Value Paper Assignment Comm 1270

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Melissa Johnson

Scott Pierce

Communications 1270

Tuesday, April 17, 2019

Value Paper Assignment

Get the Vaccine, not the Flu.

Vaccinations today are easily accessible and not an exceptionally rare commodity as it once

was in the early 19th century. Every pharmacy or walk in clinic, or grocery store can perform

vaccinations and immunizations. Even with all this availability people are hesitant to get flu

vaccinations. One reason why is because of the popular belief that the vaccine gives you the flu. It

has become a common social trend among parents to believe that certain vaccinations cause

autism. Various studies have shown that this is not true. That there is no empirical evidence to

support this claim that the belief is based off strictly emotional support by conspiracy theorists. A

vaccination is a biological preparation against a disease or flu that does contain an inactivated virus

but cannot transmit infection. Its intended goal is to assist antibodies in immune system to fight of

a virus internally. There are many flu viruses that are constantly changing and mutating and coming

back such as Measles, Mumps, influenza among others therefore, it is imperative that everyone

should take advantage of the opportunities that are available to them to receive a flu vaccination.

It is the single most effective and least expensive precaution in order to avoid catching and

spreading the flu. Taking precautions in order to prevent the flu is as important today as; freedom

of responsibility and freedom of health. My intended goal is to convey necessary information about

these potential risks so that many who willfully choose to not vaccinate will reconsider or think

differently about this subject.

People should get vaccinations regularly on a yearly basis. Due to the high risk of

developing serious flu related complications yourself, or because we live with or care for high risk

people who are most vulnerable to the effects the flu can have, the CDC recommends that people

revaccinate yearly to prepare your immune system for the possible flu strains that will be

prominent during the year. These vulnerable people who are at risk are; children 6 months and

older, pregnant women, the elderly or people of any age who are diagnosed with a chronic

condition such as asthma or diabetes. By taking precautions, it can ensure a sense of family security

within our own households and help protect the younger generation form harmful illness within

their community. The State Vaccination Requirements in public schools, are a very good example

of why people should vaccinate regularly. For children who enter preschool known as the Public

Health Law Program, more than 85% of children in the united states received one dose of measles

vaccine before the age of one. During 2000–2017, measles vaccination prevented an estimated

21.1 million deaths. Global measles deaths have decreased by 80% from an estimated 545,000 in

2000 to 110,000 in 2017. (Bernstein, 2017). People who get vaccines on a regular yearly basis,

have less of a risk of getting the flu when the outbreaks of influenza and measles become

prominent. "These outbreaks are a clear sign we have to do more to address vaccine hesitancy and

make sure parents have the facts they need to understand the science:” says Senator Patty Murray,

a member of the democratic health, Education, and Labor Committee; “vaccines are safe,

effective, and life-saving. Parents across the country want to do what is best for their families to

keep them safe which is why they need to be armed with knowledge about the importance of

vaccination."(Murray, 2019) the importance of vaccinations are their ability to assist the human

body. When bacteria or viruses enter the body, immune cells called lymphocytes respond by

producing antibodies, which are protein molecules. These antibodies fight the invader known as

an antigen and protect against further infection. Immunizations are what prepare the antibodies to

fight diseases without exposing it to the disease symptoms. (biol 1010) What is also important is

that a flu shot is not only as good as the educated guesses of scientists across the globe to predict

which flu strains will be prominent the coming year, it takes many years of research, testing and

development of a vaccine before it is approved by the FDA Federal food and drug administration.

These scientists are professionals like pediatricians and home health practitioners. These doctors

are the people who most counter vaccine hesitancy and promote vaccinations. The vaccine can

reduce the chances of getting the flu by 70 to 90 percent in healthy adults. (Ellis, 2015) by getting

the vaccination yearly, it can have a tremendous impact upon yourself your family and your overall

value of life.

Neutralized viruses are coming back and people are at high risk. Although the measles has

said to be a virus eliminated back in 2000, the CDC has recovered several outbreaks of measles

are now mutating and are coming back. As of April, 4 2019, six measles outbreaks in Arizona,

California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, New

Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Texas and Washington. Total in 387 individual cases.

to contain an outbreak of measles that began in October, Rockland County, New York, banned

unvaccinated employees and students from public schools. Stating that students who have not

revived the MMR measles-mumps-rubella vaccine will not be allowed to attend school or school

activities. Students may return to school if they obtain the vaccine and can provide documentation

of it. This is effective until May 5 at the earliest. There are some students who have been barred

from school for weeks due to unvaccination. More locally, on April 16, 2019. Sanpete county,

Utah, have reported at least two mumps outbreaks in public schools and Utah has taken similar

measures to make sure that public schools aren’t becoming a breeding ground for Measles.

According to the Central Utah Public Health Department, these health officials urge residents to

be aware of the vaccination status amongst people within their households and to get the vaccine

above all else. They assure us that; the measles vaccine, known as the MMR, is very effective.

One dose is about 93% effective at preventing measles if you meet the virus. “an ounce of

prevention is worth a pound of cure” says Health Department official, prevention isn’t just more

effective at keeping families and communities healthy, its more affordable too. One dose of the

MMR vaccine is approximately twenty dollars whereas the state of Washington has spent millions

in flu treatments. (Murray, 2019) Is true that Pharmaceutical companies are under no moral code

requiring them to produce affordable medications. The medical premiums for flu treatments alone

are outrageous getting the vaccine is the best way to prevent such conditions.

Vaccines do not cause autism. The widely known popular theory that vaccines that contain

thimerosal a mercury compound, cause autism amongst children. Mercury is harmful to the brain

and kidneys at high levels. Doctors used thimerosal to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi in

vaccines. There was no evidence that the small amount used in the medicines caused harm. This

controversy originated in 1998 after a respected medical journal called the Lancelot published an

article by British researcher Dr. Andrew Wakefield who connected the measles, mumps, and

rubella vaccine to autism. Claiming that the mercury-based additives in vaccines had long term

affects over time which led to autism. this anti vaccination movement did launch a large social

trend supported by many celebrities such as jenny McCarthy, Jim Carrey, Donald trump, and

Robert Kennedy. They used their global influence to urge people to stop vaccinating their children

and the MMR vaccine took a large plummet because people chose not to take them. Dr. Andrew

Wakefield’s study was found to be fraudulent and not credible. The Lancelot medical journal had

discovered that Wakefield’s study had been funded by attorneys of parents who had had brought

litigation lawsuits against vaccine companies at an attempt to adhere to an expert testimony to help

solidify their claims of vaccine injury. In 2010, the journal was retracted from the paper and

Wakefield was stripped of his medical license by the UK medical registration for unethical

behavior and misconduct. So, what is autism? According to Autism Speaks, it is considered a broad

spectrum of brain disorders with a multitude of causes. Autistic people can have trouble with social

interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive disorders. The belief that vaccines

are linked to autism has no empirical evidence to support this theory the only evidence is based

off emotional support from individuals who claim vaccination injury. These conspiracy theorists

instead like to point the blame at vaccination manufacturers for possible coincidences that perhaps

children have been diagnosed autistic after the MMR shot was administered. Karen Remley,

executive director of the AAP, claims that; “Vaccines are linked to autism or are unsafe, have been

disproved by a robust body of medical literature, it is dangerous to public health to suggest

otherwise.” (Phillip, 2017) Still, people should adhere to the knowledge of the roles social media

and online misinformation can have on the general public. Vaccines do not cause autism. The fact

of the matter still stands should one foolishly decide against vaccination they are exposing a child

to several life-threatening diseases.

There are many other reasons why people willfully choose not to vaccinate other than the

controversy of MMR and autism. Such as religious practices and personnel experiences who claim

that the vaccine got them sick in general. In 2013, there were many measles outbreaks in Ohio

amongst the Amish communities who do not believe in the use of modern technology or medicine.

Another example of refusing vaccinations for religious practices were in in the beginning of

October 2013, at St Joseph Hospital in Pennsylvania. The hospital required its employees to get

mandatory flu shots there were six employees who were fired due to their religious beliefs. There

are people who claim medical exemptions to refusing vaccinations. Cancer remission patience, or

high-risk people who get allergic reactions from ingredients Within the vaccine itself. Vaccination

ingredients however do contain many additives which can give side effects to individuals such as

low-grade fever, muscle aches nothing that cannot take longer than 2 days to fully recover from.

Vaccines can take up to 1-2 weeks for gustation to become completely effective so you can still

get the flu during this period. It is not recommended that you get a flu vaccination while already

diagnosed with a benign cold because the vaccination could mutate and really make you ill. Either

way, unless in the case of a medical exemption may occur, everyone else should participate in the

precaution of getting vaccinations.

A possible solution to combating vaccination hesitancy would be all employers and school

districts have mandatory vaccination laws that prevent people from participating in public

activities if they do not have necessary vaccines similarly to laws for employees who work at

hospitals. If people would adhere about the importance of getting the flu vaccination and

immunizations, there would be less of a risk of flu outbreaks. Possible issues with proposition: a

problem solution about setting these requirements, would be that small businesses and corporations

would suffer from production without their employees because of something so admissible and

inconsequential to them as flu vaccinations. If employers offer free immunizations to their

employees, it would cost businesses greatly in health reform. However, it would create safe and

healthier environments for people within their communities.


In closing, I believe this argument is preferable because the possible risks of obtaining the

flu without the precaution of the flu vaccine are extremely prominent today as they were in the

early 19th century. However, Modern medicine has developed extensive anecdotal remedies so that

we can combat viral illnesses effectively and properly. Do not take them for granted! Get the flu

vaccine. People do not die from the flu itself however, they can from the health effects they may

cause. By allowing our children to get the flu vaccine, you are freeing them from the risk of health-

related complications. We are granting ourselves the freedom of health, responsibility, and self-

respect. If we could diminish the risk of one virus, that means the CDC is one virus closer to

eliminating it off the face of the earth. The irony is that not everyone will choose to vaccinate

however, we can lessen the risks if these viruses have less of an effect on us as human beings.

Works Cited

Orlando Sentinel. Flu shots are readily available, so why don't more people get them? (2016,

Sep 25). Retrieved from https://search-proquest-

Phillip, A., Sun, L. H. & Bernstein, L. (2017). Vaccine skeptic robert kennedy jr. says trump asked him

to lead commission on 'vaccine safety'. https://search-proquest-

Hudson, R. (2019, Jan 29). Vaccines Don’t cause autism. Standard - SpeakerRetrieved from

Sen. murray stresses need to build vaccine confidence, educate people about how vaccines are safe,

effective and life-saving. (2019, Mar 05). Targeted News Service Retrieved from https://search-

Ellis, G. (2015, Oct 13). Annual flu season back again. Philadelphia TribuneRetrieved from

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