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Student Writing Reflection Sheet

Name: Perla Hernandez Period: 2 Date: 4/20/2019

Class: Senior English Teacher: Ms. Figueroa

Assignment Title: Q3 Macbeth’s Downfall

Student Writing Goal: My goal is to get a high score in my spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I want to score higher
than an 80% in all my assignments which is a “4”. I want to score a 90 or 95% in all my assignments which is a “5”.

1) Re-read the paper (and teacher feedback).
2) Complete this reflection sheet.

What was the purpose of this writing assignment?

The purpose of this writing assignment was to read the story Macbeth and go over it again in a simple way
because it was a bit confusing. Then, after going over it we had to write an argumentative essay stating who
had the blame for Macbeth’s downfall and we had to give quotes for who we thought had the blame.
Although it was an argumentative essay we did not have counter claims. We could have chosen himself, Lady
Macbeth, Banquo or the three witches.

How did you perform in relation to the expectations of the writing rubric?
Think that I did well on this essay. I tried to use some of the feed backs that I got from my teacher and some
of my fellow classmates from my previous essays and took those suggestions to make this essay be adequate.
Although I did stumble a bit on trying to get my points across a bit.

What aspect of this piece did you do well? (give example/quotes to support claims)
I think I did on introducing the quotes for example, when I gave a quote where Lady Macbeth told her
husband that he had to kill his best friend and his best friends’ son. I said “she states,” then I proceeded to
add the quotes. I did this so that it would not be a drop quote I also added the page number, act and line. I
think I did this well because if I wouldn’t have done this then it would be plagiarized and it would have also
been drop quotes.

Why have you/haven’t you chosen to revise this writing assignment?

I chose to revise this writing assignment so that I could receive a better score than I did before the revision.
Although I did score decent on this assignment I want to score higher than a 95%. I think that I can achieve
this goal if I continue to take into consideration the feedback that I receive from my classmates and teacher.

What will you do better in your next writing assignment, and how will I do it?
What I will do better in my next writing assignment is correctly do the word cited page. I think that If I do
this better than my scoring will be better, and I will not get point deducted because of my format. I will make
my word cited better by asking my teacher for help and try to learn how to do it on my own so that I will not
ask for help numerous times, I will try to learn fast.

To what degree of success did you achieve your previously stated goal(s)?
I did achieve the goal that I wanted. I wanted to get higher than an 80% and I did I got a 95%. I am so happy
that I got the score that I wanted, at first I thought I was going to get a low score but then I got my essay back
and it said that I got a high score. I thought I would score low because I thought that my sentences were too
repetitive and I went to change them up a bit, I am glad that I did because if I would have left then how I had
them before than I would have probably gotten a low grade and my goal would not have been achieved.

3) Revise the paper accordingly and highlight any changes.

4) Submit the revision and this reflection sheet.

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