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Effective Management Platform

Jacob Tucker

Effective management encompasses a variety of responsibilities around student

management, operations, allocation of resources, and so on. As a teacher I have had multiple

different principles who have approached this responsibility in different ways. I’ve had the

principal who is in their office for most, if not all, of each day managing operational and student

management issues. In my experience this was not effective in the slightest. While operational

issues were “handled,” employees felt unheard and under-utilized which led to an unhealthy

culture. The most effective managers, in my opinion, were the principals that prioritized

relationships with the people they managed and used those relationships to complete

objectives. It is because of this that my stance on effective management as a principal boils

down to two key points. The most important being to promote and protect the safety and

welfare of the staff and students, with the second being to ensure the time and resources are

being allocated in order to support quality instruction and improve student learning.

As the building principal, the most paramount role I have is to ensure that staff and

students feel safe, respected, and valued. At the heart of this understanding is the importance

of relationships. People, as a human instinct, are drawn to other people and are more effective

workers for people they have relationships with. Rath & Conchie (2008) puts it this way,

“leaders are only as strong as the connections they make with each person in their constituency

(pg.79).” With this in mind, know that any operational or allocation decisions made will be

guided by first asking if this decision is in the best interest of our students and staff, and how

will this impact the relationships that have been built? Part of my commitment to relationships

includes balancing a school and home-life balance. This is important for myself, for the staff,

and also for the students.

While relationships will be the main influencer of managerial decisions, the second guiding

question will be does this decision support quality instruction and improve student learning.

While ensuring the safety and welfare of students and staff is our most important

responsibility, our goal as a school is to support and guide student learning. In my opinion the

best way to accomplish this is through professional learning communities.

“In terms of organizational outcome, researchers document positive linkages between

teacher professional community and school improvement, school effectiveness, goal

attainment, change, and organizational efficiency.” (Murphy, 2017)

If it’s true that the culture of an enterprise plays a dominant role in exemplary performance

(Deal & Peterson, 2009), then the impact of organizational culture should be the driving priority

in all decision making. In conclusion, while effective management includes so many things.

Know that management decisions will be made with the priority of providing a safe and

respectful culture for all students and staff and the goal of improving instructional practices and

student learning.


Deal, T., & Peterson, K. (2009). Shaping school culture: pitfalls, paradoxes, and promises. John

Wiley & Sons Inc.

Murphy, J. (2017). Professional standards for educational leaders. Corwin Publishing Company.

Rath, T., & Conchie, B. (2009). Strengths based leadership: Great leaders, teams, and why

people follow. New York: Gallup Press.


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