News Letter of July 08

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Dear Friends,

March – June 08

The Reality of urgency

Almost everyday, there is bomb blast in Pakistan and people die without the gospel. Every human
being has a right to hear the gospel at least once in a life time and we are committed to make it
possible. In spite of fear in the country it is amazing to see thousands of people coming to hear the
powerful message of the gospel and have responded to it.
Crusade report: In March and April, we had 2 big mass Crusade. The Lord poured out His spirit in an

amazing way. Over 10 thousand people gave their hearts to Jesus and tons of people were supernaturally
touched by our Lord Jesus as the the river of the healing of the Lord was flowing in the meetings. Our
media people have recorded many testimonies that young people shared with their friends. One said, that
after the Crusade, he has no desire for taking drugs. Drugs dealers were under the conviction of the Holy
Spirit and left this business. Many had some other kind of addiction for years and Jesus broke it down and
set them free.
Experience of divine protection: The Lord protected my wife and Pakistan outreach team
miraculously from the suicide bombing that was very close them. Subsequently, again the Lord protected
me and the team. The guest house we were suppose to reside was terribly devastated and 2 of the workers
of their workers were killed in the suicide bombing.
Weather miracle: Our Lord controls all the weather situation. Winter monsoon set in and it continued
for over 3 weeks time. The weather forecast from all news agencies during Crusade week was that there
will be heavy rain all over the country. I called my German friends and told the situation and asked them to
join us in prayer. Some member of our Crusade team were quite discouraged. But we had God' peace in our
heart. Amazingly, on the first day of the Crusade it rained in the morning and all our stuff, like carpets, light
system, tents, knats were damaged. But in the afternoon there was bright sunlight. It rained in different parts
of Pakistan during the week but in this city there was no rain at all. Thank you Jesus! This has build the
faith of the team even stronger and they are much stronger in the Lord than ever before. This is the part of
our ministry to mentor young people in and outside Pakistan.
New Church Planting: It was amazing to see new churches
that has been planted after the Crusade. The team was richly
blessed to see the quality of God' work going on among them. It
was a joy to hear great testimonies that the Lord is using 5
months believers with the healing ministry in the village. There
are some heart touching and faith building testimonies.
Identity Changed: The city we were having our last Crusade,
was known as drugs trafficking city. After the Crusade the
identity was changed, people started calling this city as a city of
healing and evangelistic meetings. Jesus was the talk of the town.
In the hotel where organizing team was staying, Muslims were brining their sick in their room and were
begging them to pray for them.
Unity of the existing Churches: During the leaders meeting, I was told that this is the first time all
church leaders have come together for evangelizing of the region. That was encouraging to know that. This
is the primary vision of our ministry to build the the unity of the body of Christ.
FGA Church: The Lord is doing amazing things in our local church in Pakistan. On the 18 th May 90 men
and women were baptized in the water. On the same day, in a prayer meeting 42 people out of them got filled
with the Holy Spirit. We thank God for the fresh move of the Holy Spirit in the Church.
YWAM in Pakistan: You will be glad to know that YWAM in Pakistan has been registered by the
government of Pakistan. We are working on the next steps of forming a team and raising financial and prayer
support for the base.
Family: Sonia has decided to staff autumn DTS. She is also preparing inner healing teaching to
contextualize in Pakistan. Whenever the Lord open up the door for that, she wants to go for this course.
Deborah had a very good result from the school and has got an admission in Löbau Gymnasium. Haniel and
Daniel have been promoted in the next grade. We continue to face financial challenge both for our house
rent and transportation of our kids to school. We desperately need financial help in these area. We will
appreciate your prayers and assistance in this matter.

Our partners are very dear and near to our hearts and we regularly pray for them. Thanks a
lot for your partnership in the ministry and the work in Pakistan.

God bless you

REV. Khalid & Sonia Shaheen

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