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Name of the programing language Basic

if available
A# .NET A♯ (pronounced: A sharp) is an object-oriented functional programming
language distributed as a separable component of Version 2 of the Axiom
computer algebra system. A# types and functions are first-class values and
can be used freely together with an extensive library of data structures and
other mathematical abstractions. A key design guideline for A# was
suitability of compiling to portable and efficient machine code. It is
distributed as free and open-source software under a BSD-like license

AppleScript AppleScript is a scripting language created by Apple Inc. that facilitates display dialog "Hello, world!" -- a modal window
automated control over scriptable Mac applications. First introduced with "OK" and "Cancel" buttons or display alert
in System 7, it is currently included in all versions of macOS as part of a "Hello, world!" -- a modal window with a single
package of system automation tools "OK" button and an icon representing the app
displaying the alert or say "Hello, world!" -- an
audio message using a synthesized computer voice

Assembly language An assembly (or assembler) language,[1] often abbreviated asm, is section .text
any low-level programming language in which there is a very strong global _start
correspondence between the program's statements and
the architecture's machine code instructions. ;must be declared for linker (ld)

;tell linker entry point

mov edx,len
;message length
mov ecx,msg
;message to write
mov ebx,1
;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4
;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80
;call kernel

mov eax,1
;system call number (sys_exit)
int 0x80
;call kernel

section .data

msg db 'Hello, world!',0xa

;our dear string
len equ $ - msg
;length of our dear string
Active Server Pages (ASP), later known as Classic
Active Server Pages ASP or ASP Classic, is Microsoft's first server-side script Response.write(“hello world”);
engine for dynamically generated web pages.
ASP.NET, first released in January 2002, has %>
superseded ASP

C Sharp C#[b] is a multi-paradigm programming

language encompassing strong using System;
typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object- using System.Windows.Forms;
oriented (class-based), and component-
oriented programming disciplines. It was developed
around 2000 by Microsoft within its class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Is almost
the same argument!");

COBOL COBOL is primarily used in business, finance, and

administrative systems for companies and governments.
COBOL is still widely used in legacy applications
deployed on mainframe computers, such as large-
scale batch and transaction processing jobs. But due to
its declining popularity and the retirement of experienced
COBOL programmers, programs are being migrated to
new platforms, rewritten in modern languages or
replaced with software packages.
Cython Cython is a compiled language that generates CPython
extension modules. These extension modules can then def say_hello():
be loaded and used by regular Python code using the print "Hello World!"
import statement.
F Sharp F# (pronounced F sharp) is a strongly typed, multi-
open System
paradigm programming language that
encompasses functional, imperative, and object-oriented
programmingmethods. F# is most often used as a cross-
platform Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
language, but it can also [<EntryPoint>]
generate JavaScript[9] and graphics processing
unit (GPU) code
let main argv =

printfn "Hello World"

Console.ReadLine() |> ignore

Go A combined declaration/initialization operator was

Go (often referred to as Golang) is a programming
introduced that allows the programmer to
language created by Google[12] in 2009 by Robert
Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson.[10] Go is write i := 3 or s := "Hello,
a statically typed, compiled language in the tradition of C, world!" , without specifying the types of variables.
with memory safety, garbage collection, structural
typing,[3] and CSP-style concurrency.[13] The compiler,
tools, and source code are all free and open source
Google Apps Script Apps Script is a scripting language for light-weight
application development in the G Suite platform. It is function doGet() {
based on JavaScript 1.6 with some portions of 1.7 and var app = UiApp.createApplication();
1.8 and provides subset of ECMAScript 5 API,[2] however app.add(app.createHTML("<b>Hello
instead of running on the client, it gets executed in the
Google Cloud. According to Google, Apps Script World!</b>"));
"provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google return app;
products and third party services. }

Visual J# (pronounced "jay-sharp") is an implementation

J Sharp of the J# programming language that was a transitional
language for programmers of Java and Visual
J++languages, so they could use their existing
knowledge and applications with the .NET
Framework.[1][2] It was introduced in 2002 and
discontinued in 2007, with support for the final release of
the product continuing until October 2017

Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three

JavaScript core technologies of the World Wide Web.[8] JavaScript <script>
enables interactive web pages and thus is an essential Window.alert(“hello”);
part of web applications. </script>

Join Java Join Java is a programming language based on the join-

pattern that extends the standard Java programming class JoinExample {
language with the join semantics of the join-calculus. It int fragment1() & fragment2(int x)
was written at the University of South Australia within the {
Reconfigurable Computing Lab by Dr. Von Itzstein
//will return value of x
//to caller of fragment1
return x;

Jython Jython is an implementation of the Python programming

language designed to run on the Java platform. It is the Like python
successor of JPython

Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that

Kotlin runs on the Java virtual machine and also can be fun main(args: Array<String>) {
compiled to JavaScript source code or use val scope = "World"
the LLVMcompiler infrastructure. Its primary development println("Hello, $scope!")
is from a team of JetBrains programmers based in Saint
Petersburg, Russia }

MATLAB MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-

paradigm numerical computing environment >> x = 17
and proprietary programming language developed x =
by MathWorks. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, 17
plotting of functions and data, implementation
of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing >> x = 'hat'
with programs written in other languages,
x =
including C, C++, C#, Java, Fortran and Python.

>> y = x + 0
y =
104 97 116

>> x = [3*4, pi/2]

x =
12.0000 1.5708

>> y = 3*sin(x)
y =
-1.6097 3.0000

Objective-C Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-

oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-
style messaging to the C programming language. It was #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
the main programming language used by Apple for
the macOS and iOS operating systems, and their
respective application programming
interfaces (APIs) Cocoa and Cocoa Touch prior to the int main(int argc, const char *
introduction of Swift. argv[]) {

@autoreleasepool {

// insert code here...

NSLog(@"Hello, World!");

return 0;

Objective-J Objective-J is a programming language developed as

part of the Cappuccino web development framework. Its @implementation Address : CPObject
syntax is nearly identical to the Objective-C syntax and it {
shares with JavaScript the same relationship that CPString name;
Objective-C has with the C programming language
CPString city;

- (id)initWithName:(CPString)aName
self = [super init];

name = aName;
city = aCity;

return self;

- (void)setName:(CPString)aName
name = aName;

- (CPString)name
return name;
return [[self alloc]
initWithName:aName city:aCity];


Pascal Pascal is an imperative and procedural programming

language, which Niklaus Wirth designed in 1968–69 and program HelloWorld(output);
published in 1970, as a small, efficient language intended begin
to encourage good programming practices Write('Hello, world!')
using structured programming and data structuring. It is
named in honor of the French mathematician, {no ";" is required after the last
philosopher and physicist Blaise Pascal. statement of a block -
adding one adds a "null statement"
to the program;}

PEARL PEARL supports both fixed-point and floating-

point numeric values, character and character string data
as well as bit values. It also provides facilities for
structures and multi-dimensional arrays. Both typed and
untyped pointers are also supported, along with
Perl The Perl languages borrow features from other
programming languages including C, shell print "Hello, World!\n";
script (sh), AWK, and sed[11]; Wall also alludes
to Basic and Lisp in the introduction to Learning
Perl (Schwartz & Christiansen) and so on
PHP PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (or simply PHP) is
a server-side scripting language designed for Web <?php
development, but also used as a general-purpose Echo “hello world”;
programming language. It was originally created
by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994,[5] the PHP reference
implementation is now produced by The PHP Group ?>

Python Python is an interpreted high-level programming

language for general-purpose programming. Created print(“hello world”)
by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python
has a design philosophy that emphasizes code
readability, notably using significant whitespace.
Rebol Rebol is a cross-platform[6] data exchange language and
a multi-paradigm dynamic programming view layout [text "Hello world!"
language designed by Carl Sassenrath for network button "Quit" [quit]]
communications and distributed computing. It introduces
the concept of dialecting: small, optimized, domain-
specific languages for code and data,[6][7] which is also the
most notable property of the language according to its
designer Carl Sassenrath:

Ruby Ruby is a dynamic, interpreted, reflective, object-

puts "Hello World"
oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was
designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro
"Matz" Matsumoto in Japan.
SQL used in programming and designed for managing data
Select * from dual;
held in a relational database management
system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational
data stream management system (RDSMS). It is
particularly useful in handling structured data where there
are relations between different entities/variables of the
Swift Swift is a general-purpose, multi- import Swift
paradigm, compiled programming language developed
by Apple Inc. for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, print("Hello, World!")
and Linux. Swift is designed to work with
Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and the
large body of existing Objective-C code written for Apple


PHP Laravel,Symfony,Cake php,Zend,more

JavaScript AngularJs(With AngularJS, designers can use HTML as the template
language and it allows for the extension of HTML's syntax to convey the
application's components effortlessly.),
ReactJs(Be it it’s ability to perform good in SEO (surptisingly
being part of JS family), Simpler JSX, Virtual DOM or powerful
JavaScript library, ReactJS is a developer’s choice to build dynamic
& high traffic web applications.),
Node.JS(The main idea of Node.js is to use non-blocking, event-
driven I/O to remain lightweight and efficient in the face of data-
intensive real-time apps that run across distributed devices),

Java Spring MVC(full-scale Java framework for Internet-facing
applications, offering software engineers a powerful toolkit
for web application development and application
configuration as well as for security projects),
JSF(Being a part of Java EE, JavaServer Faces is
supported by Oracle. Although this one is not the best
frameworks for speedy Java development, it is easy to
utilize because of great documentation provided by Oracle),

Python Django(it is used to make the dynamic web

The main idea behind Flask is to help build a solid
web application foundation,
It is also develop dynamic page but it does not built
in feature..),


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