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The red scare of net neutrality has been around for a while.

It would trend for a week or

two, but then ultimately vanish quickly. Right now, we have a neutral net, which means that
internet service providers give access to all content and applications without favoring or blocking
any. If net neutrality were to go away, you would have to pay extra for certain internet packages,
like entertainment, social media, while other content could be completely banned. Back in 2015
the Federal Communications COmmission (FCC), passed multiple protections for neutrality. In
December 2017, motions started to overrule the protections. Now, the FCC is republican run,
rather than its democratic predecessors. What does this mean if net neutrality is revoked? The
internet would cost a lot more to use to get the content you want, and it would also stall
innovation as resources will be harder to find and create.

Finley, Klint. “This Hearing May Decide the Future of Net Neutrality.” Wired, Conde Nast, 1
Feb. 2019,

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