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Chameleons in imagined conversations: A new approach to understanding

coordination of linguistic style in dialogs

Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil and Lillian Lee

Department of Computer Science, Cornell University,

Abstract arms, their partner often unconsciously crosses their

arms as well. The effect occurs for language, too,
Conversational participants tend to immedi- ranging from matching of acoustic features such as
ately and unconsciously adapt to each other’s
accent, speech rate, and pitch (Giles et al., 1991;
language styles: a speaker will even adjust the
number of articles and other function words in Chartrand and van Baaren, 2009) to lexico-syntactic
their next utterance in response to the number priming across adjacent or nearby utterances (Bock,
in their partner’s immediately preceding utter- 1986; Pickering and Garrod, 2004; Ward and Lit-
ance. This striking level of coordination is man, 2007; Reitter et al., 2011).
thought to have arisen as a way to achieve so- Our work focuses on adjacent-utterance coordina-
cial goals, such as gaining approval or empha- tion with respect to classes of function words. To ex-
sizing difference in status. But has the adap-
emplify the phenomenon, we discuss two short con-
tation mechanism become so deeply embed-
ded in the language-generation process as to versations.
become a reflex? We argue that fictional di-
alogs offer a way to study this question, since
• First example: The following exchange from the
authors create the conversations but don’t re- movie “The Getaway” (1972) demonstrates quanti-
ceive the social benefits (rather, the imagined fier coordination.
characters do). Indeed, we find significant co- Doc: At least you were outside.
ordination across many families of function Carol: It doesn’t make much difference where you are [...]
words in our large movie-script corpus. We
also report suggestive preliminary findings on
Note that “Carol” used a quantifier, one that is differ-
the effects of gender and other features; e.g.,
surprisingly, for articles, on average, charac-
ent than the one “Doc” employed. Also, notice that
ters adapt more to females than to males. “Carol” could just as well have replied in a way that
doesn’t include a quantifier, for example, “It doesn’t
really matter where you are...”.
1 Introduction
• Second example: Levelt and Kelter (1982) report
“ is dangerous to base any sociolinguistic argu-
an experiment involving preposition coordination.
mentation on the evidence of language in fictional
Shopkeepers who were called and asked “ At what
texts only” (Bleichenbacher (2008), crediting Mareš
time does your shop close?” were significantly more
likely to say “ At five o’clock” than “five o’clock”.2
The chameleon effect is the “nonconscious
man chameleon” uncontrollably takes on the characteristics of
mimicry of the postures, mannerisms, facial expres- those around him. The term is meant to contrast with “aping”,
sions, and other behaviors of one’s interaction part- a word connoting intentional imitation.
ners” (Chartrand and Bargh, 1999).1 For exam- Related terms include adaptation, alignment, entrainment,
ple, if one conversational participant crosses their priming, and Du Bois’ dialogic syntax.
This is an example of lexical matching manifested as part
The term is a reference to the movie Zelig, wherein a “hu- of syntactic coordination.
Coordination of function-word class has been pre- Life is beautiful, but cinema is paradise A pri-
viously documented in several settings (Niederhof- ori, it is not clear that movie conversations would ex-
fer and Pennebaker, 2002; Taylor and Thomas, hibit convergence. Dialogs between movie charac-
2008; Ireland et al., 2011; Gonzales et al., 2010), ters are not truthful representations of real-life con-
the largest-scale study being on Twitter (Danescu- versations. They often are “too carefully polished,
Niculescu-Mizil et al., 2011). too rhythmically balanced, too self-consciously art-
ful” (Kozloff, 2000), due to practical and artis-
Problem setting People don’t consciously track tic constraints and scriptwriting practice (McKee,
function words (Levelt and Kelter, 1982; Segalowitz 1999). For example, mundane phenomena such as
and Lane, 2004; Petten and Kutas, 1991) — it’s not stuttering and word repetitions are generally nonex-
easy to answer the question, “how many preposi- istent on the big screen. Moreover, writers have
tions were there in the sentence I just said?”. There- many goals to accomplish, including the need to ad-
fore, it is quite striking that humans nonetheless in- vance the plot, reveal character, make jokes as funny
stantly adapt to each other’s function-word rates. In- as possible, and so on, all incurring a cognitive load.
deed, there is active debate regarding what mecha- So, the question arises: do scripted movie di-
nisms cause nonconscious coordination (Ireland et alogs, in spite of this quasi-artificiality and the
al., 2011; Branigan et al., 2010). aforementioned generation/engagement gap, exhibit
One line of thought is that convergence represents the real-life phenomenon of stylistic convergence?
a social strategy3 whose aim is to gain the other’s so- When imagining dialogs, do scriptwriters (noncon-
cial approval (Giles, 2008; Street and Giles, 1982) sciously6 ) adjust the respondent’s replies to echo the
or enhance the other’s comprehension (Clark, 1996; initiator’s use of articles, prepositions, and other ap-
Bortfeld and Brennan, 1997).4 This hypothesis is parently minor aspects of lexical choice? According
supported by studies showing that coordination is af- to our results, this is indeed the case, which has fas-
fected by a number of social factors, including rel- cinating implications.
ative social status (Natale, 1975; Gregory and Web- First, this provides evidence that coordination, as-
ster, 1996; Thakerar et al., 1982) and gender role sumed to be driven by social motivations, has be-
(Bilous and Krauss, 1988; Namy et al., 2002; Ire- come so deeply embedded into our ideas of what
land and Pennebaker, 2010). conversations “sound like” that the phenomenon oc-
But an important question is whether the adap- curs even when the person generating the dialog is
tation mechanism has become so deeply embed- not the recipient of the social benefits.7
ded in the language-generation process as to have
Second, movies can be seen as a controlled en-
transformed into a reflex not requiring any social
vironment in which preconceptions about the rela-
triggering.5 Indeed, it has been argued that un-
tion between communication patterns and the social
conscious mimicry is partly innate (Chartrand and
features of the participants can be studied. This
Bargh, 1999), perhaps due to evolutionary pressure
gives us the opportunity to understand how people
to foster relationships (Lakin et al., 2003).
(scriptwriters) nonconsciously expect convergence
To answer this question, we take a radical ap-
to relate to factors such as gender, status and rela-
proach: we consider a setting in which the per-
tion type. Are female characters thought to accom-
sons generating the coordinating dialog are different
modate more to male characters than vice-versa?
from those engaged in the dialog (and standing to
Furthermore, movie scripts constitute a corpus
reap the social benefits) — imagined conversations,
that is especially convenient because meta-features
specifically, scripted movie dialogs.
3 6
In fact, social signaling may also be the evolutionary cause The phenomenon of real-life language convergence is not
of chameleons’ color-changing ability (Stuart-Fox et al., 2008). widely known among screenplay authors (Beth F. Milles, pro-
For the purpose of our discussion, we are conflating social- fessor of acting and directing, personal communication).
approval and audience-design hypotheses under the category of Although some writers may perhaps imagine themselves
social strategy. "in the shoes" of the recipients, recall that authors generally
This hypothesis relates to characterizations of alignment as don’t include in their scripts the repetitions and ungrammati-
an unmediated mechanism (Pickering and Garrod, 2004). calities of "real-life" speech.
like gender can be more or less readily obtained. cles and prepositions to characterize the utterer in
some way has a long history, including in author-
Contributions We check for convergence in a
ship attribution (Mosteller and Wallace, 1984; Juola,
corpus of roughly 250,000 conversational exchanges
2008), personality-type classification (Argamon et
from movie scripts (available at http://www.
al., 2005; Oberlander and Gill, 2006; Mairesse et al.,
2007), gender categorization (Koppel et al., 2002;
Specifically, we examine the set of nine families of
Mukherjee and Liu, 2010; Herring and Paolillo,
stylistic features previously utilized by Ireland et
2006), identification of interactional style (Jurafsky
al. (2011), and find a statistically significant con-
et al., 2009; Ranganath et al., 2009), and recognizing
vergence effect for all these families. We thereby
deceptive language (Hancock et al., 2008; Mihalcea
provide evidence that language coordination is so
and Strapparava, 2009).
implanted within our conception of conversational
behavior that, even if such coordination is socially Imagined conversations There has been work in
motivated, it is exhibited even when the person the NLP community applying computational tech-
generating the language in question is not receiving niques to fiction, scripts, and other types of text
any of the presumed social advantages. containing imagined conversations. For example,
We also study the effects of gender, narrative im- one recent project identifies conversational networks
portance, and hostility. Intriguingly, we find that in novels, with the goal of evaluating various liter-
these factors indeed “affect” movie characters’ lin- ary theories (Elson et al., 2010; Elson and McKe-
guistic behavior; since the characters aren’t real, own, 2010). Movie scripts were used as word-sense-
and control of stylistic lexical choice is largely non- disambiguation evaluation data as part of an effort
conscious, the effects of these factors can only be to generate computer animation from the scripts (Ye
springing from patterns existing in the scriptwriters’ and Baldwin, 2006). Sonderegger (2010) employed
minds. a corpus of English poetry to study the relation-
Our findings, by enhancing our understanding of ship between pronunciation and network structure.
linguistic adaptation effects in stylistic word choice Rayson et al. (2001) computed part-of-speech fre-
and its relation to various socially relevant factors, quencies for imaginative writing in the British Na-
may in the future aid in practical applications. Such tional Corpus, finding a typology gradient progress-
an understanding would give us insight into how ing from conversation to imaginative writing (e.g.,
and what kinds of language coordination yield more novels) to task-oriented speech to informative writ-
satisfying interactions — convergence has been al- ing. The data analyzed by Oberlander and Gill
ready shown to enhance communication in organiza- (2006) consisted of emails that participants were in-
tional contexts (Bourhis, 1991), psychotherapy (Fer- structed to write by imagining that they were going
rara, 1991), care of the mentally disabled (Hamilton, to update a good friend on their current goings-on.
1991), and police-community interactions (Giles et
al., 2007). Moreover, a deeper understanding can aid 3 Movie dialogs corpus
human-computer interaction by informing the con-
To address the questions raised in the introduc-
struction of natural-language generation systems,
tion, we created a large set of imagined conver-
since people are often more satisfied with encoun-
sations, starting from movie scripts crawled from
ters exhibiting appropriate linguistic convergence
various sites.8 Metadata for conversation analy-
(Bradac et al., 1988; van Baaren et al., 2003), even
sis and duplicate-script detection involved mostly-
when the other conversational participant is known
automatic matching of movie scripts with the IMDB
to be a computer (Nass and Lee, 2000; Branigan et
movie database; clean-up resulted in 617 unique ti-
al., 2010).
tles tagged with genre, release year, cast lists, and
2 Related work not already mentioned 8
The source of these scripts and more detail about the corpus
are given in the README associated with the Cornell movie-
Linguistic style and human characteristics Us- dialogs corpus, available at http://www.cs.cornell.
ing stylistic (i.e., non-topical) elements like arti- edu/~cristian/movies .
IMDB information. We then extracted 220,579 For example, we might be studying whether one
conversational exchanges between pairs of charac- person A’s inclusion of articles in an utterance trig-
ters engaging in at least 5 exchanges, and auto- gers the usage of articles in respondent B’s reply.
matically matched these characters to IMDB to re- Note that this differs from asking whether B uses ar-
trieve gender (as indicated by the designations “ac- ticles more often when talking to A than when talk-
tor” or “actress”) and/or billing-position information ing to other people (it is not so surprising that peo-
when possible (≈9000 characters, ≈3000 gender- ple speak differently to different audiences). This
identified and ≈3000 billing-positioned). The latter also differs from asking whether B eventually starts
feature serves as a proxy for narrative importance: matching A’s behavior in later utterances within the
the higher up in the credits, the more important the same conversation. We specifically want to know
character tends to be in the film. whether each utterance by A triggers an immediate
To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest change in B’s behavior, as such instantaneous adap-
dataset of (metadata-rich) imaginary conversations tation is what we consider the most striking aspect
to date. of convergence, although immediate and long-term
coordination are clearly related.
4 Measuring linguistic style We now describe the statistic we employ to mea-
sure the extent to which person B accommodates to
For consistency with prior work, we employed the
A. Consider an arbitrary conversational exchange
nine LIWC-derived categories (Pennebaker et al.,
started by A, and let a denote A’s initiating utterance
2007) deemed by Ireland et al. (2011) to be pro-
and b,→a denote B’s reply to a.9 Note that we use
cessed by humans in a generally non-conscious fash-
lowercase to emphasize when we are talking about
ion. The nine categories are: articles, auxiliary
individual utterances rather than all the utterances of
verbs, conjunctions, high-frequency adverbs, im-
the particular person, and that thus, the arrow in b,→a
personal pronouns, negations, personal pronouns,
indicates that we mean the reply to the specific sin-
prepositions, and quantifiers (451 lexemes total).
gle utterance a. Let at be the indicator variable for a
It is important to note that language coordination
exhibiting t, and similarly for bt,→a . Then, we define
is multimodal: it does not necessarily occur simulta-
the convergence ConvA,B (t) of B to A as:
neously for all features (Ferrara, 1991), and speakers
may converge on some features but diverge on others P (bt,→a = 1|at = 1) − P (bt,→a = 1). (1)
(Thakerar et al., 1982); for example, females have Note that this quantity can be negative (indicating
been found to converge on pause frequency with divergence). The overall degree Conv(t) to which t
male conversational partners but diverge on laugh- serves as a trigger is then defined as the expectation
ter (Bilous and Krauss, 1988). of ConvA,B (t) over all initiator-respondent pairs:

5 Measuring convergence def

Conv(t) = Epairs(A,B) (ConvA,B (t)). (2)
Niederhoffer and Pennebaker (2002) use the correla-
tion coefficient to measure accommodation with re-
spect to linguistic style features. While correlation Comparison with correlation: the importance
at first seems reasonable, it has some problematic as- of asymmetry10 Why do we employ ConvA,B ,
pects in our setting (we discuss these problems later) Equation (1), instead of the well-known correlation
that motivate us to employ an alternative measure. coefficient? One reason is that correlation fails to
We instead use a convergence measure introduced 9
We use “initiating” and “reply” loosely: in our terminology,
in Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al. (2011) that quan- the conversation hA: “Hi.” B: “Eaten?” A: “Nope.”i has two
tifies how much a given feature family t serves as an exchanges, one initiated by A’s “Hi”, the other by B’s “Eaten?”.
immediate trigger or stimulus, meaning that one per- Other asymmetric measures based on conditional prob-
ability of occurrence have been proposed for adaptation
son’s utterance exhibiting such a feature triggers the within monologues (Church, 2000) and between conversations
appearance of that feature in the respondent’s imme- (Stenchikova and Stent, 2007). Since our focus is different, we
diate reply. control for different factors.
capture an important asymmetry. The case where
at = 1 but bt,→a = 0 represents a true failure to ac- 0.60
commodate; but the case where at = 0 but bt,→a = 1
should not, at least not to the same degree. For ex-
ample, a may be very short (e.g., “What?”) and thus 0.40
not contain an article, but we don’t assume that this
completely disallows B from using articles in their 0.30
reply. In other words, we are interested in whether 0.20
the presence of t acts as a trigger, not in whether
b,→a exhibits t if and only if a does, the latter being 0.10
what correlation detects.11
It bears mentioning that since at and bt,→a are

Indef. pron.

Pers. pron.

Aux. verb
binary, a simple calculation shows that the covari-
ance12 cov(at , bt,→a ) = ConvA,B (t) · P (at = 1).
But, the two terms on the right hand side are
not independent: raising P (at = 1) could cause
ConvA,B (t) to decrease by affecting the first term Figure 1: Implicit depiction of convergence for each trig-
in its definition, P (bt,→a = 1|at = 1) (see eq. 1). ger family t, illustrated as the difference between the
means of P (bt,→a = 1|at = 1) (right/light-blue bars) and
P (bt,→a = 1) (left/dark-blue bars). (This implicit repre-
6 Experimental results sentation allows one to see the magnitude of the two com-
ponents making up our definition of convergence.) The
6.1 Convergence exists in fictional dialogs trigger families are ordered by decreasing convergence.
All differences are statistically significant (paired t-test).
For each ordered pair of characters (A, B) and for In all figures in this paper, error bars represent standard
each feature family t, we estimate equation (1) in a error, estimated via bootstrap resampling (Koehn, 2004).
straightforward manner: the fraction of B’s replies (Here, the error bars, in red, are very tight.)
to t-manifesting A utterances that themselves ex-
hibit t, minus the fraction of all replies of B to A
that exhibit t.13 Fig. 1 compares the average values Movies vs. Twitter One can ask how our results
of these two fractions (as a way of putting conver- on movie dialogs correspond to those for real-life
gence values into context), showing positive differ- conversations. To study this, we utilize the results
ences for all of the considered families of features of Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al. (2011) on a large-
(statistically significant, paired t-test p < 0.001); this scale collection of Twitter exchanges as data on
demonstrates that movie characters do indeed con- real conversational exchanges. Figure 2 depicts the
verge to each other’s linguistic style on all consid- comparison, revealing two interesting effects. First,
ered trigger families.14 Twitter users coordinate more than movie characters
on all the trigger families we considered, which does
One could also speculate that it is easier for B to (uncon- show that the convergence effect is stronger in actual
sciously) pick up on the presence of t than on its absence. interchanges. On the other hand, from the perspec-
The covariance of two random variables is their correlation
times the product of their standard deviations. tive of potentially using imagined dialogs as prox-
For each t, we discarded pairs of characters where some ies for real ones, it is intriguing to see that there is
relevant count is < 10, e.g., where B had fewer than 10 replies generally a correspondence between how much con-
manifesting the trigger. vergence occurs in real dialogs for a given feature
We obtained the same qualitative results when measuring
convergence via the correlation coefficient, doing so for the sake
family and how much convergence occurs for that
of comparability with prior work (Niederhoffer and Pennebaker, feature in imagined dialogs, although conjunctions
2002; Taylor and Thomas, 2008). and articles show a bit less convergence in fictional
0.05 exchanges than this pattern would suggest.
Movies 6.2 Potential alternative explanations
Immediate vs. within-conversation effects An

0.03 additional natural question is, how much are these

accommodation effects due to an immediate trigger-
0.02 ing effect, as opposed to simply being a by-product
of utterances occurring within the same conversa-
0.01 tion? For instance, could the results be due just to
the topic of the conversation?
To answer this question requires measuring “con-
Indef. pron.

Pers. pron.


Aux. verb

vergence” between utterances that are not adjacent,

but are still in the same conversation. To this end,
we first restricted attention to those conversations
in which there were at least five utterances, so that
they would have the structure a1 b2 a3 b4 a5 .... We
Figure 2: Convergence in Twitter conversations (left bars)
then measure convergence not between adjacent ut-
vs. convergence in movie dialogs (right bars; corre-
sponds to the difference between the two respective bars
terances, like a1 and b2 , but where we skip an utter-
in Fig. 1) for each trigger family. The trigger families are ance, such as the pair a1 , b4 or b2 , a5 . This helps
ordered by decreasing convergence in Twitter. control for topic effects, since b4 and a1 are still
close and thus fairly likely to be on the same sub-
0.05 ject.15
Adjacent Figure 3 shows that the level of convergence al-
0.04 Non-adjacent
ways falls off after the skipped utterance, sometimes
dramatically so, thus demonstrating that the level

of immediate adaptation effects we see cannot be

0.02 solely explained by the topic of conversation or other
conversation-level effects. These results accord with
0.01 the findings of Levelt and Kelter (1982), where in-
terposing “interfering” questions lowered the chance
0.00 of a question’s preposition being echoed by the re-
spondent, and Reitter et al. (2006), where the effects
Indef. pron.
Pers. pron.

of structural priming were shown to decay quickly


Aux. verb

with the distance between the priming trigger and

the priming target.
Towards the same end, we also performed ran-
domization experiments in which we shuffled the or-
Figure 3: Immediate vs. within-conversation effects der of each participant’s utterances in each conversa-
(for conversations with at least 5 utterances). Sup-
tion, while maintaining alternation between speak-
pose that we have a conversation a1 b2 a3 b4 a5 . . .. The
lefthand/dark-green bars show the usual convergence ers. We again observed drop-offs in this randomized
measure, which involves the utterance pair a1 and b2 . The condition in comparison to immediate convergence,
righthand/mustard-green bars show convergence based the main focus of this paper.
on pairs like a1 and b4 — utterances in the same con-
versation, but not adjacent. We see that there is a much Self-coordination Could our results be explained
stronger triggering effect for immediately adjacent utter- entirely by the author converging to their own
ances. self, given that self-alignment has been documented
It is true that they might be on different topics, but in fact
even b2 might be on a different subject from a1 .
(Pickering and Garrod, 2004; Reitter et al., 2006)?
If that were the case, then the characters that the au-
thor is writing about should converge to themselves Narrative importance Does the relative impor-
no more than they converge to different characters. tance bestowed by the scriptwriter to the characters
But we ran experiments showing that this is not the affect the amount of linguistic coordination he or she
case, thus invalidating this alternative hypothesis. In (nonconsciously) embeds in their dialogs? Fig. 5
fact, characters converge to themselves much more shows that, on average, the lead character converges
than they converge to other characters. to the second-billed character more than vice-versa
(compare left bar in 1st resp. group with left bar in
6.3 Convergence and imagined relation 2nd resp. group).
We now analyze how convergence patterns vary with One possible confounding factor is that there is
the type of relationship between the (imagined) par- significant gender imbalance in the data (82% of all
ticipants. Note that, given the multimodal charac- lead characters are males, versus only 51% of the
ter of convergence, treating each trigger family sep- secondary characters). Could the observed differ-
arately is the most appropriate way to proceed, since ence be a direct consequence of the relation between
in past work, for the same experimental factor (e.g., gender and convergence discussed above? The an-
gender), different features converge differently (re- swer is no: the same qualitative observation holds if
fer back to §4). For clarity of exposition, we discuss we restrict our analysis to same-gender pairs (com-
in detail only the results for the Articles feature fam- pare the righthand bars in each group in Fig. 517 ).
ily; but the results for all trigger families are sum- It would be interesting to see whether these re-
marized in Fig. 7, discussed later. sults could be brought to bear on previous results
regarding the relationship between social status and
Imagined gender Fig. 4(a) shows how conver- convergence, but such interpretation lies beyond the
gence on article usage depends on the gender of the scope of this paper, since the connection between
initiator and respondent. Females are more influ- billing order and social status is not straightforward.
ential than males: movie characters of either gen-
der accommodate more to female characters than to Quarreling The level of contention in conversa-
male characters (compare the Female initiator bar tions has also been shown to be related to the amount
with the Male initiator bar, statistically significant, of convergence (Giles, 2008; Niederhoffer and Pen-
independent t-test, p < 0.05). Also, female char- nebaker, 2002; Taylor and Thomas, 2008). To test
acters seem to accommodate slightly more to other whether this tendency holds in the case of imagined
characters than male characters do (though not sta- conversations, as a small pilot study, we manually
tistically significantly so in our data). classified the conversations between 24 main pairs
We also compare the amount of convergence be- of characters from romantic comedies18 as: quarrel-
tween all the possible types of gendered initiator- ing, some quarreling and no quarreling. Although
respondent pairs involved (Fig. 4(b)). One can ob- the experiment was too small in scale to provide
serve, for example, that male characters adapt less in statistical significance, the results (Fig. 6) suggest
same-gender situations (Male-Male conversations) that indeed the level of convergence is affected by
than in mixed-gender situations (Female initiator-
ent features; Ireland and Pennebaker (2010) show that females
Male respondent), while the opposite is true for fe- match their linguistic style more than males, where style match-
male characters (Female-Female vs. Male-Female). ing is averaged over the same 9 trigger families we employ (they
Interpreting these results lies beyond the scope do not report gender effect for each family separately).
Figure 5 also shows that our convergence measure does
of this paper. We note that these results could be
achieve negative values in practice, indicating divergence. Di-
a correlate of many factors, such as the roles that vergence is a rather common phenomenon which deserves at-
male and female characters are typically assigned in tention in future work; see Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al.
movie scripts.16 (2011) for an account.
We chose the romantic comedy genre since it is often char-
A comparison to previously reported results on real-life acterized by some level of contention between the two people
gender effects is not straightforward, since they pertain to differ- in the main couple.
article article
0.04 0.04

0.03 0.03

0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01

0.00 0.00
F resp.

M resp.
F init.

M init.




(a) (b)

Figure 4: Relation between Article convergence and imagined gender. (a) compares cases when the initiator and
respondent are Male or Female; (b) compares types of gendered initiator-respondent relations: Male-Male, Female-
Male, Male-Female, Female-Female. For comparison, the All bars represents the general Article convergence (illus-
trated in Fig. 1 as the difference between the two respective bars).

0.015 0.015 0.015 0.06

0.010 0.010 0.010
0.005 0.005 0.005
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.02
0.005 0.005 0.005
0.010 0.010 0.010 0.06

Indef. pron.
Pers. pron.



Aux. verb


Indef. pron.

Indef. pron.

Indef. pron.


Pers. pron.

Pers. pron.

Pers. pron.








Aux. verb

Aux. verb

Aux. verb

(a) F resp. minus M resp. (b) F init. minus M init. (c) 1st resp. minus 2nd resp. (d) Quarrel minus No quarrel

Figure 7: Summary of the relation between convergence and imagined gender (a and b), billing order (c), and quarrel-
ing (d). The bars represent the difference between the convergence observed in the respective cases; e.g., the Article
(red) bar in (a) represents the difference between the F resp. and the M resp. bars in Fig. 4(a). In each plot, the
trigger families are sorted according to the respective difference, but the color assigned to each family is consistent
across plots. The scale of (d) differs from the others.

the presence of controversy: quarreling exhibited of the Watergate transcripts: when the relationship
considerably more convergence for articles than the between the two deteriorated, Richard Nixon con-
other categories (the same holds for personal and in- verged more to John Dean on articles, but diverged
definite pronouns; see Fig. 7). Interestingly, the on other features.19
reverse is true for adverbs; there, we observe di-
Results for the other features Our results above
vergence for contentious conversations and conver-
suggest some intriguing interplay between conver-
gence for non-contentious conversations (detailed
gence and gender, status, and level of hostility in
plot omitted due to space constraints). This corre-
imagined dialogs, which may shed light on how
sponds to Niederhoffer and Pennebaker’s (2002) ob-
people (scriptwriters) nonconsciously expect con-
servations made on real conversations in their study
Adverbs were not included in their study.
0.03 article 0.06 article


0.01 0.03
0.01 0.00

Rom. com.

No quarrel

Sm. quarrel
1st resp.

2nd resp.

Figure 5: Comparison of the convergence of first-billed Figure 6: Relation between contention and convergence.
(lead) characters to second-billed characters (left bar in The third bar combines quarreling and some quarreling
1st resp. group) to that of second-billed characters to to ameliorate data sparsity. For comparison, Rom. com.
leads (left bar in 2nd resp. group); righthand bars (dark shows convergence calculated on all the conversations of
green) in each group show results for Male-Male pairs the 24 romantic-comedy pairs considered in this experi-
only. ment.

vergence to relate to such factors. (Interpreting these be used to further automatic controversy detection
sometimes apparently counterintuitive findings is (Mishne and Glance, 2006; Gómez et al., 2008).
beyond the scope of this paper, but represents a fas- Moreover, if we succeeded in linking our results
cinating direction for future work.) Fig. 7 shows on narrative importance to relative social status, we
how the nature of these relations depends on the trig- might further the development of systems that can
ger family considered. The variation among families infer social relationships in online social networks
is in line with the previous empirical results on the when conversational data is present but other, more
multimodality of convergence in real conversations, explicit cues are absent (Wyatt et al., 2008; Bram-
as discussed in §4. sen et al., 2011). Such systems could be valuable to
the rapidly expanding field of analyzing social net-
7 Summary and future work works.
We provide some insight into the causal mecha-
nism behind convergence, a topic that has gener-
ated substantial scrutiny and debate for over 40 years Acknowledgments Many thanks for their help are
(Ireland et al., 2011; Branigan et al., 2010). Our due to Claire Cardie, Catalin Draghici, Susan Du-
work, along with Elson and McKeown (2010), ad- mais, Shimon Edelman, Michael Gamon, Jon Klein-
vocates for the value of fictional sources in the study berg, Magdalena Narożniak, Alex Niculescu-Mizil,
of linguistic and social phenomena. To stimulate Myle Ott, Bo Pang, Morgan Sonderegger, plus NLP
such studies, we render our metadata-rich corpus of seminar participants Eric Baumer, Bin Lu, Chenhao
movie dialog public. Tan, Lu Wang, Bishan Yang, Ainur Yessenalina, and
In §1, we described some practical applications Marseille, and the anonymous reviewers (who went
of a better understanding of the chameleon effect in far beyond the call of duty!). Supported by NSF IIS-
language; it boils down to improving communica- 0910664, the Yahoo! FREP program, and a Yahoo!
tion both between humans and between humans and Key Scientific Challenges award.
computers. Also, our results on contention could
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