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Linden, Sander van der. “The Science Behind Dreaming.

” Scientific American, 26 July


In this article by Scientific American, it discusses the reasons why dreams occur. It also
discusses the purposes behind dreams and what they most likely happen for. It discusses several
theories according to professionals in this field. It also talks about the science behind dreams and
all the counterparts that enables dreaming. It also discusses an experiment that was conducted on
65 students.
This source is credible due to the fact that it is a popular science magazine. They post
many articles and blogs about all things science. Also in the article it includes many studies done
by colleges. These studies include data that can be supported. The author of this article is also a
doctoral researcher in this field.
This article will be used in my paper for statistics. I will use the studies done and
explained throughout the article to back up my thoughts and conclusions drawn about my topic.
Also I can use some of the background information talked about in the first part of the article to
explain my topic.

Schredl, Michael, et al. “Measuring Attitude toward Lucid Dreams: A Six-Item

Scale.” Dreaming, vol. 29, no. 1, Mar. 2019, pp. 91–99. EBSCOhost,

In this article it discusses a certain type of dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a type of

dreaming that is not common. In this article it discusses statistics of lucid dreaming and a study
done on it. It discusses the procedure and results that came from this study.
This source is credible because it comes from the library database. It also has plenty of
data that supports their claims. This article also includes charts and the data collected to validate
all the claims. This article also includes background information on the topic that was researched
This article will be used to explain one method or subtopic of my main topic. I can use all
the data that was collected and use it for evidence. I also plan to use the descriptions that talk
about lucid dreaming and information that many people might not know.

“Dreams - What They Mean and Psychology behind Them – American Sleep
Association.” American Sleep Association,

In this article by the American Sleep Association it discusses basic information on

dreams. It has different paragraphs that talk about different parts of the science behind our
dreams and how people experience dreams differently. It includes the history of dreaming and
today’s explanation of dreams.
This source is credible because it comes from a .org website. This website is an
association that is credible because they are a leader in this field. They also have several other
links on the website that have additional information on dreams and different factors on
This article will be used throughout my paper in different areas. It has good information
on many topics that I plan on discussing throughout my research paper. This information will lay
the foundation for most of my paragraphs and introduce more complex topics that are associated
with my topic.

Atherton, Sam. “Do People Actually Believe Dreams Mean Something To Us?” The Sleep
Matters Club, The Sleep Matters Club, 13 Mar. 2017,

This article talks about the meanings behind dreams and the different elements that mean
different stuff. There is an interview that is with a professional dream analyst and she talks about
the science behind dreams and history of the study.
This source is credible because it interviews a professional in the field. It is also credible
because it includes statistics. The professional also discusses the science behind why we
remember dreams and the different stages of dreaming.
I will use this information to explain the different stages of dreaming and the steps to
each of them. I will also use the information that the professional used about the science of
dreams and the significance of each element. This information can help me give me ideas of how
I am going to convey my message to the reader.

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