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A. Varadero

B. Falso

C. Verdadero

D. Verdadero
The objective of this project is to carry out a financial study to evaluate the current condition of the

OSNYCAR footwear company, by calculating indicators that allow determining profitability indexes

and financial sensitivity scenarios; in order to support and facilitate decision making in a proactive

manner by the board of footwear company Osnycar.

This project in its development counts the result obtained in the study of markets guarantees the

continuity of the company; as the projection of supply and demand was calculated showing a behavior

of sustained growth of the two variables and identifying an unsatisfied demand for the first year of

54,225 pairs of shoes for women. As for the technical study, it was possible to quantify the current

investment in fixed assets for a value of $ 33,966,000, and the costs in terms of human talent, raw

materials and supplies for the first year will be $ 197,951,959. Likewise, the organizational structure of

the footwear company and all the regulations, aspects that regulate, benefits and restrictions that cover

the company were defined.

Finally, the financial study considering the analysis of the normal scenario and under compliance with

the criteria established in the study is profitable; since it obtained a positive NPV and an Internal Rate of

Return of 49.74%, which is above the minimum return expected by the investor of 40%.

The following work has the objective of carrying out a financial study in order to support the decision-

making of the company CALZADOS osnycar, for which it is necessary to conduct studies on the

market, technical, administrative and legal aspects.

In the first chapter, the market study is defined, in which factors such as the behavior of demand, supply

analysis, projection of demand and supply and prices and their projection are identified.

In the second chapter the technical study is denoted, where the technology and engineering of the

project, required labor and installed capacity are defined.

In the third chapter the administrative and legal study is indicated, which allows to have a broad

perspective regarding organizational aspects, calculations of related expenses, regulations that apply to

the company and its organizational structure.

The fourth chapter describes the financial study that allows the Osnycar footwear company to be

evaluated, through the calculation of indicators such as Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of

Return (IRR), making it possible to propose decision alternatives for the company around the current

situation of the economic sector to which it belongs and that these decisions help compliance with the

strategic plan, generate continuous improvement to strengthen the positioning and maturity of the

company over time.

Finally, the conclusions of the financial study and the recommendations to the footwear company

Osnycar are elaborated


Problem Statement

Within the Colombian industry we have the footwear sector, being this important within the economy,

which provides employment, development and social welfare. At the same time in the sector footwear

categories have been working according to the price, such as economic footwear, medium footwear and

high-end footwear.

Towards the year 2010 approximately, the sector presented critical difficulties regarding the entry of

Chinese product, which still continues to affect the competitiveness of the country's producing

companies, taking into account that prices are well below those handled in the national market .

However, between November 2014 and January 2015 sales increased 13.2 percent in footwear, a figure

that shows the economic boost and motivates domestic producers, as well as potential entrepreneurs

However, dumping (large volumes of merchandise at very low prices) is threatening footwear in

Colombia with an entry into the country of 17.8 million pairs of shoes below the reference price,

between January and October 2015, which It affected the sales of Colombian footwear producers that

can not compete with the low prices of foreign manufacturers. In this practice there would be illegal

cooperations, washing operations and unfair competition

Given this reality, it is necessary to carry out an analysis in market, administrative, legal, technical and

financial aspects of the company Calzado Osnycar, to generate decision alternatives based on a

projection for the next five years, in favor of development of the organization

Carry out a financial study to support the decision making of the company CALZADOS Osnycar.

1. Carry out a market study to determine the supply, demand and prices of the products to be

offered by the company Calzados Osnycar.

2. Prepare a technical study to determine the requirements of technology, infrastructure and

installation, human talent and organization for the company Calzado Osnycar

3. Carry out an administrative and legal study, which allows defining its organizational structure

and the current legal system within which the company operates.

4. Carry out a financial study by means of the calculation of indicators, which allow to measure and

determine profitability indexes to facilitate decision making by company executives.


The present market study will focus on determining demand, supply and prices; fundamental aspects to

take into account when carrying out the technical, administrative, legal and financial study.

A summary of the aspects to be studied in this chapter is evident.

Market research

International and national behavior of the footwear sector 2013 - 2015. Below is information on the

behavior of the footwear market at national and international level during the years 2013 to 2015,

according to figures extracted from secondary sources through the page of the Association Colombian

industrial footwear, leather and its manufactures.

The performance of the footwear sector in 2013, recorded exports of 32.9 million dollars with a

variation of -3.3% compared to the immediately previous year which was 34.08 million dollars.

The main destinations for external sales are Ecuador, the United States, Panama and Mexico, where they

reached a variation of 4%, 62%, 29% and -17% respectively.

With regard to imports, the purchases of finished footwear for 2013 were 478.3 million dollars, showing

a variation of - 16% compared to imports in 2012.

The main importing departments of finished footwear are Bogotá and Cundinamarca with 32%,

Magdalena with 17%, Atlántico with 15% and La Guajira with 10% participation.

Likewise for the year 2014, the footwear sector registered exports of finished footwear of 28.7 million

dollars, reflecting a variation of -12.7% with respect to exports made in 2014, the decrease is sustained

by the fall of Sales in the countries of Mexico, Ecuador and Venezuela.

It should also be mentioned that the main destinations for external sales of footwear were Ecuador, Peru

and the United States, where they reached a variation of -5%, 93% and -21% respectively.

On the other hand, imports of finished footwear for 2014 were of 467.8 million dollars, presenting a

variation of -2% compared to the immediately previous year.

On the other hand, the main import departments of finished footwear in volume are Bogotá and

Cundinamarca with 30%, Atlántico with 20% Magdalena with 19% and Bolívar with 8% ".
It should also be said that exports of finished footwear for 2015 were of 25.3 million dollars, with a

decrease of -11.9% compared to 2014.

The main destinations for external sales of finished footwear are Chile, Costa Rica, the United States

and Puerto Rico. With respect to imports made in 2015 of finished footwear, it was registered 379.18

million dollars, with a variation of -19% compared to 2014. The main importing departments of finished

footwear were Bogota and Cundinamarca with 34% , Atlantic 21%, Magdalena 17% and Bolívar


Market segmentation. Footwear is a consumer good for men, women and children, who demand

different styles, shapes, colors, designs and classes that match their clothing, so it becomes a product

consumed by the whole of the different market segments at national and international level,

concentrating on all the socioeconomic strata of the country.

Economically the finished footwear is considered within the family basket between the group of cost of

clothes and in the one of the workers with all type of income. "According to the ACICAM Association

at a national level, the behavior of footwear consumption in Colombia with a cut-off to August 2015 was

2.6 billion pesos, presenting a current growth of 10.9% compared to the same period of 2014: likewise

the destination of resources per household is 217,064 pesos and a per capita value of 54,266 pesos.

By August 2015, the main cities that registered the highest purchases per capita were Cartagena 18.6%,

Manizales 18.4%, Barranquilla 15.7% and Medellín 15.8% and the regional distribution of footwear

consumption in the Colombian market it was led by Bogotá with 23% of footwear consumption,

followed by Medellín with 15.2% and Cali with 8.7%

Based on the above, the company Calzado Osnycar will focus on the following characteristics: Women

located in strata 4 and 5, between 15 and 55 years of age, with a high possibility of covering the upper

social strata through of the diversification of production and new designs and styles that are at the

forefront of fashion.

Target market. In relation to the target market, the company Calzado Osnycar will use a channel of

indirect physical marketing at the national level, through Boutique specialized in footwear lines for

women directed to strata 1 and 2; for this type of characteristic the company does not assume the

management of the product until the final consumer, however, it can be established by the presentations

of the company's products, which are aimed at the market segment

Taking into account the current circumstances of commercialization and market segmentation, the need

has arisen to reach or attack other cities in the country where the consumption representation of finished

footwear is not as high as in the cities mentioned above.

It should be added that in order to access these new market segments, a strategy will be developed based

on a corporate image design, a brand and a web page, which will make it possible to publicize the value

proposition in the service and footwear and its difference compared to the other products of the region,

on par with this activity will improve the production conditions that allow the diversification in designs

and styles and thus be able to obtain new product presentations, in order to cover the new market

segments that report higher requirement in the quality and presentation of the product.

Another important aspect to take into account for the development of this strategy is to achieve the

positioning of the Osnycar brand as a line of eco-friendly biodegradable footwear exclusively for

women, with colors and designs according to the trend of fashion, made of natural fibers that give a soft
and comfortable texture, platforms in cork, ergonomic when walking, ornaments and decorations made

by hand, imposing a unique style and design in the line of shoes for women.

Historical behavior of the finished footwear. The historical behavior of the demand for finished

footwear, is basically shown by research carried out by institutions related to the footwear, leather and

leather goods sector and other associations such as the Colombian Association of Footwear and Leather

Industry and its manufactures "ACICAM", PROCOLOMBIA, DANE, RADDAR, and the Footwear and

Leather Goods Observatory, where the national consumption, imports and exports of this article are

evidenced, which is increasingly important when it comes to choosing clothes for Colombians.

According to TIME, in 2010 the average Colombian buys 2.2 pairs of shoes each year and of the 161.97

billion pesos that Colombians consumed in all types of merchandise between January and June, the 1.34

billion pesos allocated to it. to buy shoes, but this average per capita is low compared to countries like

the United States or some of Europe where a person can buy on average four times more. On the other

hand, a study carried out by the "Raddar-Acicam Footwear Observatory, men have 59 percent of the

market, 790.896 million pesos were spent. In the case of women, it has 29% of the market and will

allocate 388,644 million pesos, while for children, who have 12%, 187,621 million will be allocated.

Likewise, the cities that are considered the most buyers of footwear are Pasto, Manizales, Medellín,

Neiva and Montería

On the other hand, for 2011 according to the figures of the Footwear and Leather Goods Observatory of

Raddar and Acicam, evidence that every Colombian on average allocated 34,027 pesos to shoes between

January and July, while in July alone, the average per capita expenditure was 5,126. pesos. But while

consumption increases, prices fall from one year to the next, because, according to the Observatory

study, in July the variation was negative at 2.01 percent compared to the same month last year, when
they had already fallen in 2.58 percent. And this is a trend that remains in August, according to the data

of variation of prices that revealed the Dane this week (September 12, 2011), because so far this year the

prices of shoes fell on the market at 1.37 percent, while in one year the fall was 1.70 percent. However,

in the sole month of August 2011 prices remained stable in the Dane measurements. Moreover, the

Observatory notes that, over 12 years, the prices of shoes in the country have only had an increase of

4.48 percent. The city with the highest growth was Medellín, where consumption from one month to

another increased 4.96 percent, followed by Cali with an increase of 4.85 percent and Barranquilla with


Regarding consumption in Colombia in 2012, "internal demand was 49 million pairs in 2012, with a

strong and well-formed industry, with proven export capacity. For this reason, the Ministry of

Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MinCIT) included the footwear sector, with good reason, in the

Productive Transformation Program (PTP), which seeks to promote productivity and competitiveness of

sectors such as Agribusiness

Manufactures and Services. It is in El Tiempo. The average Colombian buys 2.2 pairs of shoes every

year. Manufacturing sector where the Footwear industry considered within the axis of Fashion is framed.

Likewise, for 2012, the footwear sector in Colombia presented a 5% growth over the previous year,

which is evident in reported sales, which went from $ 810,000 million in 2011 to $ 850,000 million in

2012. The local footwear is composed of 115 companies among which stand out Manisol, Croydon, La

Maravilla and Stanton; which had respectively 29%, 11%, 8% and 7% of participation in the total sales

of the sector.
In recent years the Colombian sector has faced an important restructuring process derived from the

growth of international competition that has led to a massive entry of shoes from Asia at very low prices.

According to the observatory Raddar - Acicam says:

Footwear purchases in Colombia, in 2013, reached 3.27 billion pesos, with a current growth of 10

percent over the previous year. The participation of footwear consumption in the total consumption of

Colombians, as of December 2013, was 0.79 percent, equivalent to a null variation compared to the

same month of the previous year. In December of 2013, Pasto was the city in which each person

allocated more money from the total consumed to the category

of footwear with an allocation of 1.68 percent, followed by Manizales with one percent; Pereira, 0.96

percent; Magdalena or, 0.85 percent; Medellín, 0.84 percent; Bogotá, 0.83 percent; Bucaramanga, 0.82

percent; Barranquilla, 0.81 percent; Neiva, 0.80 percent; Hunting, 0.79 percent; Cúcuta, 0.79 percent;

Cali, 0.62 percent and Cartagena 0.52 percent. At the end of 2013, the variation of national purchases

per capita was 14.1 percent. The main cities that registered a greater increase in purchases per capita

were: Cartagena 16.3 percent, Medellín 16.2 percent, Montería 15.5 percent and Cali with 15.2 percent

in La República. Footwear with the feet in the future. contrast, the cities with the lowest increase were

Bogotá, 13.7 percent; Pasture, 13.2 percent; Villavicencio, 12.6 percent and Cucuta with 9.8 percent "10.

The following shows the behavior of the Colombian market in footwear by cities from January to

December 2013.
Source: Observatory of footwear and leather goods Raddar-Acicam

In view of the above, it can be deduced that the city with the highest sales in finished footwear is Bogotá

with a participation of 23.6%, followed by Medellín and Cali with 15.3% and 9.1% respectively;

Cútuca, Villavicencio a and Neiva the cities with the lowest footwear sales in 2013

Now, the figure shows the behavior of footwear consumption in Colombia from January to August 2015,
according to the Observatory of Footwear and Leatherworking RADDAR - ACICAM, purchases

reached 2.6 billion pesos, showing a current growth of 10, 9% compared to the same period in 2014


According to the Observatory of footwear and leather goods of RADDAR - ACICAM says: In August

2015, Pasto was the city in which each person allocated more money to purchase footwear from the total

consumed to the footwear category with an allocation of 1.57%, followed by Manizales with 0.96%,

Pereira 0.89%, Bucaramanga 0.77%, Villavicencio 0.76%, Monteria 0.75%, Neiva and Medellin 0.73%,

Barranquilla and Bogota 0.71% National rest 0.7%, Cúcuta 0.63%, Cali 0.53 % and Cartagena 0.5%. For

August 2015, the main cities with the highest increase in purchases per capita were: Cartagena with

18.6%, Manizales with 18.4%, Barranquilla with 15.7%, Medellín with 15.8%. In contrast, the cities

with the least increase were: pasture 10.4%, Pereira 8.4%, Villavicencio 7.1% and Cucuta -2.6% .11 In

the figure, consumption is referenced August 2015

Consumption per capita of footwear August 2015 ($)


Also in the following table No. 3, the Colombian footwear market is related from January to August

2015, where it is evident that the city of Bogotá has a participation in the marking with 23% followed by

Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla and Pasture with 15.2%, 8.7% and 4.8% respectively.

Similarly, the cities with the lowest participation in footwear consumption continue to be Villavicencio,

Neiva and Cúcuta with 1.9%, 1.9% and 1.7% respectively.

As for the other small cities in the rest of the country, it has a participation of 25.7%

Colombian footwear market from January to August 2015

Source: Observatorio de Calzado y Marroquinería Acicam-Raddar Similarly, according to the

Observatory of Footwear and Leatherworking RADDAR - ACICAM, the distribution of footwear

categories is 57% footwear for men, 30% for women and 13% for children.

Now, in the following one a summary of the historical behavior of the demand of leather footwear for

lady in Colombia is presented in pair of shoes, from the year 2010 to the year 2015, according to the

Annual Manufacturing Survey of the DANE

Behavior of the demand for leather shoes for women in pairs Colombia 2005 – 2014

1 2005 1574875

2 2006 1921888

3 2007 2400101

4 2008 2090644

5 2009 2069821

6 2010 1970749

7 2011 2466534

8 2012 2423189

The consumption behavior of leather shoes for women presented a growing demand from 2005 to 2007,

followed by a decrease from 2008 to 2010, and for the year 2011 until 2014 there are upward

movements and low, which reflects instability in the demand behavior of leather shoes for women. In

the same way in the figure, the behavior of the demand of footwear in leather for lady is evidenced


Global context. The behavior of footwear production for the year 2012, according to APICCAPS

estimates that the global production of footwear reached a total of 21 billion pairs in 2012, with the

Asian continent being the main footwear producer, with 87% of the total produced world-wide, in this

continent there are 6 of the 7 main producers of footwear in the world; On the other hand, China

occupies the 1st place in the world in the production of footwear, followed by India with a participation

of 10% of the total produced at the International level, in the 3rd place is Brazil with a participation of

4%. In 2012, Turkey entered the list of the top 10 producers, replacing Thailand.

Next, it is a reference where footwear producers are related worldwide for the year 2012. On the other

hand, for the year 2014 the manufacture of Shoes in the world surpassed the 24,300
million pairs, 8% more than the year 2013. It should be noted that China was the footwear producer par

excellence, according to statistics, it made almost two out of every three pairs of shoes sold worldwide

Ranking of footwear producing countries in 2014

Source: Shoe magazine.

September 16, 2015.

In view of the above, the 10 countries excluding Spain, are the ones that manufacture shoes the most

with 90% worldwide and in total Africa manufactured 88% of the world footwear production during


With regard to exports, "again Asia led footwear sales for 2014, 86% of world footwear exports

corresponded to some Asian country; European countries generated 11% more than double what they


Source: Footwear Magazine.

December 10, 2014.

As for footwear consumption, "Asia was also the most dynamic in this aspect last year, accumulating 52

percent of total consumption. Europe and North America had a very high footwear consumption in pairs

per person in 2014. By country, China was the largest consumer of shoes in the world, followed by the

United States and India. See Figure . Ranking of footwear consumers in 2014

Source: Footwear Magazine.

December 10, 2014.

With regard to the classification of the world's largest importers, the footwear magazine says:

The global importers of footwear are still led by a great difference by the United States. Six of the 10

largest buyers of footwear in the world are European, reflecting the opening of this continent to

international trade. At the continental level, Europe is by far the largest buyer of shoes in the world,

accumulating close to 40 percent of total imports. After the Old Continent, Asia and North America

accumulate around a quarter of the footwear purchases each

footwear importing countries in 2014

Source: Footwear Magazine.

September 16, 2014 According to the DANE Monthly Manufacturing Sample (MMM), the real

production and sales in the footwear sector from January to December 2015, registered a variation of -

5.8% and -3% respectively. Regarding employment, it registered a growth of 1.5%.

ource: Monthly Manufacturing Sample (MMM) - DANE

Likewise, for January and February of 2016, according to the Joint Industrial Opinion Survey -EOIC-,

which measures large and medium-sized companies, production, total sales and sales to the domestic

market in the footwear sector, recorded a variation of 20.8%, 3% and 2.4%, respectively. Regarding

employment, it observes a negative behavior of 2.3% according to the Monthly Manufacturing Sample

Real production of the footwear sector from January to February 2016 in Colombia
Source: Monthly Manufacturing Sample (MMM) - DANE

In the table, a summary of the historical behavior of shoe production for women in Colombia in pairs of

shoes is presented, from 2010 to 2015, according to the annual manufacturing survey conducted by


Historical behavior of shoe production for women in leather pairs, from 2005 to 2014.


1 2005 1606609

2 2006 1975857

3 2007 2476301
4 2008 2103019

5 2009 2146787

6 2010 1899753

7 2011 2583861

8 2012 2462928

9 2013 2854712

10 2014 2656176

Behavior of the production of footwear for women in leather from 2005 to

2014 in Colombia
The production of leather shoes for women in Colombia from 2005 to 2007 showed a continuous

growth, in 2008 it had a decrease recovering, for 2009 the production increased to 2,146,787 pairs of

leather shoes for women; already in 2010 again it presents a decrease to 1,899,753 pairs of shoes and for

the remaining years to 2014 there are ups and downs in the production of footwear; It should be noted

that the behavior of the offer is very similar to the demand for leather shoes for women in Colombia.


Secondary information obtained through the sources consulted has a high level of reliability; although

production data is available in quantity and sales from 1992 to 2014, in the case of the projection it will

be taken from 2005 to 2014 and based on this information the projection will be made from 2015 to

2021; Within the projections, 2015 is contemplated because it was not possible to find information

related to the production and consumption of women's footwear for this year.

Likewise, the method to be used to carry out the projections of the Demand and Supply is the Least

Squares, since it is the most suitable mathematically for data projections with trend of annual periods.

The data used to make the projections correspond to a sufficiently representative period of time; in order

to take into account the different situations that may arise and influence the behavior of the Demand and

the Future Offer.

In view of the above, the projections of Demand and Supply are presented based on the historical data of

the demand and supply presented in the previous tables

To determine the unmet potential demand, the consumption and annual supply of leather footwear for

women in Colombia was taken as a reference and proceeded to generate the subtraction (demand less

supply), in order to determine the amount in pairs of shoes that is likely that the target market

consume in the projected years. It should be noted that the years 2015 and 2016 will not be taken into

account in the determination of unmet demand since the year 2015 is historical data and 2016 will be

taken as a zero period (0).

Projection of unsatisfied demand for leather shoes for women in Colombia




2015 2.641.382 2.684.927 43.545

2016 2.685.413 2.734.438 49.025

2017 2.726.565 2.780.790 54.225

2018 2.765.228 2.824.405 59.177

2019 2.801.715 2.865.624 63.909

2020 2.836.282 2.904.726 68.444

2021 2.869.141 2.941.943 72.802

hen, the trend line of Supply and Demand for the years 2015 to 2021 is referenced, evidencing the unmet

demand for the product under study.

Tender Line of Supply and Demand: Years 2015 to 2021

Price analysis. To determine the marketing prices of footwear for women by the company Osnycar, the

unit costs of production were taken into account, plus the administrative expenses, sales and the profit

margin expected by the company; Similarly, the behavior of prices of similar products in the market and

trading conditions against the target market was taken as a reference. For the case under study, the

Osnycar company will work under the production of 2 specific lines of footwear for women: Slipper and

Sandal in Platform.

In the following, the sale prices defined for each of the lines to be worked by the osnycar footwear

company are related.

Price list of footwear lines of Osnycar company


1 Zapatilla $ 58.000

2 Plataforma $ 68.000
Projection of prices. For the calculation of the future sales prices of osnycar footwear for women, the

least squares method was used, based on a historical behavior of inflation from 2000 to 2015; From

there, data projections were made with a trend of annual periods. Next, a table is related to the projection

of prices from 2017 to 2021 of the 2 lady shoe lines of the company Osnycar Projection of prices for

osnycar shoes from 2017 to 2021


PRODUCTO Año 0 Año 1 Año 2 Año 3 Año 4 Año 5

Plataforma $68.000 $73.386 $78.603 $83.618 $88.418 $92.998

Zapatilla $58.000 $62.594 $67.044 $71.321 $75.415 $79.322

Inflación Proyectada 7,92% 7,11% 6,38% 5,74% 5,18%


The technical sheet of the product to be made, depends to a large extent on the designs that are made in

each season, for that reason there is no specific description of each shoe. However, the generic

description that includes all the elements contained in the two Osnycar shoe lines is presented.


Next, all the necessary supplies for the manufacture of GAIA footwear are listed.

Complete platform. Sheepskin. Tacks Glue Thread. Hiladillo Sole

Platform. Heel. Sprigs Buttress. Sandal kit. Buckles Solvents Inks tornasol.Caucho.Duralon. Latex. Box

for packaging


Through an interview with the businesswoman of Calzados Osnycar, Carmen de Aguas Barbosa, on

April 8, 2016, the following is a reference to the activities of the production process of the company

Calzado osnycar:

Design (it is done only for the changes of collection): creation of the model, its pattern and molds.

Which can be created through specialized Drawing and Design programs. For this work you should use

paper, cardboard, elements to draw, cut and laminate (sheets of zinc).

Reception and storage: shoe making begins with the reception and classification of the raw material in

the warehouse, sorting them according to type.

Cutting and die cutting: it is the process where the different pieces that will be part of the shoe are cut in

the different materials to be used. (Both on the upper part of the shoe or cut, as well as its lining). To

carry out this process, the following aspects must be taken into account: the sense of stretching

and tension of the fibers, the defects of the material, are very important aspects since this depends on the

good handling of the fibers at the moment of assembling the footwear.

Roughing: once the cuts are made, the pieces are taken to roughing by means of the bell-type roughing

machine; This is done in order to facilitate the bending and overlapping of the pieces and different

finishes on the cutting edges.

It is a very careful operation because it requires an operator who has knowledge of the machine and thus

avoid ordinary slabs that in extreme cases lead to leather breakage.

Garrison: here the union of the pieces and the lining of the shoe is made. The assembly is made with a

glue (rubber solution), to make the seam of the cut. The sequence of the assembly is determined by the

design of the model. It is important to bear in mind that to provide greater strength and reinforcement to

the pieces on the edges of the buckles, straps, buckles, the hiladillo is required.

There are two categories of operators to carry out this process:

-Guards (operators of the specialized sewing machine).

-Guillian helpers (they are the shipowners and benders, manual work)

Assembly: using the lasts as a base, the shape of these should be given to the cuts already trimmed.

Bearing in mind that the cut must be mounted on the last for which it was designed.

Prior to assembly, the necessary components must be prepared to feed this stage.

as: buttresses, leading, templates, among others, this operation is called preparation of accoutrements or


Finished: it is the process of joining the cut mounted with the sole, and the heel, for which the manual

gluing system is used. This process also aims to highlight the most outstanding features and disguise

those that favor you less, here the basic operations are: Cleaning, conditioning, repair, base or filling and

final shine.
Embedded: it consists of the final organization of the footwear, by means of operations such as:

removing glue residues, cutting threads, matching shades, correcting leather damages in assembly,

lacquering, shining, putting luxury insole, marquilla, among others

Finally, the footwear is ready to pack in an individual box, which will allow it to be stored to be moved.

Packing: it is packed in pairs, performing review and final inspection. Controlling compliance with the

entire production order. The packaging plays a fundamental role in the sale of the product: not only

designed to protect the product and facilitate its handling, but as an advertising medium that is why they

wrap in paper manifold with the logo of the company. Describing the characteristics of the product and

its benefits.

Storage: the shoe is stored in the warehouse of finished product which has a special system of shelves to

protect the product from contact with the floor which can dampen the material and cause damage.

Dispatch: the shoes are delivered to the conveyors to be distributed to the respective customers.

the flowchart of the production process, packaging and storage of the product of the company Calzados


Source: osnycar footwear company

Plant design The production plant will have the following distribution, which is in a space of 7 meters

wide by 15 meters long, with a total area of 105 square meters


Machinery. The osnycar shoe production plant is composed of the machinery described below, with the

respective technical specifications:

Machinery necessary for the production of footwear


Automatic punching machine,

working voltage 110 v. Made in

18 gauge colrol steel sheet.

Maximum pressing pressure 80

pounds. Chromed caps,

electrostatic painting.

Automatic reactivation oven,

working voltage 220 v.
Consumption 800 watts. Quartz
crystal lamps. Made of colored
steel sheet. Caliber 18. Electrostatic
Engine of two horses, structure
manufactured in gray condition.
Three jobs, with their respective
sanders. Motor voltage 220
TERMINATOR v. Three-phase


Structure of the machine in sheet

steel colrol. With 6 blades and two
CUTTER OF sets of separators to place on a
STRIPS (Manual) table.

Retains gas particles or paint

made of sheet, colrol steel. Caliber

16. Electrostatic painting, easy

filter change with light pressure

regulator at 110 v. You can work

with water in the part

Maquina desbastadora de pieles,

importada, voltaje de trabajo 110

MÁQUINA v., motor de medio H.P., Marca


Marca Silva Italiana. Capacidad

presión de la maquina 16

toneladas. Motor trifásico,

maquina tipo bandera.

Simple transport, Jet brand,

POSTING medium horsepower engine,
MACHINE 1700 rpm, voltage 110, 375
watts, (maximum thread 69)

SCROLL revolutions. 1 HP motor.

CYLINDER Electrostatic painting with its
respective guards in acrylic,
tray in stainless steel.

FURNITURE FOR Template in wood, veneered

MACHINE in fornica, metal base in 16
gauge sheet, electrostatic
TABLES FOR Manufactured in gauge piping

BURRO Fabricado en ángulo ¾ x

PARA 1/8.

SOLADU 5 divisiones en MDF.

RA Enchapados en fornica

blanca brillante.
MESA PARA Fabricada en tubería calibre

CORTE 16. Con dos divisiones y un cajón

para herramientas. Con una tabla

en MDF de 15 mm y lámina para

cortar sobre ella, galvanizada en

calibre 16.

SHELVES FOR Manufactured at an angle with a

division that comes out so that the

operator can work. And the other

divisions to embodegar the shoe

already finished. Total divisions 6.

BENDING MACHINE Cast aluminum structure with two

STRIPS (Manual)
sets of dice, 3 mm and 4 mm (to be

placed on a table).

With 15 divisions, each one with an amplitude of 15 cm,

manufactured in round rods carved or corrugated in colrol steel


Voltage: 110V; Frequency: 50-

60 Hz; Flow rate: 3.2 cfm; Power:

2Hp; Revolutions: 2850 Rpm;

Insulation motor: class B; Protect:

IP44; Capacity: 24 L; Pressure: 115

psi; Cylinder: 1; Protection: ip44

According to the related machinery, the production capacity in terms of quantities and times, according

to the production process and the experience of the footwear sector with this type of machinery, has an

approximate 1000 pairs of shoes per month.

Furniture and fixtures. Next, the furniture and equipment necessary for the operation of the osnycar

footwear company are related

Requirements for furniture and equipment


Executive desk 180 * 60 cm curved tip, tube base in pressed wood

veneered in formica 1

Executive chair tropoly espaldar in mesh, lifting system pneumatic and

aluminum base

Chairs reception fixed back ovals upholstered in cloth 2

Filing cabinet three drawers in pressed wood veneered in


Upholstered blue chair 6

Reception and coffee table 1

Metal shelves cte 86 * 30 * 200cm with 6 shelves 3

Furniture for machine 1

Tables for armed 4

Donkey for welding 3

Cutting table 1

Shelves for carving 2

Plant planters 2

Seats 4

Likewise, the office equipment necessary for the operation of the footwear company OSNYCAR is


Office equipment requirements


Computador Janus Intel Celeron dual core 241 ghz 1

Impresora Epson I355 sistema de tinta original 1

Teléfono Samsung inalámbrico 1

Direct and indirect labor of production. The table refers to the personnel required to develop the

different activities necessary for the manufacture of footwear (Slipper and Sandal Platform), referencing

the modality of recruitment and number of personnel per activity. Requirement of direct and indirect

labor of production



Guarnecedora 1

Grooming 1

Embrasurer 1

Production manager

Auxiliary of
LABOR Production
Raw material. According to the materials to be used, we have the following list of the costs of raw

materials and supplies necessary for the manufacture of 400 pairs of shoes per month in the first year,

distributed as shown in table 16, 17 and 18.

Requirement of Raw Material for the Manufacture of 400 pairs of shoes for women


Sandalia en plataforma 200

Zapatilla para dama 200

Based on the above, the osnycar footwear factory has an installed capacity in production of 1,000 pairs

of shoes per month, according to studies conducted through secondary sources in informal interviews

with potential commercial partners, it has to be the demand of shoe in the first semester of the year is

higher compared to the Sandal Platform, otherwise it happens in the second semester of the year, where

the Platform Sandal has more demand than the Slipper; For this reason, for income projection purposes,

a production of 50% for Zapatilla and 50% for Sandalia Plataforma will be worked on the production of

400 pairs of footwear per month for the first year.

Requirements of raw material for the production of Platform Sandal (200 Units


Plataforma completa 200

sintético para forro 17

Badana 200

Cuero 3000

Fique 600

Tachuelas 4

Pegante 2

Hilo 3

Hiladillo 3

Hebillas 160

Limpiador 1

Caucho 2

rollos de cinta para sellado 0,27

caja de empaque 2,0

Provea 1

Requirements of raw material for the production of Shoe (200 Units)


Fibra de algodón 200

sintético para forro 17

Badana 200

Cuero 3000

Fique 600

Tachuelas 4

Pegante 2

Hilo 3

Hiladillo 3

Suela 200

Plataforma de zapatilla - PLA 20 140

Puntillas 4,0

Contrafuerte 5,13

Látex 1,11

Hebillas 160

Tintas tornasol 3

Caucho 2

rollos de cinta para sellado 0,27

caja de empaque 2,0


COSTS AND EXPENSES OF OPERATION Next, the unit costs of production of the two lines to be

worked by the company Calzado osnycar (Zapatilla and Sandalia Plataforma) are referenced. Costs of
raw materials and supplies. In this item all the raw materials and supplies, quantities and costs necessary

for the manufacture of 200 pairs of Platform Sandalia and 200 pairs of Shoes for women in the first year

of projection of the footwear company osnycar are listed. . Costs of raw materials and supplies for

Sandalia Platform



Plataforma completa 200 $ 19.166.592

Sintético para forro 17 $ 3.021.760

Badana 200 $ 6.734.208

Cuero 3000 $ 29.138.400

Fique 600 $ 2.331.072

Tachuelas 4 $ 357.006

Pegante 2 $ 2.562.677

Hilo 3 $ 419.904

Hiladillo 3 $ 409.406

Hebillas 400 $ 2.072.064

Limpiador 1 $ 185.191

Caucho 2 $ 2.079.549

Rollos de cinta para 0,27 $ 20.980


caja de empaque 2,0 $ 1.165.536

Provea 1 $ 77.039
TOTAL $ 69.741.384



sintético para forro 17 $ 3.021.760

Badana 200 $ 6.734.208

Cuero 3000 $ 29.138.400

Fique 600 $ 2.331.072

Tachuelas 4 $ 357.006

Pegante 2 $ 2.562.677

Hilo 3 $ 419.904

Hiladillo 3 $ 409.406

Suela 200 $ 12.432.384

Plataforma de zapatilla - PLA 140 $ 9.609.197


Fibra de algodón 200 $ 777.024

Puntillas 4,0 $ 440.314

Contrafuerte 5,13 $ 796.916

Látex 1,11 $ 720.042

Hebillas 160 $ 828.826

Tintas tornasol 3 $ 1.295.299

Caucho 2 $ 2.079.549
rollos de cinta para sellado 0,27 $ 20.980

caja de empaque 2,0 $ 673.421

Provea 1 $ 77.039

TOTAL $ 74.725.423

Direct labor costs. the direct labor costs linked in the production processes of footwear and platform

sandal are referenced. It should be noted that the contracting modality for the cutter, trimmer, welder and

plasterer is by work and manages the same costs for shoes as for platform sandals.




Cortador $ 1.295 $ 6.216.192

Guarnecedora $ 3.022 $ 14.504.448

Solador $ 5.882 $ 28.231.872

Emplantilladora $ 944 $ 4.532.640

COSTO TOTAL $ 53.485.152

Indirect manufacturing costs. Indirect costs include variable costs and fixed costs; the variable costs are

those that vary according to the production and the fixed costs do not depend on the production and they

are maintained throughout the operative time of the company. The footwear company within the variable

costs includes: The packing of shoes, stics and freight and within the fixed costs of production includes:

labor of the boss and assistant production, lease of the factory, public services (Water and Light),

maintenance of machinery and equipment and personal protection elements (EPP). As for the calculation

of the value of the rent that corresponds to the production area was assigned 70% of the total value of

the lease, this considering the amount of area used for the operative part and the remaining percentage is

assumed by the expenses of administration; similarly, it occurs with public services, assuming 80% of

production costs and 20% of administrative expenses

Indirect manufacturing costs



Caja x 36 unidades $ 863.360

Fletes $ 4.144.128

Estique interno del calzado $ 362.611

TOTAL $ 5.370.099



Jefe de producción $ 13.093.625

Auxiliar de Producción $ 12.124.211

Arriendo de la Fabrica $ 7.252.224

Servicios Públicos (Agua y Luz) $ 1.036.032

Mantenimiento $ 1.295.040

Elementos de Protección Personal $ 259.008

COSTO TOTAL $ 35.060.140

ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL STUDY The fundamental aspects to be addressed in this study are

related to the organizational structure of the company, job profiles, salary allocation, administrative and

sales expenses, regulatory system for the footwear company, hiring method for personnel; primary

information to take into account in the development of the financial study. ORGANIZATION OF THE

HUMAN RESOURCE Considering the size of the footwear company, the functions to be performed and

the volume of production; human talent is made up of the following form: a manager, an accountant, a

plant supervisor, a production assistant and 4 workers according to the production requirements per

order. The organizational structure is based on the development of the activities of the operators until the

administration, noting that the base of the company is a fundamental element, since, on these lies the

manufacture of footwear and direct contact with the client, which, facilitates the environment for

teamwork and effective management, effective and efficient by the administration. Organizational

structure of the company





Cargos externos
Cargos Internos
Description of charges


Cargos de servicios bancarios $ 12.950

Arrendamiento $ 151.088

Publicidad $ 161.880

Servicios públicos (Agua y Luz) $ 21.584

Transporte de Materia Prima a Fabrica $ 86.336

Suministros de oficina $ 53.960

Renovación de Cámara de Comercio Anual $ 28.149

Teléfono y Internet $ 53.960

Gastos por ventas $ 539.600

Participación en Ferias $ 946.099

Mantenimiento del Botiquín $ 53.960

Extintores y Mantenimiento $ 194.256

Seguro $ 75.328

GASTO MENSUAL $ 2.379.150

GASTO ANUAL $ 28.549.804


The company Calzado Osnycar, has for social purpose the design and manufacture of ecological

footwear for women with sustainable biodegradable materials. The place of operation is the city of San

Gil, as it is a road corridor that allows communication with important cities in Colombia, including the

Capital of the Republic; therefore, your commercial register will be in the Chamber of Commerce of

Bucaramanga - San Gil Section.

Both the constitution of the company and the development of its corporate purpose, is governed by a

regulatory framework which is referred to below.

. Normative system of the footwear company osnycar



Constitución La actividad económica y This article favors osnycar shoes, in that it

Política la iniciativa privada. allows their freedom to develop their

economic activity, exercise free competition

de Colombia and in the same way guarantees or prevents

(Art. 333) their obstruction

Ley 223 DE

20 Departmental registration It is a mandatory requirement for the

de tax (Fiscal Ballot). incorporation of a company in Colombia.

re 1995



La Ley 1258 Document of Constitution This law governs the constitution of the
of a SAS
de 2008 . Company Footwear OSNYCAR, in turn that

its figure of formalization is by means of a

SAS; for which you must generate a private

constitution document and this must

contain minimum requirements for


Ley 590 Registro único de las Mi Unique registry of the SMEs. With the

del pymes. purpose of reducing the formalities before the

2000 (Art. 11) State, the mercantile registry and the single

registry of proponents will be integrated into

the Single Business Register, in charge of the

Chambers of Commerce, which will have

general validity for all procedures, procedures

and obligations, without prejudice to the

provisions of the special provisions on


code of work in Article 22, Calzado enters into contracts with the people included in the organization

chart (Manager, Accountant, Plant Supervisor, Plant Assistant and Operators) of the company as

follows:  Indefinite term contract (Manager) Footwear OSNYCAR will establish a contract with no

established termination date. The employee enjoys all the social benefits established by law and has

additional benefits such as the option of linking to business cooperatives; with the possibility of opting

for credits and loans among others.  Civil contract for rendering services (Accountant) The company

will hire a person to keep the accounting of the company. The remuneration is agreed between the

parties and does not generate employment relationship or oblige the organization to pay social benefits.

The duration of the contract of the accountant for 6 months agreed in common agreement by each of the

parties.  Fixed Term Contract (Plant Supervisor and Plant Assistant) This type of contract will last for

a year initially and will be renewed according to performance. The employee enjoys all the social

benefits established by law (severance, holidays and bonuses) and for its completion a 30 day notice is

necessary. The link will be directly with the company.  Work or labor contract (Operators) The

contract is to perform the work of assembly, cutting, sewing and welding and ends once the number of

pairs ordered for the season is completed. This contract is the same in terms of benefits and

discounts to indefinite and defined contracts, for being a labor contract. ASPECTS IN MIND IN

CONTRACTS WITH LABOR LINKAGE The legal discounts for contracts of employment relationship,

are the following: Health: 4% is paid by the worker of a total of 12.5% that must be contributed, the

employer pays the remaining 8.5%. Pension: 4% is paid by the employee of a total of 16%, the employer

pays the remaining 12% Occupational risks: Between 0.522% and 6.70% depending on the level of risk
of the company, this contribution is paid by the contracting company. Para-fiscal contributions: The

employer must make a contribution equivalent to 9% of their payroll for this concept, this contribution is

distributed as follows: 4% for family allowance (Compensation Funds), 3% for the Colombian Family

Welfare Institute (ICBF) and 2% for the National Apprenticeship Service (SENA). Of this sum the

worker does not have to pay anything, of which the company has a benefit by adhering to the 1429 law

of 2010. Finally, the worker will be deducted from his payroll any other obligation authorized by him,

"as Long as there is authorization of the person or judicial permission, as it relates to loans, credits,

insurance or affiliations to cooperatives". FINANCIAL STUDY Taking into account the market,

technical, administrative and legal studies carried out previously, the financial study is then developed

with the purpose of analyzing the net present value (NPV) and the internal rate of return (IRR) that the

company yields; in order to support the decision-making that contributes to the continuous improvement

and consolidation of the company, contributing with good performance and generating value for the next

five years. INVESTMENTS This item covers all the necessary investments in machinery and

equipment, furniture and equipment and computer equipment required for the operation of the company

OSNYCAR, which are considered as fixed investments; likewise all the expenses that the company pays

in advance and are called deferred investments are taken into account. Fixed investment Within the fixed

investment is listed all the machinery and equipment, furniture and equipment and computing equipment

essential for the operation of the operational and administrative area of the company Machinery and





Pegadora 1 $1.800.000 $1.800.000

Horno 1 $870.000 $870.000

Terminadora 1 $2.800.000 $2.800.000

Maquina selladora 1 $2.500.000 $2.500.000

Cortadora de tiras (manual) 1 $420.000 $420.000

Equipo látex 1 $2.000.000 $2.000.000

Máquina desbastadora 1 $1.450.000 $1.450.000

Troqueladora 1 $6.800.000 $6.800.000

Máquina de guarnición de poste 2 $1.350.000 $2.700.000

Cilindradora de capellada 1 $2.800.000 $2.800.000

Maquina dobladora de tiras (manual) 1 $420.000 $420.000

Compresor 1 $1.400.000 $1.400.000

Kit de herramientas 1 $700.000 $700.000

TOTAL $26.660.000



Executive desk 180 * 60 cm curved tip, tube 1 $440.000 $440.000

base in pressed wood
plated in formica

1 $395.000 $395.000

Executive chair tropoly back mesh, pneumatic

lifting system and aluminum base

Reception chairs 2 $123.000 $246.000

upholstered in cloth
fixed back ovals

Filing cabinet three drawers in pressed wood 1 $245.000 $245.000

veneered in formica

Upholstered blue chair 6 $95.000 $570.000

1 $1.000.000 $1.000.000

Reception and coffee table

Metal shelves cte 86 * 30 * 200cm with 3 $110.000 $330.000

6 shelves

1 $180.000 $180.000

Furniture for machine

Tables for armed 4 $112.500 $450.000

Donkey for welding 3 $140.000 $420.000

1 $290.000 $290.000

Cutting table

Shelves for carving 2 $380.000 $760.000

Plant planters 2 $90.000 $180.000

Seats 4 $50.000 $200.000

TOTAL $5.706.000




Computador Janus Intel Celeron dual 1 $ 910.000 $ $ 910.000

core 241 ghz

Impresora Epson I355 sistema de 1 $ 440.000 $ 440.000

tinta original

Teléfono Samsung Inalámbrico 1 $ 250.000 $ 250.000

TOTAL $ 1.600.000

Investment in working capital. The footwear company has one working capital for one month, which

refers to the raw materials reported in tables 19 and 20 of the technical study, direct and indirect labor,

CIF, salaries of administrative personnel, expenses of administration and sales; the foregoing taking into

account that the company manages a policy of cash and production portfolio in order of order.




$ 16.943.505

Production costs

Fixed Production Costs $ 2.921.678

Administration salaries $ 2.108.369

Selling and administrative expenses $ 2.379.150


Total inversion. The following is a summary of the investment in fixed assets and working capital, with

which the shoe company OSNYCAR currently counts. It is important to highlight that the company does

not have deferred assets, which is why it is not included in the accounting of the total investment.




Inversión Fija $ 33.966.000

Capital de Trabajo $ 24.352.703

INVERSIÓN TOTAL $ 58.318.703


The costs incurred by the footwear company OSNYCAR for the development of its economic activity

are related to raw material, direct labor and indirect manufacturing costs. Next, it is related in tables 32,

33, 34 and 35.

Raw material. Then, in tables 32 and 33, a list of the raw materials and supplies necessary for the

production of 200 pairs of shoes in Sandalia platform for women and 200 pairs of shoes in women's


Direct labor. In this item, direct labor is taken into account in the shoe manufacturing process for

women, the costs per unit and the total costs for the first year of analysis are listed.



Cortador $ 1.295 $ 6.216.192

Guarnecedora $ 3.022 $ 14.504.448

Solador $ 5.882 $ 28.231.872

Emplantilladora $ 944 $ 4.532.640

COSTO TOTAL $ 53.485.152




Caja x 36 unidades $ 863.360

Fletes $ 4.144.128

Estique interno del calzado $ 362.611

COSTO TOTAL $ 5.370.099



Jefe de producción $ 13.093.625

Auxiliar de Producción $ 12.124.211

Arriendo de la Fabrica $ 7.252.224

Servicios Públicos (Agua y Luz) $ 1.036.032

Mantenimiento $ 1.295.040

Elementos de Protección Personal $ 259.008

COSTO TOTAL $ 35.060.140


Depreciation of fixed assets. The depreciation is then carried out by the straight line method for the fixed

assets of the footwear company. As the useful life of the fixed investment, the standards contemplated in

Colombian accounting are taken into account as follows: machinery and equipment useful life


In this item all the expenses derived from the remuneration of the administrative personnel, sales and

other necessary expenses in the development of the administrative activities of the footwear company

are related.

Indirect labor. This section takes into account the labor that is part of the administrative area and has no

direct contact with the footwear manufacturing process. In this case it has a manager who fulfills the

functions of Legal Representative of the company and is also in charge of sales and an accountant who

performs all the activities of the accounting area.

Indirect labor

MANAGER 1 $ 1,200,000 $ 1,838,569

COUNTER 1 $ 250,000 $ 269,800


ANNUAL TOTAL COST $ 25,300,432

Administration and sales expenses. In this item all the necessary expenses for the administration and the

good functioning of the footwear company OSNYCAR are related; Likewise, all expenses incurred for

the transportation of raw materials and expenses for sales of the products are contemplated.

administration and sales


Banking services charges $ 12,950

Lease $ 151,088

Advertising $ 161,880

Public Services (Water and Light) $ 21,584

Transport of Raw Material to Fabrica $ 86,336

Office supplies $ 53,960

Annual Chamber of Commerce Renewal $ 28,149

Telephone and Internet $ 53,960

Sales expense $ 539,600

Participation in Trade Shows $ 946,099

Maintenance of the first-aid kit $ 53,960

Fire Extinguishers and Maintenance $ 194,256

Insurance $ 75,328


ANNUAL EXPENSES $ 28,549,804



GERENTE 1 $ 1.200.000 $ 1.838.569

CONTADOR 1 $ 250.000 $ 269.800


COSTO TOTAL ANUAL $ 25.300.432

Selling and administrative expenses. In this item all the necessary expenses for the administration and

the good functioning of the footwear company OSNYCAR are related; Likewise, all expenses incurred

for the transportation of raw materials and expenses for sales of the products are contemplated.
administration and sales


Cargos de servicios bancarios $ 12.950

Arrendamiento $ 151.088

Publicidad $ 161.880

Servicios públicos (Agua y Luz) $ 21.584

Transporte de Materia Prima a Fabrica $ 86.336

Suministros de oficina $ 53.960

Renovación de Cámara de Comercio Anual $ 28.149

Teléfono y Internet $ 53.960

Gastos por ventas $ 539.600

Participación en Ferias $ 946.099

Mantenimiento del Botiquín $ 53.960

Extintores y Mantenimiento $ 194.256

Seguro $ 75.328

GASTO MENSUAL $ 2.379.150

GASTO ANUAL $ 28.549.804

Selling and administrative expenses. In this item all the necessary expenses for the administration and

the good functioning of the footwear company OSNYCAR are related; Likewise, all expenses incurred

for the transportation of raw materials and expenses for sales of the products are contemplated.
administration and sales


Banking services charges $ 12,950

Lease $ 151,088

Advertising $ 161,880

Public Services (Water and Light) $ 21,584

Transport of Raw Material to Fabrica $ 86,336

Office supplies $ 53,960

Annual Chamber of Commerce Renewal $ 28,149

Telephone and Internet $ 53,960

Sales expense $ 539,600

Participation in Trade Shows $ 946,099

Maintenance of the first-aid kit $ 53,960

Fire Extinguishers and Maintenance $ 194,256

Insurance $ 75,328


ANNUAL EXPENSES $ 28,549,804


Income. For the revenue projection, the maximum monthly production capacity of the OSNYCAR

footwear company referenced in the technical study is taken into account; In the same way, the

projection of sales prices obtained in the market study is related to the projection of income.

Income projection





1 2 3 4 5

SANDALIA $ $ $ $ $

PLATAFORMA 176.125 199.966 225.488 252.737 281.778

.440 .836 .204 .100 .615

ZAPATILLA $ $ $ $ $

150.224 170.559 192.328 215.569 240.340

.640 .949 .174 .880 .583


ANUAL 326.350 370.526 417.816 468.306 522.119

.080 .785 .377 .980 .198

 Through the analysis of the projection of supply and demand, a sustained growth behavior of the two

variables was evidenced for the years of projection, where the offer for the first year will be of $

2,726,565 pairs of shoes for women and the demand will be $ 2,780,790 pairs of shoes for women,

identifying an unsatisfied demand for the first year of $ 54,225 pairs of shoes for women; The above is

beneficial for the company, manifesting itself in a positive unsatisfied demand, which allows sustaining

the continuity of the company from the market point of view.

 The sale prices per unit of Women's Shoe (Platform Sandal and Slipper), were modified based on the

cost structure and market behavior, remaining at $ 73,386 for the pair of Sandal Platform and $ 62,594

for the pair of Slippers, with a projected price growth according to the behavior of inflation for the

following years.

 Regarding the technical study, it is possible to consolidate fundamental factors such as the necessary

installed capacity, technology requirements, infrastructure and direct and indirect human talent; In the

same way, the current investment in fixed assets was quantified for a total of $ 33,966,000, which

includes machinery and equipment, furniture and office equipment and equipment; in terms of direct

human talent in the first year, a cost of $ 53,485,152 pesos will be incurred.

 The organizational structure will have 4 permanent employees and 4 workers who will be hired by

work to cover the production estimated by the company OSNYCAR

for the projected 5 years; Likewise, all the regulations, aspects that regulate, benefits and restrictions that

protect the footwear company were identified  Based on the results generated by the financial study
and considering the analysis of the normal scenario, it is stated that the investment projected for low

compliance with the criteria established during the study is profitable, since the NPV is greater than zero

and the IRR is greater than the Minimum Expected Performance Rate; The above is based on the fact

that the company's performance (49.74%) of footwear is greater than the minimum return set as

acceptable by the sole shareholder of 40%; Expressing it in another way, extra dividends are obtained

after reaching the Minimum Expected Performance Rate in relation to the following five years. To

stimulate growth Expenses To calculate the expenditures for the following five years, all costs and

administrative and sales expenses are related; in this case financial expenses are not taken into account

since the footwear company OSNYCAR is financed with its own resources

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