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Kelly Komnick

ECD 131
Field Work #2
• We started out with my Billy Goats Gruff fingerplay
• A participated in fingerplay moving his fingers along like mine when I showed him how
• Next I pulled out my book and started going over the read aloud planner
• I said “What do you do with a book?”
• A answered with “Read!”
• I said “What do you call the front of the book?”
• A answered with “Title”
• E noticed there was a B on the front cover and goes “B!”
• He turned the page and noticed there was an owl and said “Look an Owl!”
• A told he he wanted to turn the pages
• I started reading the book
• A said “Look it's snowing! I've seen snow before”
• I said “Yes I noticed the snow too, I remember when it snowed here.”
• A noticed they were eating thorny bushes and asked “why are they eating bushes”
• We got to a page where the Billy Goat said if the troll ate him his teeth would fall out
• A said “his teeth did fall out” as he points to the troll only having two teeth
• A notices the rocks on the bridge and says “Look there are his teeth, on the bridge”
• I said “Yes those could be his teeth, I didn't even notice that”
• A says “the troll has stinky breath”
• A says “The troll is big and ugly and stupid”
• I said “Oh yes the troll and big and mean, he’s just hungry”
• We move onto the felt pieces
• A recognized the characters as being from the book
• I asked A to recreate the story with the felt pieces
• A told me the “Big one was his favorite so that one went over first”
• I told A I think the small one went over first and we should check the book
• A used the book as a reference when placing the goats over the bridge
• We moved onto my puppets
• At this point A knew the story more and successfully put the smallest one over first
• A had me hold the troll while he took the big billy goat knocked him off the bridge
• We moved onto the true false cards
• I would read the card to A and would ask him was that true(Smiley face) or did that not
happen(false with the sad face)
• He correctly remembered each thing that happened and placed them on the correct
• I read the card that stated the goat knocked the wolf off the bridge
• A laughed and said “there is no wolf in our story there’s one in hers though” Points to my
classmate’s story book
• A then wanted to play with the felt again so we took out the felt and he played with them
standing up right
• A took the troll and said “who's that on my bridge” over and over
• A then took everything out of my bag yelling “FISH FISH where's the water?”


• A using fine motor skills and book
concepts to turn the pages of the
book once all the words were read
on that page.

• A retelling the story using the puppets

I provided which is a part of
comprehension. With this he showed
an understanding of the book and
the order of how the Billy Goats went

• A using the true false cards to show

his understanding of the text. A also
using his fine motor skills to place the
true and false cards onto the

• A's completed true false cards, he

got everyone correct, needed some
help reading the words but some he
could tell by the picture they were
false. Using these he showed his
understanding of the text.
Assessing Concepts of Books and Comprehension of Text

Child’s Name __________________A****________________________ Date _3/12/2018_____

Book Title ________________The Three Billy Goats Gruff__________________________________

Yes No
Concepts of Books
Knows a book is for reading X
Can identify the front, back, top, and bottom of a book X
Can turn the pages properly X
Knows the difference between the print and the pictures X
Knows pictures are related to what the print says on a page X
Knows where to begin reading X
Knows what a title is X
Knows what an author is X
Knows what an illustrator is X
Comprehension of Text
Uses prior knowledge or experience to comprehend X
Participates in story reading by attending, asking questions, X
making comments
Makes connections by relating elements of the story to own X
Makes predictions by imagining what will come next X
Retells stories X
Includes story structure elements in story retelling X
Setting X
Theme X
Plot episodes X
Problem/Resolution X

• Record the title of the book read in italics with proper capitalization. Evaluate the book and
materials you used. Was the book appropriate? Explain why or why not giving specific
examples. Were the materials helpful? Explain why or why not giving specific examples.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The book was an appropriate length with strong pictures to support text. The pictures are
vivid and have a kid friendly animation. Word length on each page was appropriate and
kept the child's attention. The words on the page were big enough for the child to
recognize some of the letters on the page.

• Record the retelling props used. Evaluate the materials you used. Were materials
appropriate? Explain why or why not giving specific examples. Were the materials helpful?
Explain why or why not giving specific examples.
Felt pieces, true false cards, puppets
Felt pieces- They resembled the book illustrations pretty well and were big enough so they
were easy to see and manipulate. He used them properly to retell the story. He used them
more as a 3d object rather than something that sticks to a board. Next time I might try to
stand my board up to show the children that the felt sticks and can be moved and
manipulated that way.
True false cards- they were large and showed strong picture to text relation. They helped
him in understanding what happened in the book. Even though I had to read the cards to
him he could have understood it just by the illustrations.
Puppets- They matched the book illustrations so the child was easily able to use them to
retell the story so they were helpful. They fit in his hand since they were on large popsicle
sticks. Next time I would try to make a puppet bridge that can stand on his own because
you only have two hands and he couldn't hold the bridge troll and goat at the same time

• Evaluate your performance during reading and retelling. What did you do well and why do
you think so? What would you change if you were to do this again and why would you
make these changes?
I had read that particular story about a dozen times, it was my daughters bedtime story
choice for about two weeks. That helped me master the words in the book and be able to
read it in a fun emphasizing way. I would get closer to him and be more on his level, he
seemed to get a little distracted because I was a little far away and it was hard to hear
with all the other noises around him.

• What did you observe about the child’s comprehension of the book? Give specific
examples and identify specific concepts.
I noticed that after reading the book once he comprehended some aspects of the book,
he needed little help and to go back to the book to fully comprehend the rest of the book
so he could successfully retell it using the felt, and puppets. He fully understood that the
text on the page matched the pictures, and could tell the story just from looking at the

• What did you observe about the child’s knowledge of book concepts? Give specific
examples and identify specific concepts.
He understood that the front of the book contains the title and that you read a book and
that they are called storybooks. He also understood that once all the words on a page are
read you get to turn the pages. He understood that the back of a book was called the
back, he could decipher the front from the back.

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