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The civilization and peace of a nation is highly influenced by the availability of security
and emergency alert system. Ghana as a developing country in term of security has for
some years now being straggling to limit the level of thief’s snatching people’s purse, bag
and suitcase. The society experience frequent snatching which has really affects a lot of
people psychological and emotional since document and other important assets in the bags
or suitcase snatch my never be got back [1].
For a while now, it is also on record that a student of Ho Polytechnic has to stop schooling
because someone snatch her bag which contains her school fees and other important things
right in front of school’s administration block and rushed to a nearby bush.[3] Because
the lady does not have anything that can give alert to were the people who snatch the
things is hiding in the bush, they could not track the person, and also this act of snatching
has caused a number of challenges for Ho Technical University. For instant, students find
it difficult to learn in the evening on campus because they are afraid their bags, purse and
suitcase which contains their laptops and other important things may be snatch when going
or coming from study since they do not have any alarm in the bags which could allow the
security officer at post to follow the snatchers.
Over the years, management of the institution together with Student Representative
Council (SRC) has tried solving this problem by providing more security personal to curb
these problems but still the situation remained the same [2].
Therefore, in other to curb this problem, we students of the Electrical and Electronics
Engineering Department, especially the 2016/2017 batch (Gbadegbe Michael and
Amegah Frank) intend to design and constant an anti-bag snatch alarm that will help
security offices to do their work and also to help the students to live in peace of mind to
study. This anti-bag snatch alarm is going to be based on the theory that a sudden pull or
jerking force exerted by the bag handle will cause the alarm to be actuated more over there
will an application on phone that will send messages giving the location of the victim to
the nearest phone number stored on the application.

The continuous increase in stealing and snatching of purse, bags and suitcase in the society
has called for the consideration for ways to eliminate snatching. Ho Technical University
is not exempted from this act. Because of this challenge anti-bag or purse snatching alarm
will help security personal to track snatchers. This research therefore; is to design and
construct in anti-bag snatching alarm for students in Ho Technical University to reduce
the risk of snatching bags.


The aim of this project is to design and construct anti or purse snatch alarm that will use
sudden pull or jerking force exerted by the purse handle to cause the alarm to be actuated.
The objectives are;
To design and construct anti-bag snatching alarm for getting rid of snatching and captured.
the snatchers.
To study and analyze the different types of anti-bag snatching alarm system.


The significant of study is to be able to design and construct an anti-bag snatching alarm
of good efficiency and affordable price for purses, bags and suitcase to help portable
properties for student’s in cape coast technical university and its environment.



There are three basic types of alarm system which are; Wireless alarm system, Hardwired
alarm system and Self-contained alarm system.
Wireless alarm systems work using radio waves instead of wires to communicate between
the control panel and detection devices. For hardwired systems, you will have to run wires
from each sensor to the control panel. A self- contained alarm system is single units often
shaped like an everyday object such as a Video Cassette Recording and also has the alarm,
sensor and control unit in a single unit.
A basic alarm system consists of a main control unit, a siren or sounder and at least one
detection device. The control panel is the electronic brain of the alarm system. It receives
signals from detection devices and processes this information to decide the next course of
action. Once alarm has been triggered by a detector, a signal (circuit opening or closing)
indicating an alarm condition is sent back to the control. This could be to allow the siren
to sound immediately or sound after a time delay. A siren may not even be triggered at all
as the control unit quietly contacts an alarm monitoring company. The control unit also is
used for arming and disarming the system which is achieved via a keypad or remote
For a hardwired burglar alarm system, the control panel is generally larger as devices need
to be wired into terminals on the panel. A control panel for a wireless alarm system is
usually smaller as minimal wiring is needed (usually only main supply and siren cabling).
However, as wireless alarms operate using radio frequencies, other electrical goods such
as televisions and radios may interfere with the signals sent by the system’s transmitters
and create a false reading. It’s important therefore, to place the control box away from
such items. However hardwired systems and Self-contained alarm system don’t have this
disadvantage [3].


2.2.1. Anti-Bag Snatching Alarm.
Background Nowadays people always remain terrified of snatchers. Day by day it is
increasing in a society. Specially, the women are not safe with their purse outside. For this
reason, to remove snatching the American inventors Richard W. Dixon invented purse
theft alarm on 1971. it was the first use of theft alarm. It was based on the theory that a
sudden pull or jerking force exerted by the purse handle will cause the alarm to be
Executive Summary Here is a very simple as well as very useful project anti bag snatching
alarm, used in bag or suitcase in order to prevent from snatching. The heart of this entire
circuit anti bag snatching alarm is operational amplifier IC CA3140 (IC1), configured as
a comparator. The two inputs (inverting and non – inverting) is given to pin no 3 and 2 of
operational amplifier respectively and output is obtained from pin no 6. output.
Here IC2 (timer IC NE555) is used as monostable multivariate. The timing component of
anti-bag snatching alarm is R5, VR1, and capacitor C2 with the given value in this circuit

diagram lets the time of timer is about 1 minute. For audio section, IC3 is used as alarm
tone generator with an inbuilt oscillator. Finally, the output is obtained from pin no 3 of
IC3 and amplified by transistor T1 in order to get desire level and lastly fed to loudspeaker.
Objectives  To design and construct Anti-Bag snatching alarm for getting rid of
snatching and captured the snatchers.  To provide a thief alarm device that practically
eliminates accidental triggering thereof.
Block Diagram of Anti-Bag snatching alarm with 9V power supply Operation Amplifier
(CA3140) Timer IC (NE555) Complex ROM with an inbuilt oscillator (UM3561) Mono
jack & mono Socket Transistor (BD139) Loudspeaker
(IC1 CA3140 operation amplifier, Transistor BD139) FREQUENCY GENERATOR
(IC2 NE555 monostable, IC3 UM3561 oscillator) SPEAKER
Circuit Diagram of Anti-bag snatching alarm
Working principle of Anti-bag snatching alarm Here is a simple alarm circuit to thwart
snatching of your valuables while travelling. The circuit kept in the bag or suitcase sounds
a loud alarm, simulating a police horn, if someone attempts to snatch the bag or suit-case.
This will draw the attention of other passengers and the burglar can be caught red handed.
In the standby mode, the circuit is locked by a plug and socket arrangement (a mono plug
with shorted leads plugged into the mono-jack socket of the unit). When the burglar tries
to snatch the bag, the plug detaches from the unit’s socket to activate the alarm.
Working principle of Anti-bag snatching alarm  The circuit is designed around op-amp
IC CA3140 (IC1), which is configured as a comparator.  The non-inverting input (pin
3) of IC1 is kept at half the supply voltage (around 4.5V) by the potential divider
comprising resistors R2 and R3 of 100 kilo-ohms each.  The inverting input (pin 2) of
IC1 is kept low through the shorted plug at the socket. As a result, the voltage at the non-
inverting input is higher than at the inverting input and the output of IC1 is high.
Working principle of Anti-bag snatching alarm  The output from pin 6 of IC1 is fed to
trigger pin 2 of IC NE555 (IC2) via coupling capacitor C1 (0.0047 μF). IC2 is configured
as a monostable.  Its trigger pin 2 is held high by resistor R4 (10 kilo-ohms). Normally,
the output of IC2 remains low and the alarm is off.  Resistor R6, along with capacitor
C3 connected to reset pin 4 of IC2, prevents any false triggering. Resistor R5 (10 mega-
ohms), preset VR (10 mega- ohms) and capacitor C2 (4.7 μF, 16V) are timing
Working principle of Anti-bag snatching alarm  With these values, the output at pin 3 of
IC2 is about one minute, which can be increased by increasing either the value of capacitor
C2 or preset VR.  When there is an attempt at snatching, the plug connected to the circuit
detaches. At that moment, the voltage at the inverting input of IC1 exceeds the voltage at
the non- inverting input and sub-sequently its output goes low.  This sends a low pulse
to trigger pin 2 of IC2 to make its output pin 3 high. Consequently, the alarm circuit built
around IC UM3561 (IC3) gets the supply voltage at its pin 5. IC UM3561 is a complex
ROM with an inbuilt oscillator. Resistor R8 forms the oscillator component.
Working principle of Anti-bag snatching alarm  Its output is fed to the base of single-
stage transistor amplifier BD139 (T1) through resistor R9 (1 kilo-ohm). The alarm tone
generated from IC3 is amplified by transistor T1.  A loudspeaker is connected to the

collector of T1 to produce the alarm. The alarm can be put off if the plug is inserted into
the socket again. Transistor T1 requires a heat-sink.
Working principle of Anti-bag snatching alarm  Resistor R7 (330 ohms) limits the
current to IC3 and zener diode ZD1 limits the supply voltage to IC3 to a safe level of 3.3
volts. Resistor R9 limits the cur- rent to the base of T1.  The circuit can be easily
constructed on a Vero board or general-purpose PCB. Using a small case for housing the
circuit and 9V battery. The speaker should be small so as to make the gadget handy.
Connecting a thin plastic wire to the plug and securing it in hand or tie up somewhere else
so that when the bag is pulled, the plug detaches from the socket easily.
Circuit Instrument Description Operational Amplifier: The IC requires very low input
current as low as 10pA to change the output status, high or low. The IC has very fast
response and high speed of performance. The output stage of the IC uses bipolar
transistors and includes built in protection against damage from load terminal short
circuiting to either supply rails or to ground.
Circuit Instrument Description Timer IC (NE555): 555 is a very commonly used IC for
generating accurate timing pulses. It is an 8pin timer IC and has mainly two modes of
operation: monostable and a stable. In monostable mode time delay of the pulses can be
precisely controlled by an external resistor and a capacitor whereas in a stable mode the
frequency & duty cycle (the cycle of operation of a machine or other device which
operates intermittently rather than continuously.) are controlled by two external resistors
and a capacitor. 555 is very commonly used for generating time delay and pulses.
Circuit Instrument Description Variable resistor: A potentiometer informally a pot, is a
three-terminal resistor with a sliding or rotating contact that forms an adjustable voltage
divider. If only two terminals are used, one end and the wiper, it acts as a variable resistor
or rheostat.
Circuit Instrument Description Transistor (BD139): BD139 is epitaxial planar transistors
which are mounted in the SOT-32 plastic package. They are designed for audio amplifiers
and drivers utilizing complementary or quasi-complementary circuits.
Circuit Instrument Description Complex ROM with an inbuilt oscillator (UM3561): UM
3561 is an excellent Siren generator IC widely used in Toy applications and Surveillance
systems to generate different tones. It a ROM (Read Only Memory) IC which can be
operated in 2 pen cells and it functions normally down to 2.4 volts. Using only a few
components, it is very easy to construct a siren generator. The IC is designed to generate
sirens like Police siren, Ambulance siren, Fire brigade siren and Machine gun sound. The
IC has an inbuilt oscillator and tone selection pins. Only one external resistor and a speaker
driver transistor are sufficient to make a simple siren generator circuit.
Circuit Instrument Description Zener Diode: A Zener diode is a diode which allows
current to flow in the forward direction in the same manner as an ideal diode, but also
permits it to flow in the reverse direction when the voltage is above a certain value known
as the breakdown voltage. We use 3.3v Zener diode in this circuit.
Circuit Instrument Description Speaker: A loudspeaker (or loud-speaker or speaker) is an
electroacoustic transducer, a device which converts an electrical audio signal into a
corresponding sound.

Advantages: Simple circuit design. Low cost. Bias voltage is low. It’s easy to carry
anywhere. Effectively applied in daily activities. Disadvantages:  It create noise
because of police siren in the public place.
Applications  used in motor cycle to prevent theft.  used in door of your Private room.
 used in laptop, if anyone open it, the alarm activates.  used in suitcase, bag, purse etc.
to prevent theft.
Conclusion It can be used in a bag which prevents snatching and saves our life. When the
bag is snatched then plug is detached and the alarm is activated immediately. Everyone
can use this device by exchanging a small amount of price of just Rs ₹320 [4].

2.2.2 Circuit Description of anti-bag snatching alarm

The heart of this entire circuit anti bag snatching alarm is operational amplifier IC CA3140
(IC1), configured as a comparator. The two inputs (inverting and non - inverting) is given
to pin no 3 and 2 of operational amplifier respectively and output is obtained from pin no
6. Here IC2 (timer IC NE555) is used as monostable multivibrator. The timing component
of anti-bag snatching alarm is R5, VR1, and capacitor C2 with the given value in this circuit
diagram lets the time of timer is about 1 minute.
For audio section, IC3 is used as alarm tone generator with an inbuilt oscillator. Finally,
the output is obtained from pin no 3 of IC3 and amplified by transistor T1 in order to get
desire level and lastly fed to loudspeaker for output [5].

VR1 = 10 MΩ
C1, C3 = 0.0047 µF
C2 = 4.7 µF/16V
C4 = 0.01 µF
IC1 = CA3140 (operational amplifier)
IC2 = NE555 (timer IC)
IC3 = UM3561 (complex ROM with an inbuilt oscillator)
T1 = BD139
ZD1 = 3.3V 500mA
SW1 = ON/OFF switch
L1 = speaker 8Ω 1W

2.2.3 Anti-Bag Snatch Alarm System.

Here is a simple anti-bag snatching alarm circuit to thwart snatching of your valuables
while travelling. The circuit kept in your bag or suitcase sounds a loud alarm, simulating
a police horn, if someone attempts to snatch your bag or suitcase. This will draw the
attention of other passengers and the burglar can be caught red handed. In the standby
mode, the circuit is locked by a plug and socket arrangement (a mono plug with shorted

leads plugged into the mono-jack socket of the unit). When the burglar tries to snatch the
bag, the plug detaches from the unit’s socket to activate the alarm.

Figure 2.1 Anti-Bag Snatching Alarm Circuit.

The circuit is designed around op-amp IC CA3140 (IC1), which is configured as a

comparator. The non-inverting input (pin 3) of IC1 is kept at half the supply voltage
(around 4.5V) by the potential divider comprising resistors R2 and R3 of 100 kilo-ohms
each. The inverting input (pin 2) of IC1 is kept low through the shorted plug at the socket.
As a result, the voltage at the non-inverting input is higher than at the inverting input and
the output of IC1 is high.
The output from pin 6 of IC1 is fed to trigger pin 2 of IC NE555 (IC2) via coupling
capacitor C1 (0.0047 µF). IC2 is configured as a monostable. Its trigger pin 2 is held high
by resistor R4 (10 kilo-ohms). Normally, the output of IC2 remains low and the alarm is
off. Resistor R6, along with capacitor C3 connected to reset pin 4 of IC2, prevents any
false triggering. Resistor R5 (10 mega-ohms), preset VR (10 mega-ohms) and capacitor
C2 (4.7 µF, 16V) are timing components. With these values, the output at pin 3 of IC2 is
about one minute, which can be increased by increasing either the value of capacitor C2
or preset VR.
Circuit in action.
When there is an attempt at snatching, the plug connected to the circuit detaches. At that
moment, the voltage at the inverting input of IC1 exceeds the voltage at the non-inverting
input and subsequently its output goes low. This sends a low pulse to trigger pin 2 of IC2
to make its output pin 3 high. Consequently, the alarm circuit built around IC UM3561
(IC3) gets the supply voltage at its pin 5. IC UM3561 is a complex ROM with an inbuilt
oscillator. Resistor R8 forms the oscillator component. Its output is fed to the base of
single-stage transistor amplifier BD139 (T1) through resistor R9 (1 kilo-ohm).
The alarm tone generated from IC3 is amplified by transistor T1. A loudspeaker is
connected to the collector of T1 to produce the alarm. The alarm can be put off if the plug
is inserted into the socket again. Transistor T1 requires a heat-sink.
Resistor R7 (330 ohms) limits the current to IC3 and Zener diode ZD1 limits the supply
voltage to IC3 to a safe level of 3.3 volts. Resistor R9 limits the current to the base of T1.

The circuit can be easily constructed on a Veroboard or general-purpose PCB. Use a small
case for housing the circuit and 9V battery. The speaker should be small so as to make the
gadget handy. Connect a thin plastic wire to the plug and secure it in your hand or tie up
somewhere else so that when the bag is pulled, the plug detaches from the socket easily



The circuit is powered by a 9vdc battery. When the device is powered; the 470uf capacitor
Charges fully. When the vibration sensor gets a vibration, its contact shorts and current
passes through it to the base of T1. T1 then conducts to activate the Buzzer and LED.
Capacitor C1keeps the base of T1 high for a short while even if the vibration stops. This
gives a beep of few seconds with a single vibration [7].

Figure 3.1 Anti-Bag Snatch Alarm System.


Wires: it is usually a flexible strand of metal to bear electrical, electronics and
telecommunications signals.
Project box: it is an enclosure housing electrical connection to protect the connections and
provide a safety barrier.
PCB: it mechanically and electrically supports and connects electrical and electronic
components using conductive tracks and pads.
Soldering lead: this is usually a mix of Tin and lead metals with low melting point, which
by the use of soldering iron, is melted to connect electronic components [8].


For us to be sure of the main construction, the test construction was done on a breadboard.
We proceeded with the main construction on a PCB, where the design of the circuit was
With the help of the soldering iron and soldering lead, the joints of components and other
connections were made on the PCB.
Good spacing between soldering joints taking into consideration to avoid short circuiting
and damage of components.
Standard wires of required ratings were selected for the construction.

During the construction, the following precautions were observed;
The components were tested to ensure proper functioning before the construction.
It was ensured that the soldering iron was kept too long on the component during soldering
to avoid overheating that might damage the component.
Always turn the soldering to its stand when not in used. It was ensured that spacing
between every soldering was a little below 0.4cm to avoid short circuits.


The safety assistance will help student of the Ho Technical University to give and
emergency alert, alerting your emergency contact to your situation by sending them
emergency messages along with your location. Sending these messages may result in
charges from the service provider but there is a part of these application that can also send
MMS to whoever is on your emergency contact list.
In other ways these mobile applications. Safety Assistance is just an application on any
type of phone for emergency reasons to call or text.


The anti-bag snatch alarm is based on the theory that a sudden pull or jerking force exerted
by a bag handle will cause the alarm to be actuated. That is an attempt of a bag snatching
during journey the tiny alarm in your bag or suitcase beep loudly when somebody attempts
to snatch your bag. It can protect your Laptop bag, Mobile pouch, Luggage etc. during a
journey. It is essentially a “Vibration Alarm” using vibration sensing device which even
a mild shake can activate.
Components involved are; Vibration Sensor SW 18020 P, Transistor BC 547,470 µF 25V
Electrolytic capacitor,100 µF 25V Electrolytic capacitor,100 Ohms Resistor, Red LED
5mm,3- 12V Mini Buzzer, Battery Snap,9V Battery, Bread board.


The Vibration Sensor is the major component of the circuit. When powered, the 470uF
capacitor charges fully. When the Vibration sensor gets a vibration, its contact shorts and
current passes through it to the base of T1. T1 then conducts to activate the buzzer
and LED. Capacitor C1 keeps the base of T1 high for a short even if the vibration stops.
This gives a beep of few seconds with a single vibration.
The Vibration sensor switch is used for vibration detection. This sensor has two contact
pins. When an external force is acted upon either by movement or vibration, the sensor's
two contact pin are closed and contact is made between the two pins. When the force is
removed the sensor, terminals returns back to open contacts. It is commonly used in
electronics toys, alarm, domestic appliance, electronics devices, smart home system.
The vibration sensor switch has no polarity, since it is a switch. So, the user can connect
one pin to digital pin 3 and other to GND. These is also a suspended spring type vibration
sensor or switch. In the static condition the switch is open and this is the default state.
When the sensor experiences movement or vibration the switch closes momentarily. This

sensor doesn't measure the amplitude of the vibration, but can very easily detect the
presence of vibration or movement of any kind in any direction. Vibration causes havoc
in many applications. From machine shafts and bearings to hard disk performance,
vibration causes machine damage, early replacement, low performance, and inflicts a
major hit on accuracy.
Using vibration analysis as a tool to determine the specific cause and location of
machinery problems can expedite repairs and minimize costs. Vibration sensors can
measure and analyze displacement, linear velocity, and acceleration. These parameters are
mathematically related and can be derived from a variety of sensors. Selection of a sensor
proportional to displacement, velocity, or acceleration depends on the frequencies of
interest and the signal levels involved. Three major factors differentiate vibration sensors:
the natural frequency, damping coefficient, and scale factor. The scale factor relates the
output to an acceleration input and is linked to sensitivity. Together, the natural frequency
and damping coefficient determine the accuracy
level of a vibration sensor. In a system consisting of a spring and attached mass, if you
were to pull the mass back away from equilibrium and release the mass, the mass would
vibrate forward (past the equilibrium) and backward until it came to rest. The friction that
brings the mass to rest is
defined by the damping coefficient, and the rate at which the mass vibrates forward and
backward is its natural frequency.
The two basic piezoelectric materials used in vibration sensors today are synthetic
piezoelectric ceramics and quartz. In a piezoelectric sensor or accelerometer, the sensing
element is a crystal that emits a charge when subjected to compression. The crystal is
bonded to a mass so that when it is subjected to a “g” force, the mass compresses the
crystal and a signal is emitted. The signal value is relative to the force imposed.

The crystals are attached between a center post and a seismic mass. A compression ring
or stud applies a pre-load force to the element assembly to ensure a rigid structure and
linear behavior. Under acceleration, the mass causes shear stress to the sensing crystals,
resulting in a proportional electrical output by the piezoelectric material. The output is
collected by electrodes and transmitted by lightweight lead wires to other circuitry or
directly to connectors.
This small acceleration signal can be amplified for acceleration measurements or
converted within the sensor into a velocity or displacement signal. Most piezoelectric
sensors used in vibration monitoring today contain internal amplifiers. An op amp can be
used to interface these sensors to an A/D converter, either discrete or on a microcontroller.
Be careful to choose a high- input-impedance op amp to minimize current.

Once recorded, vibration data can be analyzed for an immediate diagnosis or saved for
later or deeper evaluation, for example, to record trends and history involved in a
machine’s health, for asset protection in financial and retail environments, or to
differentiate between ambient vibration and real attacks in such applications as ATMs,
vending, and ticket machines. The sensing element can be housed to withstand whatever
environmental conditions exist. The rugged, solid-state construction of industrial
piezoelectric sensors enables them to operate under most harsh environmental conditions.

They are unaffected by dirt, oil, and most chemical atmospheres. They perform well over
a wide temperature range and resist damage due to severe shocks
While both quartz and ceramics are adequate for successful vibration sensor design,
differences in their properties allow for design flexibility. For example, natural
piezoelectric quartz has lower charge sensitivity and exhibits a higher noise floor when
compared to the modern “tailored" piezoceramic materials. Nevertheless, most vibration
sensor manufacturers now use piezoceramic materials developed specifically for sensor
applications. Special formulations yield optimized characteristics to provide accurate data
in extreme operating environments. The exceptionally high output sensitivity of
piezoceramic material allows the design of sensors with increased frequency response
when compared to quartz.
Piezoceramic vibration sensors can be used in shock measurements (explosions and failure
tests), high-frequency measurements, and slower low-frequency vibration measurements.
This is shown by their higher than average natural frequency. However, this sensor
typically has outputs in the millivolt range and requires a high-input-impedance, low-
noise detector to interpret voltages from its piezoelectric crystal.
Another important application is vibration energy harvesting. This converts otherwise
wasted energy from mechanical vibrations into useable electrical energy. The Midé
Volture vibration energy harvester (Figure 1), for example, uses normally brittle
piezoelectric materials and incorporates a piezoelectric transducer packaging technology.
The Volture packages piezoelectric materials in a protective skin with pre-attached
electrical leads and no soldered wires. It features a low profile, can be used in harsh
environments, is available in multiple sizes to match numerous applications, and
integrates directly with COTS products. Applications include health monitoring network
sensors, condition-based maintenance sensors, wireless HVAC sensors, mobile asset
tracking, tire pressure and oil and gas sensors, air, land and sea vehicle sensors, and battery
and hard-wired power replacements [9].


Light emitting diode is a semiconductor device that glows when voltage passes through
it. It is a semiconductor device that emits visible light when current passes through it.
Light emitting diodes do not have filament like conventional incandescent bulbs. Unlike
incandescent bulbs, they don’t have filament that will burn out, instead they are
illuminated by the movement of electrons in a semiconductor material. LEDs are created
by joining P-type semiconductor material and N-type semiconductor material in their right
proportions. LEDs produce light as a result of photons released during the movement of
electrons in the semiconductor when a voltage is applied. The output of a light emitting
diode can be changed by varying the waveform. The output from an LED can range from
red (wavelength of approximately 700 nanometers) to blue violet (wavelength of about
400 nanometers). Compared to incandescent bulbs, LEDs have low power requirement,
they are highly efficient and also, they have long lifespans. The most common eminent
source of light available in electronic components are Light Emitting Diodes. For instance,
they are widely used for displaying the time and many other types of data on screens in
certain display devices. LED’s are the opt – semiconductor devices which easily converts

electric current into illumination (or light). Area of the LED is usually less than 1 and
many integrated optical components may be used in designing its radiation pattern. It has
the major advantage of low manufacturing cost and renders longer life than the laser diode.
A light emitting diode consists of two principal elements of semiconductor. They are
positively charged P-type holes and negatively charged N-type electrons. In general, it
can be specified as a certain specific range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic
spectrum. The selection of emission of colour from the LED is fairly limited due to the
nature of semiconductor used in the manufacture. Commonly available colours of LED
are red, green, blue, yellow, amber and white. The light from red, blue and green colours
can be easily combined to produce white light with limited brightness. The working
voltage of red, green, amber and yellow colours is around 1.8 volts. The actual range of
working voltage of a light emitting diode can be determined by the breakdown voltage of
semiconductor material involve in the construction of LED. The colour of the light
emitted in LED is determined by the semiconductor materials that form the diode’s PN
junction. It is due to the differences in the energy gap band structure of semiconductor
materials and so different number of photons is emitted with varying frequencies.
However, the wavelength of light depends on the band gap of the semiconductor materials
at the junction and the intensity of light depends on the amount of power or energy applied
through the diode. The output wavelength can be maintained by using compound
semiconductors, so that required colour can be observed, providing the output within the
visible range. The purpose of the LEDs in this project is to provide a visual signal when
there is metal detection. The LEDs will be used in conjunction with the buzzer for the
production of output signal. The LEDs are used in this project to provide visual signals to
users when the device is in operation. Also, it is there to back up the device should the
buzzer malfunction still making the detector useful for the purpose it was assembled for.
The LEDs are being used to aid people who cannot properly hear; making it easy for them
to also use the device [10].

A capacitor, is a passive two-terminal electrical component that stores potential energy in
an electric field. The effect of a capacitor is known as capacitance. While some
capacitance exists between any two electrical conductors in proximity in a circuit, a
capacitor is a component designed to add capacitance to a circuit. The capacitor was
originally known as a condenser or compensator.
The physical form and construction of practical capacitors vary widely and many capacitor
types are in common use. Most capacitors contain at least two electrical conductors often
in the form of metallic plates or surfaces separated by a dielectric medium. A conductor
may be a foil, thin film, sintered bead of metal, or an electrolyte. The nonconducting
dielectric acts to increase the capacitor’s charge capacity. Materials commonly used as
dielectrics include glass, ceramic, plastic film, paper, mica, and oxide layers. Capacitors
are widely used as parts of electrical circuits in many common electrical devices. Unlike
a resistor, an ideal capacitor does not dissipate energy.
When two conductors experience a potential difference, for example, when a capacitor is
attached across a battery, an electric field develops across the dielectric, causing a net
positive charge to collect on one plate and net negative charge to collect on the other plate.

No current actually flows through the dielectric, however, there is a flow of charge through
the source circuit. If the condition is maintained sufficiently long, the current through the
source circuit ceases. However, if a time-varying voltage is applied across the leads of the
capacitor, the source experiences an ongoing current due to the charging and discharging
cycles of the capacitor. Capacitance is defined as the ratio of the electric charge on each
conductor to the potential difference between them. The unit of capacitance in the
International System of Units (SI) is the farad (F), defined as one coulomb per volt (1
C/V). Capacitance values of typical capacitors for use in general electronics range from
about 1 picofarad (pF) (10−12 F) to about 1 millifarad (mF) (10−3 F).
The capacitance of a capacitor is proportional to the surface area of the plates (conductors)
and inversely related to the gap between them. In practice, the dielectric between the plates
passes a small amount of leakage current. It has an electric field strength limit, known as
the breakdown voltage. The conductors and leads introduce an undesired inductance and
Capacitors are widely used in electronic circuits for blocking direct current while allowing
alternating current to pass. In analog filter networks, they smooth the output of power
supplies. In resonant circuits they tune radios to particular frequencies. In electric power
transmission systems, they stabilize voltage and power flow. The property of energy
storage in capacitors was exploited as dynamic memory in early digital computers [11].

A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical
resistance as a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current
flow, adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate
transmission lines, among other uses. High-power resistors that can dissipate many watts
of electrical power as heat, may be used as part of motor controls, in power distribution
systems, or as test loads for generators. Fixed resistors have resistances that only change
slightly with temperature, time or operating voltage. Variable resistors can be used to
adjust circuit elements (such as a volume control or a lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices
for heat, light, humidity, force, or chemical activity. Resistors are common elements of
electrical networks and electronic circuits and are ubiquitous in electronic equipment.
Practical resistors as discrete components can be composed of various compounds and
forms. Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits.
The electrical function of a resistor is specified by its resistance: common commercial
resistors are manufactured over a range of more than nine orders of magnitude. The
nominal value of the resistance falls within the manufacturing tolerance, indicated on the
component [12].

2.3.7 BUZZER
A buzzer is a device which makes a buzzing or beeping noise. There are several kinds; the
most basic is a piezoelectric buzzer, which is just a flat piece of piezoelectric material with
two electrodes. This type of buzzer requires some kind of oscillator (or something more
complicated like a microcontroller) to drive it—if you apply a DC voltage you will just
get a click. They are used in places where you need something that emits an audible tone,
but don’t care about high fidelity sound reproduction, like microwave ovens, smoke

alarms, and electronic toys. They are cheap and can be very loud without using very much
power. They are also very thin, so they can be used in flat objects like “singing” greeting
cards. A buzzer is an audio signaling device. Buzzers are of different types depending on
its design. A buzzer may be mechanical, electromechanical, magnetic, electromagnetic,
electro-acoustic or piezoelectric. Buzzers are used in timing circuits, alarm clocks or in
conjunction with sensors to alert the user of an ongoing activity. Buzzers operate on a
variety of voltages depending on the model. Also, depending on the model, the sound
level buzzers differ. The most common sizes for sound levels are 80dB, 85dB, 90dB and
95dB. In this project, a passive buzzer is required for audio signaling. An active buzzer is
being used because the magnetic field of the search coil varies upon metal detection and
active buzzers require an AC signals to operate. An active buzzer requires an AC signal
to make noise, just like an electromagnetic speaker; a changing input signal produces the
sound instead of producing the sound automatically. This makes passive buzzer the
suitable choice for this project. Also, the active buzzer will serve as a back up to the device
in case the LEDs malfunction despite they function simultaneously. The active buzzer is
employed to enable visually impaired to use the device with ease [13].



In order to test for the component involved in this system, a circuit design was constructed
to determine the functionalities, values and the purpose for which they are going to be
used. In as much as the test was carried out on all the components involved, our main test
focus was based on the responds of the LED, vibration sensor, and the buzzer. [12]

4.1.2 LED TEST

The tests carried out on the alarm system was on one of the output peripheral components
we used in this project which is the LED. This test was carried out to determine whether
the LEDs were in good condition and also giving good signals to be used in the project.
During the test we used a digital meter which produced reading to note the LED was of
its value, the brightness of the led was also determined by introducing power to the alarm
system which produced a good result.


The tests carried out on the alarm system was on one of the output peripheral components
we used in this project which deals with the sound part of the alarm. This test was carried
out to determine whether the buzzer was in good condition and also giving good signals
to be used in the project. During the test we used a digital meter which produced readings
to note the buzzer was of its value, the sound of the buzzer was also determined by
introducing power to the alarm system. The buzzer produced the sound but not to the

Figure 4.1 Buzzer

The vibration sensor is used in different ways to sense mechanical vibrations to activate
alarms and other surveillance systems and a variety of vibration detection projects.
The vibration sensor has two electrical contacts, which are not connected in idle condition.
When an external force is applied due to movement or vibration, the sensor’s contacts
close. When the force is removed, the sensor terminal returns back to open contacts. The
internal spring closes the contacts during vibration which triggers the circuit connected to
it. The sensor is made up of a small spring mechanism, which makes the contacts on when
a vibration force is applied above a certain threshold level. A resistance of more than 10
m ohm insulates two pins coming out of the sensor. When a vibrating force is applied on
the switch, the spring inside the switch vibrates and makes a momentary short circuit
between the two terminals. The terminals of the vibration sensor have no polarity but one
pin is thick. With these knowledges about the vibration sensor, the test for the vibration
sensor was done by the application of a vibrating force to the alarm system, the about of
the LED and buzzer tells that the vibration sensor is ok [14].

Figure 4.2 Vibration sensor.


The next test performed on the project is the overall system accuracy test. In this test, all
components will be assembled and mounted on a breadboard and powered through a 9V
DC battery, this test is done to check the overall performance of the project after
assembling. [14]

At the time when there is no subjection to motion capable of triggering, the two terminals
in the vibration sensor are separated from each other, which means the gate current to the
switching device transistor is open, opening power supply connected to the Speaker/siren.
At this time, the output will be 0V and the buzzer be silent.


When the bag is being moved, the two terminals in the vibration sensor are shaken thereby
touching each other, which allow gate current to flow through the resistor to the gate side
of the transistor triggering the device, which means there is a close loop through the power
supply and the buzzer. At this time, the output becomes 9V, the LED light and the buzzer
will be activated.

Figure 4.3 Constructional Circuit.


When the buzzer is stimulating, the buzzer should
be always sounding and cannot be deactivated until the power supply is cut off by pressing
the push button. After the gate of switching device (transistor) is triggered it keeps the
switch in close mode even if the gate current is cut off through the vibration sensor. At
this time, the output becomes 9V and the buzzer will be in continuous activation till the
button is press.


When the power supply is disconnected, the buzzer will be automatically deactivated and
stop sounding. The transistor goes off and the output 0V.

The design circuit was placed into small plastic casing after the design circuit was tested
also by using Multisim v7. The circuit was design on a PCB, the designed circuit was
printed on the PCB using lead. After all the components are soldered, the circuit was then
placed inside the small casing box.

Figure 4.4 Hardware of Project.


After the construction of the device, a precautionary step is taken by measuring the values
of discrete components when the device was powered; these values were compared to the
rated values of the device to ensure that the components are operating normally. The table
below provides information on the expected and measured values of the components
respectively [15].

Table 4.1 Expected and Measured Values of Components.


1 Arduino Nano 5.0V 40mA 5.0V 40mA Good

2 LED(Blue) 3.4V 30mA 3.4V 30mA Good

3 LED(Green) 2.0V 20mA 2.0V 20mA Good

4 Buzzer 5.0V 25mA 5.0V 20mA Good

5 Vibrator 5.0V 25mA 5.0V 20mA Good

6 10nf Capacitor 5.0V 15mA 5.0V 10mA Good

7 1N4148 Diode 1V 10mA 1V 8mA Good

During the test and construction, it is identified that some of the values of the components
not corresponding to their original values, the vibration sensor will not quick to response
as expected hence the vibration force been applied must be high. And also, the sound of
the buzzer is not loud enough as expected.


The construction of this Snatch Alarm System was a gradual process from gathering of
information on the different form of sensors on the market and studying the different type
of sensor on their input parameters. It is to be noted that the efficiency of this project
depends on the ability to respond to sudden snatch of a bag including the alarm system.
Thus, the device could deliver constant respond for a calculated level of vibration of shake.
In view of the inconsistence and unreliable public security and high rate of thief snatch
coupled with the high loss of properties, the snatch alarm is found to offer a better control
of thief snatch. It is noisily capable to follow, harmless, and cost effective. It is also a
preferred security backup to a suit cases, bags and other load hand frees careers because
of its portability. Thus, having small casing, light in weight. In addition, the life span of
the battery and other components is prolonged.

Although the objective of this project has been achieved, the snatch alarm cannot be used
in small purses because of its size. In addition, when the snatch alarm is set on, any shake
that reach its attenuation level will trigger it though may not be attempt to snatch.
Therefore, for improvement on this project, further research can include:
Selecting a sensor which may be able to identifier activities capable of triggering and sort
the action to allow attenuation.
Designing the power source system which may be capable of self-charging, giving
uninterrupted power supply through an additional Automatic Voltage Regulator.
Select a reset mechanism with a timer to influence the beeping of the buzzer.
Selecting a buzzer which may give a reliable and preferable sound alert, considering the
fact of the buzzer being put in an enclosed state which can have effect on the range of the


[1] Harder, Douglas Wilhelm. "Resistors: A Motor with a Constant Force (Force Source)".
[2] SRC Student Record, Security Records.
[4] D. Moham Kumor November 5,2017.
[5] Wu, Fa Yueh; Yang, Chen Ning (2009). Exactly Solved Models: A Journey in
Statistical Mechanics: Selected Papers with Commentaries (1963–2008). World
Scientific. pp. 489–. ISBN 978-981-281-388-6.
[6] Harter, James H. and Lin, Paul Y. (1982) Essentials of electric circuits. Reston
Publishing Company. pp. 96–97. ISBN 0-8359-1767-3.
[7] HVR International (ed.): "SR Series: Surge Resistors for PCB Mounting." (PDF; 252
kB), 26. May 2005, retrieved 24. January 2017.
[8] Morris, C. G. (ed) (1992) Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology. Gulf
Professional Publishing. p. 360. ISBN 0122004000.
[9] M. Rouse. [Online]. Available:
diode- LED. [Accessed 27 December 2017].
[10] Tom Harris and Wesley Fenlon, "HowStuffWorks," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 28 December 2017].
[11]"futureElectronic,"[Online].Available: [Accessed 28 December
[Accessed 28 December 2017].
[13]"Techmaze," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 29
December 2017].
[14]"Batts," [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 29 December 2017].
[15] C. Chick, "Cable Chick," 29 July 2014. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 29 December 2017].


Table Component list and prices and total cost of the project
(₵) (₵)
1 Vibration 1 80.00 80.00
SW18020 P
2 5cm x7cm 1 5.00 5.00
3 100nF 1 5.00 5.00
4 Transistor BC 1 2.00 2.00
5 100Ω Resistor 1 1.00 1.00

6 470nF 1 5.00 5.00

7 LEDs (RED) 2 2.00 4.00
8 Battery snap 1 1.00 1.00

9 9V Battery 1 15.00 15.00

10 3-12V Mini 1 5.00 5.00

11 0.5mm2 5 2.00 10.00
12 Plastic case 1 4.00 4.00

13 Switch 1 4.00 4.00

TOTAL S 141.00


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