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Wyatt Nelson

Setting the Climate

a) Picture drawn
b) Manage student work
a. Keeping the subjects organized helped. When students were sick we would just set
aside whatever we did that day and put it in their mailbox and then help them and
explain what we did when they got back. The teacher sent home a letter to the parents
what was expected of the students. She also went over them in class with the students.
During a certain time/subject, she would explain and then demonstrate what they
should be doing so the students had a clear idea of what they were supposed to be
doing. We would also walk around the room and help out if they had any questions or
c) procedures and routines
The first week we spent a lot of time working on the routines throughout the day. When
second week came the students had pretty good idea what to expect and what was
going on and by the third week the students knew where they were supposed to be and
where to be next. The schedule was up on the board everyday so they could see it when
they walked in every morning. The first couple of days the teacher would go over the
schedule out loud with the students so they would start to hear how the day was going
to go. Another routine was reminding them to clean up after themselves when done
with an assignment, playing with a game/toys, or when they finish their snack. This one
was a little harder because with the younger students you have to remind them multiple
times. Giving the students structure can help them in the classroom because they know
what to expect and what is expected of them. They know what class is first and what is
next and do not have to wonder what is going to happen that day. Some of the students
really need that structure as well.
d) rules and consequences
a. During break time the students would get to play games, with toys, puzzles, and etc. The
teacher demonstrated how to play with them and how not to play with them. She then
would explain what would happen if the students did not play with them the right way.
The students in my class really liked playing with legos, one day they were throwing
them around so the teacher took them and that was a consequence of not playing with
legos the right way. The students also made a list of classroom rules to follow. When the
classroom rules were not followed, the teacher would talk to the student(s) the first
time. After that the student would not be able to play with the toys at break, have to sit
at their desk instead of the rug, read at their desk instead of in a special chair. That was
the furthest it ever got in my classroom. Just like before, when activities or work during
a certain time, the teacher would give them a set of rules to follow so they had a clear
idea of what to do. She would explain and demonstrate them. The teacher also let
students have input on what the consequences should be when rules are broken. I like
that because when you let the students have a say, they will be more likely to follow the

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