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Portfolio 2018-19

High School Academic Reflection


You are now about fourteen months away from high school graduation. You’ve had another
semester of school to grow in many ways, including academically. Take a moment to reflect on
your progress.

What academic goals did you set for yourself last fall?
My academic goal i set was to earn a B o my physical science quizzes

How successful were you in accomplishing your goals? Explain.

I was very successful the last quiz i took I got a 17/20

Has your post high-school vision changed? Explain.

No it has not because pipeline welding is something i'm really interested in.

Looking forward to your senior year, what will you have to do to keep yourself on track to
achieve your future vision?

I need to keep a straight head and work really hard and keep a good attitude and yjen I believe i
will be on track.
Portfolio 2018-19

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