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Portfolio 2018-19

Discover Your Future

Who do you want to be?

1. What are the things you are most passionate about?

I’m passionate about music and different types of arts.

2. What do you not like to do?

I don't really like things that don't have much meaning behind it.

3. If you had all the money and time in the world, where would you go? What would you do?
Who would you spend time with? I would go to see my favorite band which I know seems a little
childish but I would want to talk to them about their music since they put a lot of work and
thought into there music and videos. Talk about how there dreams did change to be being a
musical band when some of them had other careers in mind. I would also want to go to a beach
and take pictures and see if they would like them or talk to there photographer who I love and
takes great pictures and is just doing the absolute thing I would want to do when im older.

4. What are your health goals? How active do you want to be? What are you willing to do/not do
to meet your health goals? I would want to try and be more fit but not turn into someone that
tries to care so much about how they look and pressuring themselves to be that person. I would
want to work overtime to achieve a more healthier style but not focus a lot on it that it takes over

5. What are your career goals? How hard do you want to work, and in what kind of environment?
How much money do you want to make? Do you want to work alone or with other people? etc.
My career goals is to try to find a good career that I like and can really help better as a person. I
want to work hard enough that i’m okay with what i’m doing and understand what i've been
working with. I would like working in a quiet space or somewhere with nature. I would want to
make a good salary that is worth all the work i’ve been doing and that seems reasonable. I would
be fine working alone but I would be fine working with other because it would be good to ask for
help on something.
Portfolio 2018-19

6. What are your family and relationship goals? My goals would be is that I could still able to
talk and look for them for help when I need it and I hope my siblings see me as a good big sister
because I love them and would really want them to look up to me. I just want the best for them. I
would want good understanding relationships when I a great significant other and great
friendships that are loyal and would help me with anything.

7. What kind of a house/city/country would you like to live in? How important are material
possessions? I would like to live in a good affordable house around any type of family possibly
in a city since im from a small town I would want to have different experiences. Also try
different foods, styles, and just see what there is out in the world.

8. Whom do you admire most in the world? Why? I admire my family who I know will support
me with anything and some of my friends that i’ve known forever and some of the new ones I
wish would be great friendships. So i'll know they will always be there for me.

9. Finish this sentence: In ten years, I will be……… or I hope have a good stable job that I love
and that I am still close to family and friends. Probably have a family that I can take care of and
just try to be happy.

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