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Differentiate between legal and general counselling

Ans. Legal counselling and general-counselling are two separate terms that should be used with
difference. They are certainly not the words that have the same meanings. Legal counselling is
the advice given on legal matters or matters related to law and its proceedings. It is important to
know that legal counselling is given by lawyers or advocates who are in need of help regarding
matters of dispute, controversy and the like.

Legal counselling is given as part of law suits or cases pending on the defendant. Plaintiffs also
get legal counselling from their lawyers in matters relating to the case. They are advised as to
how to proceed with the case. Legal counselling is given in the professional mode. In other
words it can be said that legal counselling is looked upon as a part of the profession of a lawyer.
It is quite natural that a lawyer is paid fees for imparting legal counselling to his client.

General counselling on the other hand is counsel or advice given on matters related to general
interest such as education, job placement, career building and the like. It is of two types, namely,
the professional and the service-oriented. In the professional type of general counselling the
practitioner collects fees for guiding a student or a person as to how to build a career, secure a
job overseas or plan for higher studies. General counselling also aims at solving problems of the
people related to psychology such as anxiety, depression, anger, stress, lack of self-confidence,
conflict between couples and the like.

General counseling Legal counseling

1-The counselor tries to make balance between the 1.-Legalcounselor is objective and subjectivity is
subjective viewpoint of the client and the objectivity almost nonexistent in legal counseling. The legal
of the situation. counselor works on facts.
2- The purpose of general counseling is to 2-The purpose of Legal counselor is to protect law
develop positive attitude in the subject. The and order in the society. The legal counselor gives
relationship between the client and the counselor is advice according to the law to the client. It is more
very important. The client comes to the counselor important for the legal advisor to protect the client
for help as he is not able to handle the depression according to the law rather than building
alone. relationship with the client.

3.The center of legal counseling is society. He is

focused on maintaining law and order in the society
3-the center of the client is general counseling is a and he tries his best so that the belief of people in
person or small group. The counselor spends all his law and order is not reduced.
time on the welfare of a person so that he can come
out of depression and work to his full potential. 4. The advice given by the counselor is related to
4. The patient may take the advice of the counselor the provisions of the constitution. The client may
or may not .The counselor cannot punish him for not be punished if he does not follow the advice given
following his advice. by the counselor.
5-The relationship between the counselor and the 5- The relationship of the counselor and client is
client is established according to the principles of established in accordance with law and if it is
counseling .It can range from very close to very ignored legal action can be taken and penalty may
professional. Sometimes the counseling session lasts be charged.
long and the person develops emotional bonding
with the counselor.
6. The client is not forced to follow the advice of the

6. The client is forced to take the advice of the


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