Acknowledgement 1

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We thank Almighty for giving us an opportunity to thank and acknowledge

profusely the following personalities who helped us to successfully complete
this mini project.

We are greatly obliged to Dr. Elango, M.E, Ph.D., Principal, A.C.

Government College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, for the kind
encouragement given to us in completing this project.

We express our profound thanks to our beloved Dr. M. Baskaran, M.E,

Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering for his co-operation throughout this work and efforts for arranging
this dissertation work.

We would like to thank our Faculty Advisor Dr. S. Nageswari, M.E,

Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering for her support.

It’s our privilege to work under the guidance of Prof. S. Ida Evangeline,
M.E, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering who has
always motivated us to think with audacity and to create perseverance. We
express our profound sense of gratitude and indebtedness to my Teacher and

Also, We wish to thank my colleagues for their support in completing this

project work.


We hereby declare that the work entitled “SMART TRASH

NOTIFICATION USING GSM MODULE” is submitted in partial fulfilment
of the requirement for the award of the Mini project in the pre-final year, is a
record of my own work carried out by me during the academic year 2018-2019
under the supervision and guidance of Prof. S. Ida Evangeline, Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, A. C. Government College of
Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi. The matter embodied in this work is
original and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or
diploma, either in this or any other university.

(Signature of the candidate)


I certify that the declaration made above by candidate is true

(Signature of the Guide)


In the recent decades, Urbanization has increased tremendously. At the

same phase there is an increase in waste production. Waste management has

been a crucial issue to be considered. This project is a way to achieve this good
cause. In this project, smart bin is built on a microcontroller based platform
Arduino Uno board which is interfaced with GSM modem and Ultrasonic
sensor. Ultrasonic sensor is placed at the top of the dustbin which will measure
the level of the dustbin. The threshold stature is set as 10cm. Arduino will be
programmed in such a way that when the dustbin is being filled, the remaining
height from the threshold height will be displayed. Once the garbage reaches the
threshold level ultrasonic sensor will trigger the GSM modem which will
continuously alert the required authority until the garbage in the dustbin is
squashed. Once the dustbin is squashed, people can reuse the dustbin. At regular
intervals dustbin will be squashed. Once these smart bins are implemented on a
large scale, by replacing our traditional bins present today, waste can be
managed efficiently as it avoids unnecessary lumping of wastes on roadside.
Foul smell from these rotten wastes that remain untreated for a long time, due to
negligence of authorities and carelessness of public may lead to long term
problems. Breeding of insects and mosquitoes can create nuisance around
promoting unclean environment. This may even cause dreadful diseases.



2.1.1 Block diagram for smart dustbin 4

2.2.1 Flowchart for smart dustbin 5

3.1.1 Pin diagram of Arduino 7

3.2.1 Architecture of GSM 12

3.2.2 GSM Network architecture 13

3.3.1 IR Sensor 14

3.3.2 Working principle of IR Sensor 15

3.4.1 Working principle of Ultrasonic sensor 16

3.4.2 Circuit diagram of Ultrasonic sensor 17

3.4.3 Ultrasonic sensor 17

3.5.1 Servo motor 19

3.5.2 Parts of Servo motor 20

3.5.3 Working principle of Servo motor 21

3.6.1 Breadboard 22

4.1.1 Connection diagram for Smart dustbin 23


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