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Althought The English Lenguage does not have the largest number of

native speakers is the broadest rich of any language it has that is spoken


1. The English language is the most spoken in the world. One in five
people can speak or at least understand English.

2. The English is the language of diplomacy, tourism, computers and

science, learning English increases your chance of getting a job in a
multinational company from your country or finding work abroad.

3. English is the oficially lenguaje in 53 countries and around 400

million of people as their firts language.

4. When you learning English, you´ll learn about other cultures. Few
experiences will make you grow as a better person learning values, habits
and one way of life different from yours.

5. English is called the language of Internet, many websites are witten

in English, you can understand and participate in forums and disscutions.

6. If you learn English, you won´t need Google Translator anymore. You
enjoy your favorites books, movies and TV shows in English.

7. Watching movies and Tv shows in English is also an excellent and fun

idea to learn it!

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