of the three guys we have going to nationals,” said ICC lander, Houston, 2.46; Snell, Tampa Bay, 2.54; 5; Broxton, New York, 4; Eaton, Washington, Nedeljkovic and D Jake Bean from Charlotte
6:30 p.m. — Big 10 Tournament: Teams TBD, German, New York, 2.56; Morton, Tampa Bay, (AHL).
Golf Coach Michael Nanney. “ They are going to represent us well, and 2.76; Turnbull, Detroit, 2.77.
4; Heyward, Chicago, 4; Turner, Washington, 4;
we look forward to going to nationals.” semifinal, BTN Wong, St. Louis, 4.
American Hockey League
Garrett led the Indians during the District D Championship and 8 p.m. — Big East Tournament: Teams TBD, STRIKEOUTS_Cole, Houston, 54; Verlander, PITCHING_Arrieta, Philadelphia, 4-2; Greinke, GRAND RAPIDS GRIFFINS — Signed D Char-
le-Édouard D’Astous to a two-year contract.
Houston, 53; Paxton, New York, 51; Boyd, Arizona, 4-1; 18 tied at 3.
finished third overall with a two-day total of 145 (+1). He started the semifinal, CBSSN Detroit, 48; Bauer, Cleveland, 45; Berrios, Min-
weekend shooting a 70 (-2), and on the final day he shot a 75 (+3). GOLF
nesota, 41; Carrasco, Cleveland, 41; Rodon, ERA_Castillo, Cincinnati, 1.23; Davies, Mil- COLLEGE
Chicago, 40; 4 tied at 39. waukee, 1.38; Musgrove, Pittsburgh, 2.06; DAYTON — Named Tee Overman defensive
Barrett shot 78 (+6) on day one, but improved by three strokes on coordinator, Brian Steiner special teams coor-
day two with a 75 (+3) to finish 16th in the district tournament with a 9 a.m. — PGA Tour Golf: Wells Fargo Champion- Smith, Miami, 2.17; Fried, Atlanta, 2.30; Sa-
dinator/defensive ends coach, James Daniels
ship, first round, Charlotte, N.C., GOLF National League mardzija, San Francisco, 2.53; Marquez, Col-
flyers coach, Christian Bryan wide receivers
153 total. orado, 2.54; Hamels, Chicago, 3.16; Margevi-
coach and Scott Horcher cornerbacks coach.
cius, San Diego, 3.23; Eflin, Philadelphia, 3.34.
The NJCAA Division II Men’s Golf Championship will be May 21-24 1 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: Wells Fargo Champion-
East Division
W L Pct GB
EMORY & HENRY — Named Ben Thompson
at the Swan Lake Golf Resort in Plymouth, Indiana. STRIKEOUTS_Scherzer, Washington, 54; men’s basketball coach.
ship, first round, Charlotte, N.C., GOLF Philadelphia 16 12 .571 —
Strasburg, Washington, 48; Corbin, Washing- TCU — Named Tony Benford men’s assistant
Atlanta 14 14 .500 2 basketball coach.
5 p.m. — LPGA Tour Golf: Mediheal Champion- New York 14 14 .500 2 ton, 44; Castillo, Cincinnati, 43; deGrom, New
Football ship, first round, Daly City, Calif., GOLF Washington
12 15 .444 3½
8 20 .286 8
York, 43; Holland, San Francisco, 40; Greinke,
Arizona, 39; Syndergaard, New York, 39; Quin-
tana, Chicago, 38; Woodruff, Milwaukee, 38.
TEXAS TECH — Signed men’s basketball
coach Chris Beard to contract extension
through the 2024-25 season.
Alabama has 10 selected in NFL Draft 1:30 a.m. (Friday) — European Tour Golf: China Central Division
W L Pct GB
The University of Alabama football team saw five former players Open, second round, China, GOLF
selected on the final day of the 2019 NFL Draft in Nashville, Tenn.
St. Louis
18 10
14 12
16 14

Basketball Hockey
The list of Crimson Tide standouts who were drafted on Saturday NBA BASKETBALL Pittsburgh 12 14 .462 5
included linebacker Christian Miller, defensive back Deionte Thompson, Cincinnati 12 16 .429 6 NBA playoffs NHL playoffs
offensive lineman Ross Pierschbacher, linebacker Mack Wilson and 7 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, ESPN West Division
defensive lineman Isaiah Buggs. 9:30 p.m. — NBA Playoff: Teams TBD, ESPN Los Angeles 19 12 .613 — (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) (Best-of-7; x-if necessary)
Arizona 16 13 .552 2
Miller was the first Crimson Tide player off the board on Saturday San Diego 16 13 .552 2 Saturday, April 27 Monday, April 29
in the fourth round (No. 115, Carolina Panthers). The fifth round NHL HOCKEY Colorado 13 16 .448 5 Toronto 108, Philadelphia 95 St. Louis 4, Dallas 3, St. Louis leads series 2-1
San Francisco 12 17 .414 6
featured three selections for UA. First was Thompson (No. 139, Arizona 6 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Teams TBD, USA Sunday, April 28 Tuesday, April 30
Cardinals), followed by Pierschbacher (No. 153, Washington Redskins) Sunday’s Games Boston 112, Milwaukee 90, Boston leads se- Boston at Columbus, 7 p.m.
and then Wilson (No. 155, Cleveland Browns) two picks later. The final 6:30 p.m. — Stanley Cup Playoff: Teams TBD , Philadelphia 5, Miami 1 ries 1-0 San Jose at Colorado, 10 p.m.
N.Y. Mets 5, Milwaukee 2 Golden State 104, Houston 100, Golden State
Alabama player to hear his name called was Buggs (No. 181, Pittsburgh NBCSN Atlanta 8, Colorado 7 leads series 1-0 Wednesday, May 1
Steelers) in the sixth round. Washington 7, San Diego 6, 11 innings Monday, April 29 St. Louis at Dallas, 9:30 p.m.
St. Louis 5, Cincinnati 2 Philadelphia 94, Toronto 89, series tied 1-1 N.Y. Islanders at Carolina, 7 p.m.
The five players chosen Saturday join Irv Smith Jr. (No. 50,
Minnesota Vikings), Damien Harris (No. 87, New England Patriots) from
day two, along with first-round selections in Quinnen Williams (No. 3,
New York Jets), Jonah Williams (No. 11, Cincinnati Bengals) and Josh
Jacobs (No. 24, Oakland Raiders) to make up Alabama’s 2019 NFL college football
Draft class.
Alabama’s five selections on Saturday gives the Crimson Tide the
most for any school in the 2019 Draft. Alabama’s 87 draftees over the
last 11 years is the most by any program in college football in that span.
LSU is second with 75 followed by USC at 70.
EMCC Lions honored for national title
FROM SPECIAL REPORTS they were presented rings
Two Rebels taken in Round 7 honoring the Lions’ 2018
Two more Ole Miss Rebels heard their names called during the
SCOOBA – East Mis- NJCAA national cham-
NFL Draft as Javon Patterson and Ken Webster were both selected in sissippi Community pionship as well as their
the seventh round on Saturday. College’s fifth national seventh MACJC State/
In total, six Rebels were selected during the 2019 NFL Draft, the football championship in NJCAA Region 23 football
most since 1971 when the Ole Miss had nine players selected in a eight years was celebrat-
17-round draft. title during the past de-
ed during Saturday’s ring
Patterson, a four-year starter for Ole Miss on the offensive line, was cade.
presentation ceremony
taken by the Indianapolis Colts with the No. 246 overall pick. The Petal, Players in attendance
Mississippi, native started every game for the Rebels over the last three and dinner banquet held
also received gift bags
seasons and recorded 42 total starts during his time in Oxford. at EMCC’s F.R. Young
Patterson helped anchor an Ole Miss offense that ranked ninth in Student Union on the that included national
the country in total offense and fifth in passing yards per game during Scooba campus. championship hats.
the 2018 season.
EMCC football players In addition to the pre-
Heavily involved in community service activities during his time at
and coaches along with sentation of champion-
Ole Miss, he helped start Patterson’s Footlocker, a collection effort to
gather new socks for homeless shelters in Mississippi. Patterson, along administrative and sup- ship rings, EMCC play-
with other members of Ole Miss’ Student Advisory Committee helped port staff personnel from ers were recognized for
collect over 6,000 pairs of socks that were shipped out to communities last year’s national cham- their NJCAA All-America,
all over the state of Mississippi. All-Region 23 and MACJC
Webster, a cornerback from Decatur, Georgia, was selected with East Mississippi Community College photo pionship team were rec-
the No. 252 overall pick by the New England Patriots. Members of the East Mississippi Community College football ognized during the eve- All-State honors from last
— From Special Reports team proudly display their championship rings. ning ceremony in which year’s 12-0 season.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2019 3B

major league baseball

Braves bullpen backs up strong start by Soroka in 3-1 win

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 21-year-old right-hander low- with Milwaukee, rewarded Snit- Machado’s double-play ground- fielding errors, respectively.
ered his ERA to 1.62. ker by throwing two scoreless er. Soroka scored on Albies’ sin-
ATLANTA — Pulling Mike Soroka threw only 81 pitch- innings. Tomlin stranded run- Albies extended Atlanta’s gle to right field for a 2-1 lead.
Soroka after six strong in- es before he was lifted for ners on first and second in the lead to 3-1 in the fifth with his Both runs in the inning off Nick
nings was a challenging call for pinch-hitter Charlie Culberson eighth when he induced a pop- sixth homer, which hit the fac- Margevicius were unearned,
Braves manager Brian Snitker. with the bases loaded in the up to first by Manny Machado. ing of the second deck in left but he wasn’t complaining
“Maybe the toughest deci- sixth. Culberson lined out to Left-hander Jerry Blevins, field. about the lack of defensive sup-
sion I’ve had all year,” Snitker left. obtained from Oakland on Sun- The Padres committed three port.
said, considering how well Soro- Soroka threw 109 pitches day for $1, struck out Eric Hos- errors for the second straight “There are so many plays
ka was pitching and how much in his last start, a 3-1 win at mer on three pitches to open game. Two errors came on one that shouldn’t be made that
Atlanta’s bullpen has struggled. Cincinnati. But after shoulder the ninth. Rookie right-hander third-inning play, which al- they make,” Margevicius said.
Some new names in the bull- problems shortened his 2018 Jacob Webb recorded the final lowed Atlanta’s first run. “That’s why when a play like
pen saved Snitker — and the season, Snitker is watching him two outs for his first save, one First baseman Hosmer that happened to them, that’s
game. closely this year. day after his first win. Webb fielded Soroka’s bunt near the when you’ve got to step up for
Ozzie Albies homered and “He told me that’s not going struck out pinch-hitter Wil My- mound and threw to second. them and make some pitches.”
drove in two runs, Soroka gave to happen every time,” Soroka ers to end the game. Garcia couldn’t handle the TRAINER’S ROOM:
up one run in six innings and said of the early exit. “I com- Greg Garcia, making his throw, which also skipped past Braves CF Ender Inciarte left
the Braves beat the San Diego pletely understand that. I’ll nev- first start of the season at short- Manuel Margo in center field. the game with tightness in
Padres 3-1 on Monday night. er argue with him.” stop with rookie Fernando Tatis Johan Camargo scored from his right hamstring following
Soroka (2-1) allowed four Right-hander Josh Tomlin, Jr. out with a sore hamstring, first and Soroka ran to third a third-inning single. Snitker
hits, struck out a career-high who was signed on March 21 singled off Soroka to open the as Hosmer and Margot were said the injury is not believed to
eight and walked one. The after opening spring training game and eventually scored on charged with throwing and be serious.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: of-town guest,” who you really are! Whether
My best and you should the relationship survives the
friend of 40 have been disclosure I can’t guess, but I
years has asked thanked for your have a premonition that he will
me to fly to her efforts AT THE like you even better than he
son’s wedding DINNER. has for the last three months.
in a few months, DEAR ABBY: DEAR ABBY: I have a limit-
arrive early to I’ve dated a guy ed income with which I support
help with every- for three months myself and my four children.
thing and not be now, and I still When it comes to clothing, my
included in the can’t be com- kids’ needs obviously come
rehearsal dinner. pletely open with first, and most of my money
ZITS I explained that him. I am afraid goes to buying their clothes.
I’m not going to the real me isn’t The majority of mine come
spend more than that likable, so from clothing banks.
$1,000 to fly out I have become My problem is, when
early, stay in a less talkative in someone compliments me on
hotel, rent a car
Dear Abby this relationship. an outfit I’m wearing and asks
and not attend Each time we where I got it, I don’t know
the dinner I’ve helped set up, go out, he’s always the talker, what to say. I’m embarrassed
decorate, etc. She said she’s and when sometimes I want to say it’s from a clothing
not inviting out-of-town guests to say something, I clam up. I bank, but at the same time I
to the rehearsal dinner, and like him a lot, and I don’t like don’t like lying. Any sugges-
it’s family only. She then unin- myself being this way. I am tions? — SMALLTOWN POOR
vited me to the wedding and outgoing and talkative when DEAR SMALLTOWN POOR:
hung up on me! We haven’t I’m with my friends. I LIKE I do have one. When you are
spoken since. the way I am when I am with complimented on an item of
GARFIELD Am I crazy or was she, for them because I feel free and clothing, say thank you. And
expecting me to go work my relaxed. if the person asks where you
behind off and leave before He has started to complain bought it, say it was given to
the guests arrive? — NO about my quietness, and you. It’s the truth. It was given
ONE’S SLAVE it’s upsetting. Each time he to you at the clothing bank.
DEAR NO ONE’S: What mentions it, I feel like I’m ex-
happened proves the truth of posed. Should I continue this Dear Abby is written by
the adage that weddings and relationship? — NOT QUIET IN Abigail Van Buren, also known
funerals can bring out the THE MIDWEST as Jeanne Phillips, and was
worst in people. Your friend’s DEAR NOT QUIET: Don’t founded by her mother, Pauline
request was insensitive and look now, but your self-es- Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
rude, and she should be teem appears to be sagging. at or P.O.
ashamed of herself. You would Stop hiding in a self-imposed Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
have been more than “an out- “closet” and show this person 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April TAURUS (April 20-May 20). always a bad thing to get one
30). The beginning of this solar At some point, you’ll get about less steak. Maybe the sizzle
return is marked by the spirit of as much a return from your work is enough right now. It applies
playfulness, which creates both as can happen. Keep in mind across the board today.
a general feeling of belonging the law of diminishing returns. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). To
for a group and deep and lasting All the work you do after that form a vision is the essence
bonds in certain relationships. point will yield less and less. of creativity and the heart of
You’ll be inventive and will come Be alert to when you should leadership. Build a border of
up with new systems and prod- move on. practicality and reality around
ucts to keep abundance flowing GEMINI (May 21-June 21). the vision to keep it from cross-
through your world. Capricorn Your way would have worked ing into the realm of delusion.
and Libra adore you. Your lucky under different circumstances VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
BABY BLUES numbers are: 9, 3, 20, 40 and and with a different cast of You’ve learned to be selective
20. characters. Alas, compromises in what you share with people.
ARIES (March 21-April were made. Good thing you’re You’ll stick with that strategy
19). There’s so much you don’t so flexible and you’ll make the today to avoid engendering envy
have to get mixed up in if you very most of it. or causing people to focus on
don’t want to. As you strive for CANCER (June 22-July 22). things that don’t matter to the
a state of mental openness and “Give ‘em the sizzle, not the relationship.
receptivity, your stress levels steak,” may be the expression LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
plummet pleasantly. of con artists, though it’s not You could go deep if you wanted
to; you’re certainly more than
capable of understanding nu-
ance and handling complexities.
But what would be the purpose?
There’s so much accomplish on
the surface right now.
21). There’s a light version and
a heavy version. Go with the
temporary, lighter commitment
for a while, just to try things out
and get a better appreciation
and understanding for the full
range of what’s available.
21). The more you do, the more
there is to criticize. That’s why
you have to be tough to express
yourself. It takes courage. You’d
rather brave the way of the doer
than go under the radar and
MALLARD FILLMORE have nothing to show for it.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). It takes confidence to keep
it simple, and you’ve plenty of
that. If there are too many fancy
extra things, no one knows
where to devote one’s attention.
Anyway, you’re impressive with-
out trying to be.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Because you trust yourself
and your innate sense of timing,
when circumstances arise that
require immediate action, you
go for it. The others who don’t
FAMILY CIRCUS know you yet haven’t learned
what you can do, but they’ll
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). While fun is contagious,
it’s also subjective. When
they’re having fun and you’re
not, or vice versa, it’s a sign
that you’re in the wrong place.
Keep moving until the good
vibes are mutual.

Calendar girls
the North right of way Trustee therein as au- EE'S NOTICE OF SALE
4B TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2019 The Dispatch •
A tract or parcel of land
lying and being situated
line of Roberts Street;
run thence in a West-
thorized by the terms
thereof by instrument WHEREAS, on, April 29,
in the Southeast erly direction along the dated February 20, 1988, Sharon A. Wright,
Quarter (SE1/4) of Sec- North line of Roberts 2019, and recorded in executed a deed of trust

tion 20, Township 18 Street for a distance of Book MORT 2019, Page to Glendal E. Reid,
SUBSTITUTED TRUST- North, Range 16 East, 15.0 feet, more or less, 4576, in the office of Trustee for the United
EE'S NOTICE OF SALE Lowndes County, Mis- to the point of begin- the Lowndes County States of America, act-
sissippi, and being ning. Chancery Clerk; and ing through Farmers
WHEREAS, on, August
27, 1990, Jennett
more particularly de-
scribed as follows, to Easy online self-service for
Home Administration,
WHEREAS, default hav- United States Depart-
Jones, executed a deed
of trust to Glendal E.
your classified ads available
Commencing at the in- ing been made in the
tersection of the South terms and conditions of corded in Deed of Trust
ment of Agriculture, re-

Reid, FmHA, County Su-

pervisor, Trustee for the
United States of Amer-
Beginning at the inter-
section of the South
line of said Section 20, Range 16 East,
at or call
line of Section 20,
Township 18 North,
said Deeds of Trust and Book 889 at page 335
the entire debt secured of the records of the
thereby having been de- Chancery Clerk of
ica, acting through
Farmers Home Adminis-
Township 18 North,
Range 16 East,
Lowndes County, Mis- clared to be due and
sissippi with the center- payable in accordance
Lowndes County, Mis-
sissippi; and
tration, United States Lowndes County, Mis- line of the ICG Railroad; with the terms in said
Department of Agricul- sissippi with the center thence run North 05 de- Deeds of Trust and the WHEREAS, on, February
ture, recorded in Deed line of the ICG Railroad grees 30 minutes West legal holder of said in- 21, 1990, Mary V. John-
of Trust Book 971 at main tracks and from along the centerline of debtedness, the United son, a single person,

page 30 of the records said point run thence said Railroad for 2168 States of America, act- executed a deed of trust

(Deadlines subject to change.)

of the Chancery Clerk of
Lowndes County, Mis- aUTO / PeTs seRVices / fiNaNcial
North 05 degrees 30 feet; thence run South
minutes West along the 79 degrees 30 minutes ers Home Administra- gaRage sales
ing through the Farm- to Glendal E. Reid,
FmHA, County Super-
sissippi; and centerline of said rail- East along the center- tion, United States De- visor, Trustee for the

WHEREAS, the United

MeRcHaNdise Real esTaTe / HealTH
road track for a dis-
tance of 2,168.0 feet,
line of Roberts Street
for 1513 feet; thence
1 Day.........................$10
of Agriculture, United States of Amer-
3 Days......................$18
the ica, acting through
For Placing/Canceling Classified Line Ads: StatesGood:
of America, 6 Days...........................$12
act- moreGood:
or less, to 12 theDays........................$25
in- run North 02 degrees undersigned, as Substi- Farmers Home Adminis-
Sunday Paper Deadline is Thursday 3:00 P.M. ing through Farmers tersection with the cen- West for 230 feet to the tuted Best:
Trustee, 6 Days.........................$34
to ex- tration, United States
Administration, 12 Days........................$18ter line Best:
of said 24Roberts
POINT OF BEGINNING: ecute the trust and sell Department of Agricul-
Monday Paper Deadline is Friday 12:00 P.M. UnitedBest:
States30 Depart- Days...........................$30 Street; run thence thence run North 01 de- said land and property 4 lines of text; addtl.
recorded $1 each.
in Deed
Tuesday Paper Deadline is Monday 12:00 P.M. ment of Agriculture, the South 796 degrees
lines of30text; addtl. lines $1 each.
grees 04 minutes West in accordance Includes with FREE theGarage Sale Book
of Trust signs.951 Rain
Wednesday Paper Deadline is Tuesday 12:00 P.M. holder of 6 lines
said Deed of text;
of addtl. lines $1 each. minutes East along the for 268.9 feet; thence termsonofthe saidday Deed of sale?
of your pageCall 680and of the
we re-
Trust and Note secured center line of said run North 83 degrees Trust for the purpose of cords of the Chancery
Thursday Paper Deadline is Wednesday 12:00 P.M. thereby, substituted J. SUBSTITUTED TRUST- Roberts Street for a dis- West for 162 feet; raising re-run
the sums your duead theClerk
next of week FREE!

Friday Paper Deadline is Thursday 12:00 P.M. Tyler McCaughn as EE'S NOTICE OF SALE tance of 1,513.0 feet; thence run South 01 de- thereunder, together County, Mississippi;
Trustee therein as au- run thence North 02 de- grees 04 minutes East with attorney's fees, and
LEGAL NOTICES must be submitted 3 business days thorized by the terms WHEREAS, on, August grees West for a dis- for 268.9 feet; thence Substituted Trustee's
prior to first publication date thereof by instrument 15, 1988, Eddie S. Ro- tance of 230.0 feet run South 83 degrees fees and expenses of WHEREAS, the United
dated February 20, gers, Sr. and wife, Lilly along an old fence to an East for 162 feet to the sale. States of America, act-

eMPlOYMeNT & legals

2019, and recorded in B. Rogers, executed a iron pin and the point of POINT OF BEGINNING ing through Farmers
Book MORT 2019, Page deed of trust to Glendal beginning of the prop- and containing 1.0 NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. Home Administration,
4572, in0the Legalsoffice of E. Reid, County 1780 Sitting
Super- with Elderly/Sick
erty hereby described 4000 Merchandiseacres, more or less. 5000 Pets
TYLER & Livestock
MCCAUGHN, 8000 Real States
United Estate Depart-
SUBSTITUTED TRUST- the Lowndes County visor, Farmers 1790Home
Stump Removal
Ad- and conveyed; thence 4030 Air Conditioners
ALSO A ROAD EASE-5100 FreeSubstitutedPets Trustee in 8050ment Commercial Property
of Agriculture, the
Chancery Clerk; and Service ministration,1800 Swimmingfor
Trustee PoolsNorth 01 degree4060 04Antiques MENT: Commencing5150 at Petssaid Deeds of Trust, 8100holder of said Deed of
Farms & Timberland
All employment and legal notices must be placed via email, 1030 Air Conditioning & Heating
the United States of
1830 Tax Service minutes West (Deed 4090 Appliancesthe intersection of the will, on the 17th day of 8150Trust
5200 Horses/Cattle/Livestock Housesand Note secured
- Northside
phone or in-person. WHEREAS, on, January WHEREAS, 1060default
Appliance Repair
hav- America, acting through
1860 Tree Service North 02 degrees 4120 May, 2019, offer for
Auctions South line of Section5250 Pet Boarding/Grooming 8200thereby, substituted J.
- East
23, 1987, Mary L. ing been1070 madeAsphalt & Paving
in the Farmers Home Adminis- West), along an old 20, Township 18 North, sale and will sell at pub- Tyler as

fRee BaRgaiN cOlUMN

Brooks, a single person, terms and
1890 Upholstery fence a distance4150
of tration, United States of Baby Articles 5300 Supplies/Accessories
lic outcry to the highest 8250Trustee Houses - New Hope as au-
Automotive Services 1910 Welding
Range 16 East, therein
executed a deed of trust said Deeds of Trust
1120 Building and Department of Agricul-
& Remodeling 545.0 feet to an4180 Bargain Column
iron Lowndes County, Mis- 5350 Veterinarians
bidder for cash, within 8300thorized Houses - South
by the terms
to Glendal E. Reid, the entire debt secured ture, recorded 2000in Deed
Announcements pin; thence South 421089
Bicycles sissippi with the center 5400 Wanted
legalTo Buy
hours (being 8350thereof
Houses - West
by instrument
county supervisor, Trust- 1150 Carpeting/Flooring
thereby having been de- of Trust Book 901 at degrees West, along an Materials
line of the ICG Railroad; between the hours of 8450dated
4240 Building Houses -February
Caledonia 20,
ee for the United States clared to1180beChildcare
due and page 553 of2050 theCard
re-of Thanks old fence, a distance ofPlotsthence run North 056000 de- Financial
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 85002019, Houses - and
Other recorded in
America, acting 20 characters per line) and payable 1210
Ad must fit in 4 linesof(approximately Chimney Cleaning cords of the 2100
in accordance Fraternal & Lodge330.0 feet to an4250
iron grees 30 minutes West 6050 Business
p.m.) Opportunity
at the main front Book MORT 2019, Page
4270 Business Furniture & 8520 Hunting Land
will run for 3 days. For items
through $100 Home
Farmers or less ONLY. More than onewith the 1240 terms in said
Contractors Clerk of Lowndes2150 Good Things To Eat pin; thence South 05 along the center line6100 doorOpportunity
of Business of the Wanted
Lowndes 4578, in the office of
item may be in sameAdministration,
ad, but prices United
may not total over $100, no Deeds of1250
Trust the County, Mississippi;
Computer 2200 In Memorial degrees West alongEquipment an said railroad for 2168 Cashing Courthouse in
6120 Check
Lowndes PropertyCounty
States Department of legal holder of said in- and old
2250 Instruction & School fence a 4300
distance Camera
of Equipment
feet; thence run South Columbus, Mississippi, 8600 Lots & AcreageClerk; and
relists. No business ads . 1270 Electrical 6150 Insurance
Agriculture, recorded in debtedness, the United Lost & Found 288.5 feet to an4330
2300United Clothing 79 degrees 30 minutes the following described 8650 Mobile Homes
6200 Loansproperty lying and being WHEREAS, default hav-
Deed of Trust Book 838 States of1300 Excavating act- WHEREAS, the
America, pin; thence South 436083 East along the center
Coins & Jewelry 8700 Mobile Home Spaces
at page 313 of the re- ing through1320 the
Training 2350 Personals
States of America, act- degrees East a dis- line of Roberts 6250 Mortgages
Street situated in the County 8750ing been made in the
Bargain Column ads must be submitted
cords of the Chancery online at ers Home 1330Administra-
Furniture Repair & Refinishing 2400
ing through Farmers Special Notices tance of 104.0 feet to
4390 Computer Equipment
for 1202 feet to the6300 Stocks of&Lowndes
Bonds State of
Resort Property
terms and conditions of
4420 Farm Equipment & Supplies 8800said
River Property or in person. No phone calls or emails.
Clerk of Lowndes tion, United States
1360 General ServicesDe- Home 2600 Travel/Entertainment
Administration, an iron pin; thence
Firewood thence run North 12 de-
6350 Business for Sale to-wit:
Deeds of Trust and
to Buydebt secured
County, Mississippi; partment1380 Agriculture, United States Depart-
of Housecleaning South 05 degrees entire
and having requested the 3000 Employment
ment of Agriculture, the a distance of 205.5 4460 Flea Markets
feet grees East for 258 feet; 7000 Rentals
LOT NUMBER SEVEN 8900thereby Waterfront Property
having been de-
1390 Insulation
undersigned, as Substi- holder of said 3050Deed
Clericalof& Office to an iron pin in 4480 an Furniture
old thence run South 837050 (7), of and in HUGHES
de-Apartments clared to be due and
WHEREAS, the United 1400 Insurance
tuted Trustee, to ex- Trust and Note 3100 secured
Data Processing/fence
Computerline; thence 4510South grees East for 120 feet;
Garage Sales ESTATES
7100 Commercial
9000 Transportation
PropertySUBDIVISION, payable in accordance
States of America, act- ecute the1410 Interiorand
trust Decorators
sell thereby, substituted3150 DomesticJ.Help 83 degrees East4540 along thence run South 017150 a subdivision of
de-Houses 9050with
Auto Accessories/Parts
the terms in said
• All ads must be paid for in advance and are non-refundable after the first General Merchandise
ing through the Farm- said land1440 and propertyRepair Tyler McCaughn
Jewelry/Watch 3170 as
Engineering an old fence a distance grees 01 minutes East Lowndes County, Mis- 9100Deeds Auto Rentals
of &Trust
Leasingand the
insertion. ers Home Administra- in accordance Trustee therein as au- 4570 Household Goods 7180 Hunting Land
1470 Lawnwith the
Care/Landscaping 3200 General Help
of 282.0 feet to the
for 30 feet; thence run sissippi, as shown by 9150legal holder
Autos for Sale of said in-
• Please read your ad on the first day of publication. We accept responsibility
tion, United States De- terms of1500 said Deed of thorized by the terms 4630 Lawn & Garden 7190 Land for Rent/Lease
point of beginning, con- North 83 degrees West map or plat thereof, and9200debtedness, the United
Locksmiths 3250 Management Positions Aviation
partment of Agriculture, Trust for the purpose of thereof by instrument taining 3.76 acres, 4660 Merchandise 105 feet; thence7200
forRentals runMobile Homes in Plat Book 5 States of America, act-
only for the first incorrect
the insertion.
holder of said Deed raising the1530sums
Machinerydue Repair dated February 3300 20,
Medical/Dental more or less. 4690 Musical Instruments South 12 degrees West at Page 7 in the office 9250ing
& Marine the Farm-
7250 Mobile Home Spaces
• The Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors nor for
of Trust and Note se- thereunder,1560 Mobile
togetherHome Services2019, and recorded in Information
3350 Opportunity 4700 Satellites for 228 feet; thence7300 the Chancery Clerk of9300ers
runOfficeofSpaces Camper/R.V.’s
Home Administra-
omission of copy. Liability thereby,
shall 1590 Movingfees,
substi-the cost of that portion of spacewith attorney's
not exceed & Storage Book MORT 3400 2019, Page TOGETHER WITH a per- North 79 degrees 30
Part-Time Lowndes County, Mis- 9350tion, Golf Carts
United States De-
4720 Sporting Goods 7350 Resort Rentals
tuted J. Tyler Mc- Substituted Trustee's
1620 Painting & Papering 4574, in the3450 office of manent, perpetual and minutes West for 15
Positions Wantedexclusive and right
sissippi. 9400partment of Agriculture,
occupied by such error.Caughn as Trustee fees and1650 expenses of the Lowndes County 4750 of
Stereos & TV’s 7400 River Property having requested
Pest Control 3500 Professional
feet to the POINT OF BE- 9450 Trailers/Heavy Equipment the
• All questions regarding classified ads currently running should be directed
therein as authorized by sale. Chancery Clerk; and way for the purpose 4780 Wanted
Buy 7450 Rooms
SUBJECT TO those re- 9500undersigned, as Substi-
1680 Plumbing 3550 Restaurant/Hotelingress and egress to Trucks, Vans & Buses
the terms thereof by in-
to the Classified Department. 7500 Storage & Garagescovenants and tuted Trustee, to ex-
strument dated Febru- 1710 Printing
NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. WHEREAS, default 3600 Sales/Marketing
hav- the above property over I will only convey such conditions 9550 Wanted to Buy
7520 Vacation Rentals dated March ecute the trust and sell
• All ads are subject to the approval of this paper. The Commercial Dispatch
ary 19, 2019, and re- 1740 Roofing & Guttering ing been made
3650Trades and along a strip of land title as is vested in me 1, to1988
7550 Wanted Rent and recorded said land and property
corded in Book MORT
reserves the right to reject, revise, classify or cancel any advertising at any Substituted1770 Saws
Trustee& Lawn Mowers
in terms and conditions
3700Truck Drivingof described as follows, to- as Substituted Trustee. in Deed Book 874, in accordance with the
2019, Page 4570, in said Deeds of Trust, said Deeds of Trust and wit: 7600 Waterfront
Pages Property
1-3, inclusive, in terms of said Deed of
time. the office of the will, on the 17th day of the entire debt secured WITNESS MY SIGNA- the office of the Chan- Trust for the purpose of
Lowndes County Chan- May, 2019, offer for thereby having been de- Beginning at the inter- TURE, this the 15th day cery Clerk of Lowndes raising the sums due
Legal Notices 0010 cery Clerk; and
Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 sale and will
Legal Notices 0010sell at pub- clared to be due
Legal Notices 0010 and section of the
Legal Notices 0010 South of April,
Legal 2019.
Notices 0010 County, Mississippi.
Legal Notices 0010 thereunder,
Legal Notices 0010 together
lic outcry to the highest payable in accordance line of said Section 20, with attorney's fees,
IN THE CHANCERY WHEREAS, default hav- IN THE CHANCERY bidder for cash, within with the terms in said Township 18 North, /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, SUBJECT TO the prior Substituted Trustee's
COURT OF LOWNDES ing been made in the COURT OF LOWNDES legal hours (being Deeds of Trust and the Range 16 East, MSB 102669 reservation of all oil, fees and expenses of
COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI terms and conditions of COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI between the hours of legal holder of said in- Lowndes County, Mis- J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC gas and other minerals sale.
said Deeds of Trust and 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 debtedness, the United sissippi, with the cen- P. O. BOX 28 in, on or under the prop-
IN THE MATTER OF ANT- the entire debt secured IN THE MATTER OF THE p.m.) at the main front States of America, act- ter line of the ICG Rail- NEWTON, MS 39345 erty described herein as NOW, THEREFORE, I, J.
AVES R. PETTY, DE- thereby having been de- ESTATE OF JESUS GAR- door of the Lowndes ing through the Farm- road main tracks and 601-683-2382 shown by instrument TYLER MCCAUGHN,
CEASED clared to be due and CIA, SR. County Courthouse in ers Home Administra- from said point run dated February 3, 1988 Substituted Trustee in
payable in accordance Columbus, Mississippi, tion, United States De- thence North 05 de- Publish: 4/23/19, and recorded in Deed said Deeds of Trust,
CAUSE NO. 2019-0058 with the terms in said CAUSE NO. the following described partment of Agriculture, grees 30 minutes West 4/30,19, 5/7/19 & Book 872, Pages 125- will, on the 17th day of
Deeds of Trust and the 2019-0054-JNS property lying and being having requested the along the center line of 5/14/19 126, inclusive, in the of- May, 2019, offer for
KATRINA PORTER, PETI- legal holder of said in- situated in the County undersigned, as Substi- said railroad track for a fice of the Chancery sale and will sell at pub-
TIONER debtedness, the United ALICIA AGUILERA- of Lowndes State of tuted Trustee, to ex- distance of 2,168.0 SUBSTITUTED TRUST- Clerk of Lowndes lic outcry to the highest
States of America, act- VASQUEZ PETITIONER Mississippi, to-wit: ecute the trust and sell feet, more or less, to EE'S NOTICE OF SALE County, Mississippi. bidder for cash, within
SUMMONS BY PUBLICA- ing through the Farm- said land and property the intersection with the legal hours (being
TION ers Home Administra- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Commencing at the in accordance with the center line of Roberts WHEREAS, on, May 23, SUBJECT TO those util- between the hours of
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI tion, United States De- Southeast Corner of the terms of said Deed of Street; run thence 1988, Renea Williams, ity and drainage facilit- 11:00 a.m. and 4:00
partment of Agriculture, STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Southwest Quarter Trust for the purpose of South 79 degrees 30 a single person, ex- ies ten (10) feet in even p.m.) at the main front
TO: Unknown Heirs of having requested the COUNTY OF LOWNDES (SW1/4) of Section 13, raising the sums due minutes East along the ecuted a deed of trust width along and adjoin- door of the Lowndes
Antaves R. Petty, De- undersigned, as Substi- Township 19, Range 18 thereunder, together center line of Roberts to Glendal E. Reid, ing the North and South County Courthouse in
ceased tuted Trustee, to ex- Letters Testamentary West, Lowndes County, with attorney's fees, Street for a distance of County Supervisor, boundary lines and five Columbus, Mississippi,
ecute the trust and sell have been granted and Mississippi; thence Substituted Trustee's 1,202.0 feet; run Farmers Home Adminis- (5) feet in even width the following described
You have been made a said land and property issued to the under- West along the South fees and expenses of thence North 12 de- tration, Trustee for the along and adjoining the property lying and being
party to a Petition to De- in accordance with the signed upon the Estate line of said Section 13 sale. grees East for a dis- United States of Amer- East and West bound- situated in the County
termine Heirs at Law terms of said Deed of of Jesus Garcia, Sr., De- a distance of 1804 feet; tance of 15.0 feet to a ica, acting through ary lines. of Lowndes State of
filed in this Court by Trust for the purpose of ceased, by the Chan- thence North along a NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. point on the North right Farmers Home Adminis- Mississippi, to-wit:
Katrina Porter, the nat- raising the sums due cery Court of Lowndes line parallel to the West TYLER MCCAUGHN, of way line of Roberts tration, United States I will only convey such
ural mother and next thereunder, together County, Mississippi, on line of said Section 13, Substituted Trustee in Street which said point Department of Agricul- title as is vested in me LOT NINE (9) of KERRY
friend and on behalf of with attorney's fees, the 26th day of March, and being along an ex- said Deeds of Trust, is the initial point of be- ture, recorded in Deed as Substituted Trustee. ESTATES, Lowndes
Antaves R. Petty, de- Substituted Trustee's 2019. This is to give no- isting fence line a dis- will, on the 17th day of ginning; continue thence of Trust Book 891 at County, Mississippi, as
ceased. fees and expenses of tice to all persons hav- tance of 181.2 feet to May, 2019, offer for North 12 degrees East page 662 of the re- WITNESS MY SIGNA- recorded in Plat Book 4,
sale. ing claims against said an iron pipe and being sale and will sell at pub- for a distance of 213.0 cords of the Chancery TURE, this the 15th day Page 5, on file in the
You are summoned to Estate to Probate and the point of beginning of lic outcry to the highest feet to a point on the Clerk of Lowndes of April, 2019. Chancery Clerk’s Office,
appear and defend NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. Register same with the the herein described bidder for cash, within South line of the above County, Mississippi; Lowndes County, Mis-
against the Petition to TYLER MCCAUGHN, Chancery Clerk of tract of land; thence legal hours (being described property; run and /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, sissippi.
Determine Heirs at Law Substituted Trustee in Lowndes County, Mis- East a distance of between the hours of thence South 83 de- MSB 102669
in this action at 9:00 said Deeds of Trust, sissippi, within ninety 145.0 feet to an iron 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 grees East along a WHEREAS, the United J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC SUBJECT TO: The re-
a.m. on the 7th day of will, on the 17th day of (90) days from this pipe on the West line of p.m.) at the main front fence for a distance of States of America, act- P. O. BOX 28 strictive covenants and
May, 2019, in the May, 2019, offer for date. A failure to so Pro- a gravel county road; door of the Lowndes 15.0 feet; run thence ing through Farmers NEWTON, MS 39345 conditions as set forth
Courtroom of the Noxu- sale and will sell at pub- bate and Register said thence North 02 de- County Courthouse in South 12 degrees West Home Administration, 601-683-2382 in that certain instru-
bee County Chancery lic outcry to the highest claim will forever bar the grees 43 minutes West Columbus, Mississippi, for a distance of 213.0 United States Depart- ment filed for record
Courthouse located at bidder for cash, within same. along said West line a the following described feet, more or less, to ment of Agriculture, the Publish: 4/23/19, May 2, 1980, and recor-
505 S. Jefferson Street legal hours (being distance of 300.0 feet property lying and being the North right of way holder of said Deed of 4/30,19, 5/7/19 & ded in Book 634, Page
in Macon, Mississippi, between the hours of This the 25th day of to an iron pipe; thence situated in the County line of Roberts Street; Trust and Note secured 5/14/19 605 of the land records
before Judge Rodney 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 April, 2019. West a distance of of Lowndes State of run thence in a West- thereby, substituted J. of Lowndes County, Mis-
Faver, and in case of p.m.) at the main front 130.78 feet to an iron Mississippi, to-wit: erly direction along the Tyler McCaughn as SUBSTITUTED TRUST- sissippi, and amend-
your failure to appear door of the Lowndes Alicia Aguilera-Vasquez, pipe; thence South North line of Roberts Trustee therein as au- EE'S NOTICE OF SALE ment thereto by instru-
and defend a judgment County Courthouse in Executrix along a line parallel to A tract or parcel of land Street for a distance of thorized by the terms ment dated September
will be entered against Columbus, Mississippi, the West line of said lying and being situated 15.0 feet, more or less, thereof by instrument WHEREAS, on, April 29, 23, 1980, of record in
you for the relief reques- the following described PUBLISH: 4/30, 5/7 & Section 13, a distance in the Southeast to the point of begin- dated February 20, 1988, Sharon A. Wright, Deed Book 644, Page
ted in the Petition.You property lying and being 5/14/2019 of 299.66 feet to the Quarter (SE1/4) of Sec- ning. 2019, and recorded in executed a deed of trust 514.
are not required to file situated in the County point of beginning, and tion 20, Township 18 Book MORT 2019, Page to Glendal E. Reid,
an Answer or other of Lowndes State of SUBSTITUTED TRUST- containing 0.95 acres, North, Range 16 East, LESS AND EXCEPT: 4576, in the office of Trustee for the United I will only convey such
Pleading, but you may Mississippi, to-wit: EE'S NOTICE OF SALE more or less, and all be- Lowndes County, Mis- Commencing at the in- the Lowndes County States of America, act- title as is vested in me
do so if you desire. ing located and situ- sissippi, and being tersection of the South Chancery Clerk; and ing through Farmers as Substituted Trustee.
A lot approximately 90 WHEREAS, on, August ated in the Southwest more particularly de- line of Section 20, Home Administration,
ISSUED UNDER MY by 155 feet located in 27, 1990, Jennett Quarter (SW1/4) of Sec- scribed as follows, to Township 18 North, WHEREAS, default hav- United States Depart- WITNESS MY SIGNA-
HAND AND THE SEAL the Southeast Quarter Jones, executed a deed tion 13, Township 19, wit: Range 16 East, ing been made in the ment of Agriculture, re- TURE, this the 15th day
OF SAID COURT, this of the Southeast of trust to Glendal E. Range 18 West, Lowndes County, Mis- terms and conditions of corded in Deed of Trust of April, 2019.
the 11th day of April, Quarter of Section 35, Reid, FmHA, County Su- Lowndes County, Mis- Beginning at the inter- sissippi with the center- said Deeds of Trust and Book 889 at page 335
2019. Township 18 South, pervisor, Trustee for the sissippi. section of the South line of the ICG Railroad; the entire debt secured of the records of the /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn,
Range 18 West, United States of Amer- line of said Section 20, thence run North 05 de- thereby having been de- Chancery Clerk of MSB 102669
LISA YOUNGER NEESE, Lowndes County, Mis- ica, acting through I will only convey such Township 18 North, grees 30 minutes West clared to be due and Lowndes County, Mis- J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC
CLERK sissippi and being more Farmers Home Adminis- title as is vested in me Range 16 East, along the centerline of payable in accordance sissippi; and P. O. BOX 28
LOWNDES COUNTY particularly described as tration, United States as Substituted Trustee. Lowndes County, Mis- said Railroad for 2168 with the terms in said NEWTON, MS 39345
CHANCERY COURT follows: Department of Agricul- sissippi with the center feet; thence run South Deeds of Trust and the WHEREAS, on, February 601/683-2382
ture, recorded in Deed WITNESS MY SIGNA- line of the ICG Railroad 79 degrees 30 minutes legal holder of said in- 21, 1990, Mary V. John-
BY: Shantrell W. Beginning at the South- of Trust Book 971 at TURE, this the 15th day main tracks and from East along the center- debtedness, the United son, a single person, Publish: 4/23/19,
Granderson, D.C. east corner of Section page 30 of the records of April, 2019. said point run thence line of Roberts Street States of America, act- executed a deed of trust 4/30,19, 5/7/19 &
35, Township 18 South, of the Chancery Clerk of North 05 degrees 30 for 1513 feet; thence ing through the Farm- to Glendal E. Reid, 5/14/19
Presented by: Range 18 West, Lowndes County, Mis- /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, minutes West along the run North 02 degrees ers Home Administra- FmHA, County Super-
Lowndes County, Mis- sissippi; and MSB 102669 centerline of said rail- West for 230 feet to the tion, United States De- visor, Trustee for the SUBSTITUTED TRUST-
ROBERT F. STACY, JR. - sissippi; thence South J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC road track for a dis- POINT OF BEGINNING: partment of Agriculture, United States of Amer- EE'S NOTICE OF SALE
MS BAR NO. 7764 105.0 feet to an iron WHEREAS, the United P. O. BOX 28 tance of 2,168.0 feet, thence run North 01 de- having requested the ica, acting through pin; thence North States of America, act- NEWTON, MS 39345 more or less, to the in- grees 04 minutes West undersigned, as Substi- Farmers Home Adminis- WHEREAS, on, July 5,
DANIEL COKER HOR- 89?30' West for 630.0 ing through Farmers 601-683-2382 tersection with the cen- for 268.9 feet; thence tuted Trustee, to ex- tration, United States 1991, Audrey W. Allen,
TON & BELL, P.A. feet; thence North along Home Administration, ter line of said Roberts run North 83 degrees ecute the trust and sell Department of Agricul- a single person, ex-
265 NORTH LAMAR an existing fence for United States Depart- Publish: 4/23/19, Street; run thence West for 162 feet; said land and property ture, recorded in Deed ecuted a deed of trust
BOULEVARD, SUITE R 581.0 feet to a stake at ment of Agriculture, the 4/30,19, 5/7/19 & South 79 degrees 30 thence run South 01 de- in accordance with the of Trust Book 951 at to Glendal E. Reid,
POST OFFICE BOX 1396 the initial point of the holder of said Deed of 5/14/19 minutes East along the grees 04 minutes East terms of said Deed of page 680 of the re- FmHA County Super-
OXFORD, MISSISSIPPI lot herein described; Trust and Note secured center line of said for 268.9 feet; thence Trust for the purpose of cords of the Chancery visor, Trustee for the
38655-1396 thence South 89?30' thereby, substituted J. SUBSTITUTED TRUST- Roberts Street for a dis- run South 83 degrees raising the sums due Clerk of Lowndes United States of Amer-
TELEPHONE: 662-232- East for a distance Tyler McCaughn as EE'S NOTICE OF SALE tance of 1,513.0 feet; East for 162 feet to the thereunder, together County, Mississippi; ica, acting through
8979 155.0 feet to a stake; Trustee therein as au- run thence North 02 de- POINT OF BEGINNING with attorney's fees, and Farmers Home Adminis-
FACSIMILE: 662-232- thence North for a dis- thorized by the terms WHEREAS, on, August grees West for a dis- and containing 1.0 Substituted Trustee's tration, United States
8940 tance of 90 feet to a thereof by instrument 15, 1988, Eddie S. Ro- tance of 230.0 feet acres, more or less. fees and expenses of WHEREAS, the United Department of Agricul-
stake; thence North dated February 20, gers, Sr. and wife, Lilly along an old fence to an ALSO A ROAD EASE- sale. States of America, act- ture, recorded in Deed
PUBLISH: 4/16, 4/23, 89?30' West for a dis- 2019, and recorded in B. Rogers, executed a iron pin and the point of MENT: Commencing at ing through Farmers of Trust Book 999 at
& 4/30/2019 tance of 155.0 feet to a Book MORT 2019, Page deed of trust to Glendal beginning of the prop- the intersection of the NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. Home Administration, page 109 of the re-
stake; thence South for 4572, in the office of E. Reid, County Super- erty hereby described South line of Section TYLER MCCAUGHN, United States Depart- cords of the Chancery
SUBSTITUTED TRUST- a distance of 90.0 feet the Lowndes County visor, Farmers Home Ad- and conveyed; thence 20, Township 18 North, Substituted Trustee in ment of Agriculture, the Clerk of Lowndes
EE'S NOTICE OF SALE to a stake which is the Chancery Clerk; and ministration, Trustee for North 01 degree 04 Range 16 East, said Deeds of Trust, holder of said Deed of County, Mississippi;
initial point of the lot the United States of minutes West (Deed Lowndes County, Mis- will, on the 17th day of Trust and Note secured and
WHEREAS, on, January herein described. WHEREAS, default hav- America, acting through North 02 degrees sissippi with the center May, 2019, offer for thereby, substituted J.
23, 1987, Mary L. ing been made in the Farmers Home Adminis- West), along an old line of the ICG Railroad; sale and will sell at pub- Tyler McCaughn as WHEREAS, the United
Brooks, a single person, I will only convey such terms and conditions of tration, United States fence a distance of thence run North 05 de- lic outcry to the highest Trustee therein as au- States of America, act-
executed a deed of trust title as is vested in me said Deeds of Trust and Department of Agricul- 545.0 feet to an iron grees 30 minutes West bidder for cash, within thorized by the terms ing through Farmers
to Glendal E. Reid, as Substituted Trustee. the entire debt secured ture, recorded in Deed pin; thence South 89 along the center line of legal hours (being thereof by instrument Home Administration,
county supervisor, Trust- thereby having been de- of Trust Book 901 at degrees West, along an said railroad for 2168 between the hours of dated February 20, United States Depart-
ee for the United States WITNESS MY SIGNA- clared to be due and page 553 of the re- old fence, a distance of feet; thence run South 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 2019, and recorded in ment of Agriculture, the
of America, acting TURE, this the 15th day payable in accordance cords of the Chancery 330.0 feet to an iron 79 degrees 30 minutes p.m.) at the main front Book MORT 2019, Page holder of said Deed of
through Farmers Home of April, 2019. with the terms in said Clerk of Lowndes pin; thence South 05 East along the center door of the Lowndes 4578, in the office of Trust and Note secured
Administration, United Deeds of Trust and the County, Mississippi; degrees West along an line of Roberts Street County Courthouse in the Lowndes County thereby, substituted J.
States Department of /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, legal holder of said in- and old fence a distance of for 1202 feet to the Columbus, Mississippi, Chancery Clerk; and Tyler McCaughn as
Agriculture, recorded in MSB 102669 debtedness, the United 288.5 feet to an iron POINT OF BEGINNING; the following described Trustee therein as au-
Deed of Trust Book 838 J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC States of America, act- WHEREAS, the United pin; thence South 83 thence run North 12 de- property lying and being WHEREAS, default hav- thorized by the terms
at page 313 of the re- P. O. BOX 28 ing through the Farm- States of America, act- degrees East a dis- grees East for 258 feet; situated in the County ing been made in the thereof by instrument
cords of the Chancery NEWTON, MS 39345 ers Home Administra- ing through Farmers tance of 104.0 feet to thence run South 83 de- of Lowndes State of terms and conditions of dated February 20,
Clerk of Lowndes 601/683-2382 tion, United States De- Home Administration, an iron pin; thence grees East for 120 feet; Mississippi, to-wit: said Deeds of Trust and 2019, and recorded in
County, Mississippi; partment of Agriculture, United States Depart- South 05 degrees West thence run South 01 de- the entire debt secured Book MORT 2019, Page
and Publish: 4/23/19, having requested the ment of Agriculture, the a distance of 205.5 feet grees 01 minutes East LOT NUMBER SEVEN thereby having been de- 4581, in the office of
4/30,19, 5/7/19 & undersigned, as Substi- holder of said Deed of to an iron pin in an old for 30 feet; thence run (7), of and in HUGHES clared to be due and the Lowndes County
WHEREAS, the United 5/14/19 tuted Trustee, to ex- Trust and Note secured fence line; thence South North 83 degrees West ESTATES SUBDIVISION, payable in accordance Chancery Clerk; and
States of America, act- ecute the trust and sell thereby, substituted J. 83 degrees East along for 105 feet; thence run a subdivision of with the terms in said
ing through the Farm- said land and property Tyler McCaughn as an old fence a distance South 12 degrees West Lowndes County, Mis- Deeds of Trust and the WHEREAS, default hav-
ers Home Administra- in accordance with the Trustee therein as au- of 282.0 feet to the for 228 feet; thence run sissippi, as shown by legal holder of said in- ing been made in the
tion, United States De- terms of said Deed of thorized by the terms point of beginning, con- North 79 degrees 30 map or plat thereof, and debtedness, the United terms and conditions of
partment of Agriculture, Trust for the purpose of thereof by instrument taining 3.76 acres, minutes West for 15 recorded in Plat Book 5 States of America, act- said Deeds of Trust and
the holder of said Deed
of Trust and Note se-
It’s a classified raising the sums due
thereunder, together
dated February 20,
2019, and recorded in
more or less. feet to the POINT OF BE- at Page 7 in the office
ing through the Farm-
of the Chancery Clerk of ers Home Administra-
the entire debt secured
thereby having been de-
cured thereby, substi-
tuted J. Tyler Mc-
rule-of-thumb: with attorney's fees,
Substituted Trustee's
Book MORT 2019, Page
4574, in the office of
manent, perpetual and I will only convey such
Lowndes County, Mis-
tion, United States De- clared to be due and
partment of Agriculture, payable in accordance
Caughn as Trustee
therein as authorized by
We tell readers fees and expenses of
the Lowndes County
Chancery Clerk; and
exclusive and right of
way for the purpose of
title as is vested in me
as Substituted Trustee. SUBJECT TO those re-
having requested the with the terms in said
undersigned, as Substi- Deeds of Trust and the
the terms thereof by in-
strument dated Febru-
what they need ingress and egress to
NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. WHEREAS, default hav- the above property over WITNESS MY SIGNA-
strictive covenants and tuted Trustee, to ex-
conditions dated March ecute the trust and sell debtedness, the United
legal holder of said in-

ary 19, 2019, and re-

corded in Book MORT
to know to buy TYLER MCCAUGHN,
Substituted Trustee in
ing been made in the and along a strip of land TURE, this the 15th day 1, 1988 and recorded
terms and conditions of described as follows, to- of April, 2019. in Deed Book 874,
said land and property
in accordance with the
States of America, act-
ing through the Farm-
2019, Page 4570, in
the office of the
what they need. said Deeds of Trust, said Deeds of Trust and wit:
will, on the 17th day of the entire debt secured /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn,
Pages 1-3, inclusive, in terms of said Deed of
the office of the Chan-
ers Home Administra-
Trust for the purpose of tion, United States De-
Lowndes County Chan- May, 2019, offer for thereby having been de- Beginning at the inter- MSB 102669 cery Clerk of Lowndes raising the sums due partment of Agriculture,
cery Clerk; and sale and will sell at pub- clared to be due and section of the South GetMcCaughn,
J. Tyler a new ride. PLLC County, Mississippi. thereunder, together having requested the
lic outcry to the highest payable in accordance line of said Section 20, P. O. BOX 28 with attorney's fees, undersigned, as Substi-
WHEREAS, default hav- bidder for cash, within with the terms in said Township 18 North, NEWTON, MS 39345 SUBJECT TO the prior Substituted Trustee's tuted Trustee, to ex-
The Dispatch
ing through the Farm- Columbus, Mississippi, tuted Trustee, to ex- ated and situated in the terms and conditions of cords of said county) for Agriculture, recorded in
ers Home Administra- the following described ecute the trust and sell •
Northwest Quarter of said Deeds of Trust and 266.8 feet to the POINT TUESDAY, APRIL
Deed 30,Book
of Trust 2019 5B
tion, United States De- property lying and being said land and property the entire debt secured
the Southwest Quarter OF BEGINNING; thence 2005 at page 14421 of
partment of Agriculture, situated in the County in accordance with the of Section 25, Town- thereby having been de- South 51 degrees 04 the records of the Chan-
having requested
Legal Notices 0010 the of Lowndes
Legal State of
Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 terms of said
Legal Notices 0010Deed of ship
Legal 19 South,
Notices 0010 Rangeclared to be0010
Legal Notices due and minutes West
Legal Notices 0010for 154 Legal Notices 0010 cery
undersigned, as Substi- Mississippi, to-wit: Trust for the purpose of 18 West, Lowndes payable in accordance feet to the North or East County, Mississippi;
tuted Trustee, to ex- SUBSTITUTED TRUST- raising the sums due County, Mississippi. with the terms in said side of a public road SUBSTITUTED TRUST- and
ecute the trust and sell A 1.0 acre lot in the EE'S NOTICE OF SALE thereunder, together Deeds of Trust and the known as Kidd Road; EE'S NOTICE OF SALE
said land and property Southwest Quarter of with attorney's fees, I will only convey such legal holder of said in- thence Southeasterly WHEREAS, the United
in accordance with the the Southwest Quarter WHEREAS, on, April 19, Substituted Trustee's title as is vested in me debtedness, the United along said road side (20 WHEREAS, on, March States of America, act-
terms of said Deed of of Section 10, Town- 1993, Terry L. Young ex- fees and expenses of as Substituted Trustee. States of America, act- feet from centerline) for 11, 2008, Debra J. ing through the Farm-
Trust for the purpose of ship 19 South, Range ecuted a deed of trust sale. ing through the Farm- 120 feet; thence North Bailey, executed a deed ers Home Administra-
raising the sums due 17 West, Lowndes to Glendal E. Reid, WITNESS MY SIGNA- ers Home Administra- 51 degrees 04 minutes of trust to Jody D. tion, United States De-
thereunder, together County, Mississippi and County Supervisor, NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. TURE, this the 15th day tion, United States De- East for 150 feet; Baker, Rural partment of Agriculture
with attorney's fees, described as follows: Trustee for the United TYLER MCCAUGHN, of April, 2019. partment of Agriculture, thence North 38 de- Development Manager, and the United States
Substituted Trustee's States of America, act- Substituted Trustee in having requested the grees 56 minutes West Trustee for the United of America, acting
fees and expenses of Beginning at the inter- ing through Farmers said Deeds of Trust, /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, undersigned, as Substi- for 120 feet to the point States of America, act- through the Rural Hous-
sale. section of the North Home Administration, will, on the 17th day of MSB 102669 tuted Trustee, to ex- of beginning, containing ing through the Rural ing Service or suc-
side of Golden Road (20 United States Depart- May, 2019, offer for J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC ecute the trust and sell 0.42 acre, more or less, Housing Service or suc- cessor agency, United
NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. feet North of centerline) ment of Agriculture, re- sale and will sell at pub- P. O. BOX 28 said land and property and lying in the East ½ cessor agency, United States Department of
TYLER MCCAUGHN, and the West side of corded in Deed of Trust lic outcry to the highest NEWTON, MS 39345 in accordance with the of the Southwest 1/4 of States Department of Agriculture, the holder
Substituted Trustee in the Southwest Quarter Book 1073 at page 121 bidder for cash, within 601-683-2382 terms of said Deed of said Section 29. Agriculture, recorded in of said Deeds of Trust
said Deeds of Trust, of the Southwest of the records of the legal hours (being Trust for the purpose of Deed of Trust Book and Notes secured
will, on the 17th day of Quarter of Section 10, Chancery Clerk of between the hours of Publish: 4/23/19, raising the sums due I will only convey such 2008 at page 6477 of thereby, substituted J.
May, 2019, offer for Township 19 South, Lowndes County, Mis- 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 4/30/19, 5/7/19 & thereunder, together title as is vested in me the records of the Chan- Tyler McCaughn as
sale and will sell at pub- Range 17 West, sissippi; and p.m.) at the main front 5/14/19 with attorney's fees, as Substituted Trustee. cery Clerk of Lowndes Trustee therein as au-
lic outcry to the highest Lowndes County, Mis- door of the Lowndes Substituted Trustee's County, Mississippi; thorized by the terms
bidder for cash, within sissippi as the point of WHEREAS, the United County Courthouse in SUBSTITUTED TRUST- fees and expenses of WITNESS MY SIGNA- and thereof by instrument
legal hours (being beginning, thence North States of America, act- Columbus, Mississippi, EE'S NOTICE OF SALE sale. TURE, this the 15th day dated February 20,
between the hours of along a fence and the ing through Farmers the following described of April, 2019. WHEREAS, the United 2019, and recorded in
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 northward projection Home Administration, property lying and being WHEREAS, on, July 3, NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. States of America, act- Book MORT 2019, Page
p.m.) at the main front thereof and along the United States Depart- situated in the County 1992, Jo Ann I. Henley, TYLER MCCAUGHN, /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, ing through the Rural 4599, in the office of
door of the Lowndes West side of said ment of Agriculture, the of Lowndes State of a single person, ex- Substituted Trustee in MSB 102669 Housing Service or suc- the Lowndes County
County Courthouse in Quarter-Quarter Section holder of said Deed of Mississippi, to-wit: ecuted a deed of trust said Deeds of Trust, J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC cessor agency, United Chancery Clerk; and
Columbus, Mississippi, 210 feet; thence South Trust and Note secured to Glendal E. Reid, will, on the 17th day of P. O. BOX 28 States Department of
the following described 86 degrees 17 minutes thereby, substituted J. LOT 5 in BLOCK A of County Supervisor, May, 2019, offer for NEWTON, MS 39345 Agriculture, the holder WHEREAS, default hav-
property lying and being East parallel with the Tyler McCaughn as MCARTHUR PLACE, a Trustee for the United sale and will sell at pub- 601/683-2382 of said Deed of Trust ing been made in the
situated in the County said North side of Road Trustee therein as au- subdivision of Lowndes States of America, act- lic outcry to the highest and Note secured terms and conditions of
of Lowndes State of 210 feet; thence South thorized by the terms County, Mississippi, as ing through Farmers bidder for cash, within Publish: 4/23/19, thereby, substituted J. said Deeds of Trust and
Mississippi, to-wit: 210 feet to the said thereof by instrument per map or plat thereof Home Administration, legal hours (being 4/30/19, 5/7/19 & Tyler McCaughn as the entire debt secured
North side of Road; dated February 20, recorded in Plat Book 5 United States Depart- between the hours of 5/14/19 Trustee therein as au- thereby having been de-
Commencing at the thence North 86 de- 2019, and recorded in at Page 22 in the office ment of Agriculture, re- 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 thorized by the terms clared to be due and
Northwest corner of the grees 17 minutes West Book MORT 2019, Page of the Chancery Clerk of corded in Deed of Trust p.m.) at the main front SUBSTITUTED TRUST- thereof by instrument payable in accordance
Northeast Quarter along said North side 4587, in the office of Lowndes County, Mis- Book 1039 at page 442 door of the Lowndes EE'S NOTICE OF SALE dated February 20, with the terms in said
(NE1/4) of the Northw- 210 feet to the point of the Lowndes County sissippi. of the records of the County Courthouse in 2019, and recorded in Deeds of Trust and the
est Quarter (NW1/4) of beginning. Chancery Clerk; and Chancery Clerk of Columbus, Mississippi, WHEREAS, on, August Book MORT 2019, Page legal holder of said in-
Section 27, Township SUBJECT TO those re- Lowndes County, Mis- the following described 29, 1991, Eddie Mc- 4602, in the office of debtedness, the United
18 South, Range 17 I will only convey such WHEREAS, default hav- strictive covenants and sissippi; and property lying and being Gregory and wife, Son- the Lowndes County States of America, act-
West, Lowndes County, title as is vested in me ing been made in the conditions recorded in situated in the County dra B. McGregory, ex- Chancery Clerk; and ing through the Farm-
Mississippi; thence as Substituted Trustee. terms and conditions of Deed Book 968 at page WHEREAS, the United of Lowndes State of ecuted a deed of trust ers Home Administra-
South 88 degrees 32 said Deeds of Trust and 750 in the office of the States of America, act- Mississippi, to-wit: to Glendal E. Reid, WHEREAS, default hav- tion, United States De-
minutes East along the WITNESS MY SIGNA- the entire debt secured Chancery Clerk of ing through Farmers Trustee for the United ing been made in the partment of Agriculture
centerline of Ben Chris- TURE, this the 15th day thereby having been de- Lowndes County, Mis- Home Administration, Lot numbered 121 of States of America, act- terms and conditions of and the United States
topher Road for a dis- of April, 2019. clared to be due and sissippi. United States Depart- and in LaBelle Estates ing through the Farm- said Deeds of Trust and of America, acting
tance of 1380.3 feet; payable in accordance ment of Agriculture, the Subdivision, Second Ex- ers Home Administra- the entire debt secured through the Rural Hous-
thence South 02 de- /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, with the terms in said Grantors herein reserve holder of said Deed of tension, a subdivision tion, United States De- thereby having been de- ing Service or suc-
grees 05 minutes East MSB 102669 Deeds of Trust and the all Oil, gas and other Trust and Note secured of Lowndes County, Mis- partment of Agriculture, clared to be due and cessor agency, United
for 25.0 feet to a point J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC legal holder of said in- minerals not heretofore thereby, substituted J. sissippi, as per map or recorded in Deed of payable in accordance States Department of
on the South right of P. O. BOX 28 debtedness, the United reserved by previous Tyler McCaughn as plat thereof recorded in Trust Book 1003 at with the terms in said Agriculture, having re-
way of said Ben Chris- NEWTON, MS 39345 States of America, act- owners. Trustee therein as au- Plat Book 5 at Page 17, page 325 of the re- Deeds of Trust and the quested the under-
topher Road; thence 601/683-2382 ing through the Farm- thorized by the terms in the office of the cords of the Chancery legal holder of said in- signed, as Substituted
continue South 02 de- ers Home Administra- I will only convey such thereof by instrument Chancery Clerk of Clerk of Lowndes debtedness, the United Trustee, to execute the
grees 05 minutes East Publish: 4/23/19, tion, United States De- title as is vested in me dated February 20, Lowndes County, Mis- County, Mississippi; States of America, act- trust and sell said land
a distance of 240.0 feet 4/30/19, 5/7/19 & partment of Agriculture, as Substituted Trustee. 2019, and recorded in sissippi; SUBJECT TO and ing through the Rural and property in accord-
to an iron pipe and be- 5/14/19 having requested the Book MORT 2019, Page restrictive covenants by Housing Service or suc- ance with the terms of
ing the POINT OF BEGIN- undersigned, as Substi- WITNESS MY SIGNA- 4593, in the office of instrument dated March WHEREAS, the United cessor agency, United said Deed of Trust for
NING of the herein de- SUBSTITUTED TRUST- tuted Trustee, to ex- TURE, this the 15th day the Lowndes County 5, 1991, and filed for States of America, act- States Department of the purpose of raising
scribed tract of land; EE'S NOTICE OF SALE ecute the trust and sell of April, 2019. Chancery Clerk; and record in the said land ing through the Farm- Agriculture, having re- the sums due thereun-
thence continue South said land and property records in Book 942 at ers Home Administra- quested the under- der, together with attor-
02 degrees 05 minutes WHEREAS, on, February in accordance with the /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, WHEREAS, default hav- 607, and as amended tion, United States De- signed, as Substituted ney's fees, Substituted
East a distance of 3, 1989, Sonja L. Phil- terms of said Deed of MSB 102669 ing been made in the by instrument recorded partment of Agriculture, Trustee, to execute the Trustee's fees and ex-
100.0 feet to an iron lips, a single person, ex- Trust for the purpose of J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC terms and conditions of in Book 950 at Page the holder of said Deed trust and sell said land penses of sale.
pipe; thence South 88 ecuted a deed of trust raising the sums due P. O. BOX 28 said Deeds of Trust and 433 and re-recorded in of Trust and Note se- and property in accord-
degrees 14 minutes to Glenda E. Reid, thereunder, together NEWTON, MS 39345 the entire debt secured Book 952 at Page 12, cured thereby, substi- ance with the terms of NOW, THEREFORE, I, J.
East a distance of County Supervisor, with attorney's fees, 601/683-2382 thereby having been de- all in the land records of tuted J. Tyler Mc- said Deed of Trust for TYLER MCCAUGHN,
155.33 feet to an iron Trustee for the United Substituted Trustee's clared to be due and Lowndes County, Mis- Caughn as Trustee the purpose of raising Substituted Trustee in
pipe on the West right States of America, act- fees and expenses of Publish: 4/23/19, payable in accordance sissippi. therein as authorized by the sums due thereun- said Deeds of Trust,
of way of a 60 foot wide ing through Farmers sale. 4/30,19, 5/7/19 & with the terms in said the terms thereof by in- der, together with attor- will, on the 17th day of
roadway easement; Home Administration, 5/14/19 Deeds of Trust and the I will only convey such strument dated Febru- ney's fees, Substituted May, 2019, offer for
thence North 02 de- United States Depart- NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. legal holder of said in- title as is vested in me ary 20, 2019, and re- Trustee's fees and ex- sale and will sell at pub-
grees 05 minutes West ment of Agriculture, re- TYLER MCCAUGHN, SUBSTITUTED TRUST- debtedness, the United as Substituted Trustee. corded in Book MORT penses of sale. lic outcry to the highest
along the said right of corded in Deed of Trust Substituted Trustee in EE'S NOTICE OF SALE States of America, act- 2019, Page 4606, in bidder for cash, within
way line a distance of Book 919 at page 354 said Deeds of Trust, ing through the Farm- WITNESS MY SIGNA- the office of the NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. legal hours (being
100.0 feet to an iron of the records of the will, on the 17th day of WHEREAS, on, January ers Home Administra- TURE, this the 15th day Lowndes County Chan- TYLER MCCAUGHN, between the hours of
pipe; thence North 88 Chancery Clerk of May, 2019, offer for 28, 1992, Oasie J. tion, United States De- of April, 2019. cery Clerk; and Substituted Trustee in 11:00 a.m. and 4:00
degrees 14 minutes Lowndes County, Mis- sale and will sell at pub- Glenn, executed a deed partment of Agriculture, said Deeds of Trust, p.m.) at the main front
West a distance of sissippi; and lic outcry to the highest of trust to Glendal E. having requested the /s/J. Tyler McCaughn, WHEREAS, default hav- will, on the 17th day of door of the Lowndes
155.23 feet to the bidder for cash, within Reid, County Super- undersigned, as Substi- MSB 102669 ing been made in the May, 2019, offer for County Courthouse in
POINT OF BEGINNING, WHEREAS, the United legal hours (being visor, Trustee for the tuted Trustee, to ex- terms and conditions of sale and will sell at pub- Columbus, Mississippi,
containing 0.28 acres, States of America, act- between the hours of United States of Amer- ecute the trust and sell J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC said Deeds of Trust and lic outcry to the highest the following described
more or less. ing through Farmers 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 ica, acting through said land and property P. O. BOX 28 the entire debt secured bidder for cash, within property lying and being
Home Administration, p.m.) at the main front Farmers Home Adminis- in accordance with the NEWTON, MS 39345 thereby having been de- legal hours (being situated in the County
TOGETHER WITH the United States Depart- door of the Lowndes tration, United States terms of said Deed of 601/683-2382 clared to be due and between the hours of of Lowndes State of
right of ingress and ment of Agriculture, the County Courthouse in Department of Agricul- Trust for the purpose of payable in accordance 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 Mississippi, to-wit:
egress over, across a holder of said Deed of Columbus, Mississippi, ture, recorded in Deed raising the sums due Publish: 4/23/19, with the terms in said p.m.) at the main front
60 foot wide access Trust and Note secured the following described of Trust Book 1017 at thereunder, together 4/30/19, 5/7/19 & Deeds of Trust and the door of the Lowndes Lot Number 40, DOYLE
easement, said ease- thereby, substituted J. property lying and being page 579 of the re- with attorney's fees, 5/14/19 legal holder of said in- County Courthouse in ESTATES SUBDIVISION,
ment lying East of and Tyler McCaughn as situated in the County cords of the Chancery Substituted Trustee's debtedness, the United Columbus, Mississippi, a subdivision of
adjacent to the entire Trustee therein as au- of Lowndes State of Clerk of Lowndes fees and expenses of SUBSTITUTED TRUST- States of America, act- the following described Lowndes County, Mis-
East line of above de- thorized by the terms Mississippi, to-wit: County, Mississippi; sale. EE'S NOTICE OF SALE ing through the Farm- property lying and being sissippi, as per map or
scribed tract of land and thereof by instrument and ers Home Administra- situated in the County plat thereof in Plat Book
extending to the South dated February 20, Lot No. Forty (40) of and NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. WHEREAS, on, August tion, United States De- of Lowndes State of 4 at Page 15 in the Of-
right of way line of Ben 2019, and recorded in in Dean Acres Subdivi- WHEREAS, the United TYLER MCCAUGHN, 7, 1992, Ruthie M. partment of Agriculture, Mississippi, to-wit: fice of the Chancery
Christopher Road. Book MORT 2019, Page sion of and in Lowndes States of America, act- Substituted Trustee in Goodman, executed a having requested the Clerk of Lowndes
4585, in the office of County, Mississippi as ing through Farmers said Deeds of Trust, deed of trust to Gl- undersigned, as Substi- Lot 21 of LaBelle Es- County, Mississippi.
I will only convey such the Lowndes County shown by map or plat Home Administration, will, on the 17th day of endad E. Reid, tuted Trustee, to ex- tates, a subdivision in
title as is vested in me Chancery Clerk; and thereof of record in Plat United States Depart- May, 2019, offer for Farmers Home Adminis- ecute the trust and sell Lowndes County, Mis- SUBJECT TO ease-
as Substituted Trustee. Book No. 3, page 44, in ment of Agriculture, the sale and will sell at pub- tration County Super- said land and property sissippi, as shown by ments for utility and
WHEREAS, default hav- the office of the Chan- holder of said Deed of lic outcry to the highest visor, Trustee for the in accordance with the plat recorded in Plat drainage facilities along
WITNESS MY SIGNA- ing been made in the cery Clerk of Lowndes Trust and Note secured bidder for cash, within United States of Amer- terms of said Deed of Book 4 at Page 36 in the North, South, West
TURE, this the 15th day terms and conditions of County, Mississippi: thereby, substituted J. legal hours (being ica, acting through Trust for the purpose of the office of the Chan- and East boundary lines
of April, 2019. said Deeds of Trust and SUBJECT TO the restrict- Tyler McCaughn as between the hours of Farmers Home Adminis- raising the sums due cery Clerk of Lowndes as shown by the recor-
the entire debt secured ive covenants and con- Trustee therein as au- 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 tration, United States thereunder, together County, Mississippi. ded plat in Plat Book 4
/s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, thereby having been de- ditions as contained in thorized by the terms p.m.) at the main front Department of Agricul- with attorney's fees, at Page 15 in the Office
MSB 102669 clared to be due and an instrument executed thereof by instrument door of the Lowndes ture, recorded in Deed Substituted Trustee's SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to of the Chancery Clerk of
J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC payable in accordance by Lowndes Investment dated February 20, County Courthouse in of Trust Book 1043 at fees and expenses of existing easements for Lowndes County, Mis-
P. O. BOX 28 with the terms in said Company dated August 2019, and recorded in Columbus, Mississippi, page 322 of the re- sale. the installation and sissippi.
NEWTON, MS 39345 Deeds of Trust and the 29, 1977, and recor- Book MORT 2019, Page the following described cords of the Chancery maintenance of public
601/683-2382 legal holder of said in- ded in Book 568, page 4591, in the office of property lying and being Clerk of Lowndes NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. utility facilities as re- SUBJECT TO those re-
debtedness, the United 317-319, land records the Lowndes County situated in the County County, Mississippi; TYLER MCCAUGHN, served and shown on strictive covenants and
Publish: 4/23/19, States of America, act- of Lowndes County, Mis- Chancery Clerk; and of Lowndes State of and Substituted Trustee in the recorded plat and conditions as con-
4/30,19, 5/7/19 & ing through the Farm- sissippi: SUBJECT TO Mississippi, to-wit: said Deeds of Trust, SUBJECT FURTHER to tained in that certain in-
5/14/19 ers Home Administra- easement for the install- WHEREAS, default hav- WHEREAS, the United will, on the 17th day of the restrictive coven- strument filed for re-
tion, United States De- ation and maintenance ing been made in the Lot Number 129 of and States of America, act- May, 2019, offer for ants duly recorded in cord in Deed Book 652
SUBSTITUTED TRUST- partment of Agriculture, of utility and drainage terms and conditions of in LaBelle Estates Sub- ing through Farmers sale and will sell at pub- Deed Book 722 at at Pages 372-374 in
EE'S NOTICE OF SALE having requested the facilities as set forth on said Deeds of Trust and division, Second Exten- Home Administration, lic outcry to the highest Pages 158-162, inclus- the land records of
undersigned, as Substi- the aforesaid plat and the entire debt secured sion, a subdivision of United States Depart- bidder for cash, within ive, and subsequently Lowndes County, Mis-
WHEREAS, on, July 28, tuted Trustee, to ex- in the aforesaid restrict- thereby having been de- Lowndes County, Mis- ment of Agriculture, the legal hours (being amended by instrument sissippi, ALSO SUB-
1982, Clara S. Willi- ecute the trust and sell ive covenants and con- clared to be due and sissippi, as per map or holder of said Deed of between the hours of filed for record in Deed JECT TO that restriction
ams, a single woman, said land and property ditions. payable in accordance plat thereof recorded in Trust and Note secured 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 Book 728 at Pages 20- prohibiting the sale of
executed a deed of trust in accordance with the with the terms in said Plat Book 5, Page 17, in thereby, substituted J. p.m.) at the main front 26, inclusive, in the of- beer, wine or other alco-
to Glendal E. Reid, terms of said Deed of I will only convey such Deeds of Trust and the the office of the Chan- Tyler McCaughn as door of the Lowndes fice of the Chancery holic beverages as evid-
County Supervisor, Trust for the purpose of title as is vested in me legal holder of said in- cery Clerk of Lowndes Trustee therein as au- County Courthouse in Clerk of Lowndes enced by Deed recor-
Trustee for the United raising the sums due as Substituted Trustee. debtedness, the United County, Mississippi; thorized by the terms Columbus, Mississippi, County, Mississippi. ded in Deed Book 600
States of America, act- thereunder, together States of America, act- SUBJECT TO restrictive thereof by instrument the following described at Pages 148-153 in
ing through Farmers with attorney's fees, WITNESS MY SIGNA- ing through the Farm- covenants by instru- dated February 20, property lying and being I will only convey such the land records of
Home Administration, Substituted Trustee's TURE, this the 15th day ers Home Administra- ment dated March 5, 2019, and recorded in situated in the County title as is vested in me Lowndes County, Mis-
United States Depart- fees and expenses of of April, 2019. tion, United States De- 1991, and filed for re- Book MORT 2019, Page of Lowndes State of as Substituted Trustee. sissippi.
ment of Agriculture, re- sale. partment of Agriculture, cord in the said land re- 4597, in the office of Mississippi, to-wit:
corded in Deed of Trust /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, having requested the cords in Book 942 at the Lowndes County WITNESS MY SIGNA- ALSO SUBJECT TO that
Book 727 at page 118 NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. MSB 102669 undersigned, as Substi- Page 607, and as Chancery Clerk; and 0.84 acre, more/less, TURE, this the 15th day certain right of way
of the records of the TYLER MCCAUGHN, J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC tuted Trustee, to ex- amended by instrument fronting 100 feet on the of April, 2019. easement from Ken-
Chancery Clerk of Substituted Trustee in P. O. BOX 28 ecute the trust and sell recorded in Book 950 at WHEREAS, default hav- north right-of-way line of neth B. Doyle and Nel-
Lowndes County, Mis- said Deeds of Trust, NEWTON, MS 39345 said land and property Page 433 and re-recor- ing been made in the a public road know as /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, son Chain to South
sissippi; and will, on the 17th day of 601/683-2382 in accordance with the ded in Book 954 at terms and conditions of Pickensville Road and MSB 102669 Central Bell Telephone
May, 2019, offer for terms of said Deed of Page 12, all in the land said Deeds of Trust and extending back between J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC Company dated Octo-
WHEREAS, the United sale and will sell at pub- Publish: 4/23/19, Trust for the purpose of records of LOwndes the entire debt secured parallel line 367 feet, ly- P. O. BOX 28 ber 16, 1980 and recor-
States of America, act- lic outcry to the highest 4/30/19, 5/7/19 & raising the sums due County, Mississippi. thereby having been de- ing in the W-1/2 of Sec- NEWTON, MS 39345 ded in Deed Book 648
ing through Farmers bidder for cash, within 5/14/19 thereunder, together clared to be due and tion 35, Township 18 601/683-2382 at Pages 29-30 in the
Home Administration, legal hours (being with attorney's fees, I will only convey such payable in accordance South, Range 18 West, land records of Lowndes
United States Depart- between the hours of Substituted Trustee's title as is vested in me with the terms in said Lowndes County, Mis- Publish: 4/23/19, County, Mississippi.
ment of Agriculture, the 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 SUBSTITUTED TRUST- fees and expenses of as Substituted Trustee. Deeds of Trust and the sissippi, described as 4/30,19, 5/7/19 &
holder of said Deed of p.m.) at the main front EE'S NOTICE OF SALE sale. legal holder of said in- follows: Beginning at a 5/14/19 I will only convey such
Trust and Note secured door of the Lowndes WITNESS MY SIGNA- debtedness, the United point on the North right- title as is vested in me
thereby, substituted J. County Courthouse in WHEREAS, on, July 15, NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. TURE, this the 15th day States of America, act- of-way line of said Pick- SUBSTITUTED TRUST- as Substituted Trustee.
Tyler McCaughn as Columbus, Mississippi, 1992, Lisa W. Smith, TYLER MCCAUGHN, of April, 2019. ing through the Farm- ensville Road as the EE'S NOTICE OF SALE
Trustee therein as au- the following described executed a deed of trust Substituted Trustee in ers Home Administra- same now runs, which WITNESS MY SIGNA-
thorized by the terms property lying and being to Glendad E. Reid, said Deeds of Trust, /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, tion, United States De- point is 814 feet East WHEREAS, on, TURE, this the 15th day
thereof by instrument situated in the County Farmers Home Adminis- will, on the 17th day of MSB 102669 partment of Agriculture, of the West side of said March19, 1984, Phyllis of April, 2019.
dated February 20, of Lowndes State of tration County Super- May, 2019, offer for J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC having requested the Section 35 (and being R. and James B.
2019, and recorded in Mississippi, to-wit: visor, Trustee for the sale and will sell at pub- P. O. BOX 28 undersigned, as Substi- in the Southeast corner Woods, executed a /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn,
Book MORT 2019, Page United States of Amer- lic outcry to the highest NEWTON, MS 39345 tuted Trustee, to ex- of the RAS Weathers deed of trust to Glendal MSB 102669
4583, in the office of Lot Number Eighteen ica, acting through bidder for cash, within 601/683-2382 ecute the trust and sell Property); thence S76 E. Reid, Trustee for the J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC
the Lowndes County (18), of and in LABELLE Farmers Home Adminis- legal hours (being said land and property degrees 00' E along United States of Amer- P. O. BOX 28
Chancery Clerk; and ESTATES SUBDIVISION, tration, United States between the hours of Publish: 4/23/19, in accordance with the said North right-of-way ica, acting through the NEWTON, MS 39345
A subdivision of Department of Agricul- 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 4/30/19, 5/7/19 & terms of said Deed of line for 178 feet to the Farmers Home Adminis- 601/683-2382
WHEREAS, default hav- Lowndes County, Mis- ture, recorded in Deed p.m.) at the main front 5/14/19 Trust for the purpose of point of beginning; tration, United States
ing been made in the sissippi, as per map or of Trust Book 1039 at door of the Lowndes raising the sums due thence continue S76 Department of Agricul- Publish: 4/23/19,
terms and conditions of plat thereof recorded in page 846 of the re- County Courthouse in SUBSTITUTED TRUST- thereunder, together degrees 00' E along ture, recorded in Deed 4/30/19, 5/7/19 &
said Deeds of Trust and Plat Book 4, Page 36, in cords of the Chancery Columbus, Mississippi, EE'S NOTICE OF SALE with attorney's fees, said North right-of-way of Trust Book 771 at 5/14/19
the entire debt secured the office of the Chan- Clerk of Lowndes the following described Substituted Trustee's line for 100 feet; thence page 380 of the re-
thereby having been de- cery Clerk of Lowndes County, Mississippi; property lying and being WHEREAS, on, January fees and expenses of N13 degrees 37' E for cords of the Chancery SUBSTITUTED TRUST-
clared to be due and County, Mississippi. and situated in the County 31, 1992, Tommy L. sale. 36 feet; thence N76 de- Clerk of Lowndes EE'S NOTICE OF SALE
payable in accordance of Lowndes State of Paster and wife, Jean- grees 00' W parallel County, Mississippi;
with the terms in said SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to WHEREAS, the United Mississippi, to-wit: nie D. Paster, executed NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. with said North right-of- said deed of trust was WHEREAS, on, Novem-
Deeds of Trust and the existing easements for States of America, act- a deed of trust to Glend- TYLER MCCAUGHN, way line for 100 feet; corrected and re-recor- ber 17, 2011, Helen M.
legal holder of said in- the installation and ing through Farmers Commencing at the al E. Reid, County Su- Substituted Trustee in thence S13 degrees 37' ded on April 6, 1984 in Shelly, a single person,
debtedness, the United maintenance of public Home Administration, Southeast corner of the pervisor, Trustee for the said Deeds of Trust, W for 367 feet to the Deed of Trust Book 773 executed a deed of trust
States of America, act- utility facilities as re- United States Depart- Northhalf of the Northw- United States of Amer- will, on the 17th day of point of beginning. at page 223 of the re- to Jody D. Baker, Rural
ing through the Farm- served and shown on ment of Agriculture, the est Quarter of the ica, acting through May, 2019, offer for cords of the Chancery Development Manager,
ers Home Administra- the recorded plat and holder of said Deed of Southwest Quarter of Farmers Home Adminis- sale and will sell at pub- I will only convey such Clerk of Lowndes Trustee for the United
tion, United States De- subject further to the re- Trust and Note secured Section 25, Township tration, United States lic outcry to the highest title as is vested in me County, Mississippi. States of America, act-
partment of Agriculture, strictive covenants duly thereby, substituted J. 19 South, Range 18 Department of Agricul- bidder for cash, within as Substituted Trustee. ing through the Rural
having requested the recorded in Deed Book Tyler McCaughn as West, Lowndes County, ture, recorded in Deed legal hours (being WHEREAS, on, October Housing Service or suc-
undersigned, as Substi- 722, Pages 158-162, Trustee therein as au- Mississippi; thence of Trust Book 1017 at between the hours of WITNESS MY SIGNA- 1, 1986, Colleen B. cessor agency, United
tuted Trustee, to ex- inclusive; and sub- thorized by the terms West a distance of 20 page 845 of the re- 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 TURE, this the 15th day Crowe, an unmarried States Department of
ecute the trust and sell sequently amended by thereof by instrument feet to a fence corner cords of the Chancery p.m.) at the main front of April, 2019. woman, executed a Agriculture, recorded in
said land and property instrument dated April dated February 20, post on the West right Clerk of Lowndes door of the Lowndes deed of trust to Glendal Deed of Trust Book
in accordance with the 25, 1984 and recorded 2019, and recorded in of way line of a gravel County, Mississippi; County Courthouse in /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, E. Reid, Trustee for the 2011 at page 22188 of
terms of said Deed of in Deed Book 728, Book MORT 2019, Page county road and being and Columbus, Mississippi, MSB 102669 United States of Amer- the records of the Chan-
Trust for the purpose of Pages 20-26, inclusive, 4589, in the office of the Point of Beginning the following described J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC ica, acting through the cery Clerk of Lowndes
raising the sums due all in the office of the the Lowndes County of the herein described WHEREAS, the United property lying and being P. O. BOX 28 Farmers Home Adminis- County, Mississippi;
thereunder, together Chancery Clerk of Chancery Clerk; and tract of land; thence States of America, act- situated in the County NEWTON, MS 39345 tration, United States and
with attorney's fees, Lowndes County, Mis- North 02 degrees 00 ing through Farmers of Lowndes State of 601/683-2382 Department of Agricul-
Substituted Trustee's sissippi. WHEREAS, default hav- minutes East along the Home Administration, Mississippi, to-wit: ture, recorded in Deed WHEREAS, the United
fees and expenses of ing been made in the said West right of way United States Depart- Publish: 4/23/19, of Trust Book 830 at States of America, act-
sale. I will only convey such terms and conditions of line, a distance of ment of Agriculture, the Beginning at the Northw- 4/30/19, 5/7/19 & page 124 of the re- ing through the Rural
title as is vested in me said Deeds of Trust and 153.0 feet; thence holder of said Deed of est corner of the South 5/14/19 cords of the Chancery Housing Service or suc-
NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. as Substituted Trustee. the entire debt secured North 78 degrees 41 Trust and Note secured ½ of the Northeast 1/4 Clerk of Lowndes cessor agency, United
TYLER MCCAUGHN, thereby having been de- minutes West, a dis- thereby, substituted J. of the Southwest 1/4 of County, Mississippi; States Department of
Substituted Trustee in WITNESS MY SIGNA- clared to be due and tance of 254.29 feet; Tyler McCaughn as Section 29, Township and Agriculture, the holder
said Deeds of Trust, TURE, this the 15th day payable in accordance thence South 02 de- Trustee therein as au- 16 South, Range 17 of said Deed of Trust
will, on the 17th day of of April, 2019. with the terms in said grees 00 minutes West thorized by the terms West, Lowndes County, WHEREAS, on, May 24, and Note secured
May, 2019, offer for Deeds of Trust and the a distance of 194.17 thereof by instrument Mississippi; thence 2005, Ellis L. Ross, Jr., thereby, substituted J.
sale and will sell at pub- /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, legal holder of said in- feet to a point on a dated February 20, South 82 degrees 40 executed a deed of trust Tyler McCaughn as
lic outcry to the highest MSB 102669 debtedness, the United fence line; thence South 2019, and recorded in minutes East along a Let your to Jody D. Baker, Rural Trustee therein as au-
bidder for cash, within J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC States of America, act- 88 degrees 00 minutes Book MORT 2019, Page fence for 404.2 feet; fingers do the Development Manager, thorized by the terms
legal hours (being P. O. BOX 28 ing through the Farm- East along the said 4595, in the office of thence South 01 de- Trustee for the United thereof by instrument
between the hours of NEWTON, MS 39345 ers Home Administra- fence line, a distance of the Lowndes County gree 37 minutes East walking. States of America, act- dated February 20,
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 601/683-2382 tion, United States De- 250.94 feet to the Point Chancery Clerk; and along the East side of Find your ing through the Rural 2019, and recorded in
p.m.) at the main front partment of Agriculture, of Beginning, and con- the Shinn lot (as recor- Housing Service or suc- Book MORT 2019, Page
door of the Lowndes Publish: 4/23/19, having requested the taining 1.0 acres, more WHEREAS, default hav- ded in Deed Book 854 dream job in cessor agency, United 4604, in the office of
County Courthouse in 4/30/19, 5/7/19 & undersigned, as Substi- or less, and being loc- ing been made in the Page 291 in the land re- the classifieds! States Department of the Lowndes County
Columbus, Mississippi, 5/14/19 tuted Trustee, to ex- ated and situated in the terms and conditions of cords of said county) for Agriculture, recorded in Chancery Clerk; and
the following described ecute the trust and sell Northwest Quarter of said Deeds of Trust and 266.8 feet to the POINT Deed of Trust Book
property lying and being said land and property the Southwest Quarter the entire debt secured OF BEGINNING; thence 2005 at page 14421 of WHEREAS, default hav-
situated in the County in accordance with the of Section 25, Town- thereby having been de- South 51 degrees 04 the records of the Chan- ing been made in the
of Lowndes State of terms of said Deed of ship 19 South, Range clared to be due and minutes West for 154 cery Clerk of Lowndes terms and conditions of
Mississippi, to-wit: Trust for the purpose of 18 West, Lowndes payable in accordance feet to the North or East County, Mississippi; said Deeds of Trust and
raising the sums due County, Mississippi. with the terms in said side of a public road and the entire debt secured
The Dispatch •
Chancery Clerk; and County Courthouse in
B6B TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2019 Mississippi,
WHEREAS, default hav- the following described
ing been made in the property lying and being
terms and conditions
Legal Notices 0010 of situated in 0010
Legal Notices the County Lawn Care / Landscaping Air Conditioners 4030 Apts For Rent: Northside 7010
said Deeds of Trust and of Lowndes State of 1470
the entire debt secured Mississippi, to-wit: CENTRAL A/C UNIT FOX RUN APARTMENTS
thereby having been de- Only used 1 day, too 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
clared to be due and As described in Deed of COMMERCIAL BUSH
payable in accordance Trust Book 777 at page HOGGING weed eating, small for space. Revolv $595−$645 monthly.
brand, 2.5 btu, 208− Military discount, pet
with the terms in said 561. tiling & leveling, &
Deeds of Trust and the Lot #17 Swedenburg Es- clearing overgrown lots. 230 volt−age. $1000, area, pet friendly, and
legal holder of said in- tates Subdivision, a Owner, Operator Crawford, MS. 662−497 furnished corporate
debtedness, the United subdivision of Lowndes licensed & insured. 17 −2754. apts. 24−HOUR
States of America, act- County, Mississippi, as years experience. Willie PROFESSIONAL GYM.
ing through the Rural per map or plat thereof Murray Jr. 662−242− Auctions 4120 ON SITE SECURITY.
Housing Service or suc- in Plat Book 4, page 29, ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
cessor agency, United in the office of the 8809. Free estimates.
Quotes by job not acre. ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
States Department of Chancery Clerk of ESTATE AUCTION 24−HOUR CAMERA
Agriculture, having re- Lowndes County, Mis- 14650 Bone Camp
sissippi. SURVEILLANCE. Benji @
quested the under- FOR YOUR Spring & Rd., Coker, AL.
signed, as Substituted 662−386−4446.
Summer lawn care Sat. May 4th, 9 am.
Trustee, to execute the Subject to those re- Commercial Property For
trust and sell said land strictive covenants and needs, call Robinson Large Collection of
and property in accord- conditions as found in Lawn Service, 662−435 antique Tractors, Rent 7100
ance with the terms of that certain instrument −8746. Cars, Motorcycles,
said Deed of Trust for dated June 18th, 1982, Furniture. Don’t COMMERCIAL
the purpose of raising and recorded in Deed JESSE & BEVERLY’S miss seeing this BUILDING. 1800 sq. ft.
the sums due thereun- Book 686, at Page 602- collection. Farm Located on Hwy. 45 N.
der, together with attor- 603, inclusive, in the of- LAWN SERVICE.
Mowing, cleanup, House on 14 Ac & on Frontage Rd. 1 mile
ney's fees, Substituted fice of the the Chancery Outbuildings. from CAFB. Asking
Trustee's fees and ex- clerk of Lowndes landscaping, sodding, &
$750/mo. Call 662−
Clydette Hughes
penses of sale. County, Mississippi and tree cutting. 356−6525.
as amended by instru- AL 1275 434−6585.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. ment recorded in Deed 205−612−4221

TYLER MCCAUGHN, Book at 686 at page
602 of the land records REMOVAL
30x15. Separate air YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
Substituted Trustee in
said Deeds of Trust,
will, on the 17th day of
May, 2019, offer for
of the Chancery Clerk of
Lowndes county, Missis-
Using Skidsteer.
Call for estimate,
Farm Equipment & Supplies
conditioner & bathroom.
$400/mo. Located in
Caledonia. Call 662−
Sudoku is a number-
5 7 8 4 6 1 9 3 2
sale and will sell at pub- placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
1 9 2 3 7 5 8 4 6
lic outcry to the highest As described in Deed of a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Moving & Storage 1590 2016 CAT SKIDSTEER
bidder for cash, within Trust Book 935 at page
legal hours (being 501:
9x9 grid with several
numbers. The object 3 6 4 9 2 8 7 1 5
between the hours of LOT NO. SEVENTEEN MOVING??? I can help w/ mulcher & forestry given numbers.
is to place The object
the numbers
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 (17) of and in SWEDEN- pack, organize and/or kit. <1,000 hrs, 3,000 sq. ft. truck
7 4 3 6 1 2 5 9 8
terminal, 9,500 sq. ft. 1 to place
to 9 the
in the numbers
empty spaces
8 9 4 6 7 3
coordinate your move.
p.m.) at the main front BURG ESTATES, a sub-
2 1 5
door of the Lowndes division of Lowndes Includes help selling 205−329−1790. shop & 3,200 sq. ft. 1sotothat
9 ineach
the empty spaces
row, each
County Courthouse in
Columbus, Mississippi,
County, Mississippi, as
per map or plat recor-
unwanted items. Weslyn office/shop. Buildings
can be rented together
so that each
column row, each
and each 3x3 box 6 8 9 7 5 3 4 2 1
Wood 214−674−9514. FOR SALE Hay baler, column
contains the same3x3
and each box
the following described
property lying and being
ded in Plat Book 4 at
Page 29 in the Chan-
rake, and cutter. Call or separately. All w/
contains the same number
number 8 2 1 5 4 7 3 6 9
Painting & Papering 1620 excellent access & Hwy. only once. The difficulty
situated in the County cery Clerk’s Office of Ernie at 662−549−
82 visibility. 662−327− only once. The difficulty 4 5 6 1 3 9 2 8 7
of Lowndes State of Lowndes County, Mis- 8948 for more info. level increases from
Mississippi, to-wit: sissippi. SULLIVAN’S PAINT 9559. level increases from
Monday to Sunday. 9 3 7 2 8 6 1 5 4
SERVICE Furniture 4480 Houses For Rent: Northside Monday to Sunday. Difficulty Level 4/29
Lot 16 of and in EAU SUBJECT, HOWEVER, Certified in lead
CLAIRE SUBDIVISION, a TO existing easements removal. Offering BLACK BEDROOM SET, 7110
Subdivision of Lowndes for the installation and special prices on incl full sz sleigh bed,
County, Mississippi, as maintenance of public interior & exterior dresser w/ mirror, chest
shown by map or plat utility facilities as re- painting, pressure & night stand, $600.
thereof of record in Sub- served and shown on ALL BRICK 3BR/2BA
washing & sheet rock New full sz mattress, house for rent. Big yard.
division Plat Book 2 at the recorded plat and
Page 112 in the office SUBJECT FURTHER to repairs. still in plastic, $250. Carport. W/D hookup.
of the Chancery Clerk the restrictive coven- Free Estimates Bissell carpet cleaner, Nice neighborhood.
Lowndes County, Mis- ants and conditions duly Call 435−6528 $80. Two sets of black $780 per month. 70 W
sissippi. recorded in Deed Book Toyota Camry floormats, Thomas Dr. 3 min from
684 at page 222 and Stump Removal 1790 $80. Cash Only. 662− CAFB. 504−813−1200.
SUBJECT TO the reser- as amended by instru- 242−2884. Leave a
vation of easements for ment recorded in Deed message. COLONIAL
utility and drainage in- Book 686 at Page 602,
all in the Chancery TOWNHOUSES. 2 & 3
stallation as shown on Sporting Goods 4720
said recorded plat. Clerk’s Office of bedroom w/ 2−3 bath
Lowndes County, Mis- townhouses. $600 to
SUBJECT TO those cer- sissippi. ELLIPTICAL MACHINE $695. 662−549−9555.
tain restrictive coven- Sole Elliptical E35 in Ask for Glenn or text.
ants and conditions as LESS AND EXCEPT, excellent condition. Nice
described in that cer- HOWEVER, all oil, gas quiet machine. $450 Houses For Rent: West 7150
tain Warranty Deed and other minerals, an 662−574−1561
dated May 23, 1969 undivided one-half (½) SMALL COTTAGE 1BR/
and filed for record in interest having been ALLSTUMP Business For Sale 6350 1BA, all appl. incl.
Deed Book 411 at previously reserved, and GRINDING SERVICE Water & trash incl. in
Pages 371-374 in the an undivided one-half RESTAURANT FOR lease. Near MSU &
land records of Lowndes (½) interest being GET ’ER DONE!
We can grind all SALE OR LEASE EMCC. No pets. $500
County, Mississippi. hereby reserved by the
Grantor. your stumps. Hard Opportunity to own/ per mo. $400 dep.
I will only convey such to reach places, operate an established App/refs/lease req.
title as is vested in me I will only convey such blown over roots, profitable strong 662−242−2923.
as Substituted Trustee. title as is vested in me hillsides, backyards, customer base and
as Substituted Trustee. pastures. Free excellent reputation For Mobile Homes for Rent 7250
WITNESS MY SIGNA- estimates. You find info please email:
TURE, this the 15th day WITNESS MY SIGNA- 3BR/2BA TRAILER,
TURE, this the 15th day it, we’ll grind it!
of April, 2019. New Hope school dist.
of April, 2019. 662−361−8379 $500/mo & $500 dep.
/s/ J. Tyler McCaughn,
Apts For Rent: West 7050
No pets, no drugs, no

MSB 102669 /s/ J. Tyler McCaughn, partying. Call between
J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC MSB 102669 Tree Services 1860
10a−7p. 662−386−
J. Tyler McCaughn, PLLC

P. O. BOX 28
601/683-2382 NEWTON, MS 39345 Bucket truck & stump MESSAGES.

Publish: 4/23/19,
601/683-2382 removal. Free est. Apartments RENT A fully equipped
& Houses
Serving Columbus
4/30,19, 5/7/19 & Publish: 4/23/19, since 1987. Senior
camper w/utilities &
5/14/19 4/30/19, 5/7/19 & cable from $145/wk −
5/14/19 citizen disc. Call Alvin @ 1 Bedrooms $535/month. Columbus
2 Bedroooms
& County School
EE'S NOTICE OF SALE Building & Remodeling 1120 "We’ll go out on a limb
for you!" 3 Bedrooms locations. 662−242−
7653 or 601−940−
1984, Mary Louise Har-
rison, executed a deed
CO. Building, roofing, J&A TREE REMOVAL Furnished & 1397.

of trust to Glendal E. remodeling, & home Work from a bucket Unfurnished Office Spaces For Rent 7300
Reid, Trustee for the repair. Licensed &
1, 2, & 3 Baths
truck. Insured/bonded.
United States of Amer- Bonded. 662−242− Call Jimmy for free HISTORIC DOWNTOWN
ica, acting through the
Farmers Home Adminis-
3471, 662−574−8470. estimate, Lease, Deposit COLUMBUS Office,
Retail, Restaurant
tration, United States HOME REPAIRS & 662−386−6286.
& Credit Check Space available. Call
Department of Agricul- CONSTRUCTION WORK 662−328−8655 or 662
Good Things To Eat 2150
ture, recorded in Deed WANTED. Carpentry, −574−7879.
of Trust Book 777 at small concrete jobs,
page 561 of the re- electrical, plumbing, TOMATO HOUSE Vine−
cords of the Chancery roof repairs, pressure ripened hydroponic
square feet. 294
Clerk of Lowndes
washing and mobile tomato. Located next to Apts For Rent: Starkville 7070
County, Mississippi; Chubby Dr. Flexible
home roof coating and Noxubee County High
and 2BR/2BA. COTTON leasing terms. Available
underpinning. No job School. 662−352−
District in Starkville. now. 662−328−8254.
1270 or 662−425−
WHEREAS, on, August too small. 549−7031. Call 662−617−3356.
1, 1989, Vickie L. Dys- 9116. Houses For Sale: East 8200
on, executed a deed of TOM HATCHER, LLC
Apts For Rent: Other 7080
trust to Glendal E. Reid, Custom Construction, Clerical & Office 3050 BEAUTIFUL GARDEN
Farmers Home Adminis- Restoration,
HOME. 56 Collanwood ACROSS
tration, County Super- Remodeling, Repair, Cove. Great
visor, Trustee for the Insurance claims. looking for receptionist/ apartments &
neighborhood. East 1 Tennis great
United States of Amer- secretary. Previous ex- townhouses. Call for
Columbus Area off Arthur
662−364−1769. perience helpful but not
ica, acting through the more info. 662−328−
Farmers Home Adminis-
Licensed & Bonded. necessary. Computer 8254.
Warpath Rd. 5 Turner and Fey
skills a must. Send 2 Bedrooms, 2 Full
tration, United States General Services 1360 resume to: Baths. Built in 2003, 10 Have the ability
Department of Agricul-
ture, recorded in Deed Box 664, c/o The 1216 sq ft. $129,500. to
HOME MAKEOVER & Commercial Dispatch,
of Trust Book 935 at
ESTATE CLOSEOUT PO Box 511, Columbus,
662−386−3027. 12 Make suitable
page 501 of the re-
cords of the Chancery SERVICES. Generate MS 39703. Houses For Sale: Other 8500 13 Seek safety
Clerk of Lowndes cash from the sale of 15 Id —
County, Mississippi; unwanted items. I will General Help Wanted 3200 RIVER HOME, NICE!
and help organize & coordi− GREAT AREA IN WP. 16 Chiding sound
nate the removal of FIRST CUMBERLAND Across from water with 17 Dr.’s org.
WHEREAS, the United Presbyterian Church
States of America, act-
unwanted furniture &
seeks part-time secret-
access to Tenn−Tom 18 Enter via cracks
clutter from homes. Waterway. 4BR/2BA
ing through the Farm-
Creative makeover
ary to work 4 hours per with 2 acres & large 20 Turn to slush
ers Home Administra- day, M-F. Excellent cler-
tion, United States De- solutions from profess− ical, communication, screened in room. 21 O’Neill forte
partment of Agriculture, ional interior designer and organizational skills $212,000. Call: 662− 22 Howard and
the holder of said Deed required. Strong com- 245−4273 or 662−889
of Trust and Note se-
included for free!
Contact: Weslyn Wood puter and social media −1228. Silver
cured thereby, substi- 214−674−9514. skills imperative includ- 23 Joe of “Good-
tuted J. Tyler Mc- ing experience with Mi- Lots & Acreage 8600
Caughn as Trustee WORK WANTED: crosoft Office products.
therein as authorized by Licensed & Bonded− Applicants should email SUMMER SPECIAL. 25 Ginger cookie DOWN 25 Know-it-all
the terms thereof by in- cover letter and resume
strument dated Febru-
carpentry, painting, &
to fcpcsecretary@
1.75 acre lots. Good/
bad credit. 10% down,
28 Moor plant 1 Field units 26 Science study
ary 20, 2019, and re-
demolition. Landscap−
ing, gutters cleaned, as low as $299/mo. 31 Painter Cassatt 2 Blotto 27 Sports settings
corded in Book MORT
2019, Page 4608, in bush hogging, clean−up Eaton Land. 662−361− 32 Trite 3 Orion, for one 29 Poseidon’s
the office of the work, pressure washing, SERVICE TECHNICIAN 7711. 34 Had supper
Lowndes County Chan- for local pest control 2BR/1BA LOCATED in 4 North Pole worker domain
cery Clerk; and
moving help & furniture
repair. 662−242−3608.
company. Applicant Historic Downtown LOT FOR Sale in 35 Mine rock 5 Diplomatic skill 30 Refuges
must be organized, de- Columbus. 2,000 sqft. Starkville. Will need 36 Cain’s mother
WHEREAS, default hav- CASA CARE SERVICES: pendable, work well with cleared. 818 N. Jackson 6 Wedding words 33 Exams
ing been made in the the public, and have
Offers services such as: good driving record with
Hardwood floors
throughout. Open floor. St. Lot 5, City Block 97.
37 Home run hitters 7 Hogan dweller 35 “Dear me!”
terms and conditions of residential janitorial,
valid driver's license. Very nice. Incl W&D. 662−465−7611, 662− do it 8 Primitive primate 38 Badge metal
said Deeds of Trust and lighting & decorating, $1200/mo. Call 662− 418−9096 or 662−418 40 Prepare for a
the entire debt secured emergency repairs, Drug test required. 9 Sipping aids 39 Phone download
thereby having been de- Apply at 107 Gardner
Blvd. No phone calls.
328−8655. game 11 Serve a sentence
clared to be due and preventative mainten−
payable in accordance ance, moving & FIRST FULL MONTH
Boats & Marine 9250 41 Wasn’t thrifty 14 Get beached
with the terms in said shipping assistance & OFFICE WORKER, Part RENT FREE! 1 & 2 2013 TAHOE 195 42 Like some 19 Abner’s father
Deeds of Trust and the pressure washing. Time, at least 21 yrs Bedroom Apts/ questions
legal holder of said in- 662−549−1878. old. High school gradu- Townhomes. Stove &
DECKBOAT. V8 engine
20 Musical chord
debtedness, the United ate. Must pass drug refrigerator. $335−
w/ low hours. Runs 43 Go by 24 Stars
States of America, act- RETAINER WALL, screen & background great. Ready to hit the
$600 Monthly. Credit water. Located in
ing through the Farm- driveway, foundation, check. Must be profi-
ers Home Administra- check & deposit.
concrete, masonry cient in Microsoft applic- Starkville. Call or text
tion, United States De- restoration, remodeling, ations; Outlook, Word & Coleman Realty, 662− 662−341−0374.
partment of Agriculture, basement foundation, Excel. Approx 18 hours 329−2323.
having requested the or more per week, Mon- Autos For Sale 9150
undersigned, as Substi- repairs, small dump Fri. Customer service is FISHERMAN’S DREAM
tuted Trustee, to ex- truck hauling (5−6 yd) key with strong commu- 2015 CHEVY IMPALA
3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath,
ecute the trust and sell load & demolition/lot nication skills & the furnished apartment on Blk, 4dr, 6cyl, 82k mi,
said land and property cleaning. Burr Masonry, ability to multitask.
the Elk River. Boat showroom clean, local
in accordance with the 662−242−0259. Apply in person at owner, $10,200. See @
terms of said Deed of access. $79 per night.
1771 Stinson Creek Rd. 59 Amanda Dr. in New
Trust for the purpose of HILL’S PRESSURE Columbus, MS 39705. Rogersville Al. Call Tracy
Hope Park Subdivision
raising the sums due WASHING. Commercial/ Office: 662-434-0171 931−205−0471.
off of Yorkville Rd. E.
thereunder, together residential. House, 662−327−3081.
with attorney's fees, concrete, sidewalks & Medical / Dental 3300
Substituted Trustee's
fees and expenses of
mobile washing. Free
est. 662−386−8925. HELP WANTED RENTALS Five Questions:
M-F, 8A-4:30P 2 BEDROOMS
Substituted Trustee in CLEANING SERVICE, LPN 3P-11P
said Deeds of Trust,
will, on the 17th day of INC. CNA 6A-2P 3 BEDROOMS
Call Shirley @ 662−549 CNA 2P-10P
May, 2019, offer for
LEASE, 2 Rorschach
Apply in person at
© The Dispatch

sale and will sell at pub- −2087. Free estimate. Care Center
lic outcry to the highest No job to big or small.
bidder for cash, within
505 Jackson St, DEPOSIT
Lawn Care / Landscaping AND
legal hours (being EOE
between the hours of 1470
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 CREDIT CHECK
p.m.) at the main front TERRA CARE Truck Driving 3700
door of the Lowndes
County Courthouse in
Columbus, Mississippi, Phone: 662−549−1878 driver w/ Class A Li-
the following described Landscaping, Property cense needed to haul
property lying and being Clean Up, Plant Care, scrap metal & flat cars. 2411 HWY 45 N
situated in the County Bush Hogging, Herbicide Call 662-434-0007 or COLUMBUS, MS
of Lowndes State of
Mississippi, to-wit:
Spraying. 662-364-6303. mia Log cabin

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