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Sub: Structured System Analysis & Design (BCA – 233)

Date : 14/05/2015 Total Marks : 60 Time: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm

1. All questions are compulsory unless and otherwise stated.
2. Bold figures to the right of every question are the maximum marks for that question.
3. Candidates are advised to attempt questions in order.
4. Answers written illegibly are likely to be marked zero.
5. Use of scientific calculators, Log tables, Mollier Charts is allowed.
6. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

Q.1. Fill in the blanks. (5)

1. Every system has its limits that determine the sphere of influence and control is
called ________ of the system
a) Boundary b) Strategy
c) Interactions d) phase
2. The interconnections and interactions among the subsystems are termed as ____
a) linkage b) Interlinks
c) Interconnection d) Interfaces
3. _____ study is useful to evaluate the cost and benefit of the system requested
a) Economical b) Financial
c) Feasibility d) Currency
4. Information needed for long range planning and directing the course, the business
should take is called as _____ information
a)Strategic b) Statutory
c)Operational d)Tactical
5. In _____ model the process is structured as a cascade of phases where output of one
phase is the input to next one
a)Spiral b)Waterfall
c)Object oriented model d)Prototyping

Q.2. State True/False. (5)

1. The master plan of disaster planning involves 6 phases
2. Management’s primary role is to accept contingency planning
3. A project can be defined as an endeavor in which human ,material and financial
resources are organized in a novel way
4. A pre-implementation review measures the system performance against predefined
5. Project management can be defined as a combination of tools and techniques such as
PERT,CPM and managerial control methods

Q.3. Answer the following. (Solve any 5) (10)

1. What do you mean by Black Box?
2. Define SDLC
3. Explain why system evaluation is done ?
4. What do you mean by statutory information ?
5. List advantages of system analysis
6. What is open system?

Structured System Analysis & Design (BCA - 233) AD/I 1/2

Q. 4. Answer the following in detail. (Solve any 6) (30)
1. Explain characteristics of system
2. Explain feasibility study
3. Write a note on Testing
4. Describe multifunctional role of system analyst
5. Write a note on different types of information required by MIS organization
6. Write a note on prototyping
7. Explain Elements of system

Q. 5. Answer the following in detail. (Solve any 1) (10)

1. Explain Management Information System with proper diagram
2. Write notes on
a) Waterfall model b) Spiral model

Structured System Analysis & Design (BCA - 233) AD/I 2/2

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