5G Technology: Abstract

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Aarti Kumari
VIII Semester , Department of Computer Science &Engineering
Global Institute Of Technology,Jaipur, India

Abstract: 5G technologies will change the Communication. The most important

way most high-bandwidth users access technologies for 5G technologies are
their phones. With 5G people will 802.11 Wireless Local Area
experience a level of call volume and data Networks(WLAN) and 802.16 Wireless
transmission never experienced before. Metropolitan Area Networks (WMAN),
5G technology is offering the services in Ad-hoc Wireless Personal Area Network
different fields like Documentation, (WPAN) and Wireless networks for
supporting electronic transactions (e- digital communication.
Payments, e- transactions) etc. As the
Keywords: 5G, WWW, UWB, DAWN, IP,
customer becomes more and more aware
of the mobile phone technology, he or she
will look for a decent package all
together, including all the advanced
features a cellular phone can have. Hence I.INTRODUCTION
the search for new technology is always
the main motive of the leading cell phone The present cell phones have it all. Today
giants to out innovate their competitors. phones have everything ranging from the
The 5G design is based on user- centric smallest size, largest phone memory, speed
mobile environment with many wireless dialing, video player, audio player, and
and mobile technologies on the ground. In camera and so on. Recently with the
5G, researches are related to the development of Pico nets and Bluetooth
development of World Wide Wireless technology data sharing has become a
Web(WWWW), Dynamic Adhoc Wireless child's play. Earlier with the infrared feature
Networks(DAWN) and Real Wireless you can share data within a line of sight that



means the two devices has to be aligned delivers Last Yard Connectivity between the
properly to transfer data, but in case of blue Internet access provider and building
tooth you can transfer data even when you occupants. 5G's technology intelligently
have the cell phone in your pocket up to a distributes Internet access to individual
range of 50 meters. The creation and entry nodes within the building.
of 5G technology into the mobile
marketplace will launch a new revolution in
the way international cellular plans are
offered. The global mobile phone is upon
the cell phone market. Just around the
corner, the newest 5G technologies will hit
the mobile market with phones used in
China being able to access and call locally Fig 1: Architectural of 5G Mobile Network

phones in Germany. Truly innovative

technology changing the way mobile phones
will be used. With the emergence of cell 0G :- In 1945, the zero generation (0G)
phones, which are similar to a PDA, you of mobile telephones was introduced.0G
can now have your whole office within the mobile telephones, such as Mobile
phone. Cell phones will give tough Telephone Service, were not officially
competitions to laptop manufacturers and categorized as mobile phones, since they
normal computer designers. Even today did not support the automatic change of
there are phones with gigabytes of memory channel frequency during calls, which
storage and the latest operating systems allows the user to move from one cell (the
.Thus one can say that with the current base station coverage area) to another cell,
trends, the industry has a real bright future if a feature called "handover".
it can handle the best technologies and can
1G :- First Generation wireless technology
produce affordable handsets for its
(1G) is the original analog (An analog or
customers. Thus you will get all your desires
analogue signal is any continuous signal for
unleashed in the near future when these
which the time varying feature (variable) of
smart phones take over the market. 5G
the signal is a representation of some other
Network's router and switch technology
time varying quantity), voice-only cellular



telephone standard, developed in the 1980s. division multiple access (CDMA). TDMA allows
The main difference between two for the division of signal into
succeeding mobile telephone systems, 1G timeslots. CDMA allocates each user a special
and 2G,is that the radio signals that 1G code to communicate over a multiplex physical
networks use are analog, while 2G channel.
networks are digital.

Fig 3: 2G

Fig 2: 1G International Mobile Telecommunications2000 (I
MT2000), better known as 3G or 3rdGeneration, i
2G :- 2G (or 2-G) is short for second-generation
s a generation of standards for mobile phones and
wireless telephone technology. Second
mobiletelecommunications services fulfilling speci
generation2G cellular telecom networks were com
fications by the International Telecommunication
mercially launched on the GSM standardin
Union. The use of 3G technology is also able to
Finland by Radiolinja (now part of Elisa Oyj) in
transmit packet switch data efficiently at better and
1991. 2G network allows for much greater
increased bandwidth. 3G mobile technologies
penetration intensity. 2G technologies enabled the
proffers more advanced services to mobile users.
various mobile phone networks to provide the
The spectral efficiency of 3G technology is better
services such as text messages, picture messages
than 2G technologies. Spectral efficiency is the
and MMS (multimedia messages). 2Gtechnology
measurement of rate of information transfer over
is more efficient. 2G technology holds sufficient
any communication system.3G is also known as
security for both the sender and the receiver. All
text messages are digitally encrypted. This digital
encryption allows for the transfer or data in such a 1. Transmission speeds from 125kbps to 2Mbps
way that only the intended receiver can receive and 2. Data are sent through technology called
read it. Second generation technologies are either packet switching
time division multiple access (TDMA) or code



3. Voice calls are interpreted using circuit to make use of broadband technologies. Network
switching authentication has won the trust of users, because
4. Access to Global Roaming the user can rely on its network as a reliable source
5. Clarity in voice calls of transferring data.3G technology is much
flexible, because it is able to support the 5 major
radio technologies. These radio technologies
operate under CDMA, TDMA and
FDMA.CDMA holds for IMT-DS (direct spread),
IMT-MC (multi carrier).

Fig 4: 3G

4G:- 4G refers to the fourth generation of cellular

wireless standards. It is a success or to 3G and 2G
families of standards. The nomenclature of the
generations generally refers to a change in the
fundamental nature of the service, non-backwards
compatible transmission technology, and new
frequency bands.3G technologies make use of
TDMA and CDMA. 3G(Third Generation
Technology) technologies make use of value
added services like mobile television, GPS (global
positioning system) and video conferencing. The
basic feature of 3GTechnology (Third Generation
Technology) is fast data transfer rates. However Fig 5: 4G

this feature is not currently working properly

 Developed in 2010
because, ITU 200 is still making decision to fix the
data rates. It is expected that 2mbit/sec for  Faster & more reliable
stationary users, while 348kbits when moving or
 Speed up to 100Mbps
travelling. ITU sellvarious frequency rates in order



5G:- • Lower cost than previous generation

5G Technology stands for 5th Generation

Mobile technology. 5G technology has
changed the means to use cell phones within
very high bandwidth. User never
experienced ever before such a high value te
chnology. The 5G technologies include all
type of advanced features which makes 5G
technology most powerful and in huge
demand in near future. The gigantic array of
innovative technology being built into new
Fig 6: 5G
cell phones is stunning. 5G technologies
which are on hand held phone offering more III.APPLICATION
power and features than at least 1000 lunar
modules. A user can also hook their High-speed mobile network

5Gtechnology cell phone with their Laptop

5G will revolutionize the mobile experience
to get broadband internet access.
with supercharged wireless network, which
5Gtechnology including camera, MP3
can support up to 10 to 20 GBPS of data
recording, video player, large phone
download speed. It is equivalent to a fiber
memory, dialing speed, audio player and
optic Internet connection accessed
much more you never imagine. For children
wirelessly. Compared to conventional
rocking fun Bluetooth technology and Pico
mobile transmission technologies, voice and
nets has become in market.
high-speed data can be simultaneously
transferred efficiently in 5G.
• Next major phase of mobile
telecommunication & wireless system Low latency is one of the most important
features of 5G technology which is
• 10 times more capacity than other significant for autonomous driving and
mission critical applications. 5G networks
• Expected speed up to 1Gbps
are capable of latency less than a
• More faster & reliable than 4G millisecond.



5G will be using new radio millimeter Internet of Things (IoT) is another broad
waves for transmission. It has much higher area for development using supercharged 5G
bandwidth compared to lower LTE bands wireless network. Internet of Things will
and capable of huge data rate. connect every object, appliances, sensors,
devices and applications into Internet. IoT
Entertainment and Multimedia
applications will collects huge amount of

Analysts found that 55 percentage of mobile data from millions of devices and sensors. It

Internet traffic has been used for video requires an efficient network for data

downloads globally in 2015. This trend will collection, processing, transmission, control

increase in future and high definition video and real-time analytics.

streaming will be common in future.

Smart Home
5G will offer a high definition virtual world
Smart home appliances and products are
on your mobile phone. High speed
catching up the market today. Smart home
streaming of 4K videos only takes few
concept will utilize 5G networks for device
seconds and it can support crystal clear
connectivity and monitoring of applications.
audio clarity.
5G wireless network will be utilized by

Live events can be streamed via wireless smart appliances which can be configured

network with high definition. HD TV and accessed from remote locations, closed

channels can be accessed on mobile devices circuit cameras will provide high quality

without any interruptions. Entertainment real-time video for security purposes.

industry will hugely benefit from 5G

Logistics and Shipping
wireless networks. HD virtual reality games
are getting popular and many companies are Logistic and shipping industry can make use
investing on VR based gaming. High speed of smart 5G technology for goods tracking,
5G network can offer better gaming fleet management, centralized database
experience with high speed Internet. management, staff scheduling and real-time
delivery tracking and reporting.
Internet of Things- Connecting



Smart Cities procedures with reliable wireless network

connected to another side of the globe.
Smart city application like traffic
Connected classrooms will help students to
management, Instant weather update, local
attend seminars and important lecturers.
area broadcasting, energy management,
smart power grid, smart lighting of street, People with chronic medical conditions will
water resource management, crowd benefit from smart devices and real-time
management, emergency response etc.… monitoring. Doctors can connect with
can use reliable 5G wireless network for its patients from anywhere anytime and advice
functioning. them when necessary. Scientists are working
on smart medical devices which can perform
Smart Farming
remote surgery.

5G technology will be used for agriculture

Security and Surveillance
and smart farming in future. Using smart
RFID sensors and GPS technology, farmers 5G wireless technology is one the best
can track location of livestock and manage solution for security and surveillance due to
them easily. Smart sensors can be used for higher bandwidth and unlicensed spectrum.
irrigation control, access control and energy

Fleet Management  5G provides data bandwidth of 1Gbps

or higher.
Many companies are using smart tracking  5G is globally accessible.
devices for fleet management, 5G  5G provides dynamic information
technology will provide much better access beneficial to domestic user.
solutions for location tracking and fleet  5G is available at low cost.

Healthcare and mission critical V. CONCLUSION

While the future is becoming more difficult
5G technology will support medical to predict with each passing year, we should
practitioners to perform advanced medical le expect an accelerating pace of technological



change. We conclude that nanotechnology, the people. We need more time to develop
Cloud computing, All IP are the next great its functionality. We need more research on
technology. The development of the mobile its users and security. The speed, it is
and wireless networks is going towards promised to serve is hard to achieve and we
higher data rates and all-IP principle. 5G need high infrastructure for 5G wireless
Wireless Technologies is more intelligent technology Deployment. So, we can see
technology, which will interconnect the there are various challenges to overcome. So
entire world without limits. It is designed to we can expect its deployment in 2020.
provide unbelievable and extraordinary data Currently, the United States and South
capabilities, unhindered call volumes, and Korea are leading in the implementation of
vast data broadcast. Our world would have 5G. The South Korean government has
universal and uninterrupted access to reportedly invested $1.5billion in 5G
information, communication, and research and promised a trial of 5G in 2017.
entertainment that will open a new
dimension to our lives and will change our
lifestyle meaningfully. Moreover,
governments and regulators can use this
technology as an opportunity for the good
governance and can create healthier
environments, which will definitely
encourage continuing investment in 5G, the
next generation technology.

It is expected that the implementation of 5G

Wireless Technologies would take four
more years from now to make it usable for




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 D. Szabo, A. Gulyas, F. H. P. Fitzek, and D. E. Lucani, “Towards the Tactile Internet: Decreasing
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