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FS Data Selection and Filtering Criteria

The following budget type details for these projects would be considered:

a. Approved Cost Budget

b. Approved Revenue Budget

c. Approved Cost Forecast

Only the latest and the original approved version of the Cost and Revenue Budgets should be
extracted for conversion.

Changes Req: 1

As on February 11 it was changed as below :

Will be converted at the appropriate, project, top task or lowest task level.

We will create the three most used resource lists/RBS in R12 –

F_FED_COST, F_FED_HRS, E&C Cost – and create any mappings that may be needed.

For projects or tasks that have a resource list in 11i that has not been created

in R12, we will summarize the costs to the project, top task or lowest task level

(with no resources).

Change Req : 2

As on Feb 15 It was modified as follow

11i OU Budget Type Budget Entry Method List
CDM Inc. Approved Revenue Task Category REV_CATEG
CDM Inc. Approved Cost Task Category EXP_CATEG
CDM Federal
Programs Approved Revenue PA_PROJLVL_BASELINE None
CDM Federal
Programs Approved Revenue PA_TASKLVL_BASELINE None

11i Financial Plans

11i OU Plan Type PRL
CDM Federal FSG Project Budget -
Programs Cost F_FED_COST
CDM Constructors
Inc. Contract Value None
CDM Constructors
Inc. Current Budget E&C Cost
CDM Constructors
Inc. ECAC E&C Cost
CCI JV OU Current Budget E&C Cost
CCI JV OU Contract Value None
Change Req : 3

Quantity cannot be passed for this budget type - process those records without the quantity.

Change Reg :4

Resource is invalid – Given cross ref for the same to process the records

Reason: 5

Old module budget extraction failed to extract all the records

Reason: 6

Original budget & Baseline could not be achieved as agreement and funding conversion take places
before the budget conversion

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