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Joselyn Ordonez

Ms. LaFond

Advanced Sophomore English

April 17, 2017

Do Beatrice and Benedick Really Love One Another?

In Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing there are two characters that are

extremely unique that truly do love each other. Do Beatrice and Benedick really love one

another? Benedick and Beatrice have a very unique relationship. They claim they do not love

each other and act like they don’t know how they both feel but in reality it really isn’t like that.

Beatrice acts a certain way with Benedick, they are tricked into believing that they love each

other, their live is unbreakable.

One can tell Beatrice’s attitude is at its best when speaking about or to Benedick. When

Benedick greets her as “Lady Disdain” she snaps, “It is possible disdain should die, while she

hath such meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick? Courtesy itself must convert to disdain, if

you come in her presence.” Instead of taking offense, she welcomes the name and tells Benedick

that she acts contemptuous only because she is talking to him. She adds that she is agreeable with

everyone, with him as an exception. She purposely throws attitude at Benedick and tries to play

hard to get. Benedick would tend tease Beatrice. Boys will always find a way to show their

affection by teasing women.

Benedick and Beatrice are tricked into believing that the other loves them. “As soon as

they hear this, they themselves admit to their love for each other.” Now it can be argued that they

weren’t really in love but simply tricked. Benedick and Beatrice were in love this entire time,
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and simply hearing that the other loved them, allowed them to express their love. Beatrice and

Benedick were both truly in love the whole time.

Benedick and Beatrice’s love is like fire because it can’t be tamed or put out. “That I

neither feel how she should be loved nor know how she should be worthy is the opinion that fire

cannot melt out of me. I will die in it at the stake.” Benedick hates love, and he is known for

hating beauty. Beauty can’t move him to love, but perhaps some more meaningful trait in a girl

could move him (Beatrice).

Beatrice’s and Benedick’s relationship was very unique as well as complicated. The fact

that all that occurred, they didn’t let it get in the way. They both really did fall in love with each

other. “Suffer love, A good epithet! I do suffer love indeed for I love thee against my way.”
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Work cited
"Much Ado About Nothing." SparkNotes. SparkNotes, n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2017.

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