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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name __Amber Templin__ Activity Title __Photo Scavenger Hunt__

Number of children participating at one time _12_ Ages __4-5__

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early Domain: Language & Literacy
Learning &
Strand: Reading
Standards: Topic: Letter & Word Recognition

List at least 1 Standard Statement: With modeling and support, recognize and “read” familiar words or
standard that
environmental print.
is addressed
by this activity.
Write out each
component Domain: Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
Strand: Motor Development
and exactly,
as published in Topic: Small Muscle, Touch, Grasp, Reach, Manipulate
Standard Statement: Coordinate the use of hands, fingers, and wrists to manipulate
objects and perform tasks requiring precise movements.

Domain: Approaches Towards Learning

Strand: Initiative
Topic: Planning, Action, and Reflection
Standard Statement: Develop, initiate, and carry out simple plans to obtain a goal.
Children will be introduced to cameras by going on a photo scavenger hunt around
the school and having a discussion about the pictures they have taken during the
This lesson will take around 2.5+ hours to do, however will be spread out into 4-5
Day one will be approximately around 45 min total…but spread out to 20 min of
group time and 25 min of free time/dramatic play during separate parts of the day.
Day two will be around 45 min as well. 20 min will be spent doing the picture “quiz”
and the other 25 will be free time/dramatic play again.
Day three will be the actual scavenger hunt. Children will spend around half an
hour (or longer depending on their interest) looking around the school/playground
to take pictures of things on their checklist.
Day four will be around 20-30 min, depending on how long the group discussion
Preparation What preparation is needed?
of materials A checklist of pictures needs to be created and put onto 2-3 tablets, picture quiz needs to
and be created, get book from library, get cameras (possibly from donations or borrowing from
environment families), pictures need to be downloaded onto computer after day 3

What materials will be used?

Cameras, smartboard, tablets, computer (teacher), book

How will the learning environment be set up?

Book will be read during group time on the carpet, smartboard activity will also take place
on the carpet. Cameras will be placed in the dramatic play area. Scavenger hunt will take
place around the school (inside & outside).

Instructional Procedures:

Day one—Group time. Read “Click! A book about Cameras and Taking Pictures” by Gail Gibbons.
Mention that the book is a little older and that cameras have developed a lot in the past twenty
years. But all cameras do the same thing, which is take pictures. Ask children if they’ve ever taken
pictures on a camera and show them what a digital camera look like today. Mention that there
are cameras in the dramatic play area that they can use during free choice time if they haven’t
done so already. Teach about camera safety (wear strap around wrist, don’t use flash close to
friends’ eyes, do not throw camera, etc.
Group time—around 20 min. Dramatic play area—25 min.

Day two—Have a picture “quiz” on the smartboard of random things and have the children come
up and click the correct response. The “question” will be a picture of something you can find
inside/outside of the school—such as a slide—and the answer choices will also have pictures along
with labels of what it is for print awareness. Cameras will continue to be in the dramatic play area
for children to use and practice with.
Picture Quiz—around 20 min. Dramatic play area—25 min.

Day three—The scavenger hunt. Children will be broken up into two groups (6 in each group with
one teacher [6:1 ratio]). Each group will have a tablet with a checklist (with pictures) of things they
can find in and outside of the school. Each picture will be labeled of what it is for print awareness
purposes. Children will check off items they have found and taken pictures of.
Scavenger hunt—30 min

Day four—Looking at pictures children have taken during the scavenger hunt. Pictures will be
downloaded from the camera to the computer so that they can be viewed via the smartboard.
Children will simply discuss their experience/process of finding the pictures from the checklist on the
tablets in real life.
Viewing pictures & discussion—20-30 min
This is a website aimed more towards the families of the children, but it is a wonderful resource for it
their child is very interested in photography. It gives a rundown on how to teach photography to
children with tips & tricks. Children can benefit from it because they can learn more in-depth
about what a camera is and how to truly take more than halfway-decent pictures with more and
more practice at home.
Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or
altered) to meet the needs of gifted or accelerated students:
These children can be in charge of having the tablet to direct the group on where to go next
(during the scavenger hunt). Pictures could also be removed from the tablet (depending on their
skill level) so that the children have to figure out what the word says/means.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling
with the material:
Pictures that other children are using on the tablet can be blown up/made bigger and printed into
their own booklet that they can hold and follow along with.
*Every child is different! They all have different skills levels (gifted and those who are struggling a
bit), so instruction would be different on a case by case basis—cannot generalize what I could do
without having real examples to go by*

Vocabulary: Camera, lens, flash, shutter, on/off switch, screen, viewfinder, tablet, smartboard

For teachers Teachers will need access to old recycled cameras (possibly from the thrift store) as
well as 2-3 digital cameras for the children to use on the scavenger hunt. Need
access to 2-3 tablets to use during scavenger hunt. Teachers need a computer that
can connect to a smartboard in the classroom. Need book read at group time, as
well as sim cards to transfer images from the cameras the children use to the
computer to be able to share.

For students Children will need tablets, smartboard, and cameras. They will need access to
cameras during free time for dramatic play, and for each to be able to have a
chance to practice with them before going on the scavenger hunt.

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