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The first researching topic that I choose is Teen suicide because it is a common situation in these
times. It is important since with time more and more suicides are registered and it is sad to know
that there are people who believe that they will not be able to get out of that situation. My
thought is that we have to take more importance because it should not be normal. We should
change our minds.
The second researching topic is Dating age. For me it is a very interesting topic because there has
always been controversy about which is the correct age to have a relationship and it is alarming
the amount of relationships that there are with age differences that are quite notorious. And
sometimes relationships are harmful to both and there may be great consequences
Cyberbullying is the third topic that I chose because it is something that I see on social media
every day and it is something that really worries me because anyone can do it easily and
sometimes it can destroy lives. It hurts me a lot to see that there are people who do not care about
doing harm to others, they think they are brave but they hide behind a screen.

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