Memorandum of Reflection

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Memorandum of Reflection

During the course of this class we have completed the Student Learning Objectives (SLO) by
completing three projects. In each of these projects there were at least three SLOs that were
focused on. Below I have provided reflection of all of the projects along with the coordination

Project 1 (SLOs 3,5,7)

 The purpose of this assignment was to be able to build a resume. Also, we had to narrow
our target audience and produce a document that was for them. We learned that different
audiences need different writing styles. (SLO 3)
 My audience was a potential employer with the City government. The audience did affect
the document that I wrote as the job that was being hired for was not an entry level
position and needed to be more precise on what I could offer they employer. (SLO 5)
 The resume was written straight to the point with no extra fluffy so that my potential
employer would be able to at a glance see if I met the qualifications for that position.
(SLO 7)

Project 2 (SLOs 4,6,9)

 The purpose of my project was to shine light on the fact that reintroduction sometimes is
not a good thing that it needs to be an all of nothing thing and I hope that it achieves this
by show that these animals that were taken out of an environment and then introduced
back in cannot survive in it any longer and there has to be an alternative. This was
accomplished by researching the problems that were having and then coming up with a
possible solution that might work. (SLO 4)
 The audience was both the general public and the agencies that are involved in these
reintroduction acts. It effected by me wanting to keep in short and simple so that it didn’t
overwhelm anyone. I used the charts and graphs to help get my point across when talking
about various problems. (SLO 6)
 The media I choose to use was PowerPoint with a recording because I thought that it
might be the most beneficial to the discussion as they could pause or read at their own
pace. (SLO 9)

Project 3 (SLOs 1,2,9)

 The purpose of our project was to shed light on the problems in the chemistry department
and what the inconsistencies were and how that if could be fixed with small and minor
changes. I believe that this was achieve effectively and the proposal that was submit is in
line with the objective that we wanted to accomplish. (SLO 2)
 The audience for our proposal was the head of the chemistry department and the
chemistry department in general. This made it so that we needed to keep our proposal
pretty broad and to the point so that way it could be looked at quickly and they didn’t get
to stuck in the information that was given. (SLO 9)
 Everyone contributed something at some point in the project there were some issues
getting late information into the proposal, but everyone contributed.
That the project was not easy with so many people working on it, but we made it work in
our own way. (SLO 1)

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