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Poor quality in spinning may be defined as a combination of factors such as the

technical parameters of yarn being out of the acceptable tolerance limits of the
customers, presence of objectionable faults and labels, improper packing leading to
damage while handling, shabby packing resulting in time consumption while
opening and extra space for storage, delay in dispatch causing loss to the customers
and plenty to the company, increased caused of manufacturing pushing the
organization to a loss, short supplies and over productions leading to accumulation
of finished material as stock. However in practice, the terminoly of quality is used
for product parameter by the technicians in shape floor, but the top management,
everything is important as the company’s profitability depends on the total quality
and not only on the technical parameters. The technicians therefor are suggested
considering everything together and not concentrating only on the technical

It is a normal belief that adapting latest machinery with good technology

results in good quality of yarns compared to old machinery and technology. There
are number of factors responsible for the poor quality. They are Raw Materials,
Works Methods, the condition of the machinery and management system adapted.

Raw Material
There is a direct relationship between certain quality characteristics of the fiber and
those yarns. Seventy to eighty percent of basic yarn quality is decided by the raw
material. The fiber properties like staple length, Uniformity in staple length short
fiber contents, fineness, strength, elongation, maturity etc. play a role. If the
micronaire is coarse section will be less. This always results in lower strength and
lower elongation. But it is easy to process coarse micronaire fibers in blow room
and cards. Nepping tendency is less for coarse micronaire fibers. On the contrary,
spin ability (in both speed frame and Ring Frame) is not good with coarser
micronaire. Coarser the micronaire, higher shall be the U%. Higher end breakage
in spinning. Uster thin place (30%) in the yarn vary depending upon the fiber
micronaire. Lower the micronaire lower the thin places and vice versa.
Raw materials if not suitable for the product being produced cannot give the
quality parameters as needed. We need to understand the quality objectives of the
product and decide the raw materials. The factors like feel of the fabric, hairiness
in the surface of fabric and dye ability are governed by the raw materials property.
Just by spending more money or superior fine cotton cannot give the quality
required by the customer but shall increase the cost of manufacture leading to a
loss of the company.

Raw material should be suitable for the machine being worked. The machines are
normally designed for a range of raw materials and we need certain modifications
while working. The types of opening machine differ from cotton to synthetics and
also with in the cotton itself from fine to surface cottons. Coarser wire points are
used for the carding polyesters whereas for cottons we have different wire
configuration. The nose plates are different for cotton and polyester. In Ring frame
large diameter bottom roller of 30mm are used for long staple synthetic fibers
compared to 27 to 25 mm diameter for cottons. The cradle sizes used in drafting
zone are different for staple lengths. Similarly there are number of changes in the
machine configuration to suit different raw materials. If we are not clear about the
same, In spite of having latest machinery and good raw materials we might
produce bad quality yarns.

Variations, mix-ups, contaminations and damages in raw materials are also

responsible for poor quality yarn. The selections of raw materials the ways in
which they are handled and use also play an important role.

Following are some examples:

1. Improper selection of raw material.

2. Variation in raw material.
3. Handling and storage damages.
4. Damages due to improper ginning in case of cotton.
5. Fused fiber in case of synthetic staples.
6. Presence of uncut fibers in staple fibers.
7. Packing of cotton bale with polyester cotton cloths/HDPE/Ploy
propylene cloths.
8. Inadequate number of lots in a mixing.
Work Method.

The work methods are very critical for getting the required quality of yarn. One
can get a good result in spite of fairly poor raw material or old machine provided
appropriate work method related factors as follows.

 Old system/ practices not modified as per the new requirements.

 Inadequate training and lack of knowledge Mixing.

The causes of poor quality in mixing related are follow.

 Not verifying the lot numbers and bale numbers before taking the mixing.
 Taking more bales from a lot for mixing.
 Not clearly defining/ understanding the quantity of materials to be taken
from each mixing component.
 Uncontrolled mixing of soft waste.
 Putting all soft waste at one place in a stack.
 Not taking materials from each bale uniformly while making a stack
 Not keeping the bales in allocated place while mixing or feeding to bale
 Not removing the hessian /HDPE covering and bale hoops properly.
 Not opening the cotton thoroughly.
 Not removing the big visible contamination while opening the bales and
doing mixing.
 Keeping slippers near the mixing bin.
 Not clearing the floor thoroughly before laying mixing
 Not updating the identification board.
 Pouring more water/ cotton spray oil at one place
 Handling the mixing in wet condition.
 Sleeping on the mixing bin during leisure hours.

Blow room
 Improper selection of cleaning and opening points for the mixing in hand.
 Not cutting the mixing vertically while feeding to mixing bale opener.
 Using improperly condition mixing in case of stack mixing.
 Feeding big lumps of cotton to bale breaker.
 Widening the setting to have more production.
 Too close setting resulting in over beating and fiber damages.
 Laps of longer lengths.
 Applying excessive weights on lap spindles to get a compact lap.
 Not removing the accumulated wastes in time resulting in back firing and
waste contamination.
 Not cleaning the magnets on time.
 Not properly closing the doors.
 Not maintaining the work area clean.
 Not properly following color codification for laps.
 Not cleaning the sensors in photo electric controls.
 Using of bent lap doors. Using form filter bags.
 Cleaning the machines with broom while working.
 Using compressed air for cleaning while machines are working.

 Carding.

@ Brining the laps on hand or by touching it to the body.

@ Not properly feeding the laps resulting in doubles or singles in sliver.
@ Not removing the doubles and sigles.
@ Not removing the wastes in time.
@ Not keeping the carding area clean.
@ Not cleaning the card sides with a clean broom stick regularly.
@ Twisting too much while piecing the slivers.
@ Not following the correct color codification and chanelling.
@ Not striping the cards in time.
@ Not cleaning the phillipson rollers in time.
@ Making the stop motion inactive.
@ Keeping the doffer cove up while running.
@ Keeping the covers and belt guards open.
@ Over filling the cans.
@ Not removing the wastes from can bottom before placing bellow coiler.
@ Not cleaning the castors regularly.
@ Pressing the sliver in the can by hand.
@ Not covering the sliver can that are in stock.
@ Use of compressed air for cleaning while machine working.

Draw frames
Not cleaning the cans as per the allocation given(Card number wise or
delivery wise)
Keeping the feeding cans much away from the creel.
Overlapping the sliver while piecing in the creel.
Cutting the sliver cans at creel and reversing for adjusting the cans in creel.’
Not removing the sliver wastes from the spring bottom before putting cans
in the machine.
Not removing the slivers from the can whenever there is lapping.
Making the stop motions in active.
Not getting the cots buffed in time.
Replacing the top rollers without verifying the diameters and surface
Not greasing the top roller brushes in time with proper grease.
Using sharp knives to remove lapping resulting in damages cots.
Not removing the suction box wastes in time.
Keeping the suction box doors half open.
Putting cotton pad to get pressure on drafting rollers.
Using damaged cans and springs.
Using nails and hammer to remove cotton jam from trumpets.
Not ensuring proper alignment of can.
Not following the correct color codification and channeling.
Overfilling the cans.
Pressing the sliver in can by hand.
Use of compressed for cleaning while machine is working.
Un Staggered sliver piecing.
Checking the wrapping periodically and correcting the hank by changing the

# Bigger laps.
# Applying excessive pressure to take copact laps.
# Use of worn out bare spools in lap forming machine.
# Allowing overlapping of slivers being fed to lap former.
# Overlapping the lap sheet while piecing.
# Overlapping the slivers on the table for piecing.
# Not cleaning the top comb in time.
# Not removing the accumulated comber noil in time.
# Keeping tools etc. on the sliver table.
# Inactivating the stop motions.
# Piecing the slivers by over twisting.
# Not following the correct color codification and channeling.
# Over filling the cans.
# Using damaged sliver trumpets.
# Pressing the sliver in the cans by hand.
# Use of compressed air for cleaning while machine is working.

Speed frame
 Cutting the slivers at cans in the creel and distributing the other can.
 Overlapping the sliver while attending a sliver run out.
 Cross creeling of cans.
 Sliver falling out of guide roller.
 Twisting too hard while piecing.
 Applying cotton to the top arm to get pressure.
 Pressing the front top cot to correct a loose end.
 Not verifying the spacers and condensers while replacing.
 Not putting back fallen floating condenser while attending a break.
 Not following the correct color codification and channeling.
 Not removing the accumulated clearer waste on time.

Ring frame
 Keeping roving bobbins on the top of the creel for long time.
 Overlapping of roves while piecing.
 Putting cotton in top arm for getting more pressure.
 Using sharp knives/ hooks for removing lapping
 Inactive bottom clearers resulting in partial lapping.
 Not attending a break for a long time.
 Cross creeling.
 Not removing the last layers in the roving bobbin and allowing it run out
 Keeping roving bobbins in the path of roving on the top arm.
 Keeping the bobbins in the path of air flow of overhead cleaners.
 Not removing the bobbins while a tape is cut.
 Not following the running in schedule of rings properly.
 Keeping excess travellers in the cup and not removing them while changing
 Not cleaning the ring with dry cloth/Cotton before replacing a burnt
 Piecing from over cot.
 Double piecing at cop bottom.
 Long piecing.

 Bypassing the yarn clearer.
 Not keeping the clearer area clean.
 Keeping tighter setting to get good yarn.
 Keeping excess tension to get a compact cone.
Machinery condition
The poor quality of yarn from machinery can be attributed to the following.

1) Worn out parts.

2) Improper Maintenance and setting.

Technology and the parameters adapted play a vital role in deciding the quality of
yarn spun. Poor quality can be a result of following

 Adapting a technology verifying its appropriateness for the product and the
activity but just because it is least.
 Not updating the technology for the requirement of the product.
 Not understanding the available technology and hence not optimizing the
parameters as needed.

Blow Room
The Operation in blow room need to be controlled depending on the quality
characteristics desired in yarn. Some of the important yarn quality characteristics
influence by blow room performance either directly or indirectly are as follows.

 Evenness: By level of short fibers generate ( increase in fiber rupture)

 Imperfections: By level of short fibers generated degree of cleaning and
opening and neps generated in blow room.
 Neps: By additional neps generated in Blow room.
 Hairiness: By level of short fiber generated.
 Consistency in count: By delivery of uniform product either lap or the feed
to cards.
 Consistency in property: By degree of mixing achieved.
 Cleanliness: By degree of cleaning achieved and possible rupture of large
trash particles.

Different parameters and technology are given bellow:

 Improper selection of cleaning and beating points.

 Improper section of speeds settings and ratio of beater and fan speeds.
 Inadequate controls.
 Longer length of pipes/ducts and excessive bends in the materials.


 Wrong selection of feed and hank organization.

 Wrong selection of wire points for the material and hank.
 Wrong selection of speeds and setting of different part.
 Wrong selection of feed plates for the fiber in use.
 Improper control points for the activity.
 Inadequate control of humidity and temp.
 Improper setting of auto leveler.

Draw Frame
 Improper adjustment of break draft and final draft combination
 Improper settings for the hanks and material being worked.
 Improper setting of auto leveler.
 Hooks formations because of the type of trumpets used.

While designing lap preparation, total draft, fiber parallelization, no. of doubling,
lap weight etc. should be decided properly.

This can be

 Improper selection of lap

 Improper selection of trumpets.
 Inadequate control of humidity and temp.
 Improper selection of feed for the noil% extracted.

Speed frame
 The drafting system not suitable for the fibers and hanks.
 Improper selection of break draft and main draft for the fibers and the hanks.
 The flyer size/type not suitable for the hank and the material in use.
 The bobbin lift and diameters not suitable for the hank of material produced.
 Improper selection of condenser and spacer.
 The twist multiplier not compatible with fiber length, hank and the drafting
system at ring frame.

Ring frame
 The rafting system not suitable for the fiber , count and the organization
 Improper selection of break draft and main draft combination for the hank
and count.
 Improper selection of empty bobbins.
 Improper setting
 Improper selection of spacers
 The hardness of the cots not suitable for the fibers hank the count spun and
the ring and traveller not suitable for the fiber, count, the speed.
 Improper synthetic rubber.
 The rings and traveller not suitable for the fibers count and speed.
 The lappet eye not suitable for the fiber and count spun.
 The combination of winding and building coil not suitable.

 Selection of cone angle to the speed of the machine.
 Improper selection of empty cones.

Management systems adapted.

The management systems adapted play a major role in getting the required quality
of materials in time at the estimated cost following are some of the mistakes
normally done:-

 Following a system designed in the past that is not suitable today.

 Following a system followed at other mill not suitable for us
 Poor house keeping
 Improper/ Inadequate communication.
 Not maintaining log books and records in a simple way.

Following are some of the examples of effect of management systems adapted on

the yarn quality.
 Not clear about the quality requirements of each process.
 Not clear about the capability of the system
 Poor interactions with the people working on shop of the customers/
 Poor housekeeping.
 Congested layout of machinery and process.
 Keeping excess material in stock and process as stand by.
 Keeping excess spares in the work area for emergency operations.
 Improper maintenance of records.
 Not reviewing the quality aspects. Periodically.
 Not taking sincere action on the quality control reports.
 Not analyzing the reasons for poor quality and taking ad-hoc decisions.
 Not expecting the experience Knowledge and intensions of the juniors.

Frequent shifting and re-erections in mills where long term planning is not there
we see frequent shifting and re-erection of parts, misbalancing of the running parts
and disturbance in levels and finally loading to breakdowns. The technicians have
to spend more time on dismantling and erection activities and cannot concentrate
on maintaining other machines and monitoring the quality.

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