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LOWER LIMB [iy] 7 LOWER LIMB Topographic Anatomy Plate 463 46s Lower Limb: Surface Anatomy Cutaneous Anatomy Plates 468-472 488 Dormatomes of Lower Limb 470 Superficial Nerves and Veins of Lower Limb: Anterior View 471 Superficial Nerves and Veins of Lower Limb’ Posterior View 472 Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Lower Limb Hip and Thigh Plates 473-492 473 Hip (Coxal) Bone 474 Hip Joint 478 Hip Joint: Anteroposterior Radiograph 476 Fomur 477 Bony Attachments of Muscles of Hip and Thigh: Anterior View 478 Bony Attachments of Muscles of Hip and Thigh: Posterior View 47 Muscles of Thigh: Anterior Views Muscles of Thigh: Anterior Views (continued) Muscles of Hip and Thig! Muscles of Hip and Thigh: Posterior Views. Psoas and lliacus Muscles Lateral View Atlas of Human Anatomy LOWER LIMB ‘488 Lumbosacral and Coccygeal Plexuses 43s Lumbar Ploxus ‘axe Sacral and Coccygeal Ploxuses ‘487 Arteries and Nerves of Thigh: Anterior Views ‘43s Arteries and Nerves of Thigh: Anterior Views (continued) ‘439 Arteries and Nerves of Thigh: Posterior ‘490 Nerves of Hip and Buttock 4491 Arteries of Femoral Head and Neck ‘482 Thigh: Serial Cross Sections Plates 492-499 ‘493 Knee: Medial and Lateral Views ‘494 Knee: Anterior Views ‘495 Knee: Interior ‘496 Knee: Cruciate and Collateral Ligaments 487 Knee: Anteroposterior Radiograph and Posterior View ‘498 Knoo: Posterior and Sagittal Views 429 Arteries of Thigh and Knee: Schema Leg Plater 500-510 500 Tibia and Fibula 501 Tibia and Fibula (continued) 502 Attachments of Muscles of Leg 503 Muscles of Leg (Superficial Dissection): Posterior View 504 Muscles of Leg (Intermediate Dissection): Posterior View 505 Muscles of Leg (Deep Dissection): Posterior View 806 Muscles of Leg: Lateral 807 Muscles of Leg (Super Anterior View 80s Muscles of Leg (Deep Dissor Anterior View 509 Arteries of Knee, Leg, and Foot 510 Leg: Cross Sections and Fasclal Compartments Ankle and Foot Plates 611-524 511 Bones of Foot 812 Bones of Foot (continued) 13 Calcanous 814 Ligaments and Tendons of Ankle 515 Ligaments and Tendons of Foot: Plantar 16 Tendon Sheaths of Ankle 617 Muscles of Dorsum of Foot: Superficial Dissection 812 Dorsum of Foot: Deep Dissection 19 Sole of Foot: Superficial Dissecti 20 Muscles of Sole of Foot: First Layer 21 Muscles of Sole of Foot: Second Layer 22 Muscles of Sole of Foot: Third Layer 23 Interosseous Muscles and Deep Arteries of Foot 24 Interosseous Muscles of Foot Neurovasculature Plates 625-529 25 Fomoral Nerve and Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of, Thigh 626 Obturator Nerve 27 Sciatic Nerve and Posterior Cutaneous Nerve, of Thigh 528 Tibial Nerve 529, Common Fibular (Peroneal) Nerve Regional Scans Plates 650-531 830 Hip Radiograph, Arthrogram, and MRI 831 Ankle: Radiographs Muscle Tables Atlas of Human Anatomy Lower Limb: Surface Anatomy Anterior view Posterior view Bact ise crest. luteus Gluteus 4 medue | smaxinus Anterior muscle muscle superior iliac Inguinal spine Higarment Greater trochanter Tensor fase Iatae muscle: Sartorius muscle of femur luteal fold Semitend ec femors Great fosus Wiowbiat muscle saphenous uscle tract Adductor magnus, muscle Nastus Vastus medialis lateralis muscle. muscle tendon Aiotbial tract Quadriceps Patella Fibularis Patelar ligament eee Tibial tuberosity “Tibial anterior muscle ‘Anterior bordet of tibia Great saphenous \J— Medial Lateral malleolus: rpalleolus Extensor digitorum longus tendons: Extensor hallucis Tongs tendon Rectus femoris femoris tendon Biceps femoris smasele Long head Short head Graciis tendon Great saphenous vein Popliteal fossa Gastrocnemius muscle Medial head Lateral head Small saphenous Caleaneal (Achilles) tendon Fibularis (peroneus) longus tnd brevis tendons Medial malleolus: Lateral malleolus Caleaneal tuberosity Clfaalyd Plantar surface of oat Plate 468

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