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Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, Vol. 38, No. 8, 2002, pp. 919–926. From Elektrokhimiya, Vol. 38, No.

8, 2002, pp. 1026–1033.

Original English Text Copyright © 2002 by Pourcelly.

Electrodialysis with Bipolar Membranes: Principles,

Optimization, and Applications*
G. Pourcelly
Institut European des Membranes, Universite Montpellier 2, CC 047, Place Eugene Bataillon,
34095, Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Received March 15, 2001

Abstract—This paper is an overview of the bipolar membrane technology. The process of electrodialysis with
bipolar membrane (EDBM) along with the different EDBM process configurations are presented. Some ways
of optimization of both the bipolar membranes and the EDBM technology are envisaged. Most of the applica-
tions relate to the production or recovery of organic acids while the first plant has been commissioned by 1986
at Washington Steel (USA) for the recovery of HF/HNO3 from waste pickling liquors. In the last few years,
there has been increasing interest in using bipolar electrodialysis stacks in chemical and agro industrial pro-
cesses to directly acidify or basify process streams without the addition of chemicals. This attractive feature of
this technology has contributed to the implementation of several plants in fermentation process for the produc-
tion of organic and amino acids.

INTRODUCTION region. According to the authors, the main force for the
enhanced water dissociation is a reversible protonation
The conventional method for generating ç+ and and deprotonation of the functional groups of the ion-
éç– ions from water utilizes electrolysis. Electrolysis exchange membranes, especially of the tertiary amino
also generates é2 and ç2, and the overvoltage for this groups B of the anion-exchange layer according to (2)
generation consumes about half the electrical energy of and (3). The thickness of the transition region where the
the process. Nowadays, special ion-exchange mem- water dissociation takes place is less than 10 nm [2]
branes are available for splitting water directly into ç+
and éH– ions without generating gases. Membrane 2H2O H3O+ + OH–, (1)
water splitting technology is a general purpose unit
operation for converting water soluble salts to their cor- B + H2O BH+ + OH–, (2)
responding acids and bases. The process uses bipolar
membranes (BPM) in conjunction with conventional BH+ + H2O B + H3O+. (3)
cation- and/or anion-exchange membranes (CEM and
AEM, respectively). The separation and rearrangement Note that BPM can be used not only for the dissoci-
of ions is effected by a direct current driving force. The ation of water but also for the splitting of other self-dis-
BPM electrodialysis (EDBM) is therefore an alterna- sociating liquids like methanol.
tive method to electrolysis for the generation of ç+ and The application of BPM reduces the energy costs
éç– ions which can be used to generate acid and base associated with electrode polarization in the more con-
from salts without the production of oxygen and hydro- ventional electrolytic approach. The theoretical poten-
gen gases. tial to achieve the water splitting capability is 0.83 V at
25°ë. The actual potential drop across a BPM is quite
close to this being in the range of 0.9–1.1 V for current
PRINCIPLES densities between 500 and 1500 A/m2, which is the
The principle of water splitting by a BPM is illus- region of practical interest. The value of the membrane
trated in Fig. 1. The diffusion of water from both sides potential drops equate to theoretical energy consump-
of the BPM allows its dissociation under the electrical tion on the order of 600–700 kW h/ton of Noah. Of
field to generate protons and hydroxyl ions which fur- course, the actual energy consumptions are signifi-
ther migrate from the junction layer through the cation- cantly higher because of the ohmic resistances in the
and anion-exchange layers of BPM. As described in other cell stack components in practical operating units.
[1], the water dissociation in BPM (1) is accelerated up One classical application of BPM is the production
to 50 million times compared to the rate of water disso- of an acid (HX) and a base (MOH) from a salt (MX)
ciation in aqueous solutions. This acceleration is influ- through the reaction
enced by the strong electric field across the transition MX + H2O HX + MOH. (4)
*This article was submitted by the author in English. The basic configuration is illustrated by Fig. 2.

1023-1935/02/3808-0919$27.00 © 2002 åÄIä “Nauka /Interperiodica”


Cation selective layer Anion selective layer

Transition region

H+ OH –

– +

Cathode Anode

Bipolar membrane (BPM)

Fig. 1. Water splitting in a bipolar membrane.

Feed (salt solution) MX

Recirculated acid Recirculated base

Electrode rinse C Ä BPM C Ä

Electrode rinse

X– å–
H+ OH –
å+ X–
H+ +
– OH –
Cathode X–

Acid: HX Base: MOH

Diluted salt solution

Fig. 2. Conversion of a salt into its respective acid and base by electrodialysis with bipolar membranes.

EDMB PROCESS CONFIGURATIONS an anion, a bipolar and a cation-exchange membrane as

a repeating unit. In this case the configuration is a three-
The configuration of the EDBM process depends on compartment EDBM (Fig. 3a). This elementary cell is
the application. Typical use of BPM is in the treatment repeated and placed between two electrodes. The MX
of concentrated salt solutions MX to produce HX and solution flows between the CEM and AEM. When a
MOH (for example Na2SO4 from the chemical industry direct current is applied, water will dissociate in BPM
to produce H2SO4 and NaOH). A cell system consists of to form equivalent amounts of ç+ and éç– ions. The



(a) solution

– + – + – +
H2 O H2O
+ –
– + – M X + – +
Cathode Anode
– + – + – +
– H+ OH – H+ +
– + – + – +
OH –
– + – + – +

Bipolar Bipolar
membrane membrane

Base (åéç) Acid (çï)

Cation exchange Anion exchange

membrane (CEM) membrane (AEM)

(b) (c)
H2O Me +X – Me +X – H2O
– + – – + – + + – +
– + – – + – + + – +
– + – Me + – + – + X– + – +
– + – – + – + + – +
– + – – + – + + X– – +

... – + Me + – – + ...
+ – ... – + + – + ... +
– + – – + – + OH +
– – +
– + OH – – H+ – + – + + H+ – +
H + – + – – + OH – H + – + + – + OH –
Salt/Acid ëÓθ/ÍËÒÎÓÚ‡

Me +OH – HX + Me +X – MeOH + Me +X – H +X –

(d) (e)
H2O Me +X – HX + Me +X – MeOH + Me +X – Me +X – H2O
– + – – Me + – + – + + Me + + – +
– + – – – + – + X– + + – +
– + – Me + – X– – + – + + + – +
– + – – – + – + Me + + X +– – +
– – + – X– – – + + – – + + + – + +
– + Me + – – – + ...
... – + + + X– – + ...
– + – – H+ – + – + OH – + Me + + – +
– + + H +
OH –– – – + – + + – +
OH –
H+ – + – HX – X– – + OH – H + – + Me + + OH – + – +

Me +OH – H +X–

Fig. 3. Different cell configurations for BPM applications (from [3]).

ç+ ions permeate through the cation-exchange side of (H2SO4) from MX (Na2SO4) at a significantly lower
the BPM and form HX with the sulfate ions provided by cost than by other methods.
the MX solution from the adjacent cell. The éç– ions There are applications where high purity of both
permeate the anion-exchange side of the BPM and form acid and base is not possible to obtain or even may gen-
MOH with the sodium ions permeating into the cell erate problems during the process, e.g. when producing
from the MX solution through adjacent CEM. The final organic acids or bases from the corresponding salts that
result is the production of MOH (NaOH) and HX reveal low dissociation tendency and therefore low con-




– +– +
å+ OH – H+ X– 1
– +– +
– X– +– +
– å+ 2
+– +
– +– +
+ –
MX – MOH +– HX + MX
Anode Cathode
– +– +
OH – Base Acid H+ 3
– +– +
– +– +
– +– + 4

Fig. 4. Factors limiting the EDBM efficiency.

ductivity in the protonated form. In such cases, a two- brane performances (both bipolar and homopolar), the
compartment cell is recommended as depicted in second are related to the stack technology.
Fig. 3b (for acidification) or in Fig. 3c (for the genera- The performances of a water splitter are controlled
tion of the corresponding base). Moreover, when a by the permselectivities of the ion-exchange mem-
higher ratio of acid and base with respect to the product branes (homopolar and bipolar) and by diffusive trans-
salt content is required, a configuration with two port. Figure 4 illustrates various processes which con-
homopolar membranes of the same type can be applied. tribute to the overall current efficiency. Zone 1 concerns
The outlet of the middle loop is recycled again into the the specific process which generates acid and base from
acidic loop next to the BPM for a more efficient salt and water. Competing with this are the undesirable
exchange between protons and cations (Fig. 3d), or processes which reduce the current efficiency. Zone 2
between éç– ions and anions (Fig. 3e). represents the loss of permselectivity of each homopo-
lar layers of the BPM which affects the purity of the
acid and base obtained. Zone 3 represents the loss of
LIMITING PHENOMENA OF EDBM permselectivity of the associated homopolar mem-
However, and as for all the processes, EDBM pre- branes which affects the efficiency of the EDBM pro-
sents limits [4]. The first are closely related to the mem- cess. Zone 4 concerns the diffusional losses due to the
concentration gradients which significantly occur for
i, A/m2 poorly ionized small molecules (e.g. HF, NH3, SO2,
etc.). Apart from these limits, which are mainly due to
the loss of permselectivity or/and diffusion, consider-
3000 ation must also be paid to water transport through mem-
iop Uop branes which generally limits the concentration level of
the acid and base produced. The analysis of factors lim-
iting the use of BPM is presented in [5]. Among this
~ ~ first set of limits, the main concerns the permselectivity
~ ~ JOH– of the associated homopolar membranes and specially
JOH+ that of the AEM towards protons. Despite this point
having been thoroughly investigated [6–11], typical
standard-grade AEMs show proton transport numbers
10 i lim between 0.30 and 0.70, this value increasing with the
poly-acidity (HCl < H2SO4 < H3PO4). Therefore, due to
JM + + |JX– | the specific mechanism of the proton transport in aque-
0 ous media, the current efficiency increases with the
Udiss 1 Um, V temperature [12].
Fig. 5. Current–voltage curve of BPM in a salt environment: There are also other factors which affect the effi-
iop is the operating current density, and ilim is the limiting- ciency of a water splitter. For instance, the installation
current density due to the salt leakage though BPM. of feedback control systems is difficult due to nonlinear



functions of the controlled variables at high concentra- Inlet: Inlet:

tions such as conductivity and pH values, feasible mod- make-up water make-up water
ules and spacers including the sealings have to be pro-
duced from chemically and mechanically stable mate-
rials to achieve sufficient stabilities in concentrated
acids and bases at temperatures ranging from 50 to
80°ë, or current leakages may occur through the ports
which are provided in the membranes for solution sup-
ply to and from the electrodialyzer compartments EDBM
rather than through the membranes themselves. All module(s)
these points have been widely developed in [3].
~ ~
~ ~
Besides, salts solution used in EDBM may contain
suspended and colloidal matter, polyelectrolytes,
organic anions or di- or multivalent ions. These compo-
nents can cause a severe membrane fouling due to pre-
cipitation on the membrane surfaces or by partial pene- Outlet: Outlet:
tration into the membranes. A pretreatment of the feed base product acid product
solution which guarantees the total removal of the mul-
tivalent ions (less than 1 ppm) is therefore necessary for Inlet:
a trouble-free process operation [13]. brine salt solution

Fig. 6. The single-pass continuous flow configuration.

For an electrodialysis stack operated at constant
applied voltage, the current density should not exceed The minimization of parasitic currents (through the
the limiting current density which is given by the diffu- manifold and feeding channels) is also a key issue in the
sion rate of water into the interphase of the BPM [14]. design of an EDBM cell. Ideally, small cross-sections
For commercial BPM, this limiting phenomenon and long feeding channels should be considered. Para-
occurs from 2000 to 3000 kA/m2. Besides, co-ions are sitic currents can also be minimized by reductions of
responsible for the nonideal behavior of me mem- both number of elementary cells and an increase of the
branes. Salt ion leakage through BPM results in impu- membrane area [3].
rities and is evidenced in current–voltage curves
recorded in a neutral salt solution as shown in Fig. 5
(from [15]). The proton flux (or the hydroxyl ion flux) SCALING-UP AND EXPLOITATION
is given by the expression PARAMETERS OF THE BPM TECHNOLOGY
i op – i lim To optimize a BPM process, the following parame-
J H+ = -----------------
-, (5)
F ters have to be respected. First, the purity of the effluent
to be treated, as organic pollution and multivalent cat-
and the salt cation flux by ions must be avoided: (i) IEM and BPM swell in the
presence of aromatic compounds and (ii) metallic
actual i lim
J M+ = t M+ -----------. (6) hydroxides precipitate in the membranes when the
z M+ F divalent-cation concentrations reach 1 ppm. A pre-
treatment of solutions is therefore often necessary. Sec-
In order to reduce ilim, Wilhelm [15] synthesized a ond, the concentrations of the products. Due to the pro-
BPM composed of a cation-permeable layer which is a ton leakage through associated AEMs, the maximum
blend of S-PEEK (sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)) concentration of mineral acid products is 2–3 N and
and PES (poly(ethersulfone)), and a commercial AEM 5 N for organic acids. Due to the hydroxide ion leakage
(AMX from Tokuyama Soda) or R4030 (from Pall Gel- through the associated CEMs, the maximum concentra-
man), as anion-permeable layer. The increase of the tion of the base produced is 4.5 N. Third, the voltage
thickness of the cation-permeable layer significantly drop per elementary cell has to be maintained in the
reduces the value of the salt limiting current ilim. He range 1.5–3 V for 1000 A/m2. The applied current den-
showed that with a suitable asymmetric membrane sity is in the range 500–1000 A/m2. Fourth, the minimal
design, the purity of one of the products, preferably the conductivity of the salt loop is 20 mS/cm at 40°ë. And
base, could be improved. For a very high purity of one finally, the conversion ratio for organic salts is in the
product, the purity of the other product may have to be range 95–98%.
sacrificed to allow for sufficient water transport to the
interface. For a high base purity that translates into Taking into account the previous recommendations,
thick and selective cation-exchange layers. scale-up of EDBM is really quite simple. In most cases,



Some technology applications of EDBM (from [4])

I. Pollution control/ressource recovery
HF/mixed acid recovery Stainless cteel pickle liquor recovery
HF/NaOH recovery from spent aluminium potlinings
Fluorosilicic acid conversion to HF, SiO2
Fluoride emission control in chemical processing
Sulfate recovery Battery acid recovery
Waste sodium sulfate conversion
Sodium sulfate conversion in rayon manufacture
Nitrate recovery Ammonium nitrate conversion from the uranium proccessing
KNO3 conversion
Amine recovery Recovery of a catalyst used to cure epoxy resins in Al coating moulds
Pulp & Papers Sodium alkali recycling in pulping and bleaching operations
Flue gas desulfurization SoxalÚÏ process SO2 recovery
Dry sodium scrubbling alkali recovery
II. Chemical processing
Organic acid production recovery Acetic, formic, acetylsalicilic, and organi acids
Ion exchanger regeneration Production of highly regenerated ion exchange resins
Potassium and mineral processing KCl conversion
Solution mining of trona and subsequent sodium alkali production
Sodium alkali production from natural brines and solid trona
Sodium methoxide production EDBM in methanolic solutions
Methanesulphonic acid production EDBM of sodium methanesulphonate
High-purity water production Continuous electrodeionization for high purity water production

the operating conditions in laboratory-scale EDBM can Single-pass continuous flow. Typically, maximum
be reproduced on a commercial scale. salt removal for any hydraulic stage is 55–60% with
standard design values of 40–50%. To increase the
amount of salt removed in an EDBM, two types of stag-
EDBM PROCESS CONFIGURATIONS ings are used: (i) hydraulic staging (adding more stacks
Taking into account all the previous parameters, in series, as depicted in Fig. 6), or (ii) electrical staging
there are three common process configurations which (adding electrode pairs to the membrane stack). The
are widely in use: advantages are a continuous production, a low expendi-
ture of buffer tanks, tubing, and control instrumentation
Batch-mode configuration. Running in batch and a low energy consumption. The disadvantage is a
means that a given volume of salt solution is driven in later adjustment of unit to altered process conditions
close cycle through the membrane stack until the which is difficult.
desired product concentration is obtained. The advan-
tage is a process which is easily adjusted to individual
demands with respect to product concentration and APPLICATIONS OF EDBM TECHNOLOGY
flow. The disadvantage is a high expenditure for buffer
tanks, tubing, and process control. This mode concerns A large number of applications have been identified.
medium and large scale applications. These are classified under broad categories of pollution
Feed & bleed mode. Similar to the batch-mode, in control/resource recovery and chemical processing in
this configuration a concentration or depletion of the Table 1 [4].
process stream is carried out but in a continuous man- The oldest industrial application of EDBM in pollu-
ner. The main part of the process solution is recycled tion control/resource recovery is the recovery of HF
and only a small part of this stream is bled off. The and HNO3 from a stream containing KF and KNO3 gen-
advantage is a continuous production and steady-state erated from a pickling bath in a steel plant. This first
operation. The advantage and the scale of applications commercial use of BPM began operations in 1987 at
are that of the batch-mode configuration. Washington Steel in Pennsylvania. Figure 7a illustrates



(a) Diluate
Depleted stack
salt solution

electrodialysis stack


Pickling Neutralization Filtration

bath Acid + tank pH 9 Wash solids


Starch Chemical Glucose


0.9 å sodium lactate +


2 å NaOH for

pH control

2 å sodium lactate

Ion exchange Bipolar

2å lactic acid 1.98 å lactic acid +
0.02 å sodium lactate


Fig. 7. (a) Process for recycling HF/HNO3 steel pickling solution using EDBM (from [16]) and (b) scheme of production of lactic
acid from fermentation broth using both conventional ED and EDBM (from [16]).

the process. Spent pickling acid is neutralized with tion requires addition of a base to maintain this elevated
KOH to precipitate the heavy metals which are then pH. So, the product of the fermentation is a dilute salt
removed by filtration. The remaining neutral solution of of the organic acid. For example, in the case of the lac-
KF + KNO3 is then treated in a three-compartment tic acid production, the conventional process requires a
EDBM cell in which the salts are split to form KOH lot of different ion-exchange steps, resulting in a high
which is directed to the neutralization tank and the volume of waste water and organic solvents that have to
mixed acids (HF + HNO3) which are directed to the be recovered. On top of that, possible losses of product
pickling operation. The dilute salt solution from the salt and a potential contamination of the product have to be
compartment of the EDBM process is then reconcen- taken into account. The recovery of lactic acid from fer-
trated by conventional electrodialysis and returned to mentation broth can also be performed by use of two
the bipolar stack, the diluate is used to rinse the filter electrodialysis steps. In the first, the dilute sodium lac-
cake. tate solution is concentrated by a conventional two-
The main application of EDBM in chemical pro- compartment ED. This step also purifies the product
cessing is the recovery of organic acids which can be because only the ionized components of the broth are
recovered from fermentations. The performance of fer- redirected to the fermentation reactor. In the second
mentations is better when the pH is slightly higher than step, the concentrated sodium lactate is split in a two-
the pKa of the organic acid to be produced. This condi- compartment bipolar ED with a CEM (configuration of



Fig. 3a) to generate lactic acid and NaOH. The acid ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
stream, still containing Na+ ions is then purified by a The author wishes to thank the European Commu-
cation-exchange resin, while caustic soda is recycled to nity (Thematic Network on Bipolar Membrane Tech-
the fermenter for pH control. For economical reasons in nology, contract BRRT-CT97-5038), all the partners of
the bipolar ED step, the conversion rate of sodium lac- the Thematic Network contributing to the Handbook on
tate is kept at 95%, but almost 100% could be easily Bipolar Membrane Technology, (Kemperman, A.J.B.,
achieved. A simplified scheme of this process is Ed.); the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
reported in Fig. 7b. France (program PECO/CEI no. 8768); and the Eurodia
Analyzing the development of the EDBM technol-
ogy, it is clear now that BPM will be involved in
organic-acid production, organic-acid recovery, or REFERENCES
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tion. EDBM must be considered as part of a complete ger, G., J. Membr. Sci., 1997, vol. 125, p. 123.
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