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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan

Name: Sarah Scott Lesson Title: Parts of Buildings Fun!

Date: 3/18/2019 Grade Level: Pre-K Circle one: ECE PKSN
Standard(s)/Guideline(s): 1. Demonstrate understanding that symbols carry meaning (Cognitive). 2. Demonstrate ability to solve everyday problems
based on past experiences (Cognitive). 3. Engage in inventive social play (Creativity Approaches Toward Learning).
Pre-assessment of current knowledge:
- Kindergarten Entry Skills Checklist.
- ACCESS Implementation Guide.
- Look at data the teacher collected from her lessons on buildings.

Instructional Objectives (1-2) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

One/Two Assessed Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as
Instructional Objective(s): The data to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) Academic Language: Floor, Ceiling, roof, door,
student will be able to... and skill?) window, wall, light, fan, wallpaper.
1. Identify the parts of a - I will take pictures of the students using
building. different types of building materials to explore Procedural steps:
2. Put various parts of the different parts of the buildings. - To start the investigation and get the students’
buildings together in - I will keep the bingo cards as evidence of them attention, I will read a story about different parts
order to construct a learning about the different parts of buildings of buildings.
building of their own. and the different building materials. - I will then call upon each student individually
and ask them what station they want to go to
- Students will have the option of investigating 3
different stations.
- Each station will have 3 students allowed at a
- Station 1 will be pictures of buildings where the
students will identify the different parts of
- Station 2 will be building materials (Hammers,
One Assessed Developmental Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or Nails, Screwdrivers, Hard hats, Goggles). At this
Skill: compile your evidence into a class or group view?) station the students will be able to investigate the
- Identify parts of - Kindergarten Entry skills check list. different building materials and identify them.
buildings. - I will create a chart or graph that shows what Then they will be able to put the different
the students learned from the investigation. materials together to make a building. This will
allow them to engage in inventive social play.
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Plan

Safety Considerations: - Station 3 will be parts of buildings bingo. The

bingo cards will have all the different building
- Need safety goggles and materials and parts of buildings instead of
hard hats. numbers. The parts and building materials will
correspond to the BINGO letters.
Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life,
hands-on materials.)
- Hammers, nails, screwdrivers, hard hats,
goggles, wood, brick, popsicle sticks, glue, and
construction paper.

Adult Roles:
- I will be facilitating.
- My partner will be taking notes on my
facilitating and taking pictures of the students
engaging in the investigation.
- The teachers in the room will get the students
who wander from the investigation back to the
- The teachers in the room will also help by
making sure that only 3 students are at each
station at a time.
- There will be 1 teacher sitting and observing at
each table to ensure the students stay on task and
they use the materials safely.

Resources & References:

- The Kindergarten Skills checklist.

- The ACCESS Implementation Guide.
- The data the teacher collected from her own lessons on buildings.
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Plan

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)

The lesson went better than I expected. It was challenging in the sense that I have never done a lesson plan with IS students. I am not saying

they are any harder to teach than a general ECE class. It is just harder to keep them involved in a lesson for a certain amount of time. During my

lesson, I had 3 centers set up for the students. One center was books and pictures of buildings and the parts of buildings. Also in this center, there was

parts of building BINGO. Another center was building tools, safety goggles, and hard hats. Some of the building tools were hammers, nails,

screwdrivers, tape measurer, and cork board to use for hammering the nails. The last center was composed of plastic cups, straws, popsicle sticks, a

carpet square, and brick. So the whole lesson was small group time and I had the students rotate during a 30 minute period so all of them could get a

turn at each center. I feel like the students learned a good deal from the lesson. I had 4 kids out of 13 that did not participate. Two of the students were

absent and the other two were having a hard day and just needed quiet time away from the rest of the students. I learned a lot from teaching this

lesson. My cooperating teacher gave me some constructive criticism and feedback. She said she felt the kids enjoyed exploring all the materials but

she said they were very squirmy and kind of all over the place. It also didn’t help the students focus because we had butterflies hatching and so all the

students wanted to be over by the butterfly net to see that. The teacher also made a big deal about the butterflies so I think the students were just

distracted ever since they walked into the room that day. If I were to teach this lesson again, I would have taught the lesson sooner because the

students have moved on from their building unit and are now learning about insects. I would also do some large group activities such as reading a

story and doing the BINGO as a whole group. I feel like only having small groups kind of left the kids feeling like they didn’t know for sure where

they were supposed to be at different times. So maybe next time, I will provide more clearer directions. This was a good experience for me to see

what teaching a lesson to IS students is like because it was my first time.

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