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AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

1. "Save As" and add your name to the file name. [E.g., AEAH 3770 Adetty Perez Miles-PDP-final-evaluation-form.docx]
2. Use this template to record your activities and help assess the completion of your Professional Development Plan (PDP) self-
directed learning initiatives that you identified as goals in the first PDP form you submitted.
3. Fill this form out completely with specific information.
 See the provided examples to help guide you (but do not copy the information provided).
4. Submit the completed form on Canvas by the due date.

Note: Each goal’s table is on multiple pages. As you type, it may go onto more pages. That’s fine. If you have more than 3 goals, copy/paste an
unfilled table for your additional goals. If you add tables, insert a page break between them so that each goal’s table starts on a new page.

There are FOUR components of the Professional Development Plan (PDP) as described below.

Learning Goals – To identify goals, it will be important to review literature in the field, such as articles in art education journals and chapters in
books on art education. Goals written should be SMART goals (video explanation here).

Essential Resources – What materials and resources will be essential for the implementation of the plan? (Examples are specific articles, books,
videos, websites, etc.)

Learning Activities – some professional learning activities may address more than one goal. As activities are determined, consider how you will
follow up to further deepen the learning and application of this new knowledge. A natural part of this is to ensure teacher reflection as well as
reflection/evaluation of the activities planned. A continuous review of data will also reveal effectiveness of the activities.

Progress Summaries/Evaluations – Clearly define the evidence that demonstrated (and will continue to demonstrate) effective professional
development, educator growth, and improvement in student achievement. Multiple checkpoints, formal and informal, throughout the process
is beneficial. [These will be separate documents to complete and submit.]

Helpful Resources:

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

Professional Development Plan Template

Student Name Course Professor Name Plan Begin/End Dates

Mikayla West AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications Dr. Pérez de Miles initial plan due: 2/5/19
midterm eval due: 3/7/19
final eval due: 4/11/19

1: Professional Learning Goals (at least 3; you can add more by creating additional rows). This information should be a clear
update from your initial plan and midterm evaluation that provides more specifics now that you are finished with the time
frame for this plan.

No. Goal Beginning knowledge/skill level Rationale and level of achievement reached during plan time frame
1 Learn basic Beginner 1 to beginner 3 It is very important for an artist to be able to adequately photograph their
photography editing artwork with proper lighting and basic editing. I advanced two steps and
added to my knowledge of the many techniques Photoshop has.

2 Learn basic animation Became a beginner 1 Animation is a creative art form that allows the artists to express ideas
virtually and two dimensionally. Basic skills will allow me to advance in my
three-dimensional creative expression.
3 Increase CNC plasma Intermediate 2 to intermediate 3 Using a CNC router can be a tool for an artist to make clean and
cutter knowledge professional cut lines on a metal material. As a level 1 intermediate, I
became a level 2 in that I am more comfortable using Adobe and the CNC

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

2: Professional Learning Resources and Activities

For each goal of your PDP:
1. Identify and list specific resources you used to complete your Professional Development Plan goals. (Examples are titles and authors of
books and articles, names and URLs of specific online course content such as a tutorial series or YouTube playlist)
2. List the specific learning activities you completed and time spent working on this goal.
3. List at least two of the specific practice activities and projects made while learning these skills and provide small but clearly visible
images of exemplars. For video examples, provide a small screenshot of a scene and provide the YouTube URL for it just above the
a. You may have to adjust table cells to have your images fit well.
4. Explain any changes from your midterm PDP necessary to reach your goal (For example, did you need to add or remove activities?).
5. Provide final reflective observations you have about the resources, activities, results, and anticipated future use or follow up (after this
semester). Reflections should be 300-500 words each. [Also check for correct spelling, grammar, and professional tone.]
6. Indicate within your entries which of the goals/projects you plan to use for your e-Portfolio individual new lesson. Highlight that
information in yellow.

PDP Goal Example: Increase Photoshop knowledge and skills, specifically selection tools, layers, masks and creating composite images
increased my level from a self-assessed level 1 beginner to almost a 3. I plan to use activities learned in this goal for my e-Portfolio
individual lesson.
Essential course “Photoshop CC 2018 One-on-One: Fundamentals” by Deke McClelland lessons 5-11: videos with
Resources transcripts and free exercise files for practice. This is a professionally produced self-paced video tutorial course for absolute
used to beginners. I accessed through my free subscription provided by UNT.
complete “How to Use Layer Masks in Photoshop” by PHLEARN
goal: Mask Layers page on Adobe Support that has a very helpful
embedded video “Remove a person from the background with masking”
Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Classroom in a Book by Andrew Faulkner and Conrad Chavez
Use layer masks with selections
“How to Match Colors Automatically in Photoshop” by PHLEARN
“Simple Animal Morphing Tutorial” by PSD Box Official
Learning 1. Watched each of the 7 lesson videos of the McClelland course all the way Time spent on this
Activities through goal:
completed: 2. Reviewed each of the 7 lesson videos, pausing to perform the demonstrated techniques on 3 hours/day two
Photoshop using the provided practice exercise files days per week;
3. Watched the PHLEARN YouTube videos around 32 hours
4. Reviewed the PHLEARN videos while practicing with my own photograph total over a six-week
period. This goal was

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

5. Watched and practiced the techniques of the PSD Box Official video with my own achieved sooner
photographs than originally
6. I also referenced the Classroom in a Book while creating a composite image using three of expected.
my own photos
Practice 1. I created several Practice example:
Activities and practice pieces that
Projects combined my own
made: images with
Creative Commons
images and used
multiple Photoshop
techniques covered
in the different
videos. These
techniques included
using lasso,
magnetic lasso,
magic wand, and
the quick selection
tools for selecting
image elements. I Project example:
also used free
transform to rotate
and scale image
parts as well as
horizontal and
vertical flipping to
fit parts together
into composites. I
also made a whole
composition (digital
collage) with these

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

2. I also practiced a Practice example 1: Practice example 2:

lot with layers and
masks, including
adjustment layers
set as clipping
masks for the layer
beneath the layer.
3. I learned how to
use the clone tool
to help blend
different parts of
my composite
4. I also learned how
to match color for
layers to make the
different parts of a
composite image
seem to be natural
together when
taken from
different source
I did not make a full
project with this yet. But
plan to for my individual
lesson for my e-Portfolio.
Changes (if Because similar techniques were already covered in other resources, I removed “Layer Mask Fading (PhotoShop) Tutorial”
any) to by Jake PSD that I had added after my initial plan.
midterm PDP I did add “How to Match Colors Automatically in Photoshop” by PHLEARN
goal: which helped make the different layers brought together appear

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

I also added “Simple Animal Morphing Tutorial” by PSD Box Official to
learn how to make odd, fantasy animals/creatures.

Final I made this goal my top priority with digital art technology. That may be why I achieved my goal satisfactorily approximately 3
Reflective weeks sooner than I had originally anticipated. The “extra” time then allowed me to work more on my two other goals and
Observations: get further with them. I am very proud of my accomplishments on this particular goal. Honestly, I first thought that the
software would simply do the work for me like a mobile app does, just with much better and more realistic results. Then after
I started working with the program, I had to really question what all I would be able to accomplish since it was much more in-
depth than I thought when I started the Computer Art Applications course.

I like creating the composite images because they are really like digital collages. They can have different looks to them
depending on the Photoshop tools and skills applied. They can be selected and moved with “hard” edges and without color
matching to create a more traditional looking collage as if the images were cut out of magazines. They can also have a more
seamless look as though the scenes and objects are natural by using layer masks, color matching, softer edges, and clone
stamps. Through either technique, I think the Photoshop composite images would be great for a lesson or unit on the Big
Idea of fantasy. Of course, they could be used for other Big Ideas as well.

I enjoyed the course because it had activities and files provided as well as transcripts I could skim to see if a
video’s content is what I truly needed. However, I really like the up-to-date videos on PHLEARN’s YouTube channel and have
subscribed to it. I just wish he also had transcripts available to skim like the Lynda courses, especially for his longer videos.
Sometimes, they are 20 minutes long. The content is really helpful, but I have to pause his videos a lot and make sure to mark
down the video time with things I think I might have to review. And with YouTube, I have started making playlists about
different things in Photoshop that I want to try out in the future such as making custom brushes and stamps, making photos
look like pencil drawings or comic book panels, and even creating text portraits. Yet, I know that some of these will take some
time to learn since they are advanced techniques that build on understanding the basics I’m just beginning to understand and
utilize. But I know it will be worth the time and effort to learn them because my students will love to learn how to manipulate
their own images in these ways. (451 words)

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

PDP Goal No. 1: (Photoshop)

Essential 1. course “Photoshop: Backgrounds and Textures” by Harold Davis lessons 1.1 – 1.3, 1.4, 2, 3, & 4 . This is a
Resources professional online tutorial website with exercises.
used to 2. Adobe Premiere Pro
complete goal: 3.
Learning 1. I watched lesson 1 and learned how to work with backgrounds. Time spent on this
Activities 2. I followed the practice examples and created my own practice examples. goal: About 15
completed: 3. I watched lessons 2-4 to learn about textures and overlay. hours total put into
4. I practiced along with the practice examples and created my own practice examples. 1.5-hour increments
over 6 days for
lessons 1-2.5. I
spend about 2 more
hours (shorter than
expected) finishing
the lessons and
about 4 hours
working on the
examples and

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

Practice 1. For the Blue Practice example:

Activities and Bee in Space, I
Projects made: used the
below to add
however, I
applied the
same practice
with opacity
that I did with
the cats
below to add
the bubble.
2. For this project
example, I used
my image from
my plasma cut Project example:
and added a
background. I
used masking
the eraser,
lasso and crop
tools to add the
background. I
used an overlay
and played with
layer options
and opacity to

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

add the texture

to the metal.

1. This practice Practice example 1:

example I

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

edited the
levels for
images of two
cats. I created
the separate
layers and
copy and
pasted them to
To remove the
original white
background, I
turned the
opacity to 15%,
then Practice example 2:
duplicated the
layer, used the
multiply, the
turned the
opacity of the
selected layer
to 85%.
Changes (if I did not have to watch the lesson on masking because I learned how to do this during peer facilitation.
any) to
midterm PDP

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

Final I did not create three examples for this goal. My time management area of my SMART goals was lacking. I thought that I
Reflective would finish sooner than I did and ran out of time. Otherwise, I feel successful in learning what I had aimed to learn. The A
Observations: for applicable part of my SMART goals was right on point. I will use this new knowledge frequently in my professional future.
When I create another professional development plan, I will aim to move to intermediate level. With so much knowledge
that I’ve learned from Adobe, I plan to purchase the software and continue to grow as a photo editor.
I found that there are several ways to complete a single task on Photoshop. The tutorial showed me how to use layers
differently than my peer facilitators did. I believe using a pen on a touch screen will be much more effective because I had a
hard time using the mouse for fine details. In the future, I want to use all of my own photos instead of using
One thing that I learned in the lesson but did not practice was how to create my own backgrounds. This is a project I plan to
uptake this summer so in the future, I can have a whole file of backgrounds that I can use to edit future projects.

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

PDP Goal No. 2: Animation

Essential course “Blender Essential Training” by George Maestri lessons 1, 2,3 & 6. This is a professional online tutorial
Resources website with exercises. is a free open source animating software.
used to
complete goal:
Learning 1. I read the article on ways to use animation as a teaching tool and took notes Time spent on this
Activities 2. I completed lesson one and pertaining activities learning to maneuver the software goal:
completed: 3. I watched the lesson 2 videos and took notes, there were a lot of keyboard shortcuts I anticipated a total
discussed. I practiced along with each mini lesson to practice selecting and transforming of 12 hours,
objects. however I spent
4. I watched and practiced with lesson three how to model objects. about 26 total over
5. I did not make it lesson six because I never mastered lesson three. the course of 12
Practice 1. Here, I used the Practice example:
Activities and mothed described
Projects made: in practice example
1 to attempt to
change a sphere
into a cube. I did
2. For my project
example, I imported
primitive shapes
and used object
mode to combine
them into a flower.
And edit mode to
make it more

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

Project example:

1. I imported the Practice example 1:

sphere and
used edit mode
to transform
the vertices,
edges, and
faces. I adjusted
the transform
options to
change the way
I was able to
move the
2. For the second
example, I used
the sculpt mode
and used

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

brushes to Practice example 2:

sculpt and
change the
original thing I
imported. I also
used the
symmetry on all
axes to sculpt
on two sides.

Changes (if I removed lesson 5 which was advanced modeling because I didn’t feel I was ready to advance to that stage.
any) to
midterm PDP

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

Final This part of my professional development plan went the least as planned. I did not complete one of my lessons, which was
Reflective lesson six materials, because I did not complete the practice for modeling and sculpting. I did watch all the lesson videos and
Observations: take notes, but when it came to practice it took me much longer than expected to get the hang of it. I also did not know
anyone personally who has used blender and is comfortable enough with animation to teach it to me. So the part of my
SMART goal that I did not do right was attainability. I did not create a goal that was going to be possible for me to complete
with my resources and time frame. I think that when I buy a smart pen for my laptop and can use a Bluetooth mouse with
the pen, I will be able to maneuver the software more accurately. Three-dimensional space is a new playing ground for me. I
found this software to be completely new territory. I expected it to work somewhat like photoshop, which in some aspects
it does. It uses layer and boards to work on.

I do not see myself yet using this as a teaching tool because I do not understand it well enough to apply it to a lesson. I do,
however, see myself using this for creative purposes. My goal is to create visual’s for music artists. For my next professional
development plan I will nail the beginner level and adjust my smart goal to make it more attainable, and time conscious.

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

PDP Goal No. 3: (Ai File for CNC Plasma Cutter)

Essential 1. YouTube video “10 Handy Tips | Things to know for beginners Ep7/19 [Adobe Illustrator for Beginners]” by
Resources TastyTuts
used to 2. YouTube tutorial “Adobe Illustrator to Laser cutter in 20 Minutes or Less part 1” (and part 2) by SUDesignWorks.
complete goal: This video demonstrates how to use an Adobe Illustrator for laser cutting at Design Works Syracuse University’s
fabrication lab.
3. YouTube tutorial “Creating a Logo in Adobe Illustrator for Driving CNC Machines” by Greylight May
4. (material)
5. UNT FabLab.

Learning 1. I watched the 10 Handy Tips video and practiced maneuvering Adobe Illustrator Time spent on this
Activities 2. I watched Creating a Logo video and practiced importing images into Adobe Illustrator and goal:
completed: simplifying the images I spent about 15
3. I watched the Laser Cutting in 20 Minutes videos part one and two hours over the
4. I applied this knowledge to my pre-existing practice files by adjusting the settings to prepare for course of 6 different
the machine days creating files. I
5. I created a practice file without importuning an image spent about 3 hours
6. I created the lily file to be cut and ensured the file was appropriate for the machine to read by preparing a file to
having it reviewed by a FabLab employee cut and completing
7. I completed the CNC plasma cut process into stainless steel in the FabLab the cut. To proceed,
I would estimate to
spend around 4
hours finishing the
metal and attaching
a wall mount.

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

Practice 1. For this practice file, which was my Practice example:

Activities and third, I wanted to create my own
Projects made: shape versus importing images like
my other practice examples below. I
originally was going to make a
simple frame shape but added the
wings for fun. I placed a grid and
ruler while working on this file to
make a symmetrical object. I used
the line tool to draw the lines, and
the direct selection tool to connect
the anchors.
2. On the top, left, inner corner, I
attempted to round it. I used the
curve tool to create paths and round
the lines.
3. For my project example, which is the
example I will use in my lesson plan, Project example:
I imported an image, used image
trace (which Temma from class
showed me) and used the settings:
line art, outlines, black and white to
simplify the image.
4. I then selected the entire object and
expanded it. I connected the
anchors and joined the lines. I then
adjusted the settings of the lines to
match that of the CNC plasma
5. The employees in the FabLab
informed me that the machine will
not cute lines, only shapes, so for
the lily, the outside shape would cut
the entire thing out, but for the
details in the middle, I used the
curve tool and the line tool to make

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

the lines into shapes which

resembled the original line.
6. I would proceed by using a grinder
tool to finish the edges. Since I used
stainless steel, I will leave the metal
with the original 304-4 finish. In the
future with other steel types I may
paint or patina as a finish.

1. These were my first two practice Practice example 1:

examples where I practiced
importing images and
simplifying them into lines for
the machine to read. I used
window then image trace and
messed with the setting to
create clean outlines.

Practice example 2:

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

Changes (if I added a tutorial for maneuvering Adobe Illustrator. This type of project is the only time I have used this software, so I
any) to wanted to become more familiar with it when working with my files.
midterm PDP
Final I finished this professional development plan in the number of hours that I anticipated, but in a shorter time frame. This
Reflective project came the most easily to me because my medium of choice is metal, so I had a natural attraction towards it. Since I
Observations: am a sculpture minor, I knew some people who could help me and give me tips. This adds to my resources in a way the
other two projects did not. I achieved my goal of advancing levels from intermediate two to intermediate three.
I found that Adobe Illustrator is similar to Adobe Photoshop in many ways. I learned that the top two tools are very similar
in concept but perform very different functions. Before I was able to realize this, I often got stuck/confused in maneuvering
my file.
During my learning, I was made aware of other programs I can use to make files. In my future professional development
plans, I will possibly learn these software programs as well.
My growing knowledge of photoshop helped me with my ability to maneuver adobe illustrator. As I continue to learn more
about both, they will coincide and add to the knowledge of each other.

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

AEAH 3770 Computer Art Applications — Professional Development Plan Final Evaluation

While in the FabLab, one of the employees taught me how to copy, transform, and reflect my design. This would have been
good to know when creating my third practice file where I work on symmetry.

©2019, Adetty Pérez de Miles with Kevin Jenkins

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