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Draw a flower with as

many details as possible.

● Stem
● Petals
● Stem
● Petals
● Petal details
● Leaves
● Stem
● Petals
● Petal details
● Leaves
● Environment
● Stem
● Petals
● Petal details
● Leaves
● Environment
● Labeled parts
● Color
Criterion Indicators
Strong 8 - 7 Proficient 6 - 5 Developing 4 - 3 Beginning 2 - 1

Criterion A: Analyzing: iii. Justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology
Gives detailed justification Sufficiently justifies Justifies opinions and ideas Rarely justifies opinions
of opinions and ideas with a opinions and ideas with with some examples and and ideas with examples
range of examples, and examples and explanations explanations, though this and explanations
thorough explanations may not be consistent

● Justify ideas ● Explains ideas

● Describes ideas ● States ideas
● Always uses text details ● Often uses text details
● Sometimes uses text ● Rarely uses text details


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