29 Community Composition Host Range and Genetic Structure of The Fungal Entomopathogen BB

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Molecular Ecology (2009) 18, 1282–1293 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04095.

Community composition, host range and genetic structure

Blackwell Publishing Ltd

of the fungal entomopathogen Beauveria in adjoining

agricultural and seminatural habitats
N I C O L A I V. M E Y L I N G ,* M E T T E L Ü B E C K ,† E L L E N P. B U C K L E Y ,‡ J Ø R G E N E I L E N B E R G * and
*Department of Agriculture and Ecology, University of Copenhagen, Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark,
†Center for Biotechnology and Bioenergy, Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Aalborg
University, Lautrupvang 15, DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark, ‡USDA-ARS, Office of National Programs, Natural Resources and
Sustainable Agriculture, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA, §Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Beltsville,
MD 20705, USA

Although intensively investigated for biological control of insect pests, little is known about
the ecology of the fungal entomopathogenic genus Beauveria in natural or agricultural
habitats. In this study, we used molecular phylogenetic and genotypic information to infer
species diversity, reproductive potential and genetic structure of Beauveria occurring
within a single arable field and bordering hedgerow in Denmark. Isolates were sampled
from cultivated field and hedgerow soils, from insects harbouring latent fungal infections,
and from the phylloplanes of three plant species common in the hedgerow flora. A nuclear
phylogeny of this local Beauveria assemblage resolved seven phylogenetic species,
including (i) five phylogenetic species within Beauveria bassiana sensu stricto; (ii) Clade C,
a taxonomically uncharacterized species that is morphologically indistinguishable but
phylogenetically distant from B. bassiana s.s.; and (iii) Beauveria brongniartii. All seven
species were present throughout the hedgerow habitat, including as infections in insects.
Significantly, only B. bassiana s.s. phylogenetic species Eu_1 was isolated from tilled soils.
Mating type polymerase chain reaction assays demonstrated that all five B. bassiana s.s.
phylogenetic species possess bipolar outcrossing mating systems. Of these, only the Eu_1
population contained two mating types; however, a 31:2 skew in MAT1:MAT2 mating types
suggests a low frequency of sexual reproduction in this population. The four remaining
B. bassiana s.s. phylogenetic species were fixed for single mating types and these popula-
tions are evidently clonal. Multilocus microsatellite genotyping revealed polymorphism
in all five phylogenetic species of B. bassiana s.s.; however, all show evidence of clonal
genetic structure.
Keywords: agro-ecosystem, community, ecological host range, fungi, genetic diversity,

Received 6 October 2008; revision revised 2 December 2008; accepted 11 December 2008

the anamorphic genus Beauveria (Ascomycota: Hypocreales)

are species with broad host ranges and the pan-global
Entomopathogenic fungi are natural enemies of diverse Beauveria bassiana sensu lato morphospecies infects host
terrestrial arthropods and are important regulators of host species in numerous orders of insects (Samson et al. 1988).
populations in terrestrial ecosystems (Hajek 1997). Within Conidia of B. bassiana s.l. can survive in the soil (Keller &
Zimmerman 1989) and these fungi also occur as epibionts
Correspondence: Nicolai V. Meyling, Fax: +45 35332670; and endophytes of plants (Elliott et al. 2000; White et al.
E-mail: nvm@life.ku.dk 2002). The ability of B. bassiana s.l. to infect insects has been

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explored for the biological control of insect pests and understand and possibly predict the environmental effects
commercial products based on this fungus are developed of field applications of biocontrol strains.
(Inglis et al. 2001). Recent molecular phylogenies of Beauveria and B. bassiana
Several molecular studies on B. bassiana s.l. have been s.l. (Rehner & Buckley 2005; Rehner et al. 2006) provide new
based on the implicit assumption that genetic groups have tools for species recognition and identification. These
co-evolved with particular host taxa (Couteaudier & Viaud studies have shown that the globally distributed B. bassiana
1997; Maurer et al. 1997; Urtz & Rice 1997; Berretta et al. s.l. morphospecies is nonmonophyletic and contains two
1998; Gaitan et al. 2002). However, limited evidence has distantly related but morphologically indistinguishable
been produced to suggest that this is actually the case clades. The first clade, which we refer to as Beauveria bassiana
(Glare 2004), and the general conclusion of more recent sensu stricto, corresponds to B. bassiana in the traditional
studies is that B. bassiana s.l. contains generalist entomo- sense, represents a globally distributed complex of mor-
pathogens without any particular phylogenetic association phologically cryptic phylogenetic species (Rehner et al. 2006).
with regard to host specificity or evolutionary codiver- The second clade is provisionally referred to as ‘Clade C’
gence with their insect hosts (Bidochka et al. 2002; Coates and has not been formally described taxonomically (S.A.
et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2003; Rehner & Buckley 2005). It has Rehner, unpublished). In surveys of Beauveria from Asia,
been proposed that environmental factors apart from Africa, North and South America and Europe, B. bassiana
host biology constitute the prime selective forces shaping s.s. is consistently predominant among environmental
adaptive and neutral genotypic evolution in B. bassiana s.l. isolates of the genus (S.A. Rehner, unpublished). Multiple
(Bidochka et al. 2002). cryptic phylogenetic species of B. bassiana s.s. have been
Despite extensive research on the potential of B. bassiana inferred from all continents and regions sampled (Rehner
s.l. for insect biological control, basic knowledge of com- et al. 2006; S.A. Rehner, unpublished), and an ad hoc iden-
munity diversity and ecology, population structure, and tification system has been established by which phyloge-
epidemiology of these organisms in either natural or netic species are designated by continent and in the order
agricultural habitats is surprisingly scant. A focus on local of their discovery (e.g. Eu_1 and Eu_2 for the first two
assemblages of Beauveria species within an agro-ecosystem European phylogenetic species discovered) (Rehner et al.
may thus provide important insights into the ecology and 2006). However, it has not been determined whether the
population biology of these generalist insect pathogens. multispecies sympatry and broad host ranges observed at
Such knowledge may also be useful for the selection and continental and national scales are also realized locally
management of these organisms for biological control within a single agro-ecosystem. Similarly, the distributions
of insect pests. Previous polymerase chain reaction of phylogenetic species within habitat types have not yet
(PCR)-based studies of genetic diversity in B. bassiana s.l. been investigated.
have shown high levels of genotypic diversity, even within Beauveria bassiana s.s. reproduces asexually by mitosporic
a relatively limited geographical area (Castrillo et al. 1999; conidia and, since its discovery nearly 200 years ago, it has
Wang et al. 2004; McGuire et al. 2005). In these studies, been presumed to be exclusively clonal. Recently, B. bassiana
however, isolates were collected with a bias towards specific s.s. has been linked developmentally and phylogenetically
insect hosts or particular isolation methods but without to the Asian sexual species Cordyceps bassiana (Sung 1996;
regard to the position of isolates within the environments Li et al. 2001; Huang et al. 2002; Rehner & Buckley 2005),
sampled. Neither have any of these prior surveys explicitly providing evidence that B. bassiana s.s. is facultatively
partitioned the underlying genetic diversity within com- sexual. However, it remains to be determined whether all
munities of Beauveria. Thus, no useful information presently members of this global complex are sexually competent.
exists about community structure of Beauveria with regard Molecular markers to assess the mating system of B. bassiana
to the number of species, their distribution between s.s. and to infer reproductive mode have only recently
habitats, host range or their genetic structure within any become available. Yokoyama et al. (2006) developed a
ecosystem. Such information is important to fundamentally degenerate PCR-based assay to mating type (MAT) genes
understand host–pathogen ecology involving insects and in clavicipitalean fungi, which includes Beauveria. MAT
fungi. Moreover, the application of commercial strains of genes are transcriptional regulatory genes that determine
B. bassiana s.l. for biological control of pests in agricultural sexual mating types in euascomycetes. The genomic
systems will potentially interact with the indigenous organization of MAT genes largely determines whether
Beauveria community (Castrillo et al. 2003; Wang et al. 2003; ascomycete mating systems are outcrossing or selfing
Wang et al. 2004; Reay et al. 2008) and nontarget insect (Kronstad & Staben 1997; Coppin et al. 1997; Debuchy &
species. For this reason, knowledge of B. bassiana s.l. Turgeon 2006). Yokoyama et al. (2006) demonstrated that
community structure, host range and the reproductive individual isolates of B. bassiana s.s. were either MAT1 or
biology and life histories of fungal populations that occupy MAT2 mating type. This mutually exclusive segregation
contiguous agricultural landscape elements is essential to of mating types by haplotype indicates that the mating

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system in these Beauveria isolates is heterothallic and the field to the southeast, and this seminatural habitat was
outcrossing. However, it has not been determined whether included in the area of investigation.
all phylogenetic species within the B. bassiana s.s. complex Isolates originated from selected compartments within
also possess heterothallic mating systems. It also is not the locality: tilled field soil (n = 17), hedgerow soil (n = 11),
known whether the predisposition for mitotic reproduction infected insects (n = 34) collected from grasses, nettles and
expressed by B. bassiana s.s. is due to unequal distributions hawthorn in the hedgerow as well as from phylloplanes of
of mating-type genes within populations or perhaps by these plants (n = 15). Soil isolates from field and hedgerow
other factors that affect mating competence. Population soils were obtained by the ‘Galleria bait method’ (Zimmer-
surveys for the presence and distribution of mating types mann 1986) using larvae of Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera:
offer an initial approach to distinguish between these Pyralidae), Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrioidae) as
alternative explanations for the strong bias in clonal repro- described in Meyling & Eilenberg (2006a) or by plating soil
duction by B. bassiana s.s. Assessment of population genetic suspensions on selective media, as described by Kessler
structure, which offers a second option for inferring repro- et al. (2003). Isolates from cultivated soil were selected to
ductive mode in B. bassiana s.s., have not been conducted maximize variation in spatial distribution within the site
due to a lack of genetic markers. However, co-dominant and over time. This was carried out by selecting isolates
microsatellite markers are now available (Rehner & Buckley obtained from across the entire area of the field as well as
2003). isolates from both spring 2001 and autumn 2002. Isolations
In this study, we determined the endemic phylogenetic from phylloplanes of the three plant groups were conducted
diversity, environmental distribution and genetic structure as described by Meyling & Eilenberg (2006b).
of the Beauveria community within a single agro-ecosystem Insects were collected with sweep nets from hedgerow
in Denmark, consisting of an arable field and associated plants. Plant specific true bugs (Hemiptera) and weevils
field margin, with specific emphasis on the B. bassiana s.l. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) were collected. In addition,
morphospecies. Since the soil environment is a well-known flies (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) were sweep-netted along the
reservoir of these fungi (Keller & Zimmerman 1989), we hedgerow and in the field. Ground beetles and rove beetles
partitioned this into cultivated arable field soil and uncul- (Coleoptera: Carabidae and Staphylinidae) were trapped
tivated soil from the neighbouring hedgerow to investigate in pit falls in the hedgerow and in the middle of the field.
the effect of soil environment on community composition. However, all insects carrying latent infections of Beauveria
We also sampled isolates from above-ground in the originated from the hedgerow (Table S1).
hedgerow to link these to below-ground populations. To All collected insects were confined singly in medicine
determine whether Beauveria circulates within the above- cups (30 mL) fitted with ventilated lids and provided with
ground environment, the seminatural habitat of the hedge- appropriate food. The containers were incubated in a
row was divided into groups of plants characteristic of climate cabinet at 20 °C, L16:D8, and were checked fre-
hedgerows in Northern Europe, and we assessed selected quently for mortality. Dead insects were transferred to
insect species specifically associated with these host plants moist chambers for growth of any entomopathogenic
to survey for latent Beauveria infections. This spatial parti- fungi. Emerging fungi were identified to genus and mor-
tioning of isolates should provide insights into how species phospecies by light microscopy and isolated onto Sabouraud
and their populations are distributed within the agro- dextrose agar (SDA).
ecosystem, which niches they occupy and whether the All isolates of Beauveria were prepared as single conidial
populations in the Beauveria community show potential for isolates on SDA by arbitrarily selecting one colony forming
recombination. unit (CFU) from a cohort of conidia in dilution plating
series of suspensions made from the original isolation. Both
original and single conidial isolates were subsequently
Materials and methods
stored in the strain collection at –80 °C at the Department
of Agriculture and Ecology, University of Copenhagen
Collection of isolates
(strain collection code KVL).
Seventy-seven isolates of Beauveria (see Table S1, Supporting
information) were collected within a 27.5-ha agro-ecosystem
DNA extraction
at the experimental organic farm, Bakkegården, located
at Taastrup, 20 km west of Copenhagen, Denmark (55°40′N, Isolates were inoculated individually into sterile flasks
12°18′E). A hedgerow with dimensions 10 × 350 m (0.35 ha) with liquid growth medium consisting of 2% peptone, 3%
consisting mainly of hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and sucrose and 0.2% yeast extract. Flasks were incubated for 3
poplar (Populus sp.) with herbaceous vegetation dominated days at room temperature on a shaker (170 r.p.m.) and the
by stinging nettles (Urtica dioica) and grasses, mostly resulting fungal cells were filtered and lyophilized. DNA
Dactylis glomerata and Elytrigia repens (Poaceae), bordered was extracted from fungus material using a Nucleon

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Phytopure kit (Amersham Biosciences) according to the MAT 1–1-1 genes, yielding a ~1550-bp fragment. The
guidelines of the manufacturer. Pellets of DNA were MAT2 specific primers, MAT2.F4 (5′-RTCAGCGTCGG-
resuspended in 1× TE buffer (pH 8.0). CATCAACCCATT-3′) and MAT2.R5 (5′-GAAAAYTCGCT-
GCCAGTCATRAT-3′), amplify a ~650-bp fragment internal
to the MAT 1–2-1 gene. PCR amplifications were conducted
PCR and sequencing
separately for each MAT primer pair using a single thermal
All isolates from the research site were amplified and cycling profile that consisted of a single cycle of 95 °C for
sequenced for Bloc, a nuclear intergenic marker developed 2 min followed by 40 cycles of 95 °C for 30 s, 56 °C for 30 s,
for phylogenetic investigation of Beauveria (Rehner et al. 72 °C for 1 min and concluding with a single cycle of 72 °C
2006). PCR and sequencing of Bloc was performed according for 15 min. PCR products were resolved and scored on 1%
to Rehner et al. (2006). Partial Bloc sequences of approxi- agarose gels.
mately 700 bp were determined for all isolates with the
internal primers B22U and B822L (Rehner et al. 2006).
Multilocus microsatellite genotyping
Complete Bloc and Elongation Factor 1-alpha (EF-1α)
sequences, each approximately 1500 bp in length, were Multilocus microsatellite genotypes for all isolates of B.
generated for 19 exemplar isolates that included 13 bassiana s.s. were determined at 17 or 18 microsatellite loci
representative isolates from the seven lineages detected in (Table 1). The microsatellite markers were developed as
this study and six extralimital European reference isolates described in Rehner & Buckley (2003) and amplicons
according to methods in Rehner & Buckley (2005) and generated using a M13-tailed fluorescent labelling strategy
Rehner et al. (2006). Procedures for editing sequence described by Schuelk (2000). PCR amplification reactions
data and constructing multiple sequence alignments are were performed in 10-μL reaction volumes with 5–10 ng
described in Rehner & Buckley (2005) and Rehner et al. genomic DNA and adjusted to 200 μm dNTPs, 5 pmol of an
(2006), respectively. M13-tailed locus specific primer, 5 pmol of a M13 primer
end-labelled with TAMRA, FAM or HEX fluorescent dye,
10 pmol reverse locus-specific primer, 0.175 U Taq DNA
Phylogenetic analysis
polymerase (Promega) in 1× Promega reaction buffer at
Molecular phylogenies of Bloc and EF-1α were used to 1.5 mm Mg++. PCR cycling parameters included a 2-min
infer the phylogenetic diversity and relationships among denaturation at 95 °C followed by 35 cycles of 95 °C for
Beauveria isolates collected at the Bakkegården research 30 s, 56 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 45 s and ending with 30-min
site. Phylogenetic trees were inferred with maximum incubation at 72 °C. Following amplification, 1.0 μL of the
parsimony (MP) using paup* (version 4b10; Swofford 2002). reaction product was diluted in 50 μL sterile distilled water
All MP analyses were performed using the heuristic search and then 1 μL aliquots from three different loci from a
option with tree-bisection–reconnection (TBR) branch single individual, each labelled with a different fluorescent
swapping under equal character weighting, excluding tagged, was added to 10 μL formamide with 0.5 μL
gapped and uninformative characters, and executing 1000 GeneScan 400 HD ROX molecular size standards (PE
random-addition replicate analyses. Heuristic MP bootstrap Biosystems), denatured for 1 min at 95 °C and the products
analyses were performed with 1000 pseudoreplicates (TBR separated on a ABI 3100 Genetic Analyser. Electromorph
branch swapping) with 10 random-addition replicates sizes were estimated using GeneScan software (Applied
per pseudoreplicate. Phylogenetic analyses were rooted to Biosystems). Descriptive population statistics for the
isolates of Clade C. microsatellite data were estimated with the program
Genetic Data Analysis (gda) (Lewis & Zaykin 2001).
Interspecific differentiation across microsatellite loci was
PCR diagnosis of mating type
assessed using neighbour-joining on the untransformed
The mating type for all Beauveria bassiana s.s. isolates was allelic data implemented in paup* (version 4b10; Swofford
determined by performing two single-plex PCR amplifica- 2002).
tions to internal segments of the MAT1 and MAT2 mating
type idiomorphs, respectively. Idiomorph-specific primers
were designed from sequences determined from genomic
clones of the MAT locus, the details of which are being
Phylogenetic diversity and distribution of Beauveria
described in a separate publication (S.A. Rehner, unpub-
within the Bakkegården site
lished). The MAT1 specific primer pair, MAT112.F4 (5′-
CAGCTCTCCGTCTGCCGAGTT-3′) and MAT111.R5 Partial Bloc sequences, between internal primers B22U
(5′-TAGTGAGAAAGCCTGACGCGG-3′), amplify across and B822 L, were determined for all 77 Beauveria isolates
an intergenic region between the adjacent MAT 1–1-2 and yielding an aligned matrix of 695 bp that included 121

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Table 1 Primer pairs for amplification of microsatellite loci in Beauveria bassiana s.s. Forward primers (F) include a 5′ forward M13 tail
sequence (5′-GTTTTCCCAGTCACGAC). Reverse (R) primers were unmodified

Locus Repeat motif Base repeat length (bp)* Primers (5′–3′)



*Size of allele originally cloned from ARSEF 1564; †new in this study.

parsimony-informative nucleotide positions. MP analysis within B. bassiana s.s. that were further partitioned into
of the aligned data, exclusive of gapped positions, produced five terminal clades with strong bootstrap support. The
two most parsimonious trees of 181 steps with consistency biological and taxonomic status of these clades within
index = 0.7965, homoplasy index = 0.2035 and rescaled B. bassiana s.s. has not been resolved. However, we consider
consistency index = 0.7866 and resolved seven well- them to represent discrete phylogenetic species and
supported terminal clades (trees not shown; phylogenetic henceforth refer to them as such. To distinguish the different
placement of isolates is listed in Table S1). Examinations B. bassiana s.s. phylogenetic species from one another, they
of isolate morphology and comparison to sequences in are designated ‘Eu_X’, where ‘Eu’ refers to Europe and ‘X’
published sequence phylogenies (Rehner & Buckley 2005) to the order of their discovery. Accordingly, the B. bassiana
place these isolates within one of the following three s.s. phylogenetic species treated here, including affiliated
groups: Beauveria bassiana s.s., Beauveria brongniartii and an Agricultural Research Service Collection of Entomopa-
as yet undescribed taxon provisionally termed clade C. The thogenic Fungi (ARSEF) reference isolates from other
majority of isolates from Bakkegården (n = 69) were placed European locations, are referred to as: Eu_1 (n = 33, ARSEF

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Table 2 Spatial distribution of the seven phylogenetic species of Beauveria within the Bakkegården research site

Arable field Hedgerow

Soil Soil Hawthorn Nettle Grasses Insects

B. bassiana s.s.
Eu_1 17 2 — 2 — 13*
Eu_3 — — — — — 2
Eu_4 — 1 3 2 2 2
Eu_5 — 4 3 2 − 11
Eu_6 — — — — — 3
B. brongniartii — 2 — 1 — 1
Clade C — 2 — — — 2

*Including one isolate KVL 03-72, which is a basal outlier to Eu_1.

1628, Hungary); Eu_3 (n = 2, ARSEF 1185, France); Eu_4

(n = 10, ARSEF 1848, Belgium); Eu_5 (n = 20); and Eu_6
(n = 3, ARSEF 815, France). Eu_5 represents a newly
discovered phylogenetic species from the Bakkegården site
while Eu_2 was not found at the site. Four isolates grouped
with B. brongniartii reference isolate JE276 from Switzerland
and four isolates grouped with the reference Clade C
isolate, ARSEF 4933 from France. In total, we recognize seven
phylogenetic groups in this study, five within B. bassiana
s.s., and one within each of B. brongniartii and Clade C,
respectively. A single isolate, KVL 03–72, was closely
related to but distinct from Eu_1 and will be treated as a
basal outlier to this phylogenetic species.
Full-length Bloc and EF-1α sequences were determined
for 19 exemplar isolates. This set included 13 isolates from
the study site and included one or two exemplars from
each of the seven clades resolved in the initial Bloc phylo-
genetic analysis plus the six reference isolates. GenBank
Accession numbers for the exemplar EF-1α sequences
are AY531886, AY531904, AY531938, AY883696, DQ376244, Fig. 1 Maximum parsimony analysis of the combined Bloc and
EF193180, EF193181, EF193184–EF193193, FJ229490– EF-1α sequence data. Nodes that received ≥ 70% bootstrap
FJ229492 and for Bloc are AY883796, EF193165–EF193179, support values are indicated. The numbers of isolates and MAT
FJ228724 and FJ228725. Trees inferred from individual genotypes for each of the five Beauveria bassiana s.s. phylogenetic
MP and MP bootstrap analyses of Bloc and EF-1α were species are listed below the clade identifiers. KVL 03–72, a basal
topologically congruent (data not shown) and the data were outlier to Eu_1 was not included in this analysis.
combined into a single matrix with a combined length of
3215 bp. MP analysis of the combined data, excluding 51 from insects and hedgerow soil. The absence of these latter
gapped positions, yielded a single most parsimonious tree three phylogenetic species from particular partitions is
of 519 steps, consistency index = 0.7803 and a rescaled likely attributable to the small available sample sizes. Eu_1
consistency index = 0.6989, which is presented in Fig. 1. was the only phylogenetic species isolated from tilled
Distributions of Beauveria from all habitat compartments agricultural soils. All other soil isolates were from the
of the Bakkegården site are summarized in Table 2. Beauveria hedgerow and included Eu_1, Eu_4, Eu_5, Clade C and
bassiana s.s. phylogenetic species Eu_1, Eu_4, Eu_5 and B. B. brongniartii. Eu_1, Eu_4, Eu_5 and B. brongniartii were
brongniartii were present in all three hedgerow partitions isolated from leaf surfaces of hedgerow plants. Phylloplanes
(soil, phylloplanes and insects) sampled. Eu_3 and Eu_6 constituted the greatest number of isolations for Eu_4
were isolated from insects only and Clade C was isolated (n = 7/10).

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Fig. 2 Qualitative host-pathogen web linking

infections of the seven phylogenetic species
of Beauveria (B. bassiana s.s. phylogenetic
species are designated Eu_1, Eu_3, Eu_4,
Eu_5 and Eu_6, respectively; B. bro., B.
brongniartii) to specific insect hosts sampled
in the insect community of the hedgerow at
Bakkegården. Each lower box illustrates a
given host species. Codes for host species
names and their respective spatial location
within the hedgerow are given in Table 3.
*Eu_1 includes the isolate KVL 03–72 which
was found to be a basal outlier to Eu_1.

Table 3 Codes for host species illustrated in Figure 2 including types was skewed, with a 31:2 ratio of MAT1 to MAT2
their host plant (when applicable) in the hedgerow mating types. Within Eu_1, isolate KVL 03–94 from an
infection in Notostira elongata grass bug from the hedgerow
Code Systematic name Host plant
and isolate KVL 03–79 from agricultural field soil were
1 Notostira elongata (Hemiptera: Miridae) Grasses
MAT2. Only a single mating type was detected in each of
2 Stenodema laevigatum (Hemiptera: Miridae) Grasses the four remaining phylogenetic species. Both Eu_4 and
3 Leptopterna dolobrata (Hemiptera: Miridae) Grasses Eu_6 were MAT1, whereas Eu_3 and Eu_5 were MAT2.
4 Sitona lineata (Coleptera: Curculionidae) Grasses The mating types of the extralimital European reference
5 Anthocoris nemoralis (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) Hawthorn isolates were identical to that of their affiliated group at
6 Rhynchites aequatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Hawthorn Bakkegården. Isolate KVL 03–72, the basal outlier to Eu_1,
7 Nebria brevicollis (Coleoptera: Carabidae) NA
was MAT1, the most prevalent mating type in Eu_1.
8 Pegoplata aestiva (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) NA
9 Hylemya variata (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) NA
10 Anthocoris nemorum (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) Nettle Multilocus microsatellite genotypes
11 Liocoris tripustulatus (Hemiptera: Miridae) Nettle
12 Scolopostetus affinis (Hemiptera: Lygidae) Nettle Multilocus microsatellite genotypes were determined for
all B. bassiana s.s. isolates for 17 or 18 loci and these data are
summarized in Table 4. Persistent amplification failures
indicated possible null alleles at Ba27 in Eu_4 (6 of 10
All Beauveria phylogenetic species were recovered as isolates) and Eu_6 (all 3 isolates), at Ba20 in Eu_4 (all 10
infections in insect hosts and are therefore true ento- isolates); and at Ba06 in Eu_4 (3 of 10 isolates). A total of 102
mopathogens. Figure 2 and Table 3 show their ecological unique alleles were detected among the five B. bassiana s.s.
host range by depicting the trophic links between pathogen phylogenetic species and varied from 8 to 60 unique alleles
species and host insects. It is evident that the most abundant detected per population (Table 4). The average number of
B. bassiana s.s. phylogenetic species, Eu_1 and Eu_5, infected alleles per locus varied from 1.06 to 3.47 per population.
many host species in the insect community in the hedgerow. The five populations were differentiated from one another
Furthermore, the less common phylogenetic species, Eu_4 by multiple, fixed allelic differences at a majority of
and Eu_6, infected two host species each. Eu_3 infected microsatellite loci examined. A neighbour-joining analysis
only the predatory bug, Anthocoris nemorum (n = 2) while of the microsatellite data concordantly supported the five
B. brongniartii infected the carabid beetle Nebria brevicollis phylogenetic species resolved in the combined Bloc and
(n = 1) and Clade C were found as infections of the mirid bug EF-1α phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 3). In addition to this,
Liocoris tripustulatus (n = 2). isolate KVL 03–72, the outlier to Eu_1, had eight unique
microsatellite alleles not observed in Eu_1 or any other
B. bassiana s.s. phylogenetic species listed in Table 4. Eu_3,
Mating type diagnosis Eu_4, Eu_5 and Eu_6 had low allelic variation with only
PCR assays for mating type demonstrated that individual one, two, five, and two polymorphic loci, and a total of two,
isolates of B. bassiana s.s. were either MAT1 or MAT2 (Table seven, eight and three multilocus genotypes in these
S1). Eu_1 was the only phylogenetic species in which both population samples, respectively. In contrast, Eu_1 had the
mating types were detected although the ratio of mating greatest genotypic variability with 12 polymorphic loci

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Table 4 Measures of allelic richness and gene diversity for five phylogenetic species of Beauveria bassiana s.s. co-occurring at the
Bakkegården site

Group: Eu_1* Eu_3 Eu_4 Eu_5 Eu_6

No. of isolates 33 2 10 20 3
No. of alleles 72 19 19 25 19
No. of unique alleles 60 11 10 13 8
No. of invariant loci 4 17 15 15 15
A 3.47 1.06 1.13 1.48 1.12
P 0.78 0.056 0.12 0.28 0.12
Ap 5.29 2 2 2.6 2
HT 0.24 0.039 0.041 0.076 0.063
MH 28 2 3 9 3

A, mean number of alleles per locus; P, percentage of polymorphic loci; Ap, mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus; HT, estimated
heterozygosity; MH, number of unique multilocus microsatellite haplotypes; *does not include data for outlier isolate KVL 03-72.

and 26 unique multilocus genotypes. Over-represented

multilocus genotypes were observed in three phylogenetic
species: Eu_1 had a single repeated genotype that included
eight individuals, Eu_4 had two multilocus genotypes
with two and three individuals and Eu_5 had three
repeated genotypes with four, five and six individuals
(Fig. 3). In addition, the majority of unique multilocus
genotypes in Eu_1 and all multilocus genotypes within
Eu_3, E_4, Eu_5, Eu_6 differ from their nearest related
multilocus genotype by single allelic differences. A close
inspection of the microsatellite data for each population
did not reveal any instances of character conflict among
polymorphic loci that could be attributed to recombination
(data not shown), hence allele association tests were not

The present study is unique in employing stratified
localized sampling of Beauveria isolates, the majority of
which were collected within a period of a few months. The
combined use of phylogenetic and co-dominant population
genetic markers developed for Beauveria enabled a highly
detailed account of their hierarchical genetic diversity
at the Bakkegården site. This study revealed that the
investigated field site (~28 ha) harbours a high local
phylogenetic diversity of Beauveria, including five of six
Fig. 3 Unrooted neighbour-joining tree of clone-corrected micro- known European phylogenetic species of Beauveria bassiana
satellite data for five Beauveria bassiana s.s. phylogenetic species s.s. Within the site, the greatest phylogenetic and genotypic
and isolate KVL 03–72. Nodes receiving ≥ 70% bootstrap support diversity was obtained from the linear seminatural habitat
values are indicated. *Multilocus/microsatellite types are defined of the hedgerow, comprising just 10 × 350 m (0.35 ha).
as: Eu_1 MT.1: KVL 03–71, KVL 03–135, KVL 03–97, KVL 03–96,
KVL 03–82, KVL 03–105, KVL 03–124, KVL 03–79; Eu_4 MT.1: KVL
03–101, KVL 03–117; Eu_4 MT.2: KVL 03–113, KVL 03–114, KVL Phylogenetic diversity and environmental distribution
03–116; Eu_5 MT.1: KVL 03–133, KVL 03–108, KVL 03–103, KVL of Beauveria
03–110, KVL 03–113; Eu_5 MT.2: KVL 03–142, KVL 03–87, KVL 03–115,
KVL 03–89; Eu_5 MT.3: KVL 04–32, KVL 03–88, KVL 03–104, KVL A molecular phylogeny of the Beauveria isolates from the
03–111, KVL 03–102, KVL 03–21. Bakkegården research site identified B. bassiana s.s., B.

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1290 N . V. M E Y L I N G E T A L .

brongniartii, and also Clade C, an undescribed monophyletic The Beauveria phylogenetic species in the hedgerow
group that is morphologically indistinguishable but appear to occupy overlapping niches in the ecosystem.
phylogenetically distinct from B. bassiana s.s. (Rehner & This sympatric co-existence raises some basic ecological
Buckley 2005). Beauveria bassiana s.s. accounted for nearly issues. Species of organisms that occupy similar niches
90% of all Beauveria isolations, a finding that is consistent compete for resources and the most competitive should in
with results of isolate collections spanning larger spatial theory exclude the other (Hardin 1960). However, habitat
scales (Reay et al. 2008; S.A. Rehner, unpublished). Beauveria heterogeneity and spatially structured environments are
bassiana s.s. was partitioned into five phylogenetic species, predicted to facilitate co-existence of potentially competing
an interpretation reinforced by fixed allelic differences species (Tilman 1994; Wang et al. 2000). Local extinction
at multiple microsatellite loci assayed. Additionally, the and invasion events in patchy environments are predicted
isolate KVL 03–72, which was a basal a outlier to Eu_1 in to further promote co-existence of competitors in meta-
both the nuclear phylogeny and microsatellite neighbour- populations (Wilson 1992). However, conventional meta-
joining analysis, had unique alleles at eight microsatellite population theory has been based on organisms occupying
loci and thus may represent an additional phylogenetic patches in continuous time while many fungi occupy
species in the B. bassiana s.s. complex. However, because patches that occur in discrete events during the season
this divergent isolate is thus far unique to the research site, (Gourbiere & Gourbiere 2002). Gourbiere & Gourbiere
additional isolates are needed to resolve its phylogenetic (2002) developed a discrete-time metapopulation model
and taxonomic status. for unit-restricted fungi inhabiting ephemeral units in the
Beauveria diversity was highest in the seminatural environment, namely leaves and needles, to which the
habitat of the hedgerow, which is likely due to the fungi dispersed by infective spores. Co-existence, both in
greater abundance and diversity of insect hosts, increased the metapopulation of patches or units as well as locally
humidity, reduced ultraviolet and long-term environmental within units, was possible in this system even with no
stability as compared to the structurally simpler and more trade-off between competitiveness and colonization ability
exposed and disturbed agricultural field. Within the (Gourbiere & Gourbiere 2002). The model could in principle
hedgerow, all seven Beauveria phylogenetic species were be applicable to the present study since insect hosts are
broadly distributed in both the below- and above-ground units of resources for the entomopathogenic fungi and
habitat compartments. This simultaneous occurrence their availability varies with the season. In the present
of members, including some clones, of similar pathogen system, the seminatural habitat of the hedgerow can be
populations below- and above-ground suggests that regarded as more structurally heterogeneous with more
the fungi freely circulate between the soil environment, available resource units or patches (hosts) than the highly
phylloplanes and infected insects within the hedgerow. disturbed environment of the arable field. Spatio-temporal
This life cycle for Beauveria was suggested by Meyling & variation in the availability of the ephemeral resources
Eilenberg (2007) and contradicts the conventional view that would thus facilitate co-existence. However, entomopath-
these fungi reside principally in the soil. Insect-mediated ogenic fungi within Hypocreales also occur outside infected
dispersal of Beauveria from soil to phylloplanes and resulting hosts in the soil environment for prolonged periods of time
initiation of infections in insects on phylloplanes has been where numerous interactions may occur with other organ-
demonstrated in laboratory settings (Meyling et al. 2006). isms and where the fungi are affected by abiotic factors
In the current study, we found no evidence to suggest that (Hajek 1997; Meyling & Eilenberg 2007). Bidochka et al.
the dominant Beauveria phylogenetic species specifically (2001, 2002) suggested that the nonpathogenic phase of
target any particular host species, but instead they these fungi may constitute the most important part of the
apparently function simultaneously as generalist ento- life cycle for permanent establishment. Genetic groups of
mopathogens towards a range of host species in the insect B. bassiana s.l. isolates from Canadian soil were partitioned
community in the hedgerow. The rarer phylogenetic between habitat types defined as agricultural fields and
species Eu_3 and Clade C are known to infect a diversity forests (Bidochka et al. 2002). Furthermore, isolates from
of insect species outside the research site (S.A. Rehner, agricultural soil had higher temperature preferences for
unpublished); however, such observations were not made growth and were more resistant to ultraviolet-light radiation
in the present study because of limiting sample sizes. It than isolates from forest soils (Bidochka et al. 2002). These
is therefore likely that Beauveria phylogenetic species observations were consistent with results of an earlier
collectively contribute to the structuring of insect com- study of habitat association in Canadian soil isolates of
munities by mediating apparent competition between Metarhizium anisopliae (Bidochka et al. 2001) and these
insect host species occupying separate host plants. Such an authors hypothesized that abiotic factors in the environ-
indirect effect is known to be mediated by other groups ment therefore select for genotypes that can survive the
of natural enemies such as predators and parasitoids (van specific conditions in the habitat of the fungus. Eu_1 was
Veen et al. 2006). the only phylogenetic species of B. bassiana s.s. isolated

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from agricultural soil in the present study. Eu_1 clustered organization characteristic of bipolar heterothallic mating
with a representative (ARSEF 1628) of a large group of systems of euascomycetes (Coppin et al. 1997; Kronstad &
isolates that are commonly isolated from agricultural Staben 1997; Debuchy & Turgeon 2006). Thus, if sexually
systems throughout Europe (S.A. Rehner, unpublished). competent, all five phylogenetic species are obligately
This suggests that the dominance of Eu_1 in habitats outbreeding. Among the Bakkegården sample of isolates,
affected by agricultural practices is likely facilitated by Eu_3, Eu_4, Eu_5 and Eu_6 each were fixed for a single
certain factors not present in less-disturbed, naturally mating type although limited sample size and possible
vegetated habitats such as hedgerows, thus supporting the strong underlying skew towards one mating type, as
hypothesis proposed by Bidochka et al. (2001, 2002). This observed in Eu_1, might have prevented the detection of
further indicates that some members of B. bassiana s.s. may both mating types in some of the populations. However,
have as yet unidentified niche partitioning and warrants the repeated detection of single mating types in each of
further investigation. these populations suggests that reproduction is constrained
Co-existence of cryptic phylogenetic species of fungi to asexual modes due to lack of complementary mating
with seemingly overlapping niches has been reported for types in this locality. This interpretation is supported by the
the plant pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum complex in two low allelic and genotypic diversity and also the clonal
neighbouring pea fields (Skovgaard et al. 2002) and for the genetic structure in which repeated multilocus genotypes
ectomycorrhizal fungus Cenococcum geophilum in individual and/or complexes of closely related genotypes predominated
soil samples (Douhan & Rizzo 2005). Douhan & Rizzo in all four population samples. Further examination of
(2005) even found that one soil sample contained the same these phylogenetic species at progressively broader spatial
diversity as detected across North America. As in the scales (e.g. landscape scale) is needed to determine the
present study, Douhan & Rizzo (2005) suggested that geographical range of clonal genotypes. At the same time,
C. geophilum phylogenetic species may co-exist through expanded geographical surveys will help to establish
differential occupation of niches. Based on theoretical whether or not these phylogenetic species possess the
models, however, sympatric co-existence even in spatially normal complement of two mating types characteristic
structured habitats is only possible if competitors differ of sexual species and to identify habitats where sexual
ecologically to some extent (Wang et al. 2005). Future studies reproduction might be expected to occur.
must elucidate if B. bassiana s.s. phylogenetic species Eu_1 was the only B. bassiana s.s. phylogenetic species in
occupy separate ecological niches. This study highlights the which both mating types were detected and therefore
lack of basic knowledge of population structure of hypoc- the only population with the demonstrated potential for
realean entomopathogenic fungi despite the long tradition sexual reproduction at the study site. However, the observed
of research in biological control. Future work must be 31:2 (MAT1:MAT2) ratio suggests that sexual reproduction
dedicated towards the fundamental ecology of Beauveria in this population is infrequent. However, one of the Eu_1
communities and the factors structuring these in agricultural MAT2 isolates, KVL 03–94, carried unique alleles at five
landscapes. microsatellite loci and thus is either a divergent clone or
Hedgerows are recognized as important refuges for possibly a migrant from a different population. On the
farmland biodiversity (Benton et al. 2003). Furthermore, other hand, the multilocus genotype of the other Eu_1
hedgerow habitats offer structural diversity to organism MAT2 isolate, KVL 03–79, is fully consistent with the range
groups that cannot survive in the cultivated agricultural of variation among the MAT1 multilocus microsatellite
fields (Maudsley 2000). Here we demonstrate that hedge- genotypes and thus is plausibly a member of this population.
rows additionally are reservoirs for multiple Beauveria The lack of recombinant genotypes could either be due to
phylogenetic species as compared to the cultivated field. sampling error or that sexual reproduction, when it occurs,
Our findings underscore the possible importance of hedge- preferentially occurs between related individuals, which
rows as resources promoting biodiversity within agricultural could make recombination harder to detect when mates
landscapes. share allelic states at marker loci. However, the consistent
imbalance in mating type frequencies observed in all five
B. bassiana s.s. populations suggests that a combination of
Mating potential, genetic diversity and reproductive mode
infrequent sex, perhaps due to reduced sexual competence,
within phylogenetic species of B. bassiana s.s.
in conjunction with founder effects, genetic drift or selec-
Mating types and multilocus microsatellite genotypes tion, promote skew in mating type frequencies in local
were determined for the five B. bassiana s.s. phylogenetic populations. This in turn leads to higher rates of asexual
species co-occurring at the Bakkegården site to assess their reproduction and reduced rates of recombination. Fisher et al.
potential for sexual reproduction and to gain insight into (2005), citing Penicillium marneffei, an asexual mammalian
their genotypic diversity and genetic structure. At the MAT pathogen endemic to Asia, hypothesized that facultatively
locus, all isolates were either MAT1 or MAT2, a structural sexual species with low rates of recombination will show

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reduced ability to disperse and colonize heterogeneous Castrillo LA, Vandenberg JD, Wraight SP (2003) Strain-specific
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and pathogenicity of members of the Fusarium oxysporum version of this article:
complex isolated from soil and root necrosis of pea (Pisum
sativum L.). FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 42, 367–374. Table S1 Complete list of isolates of Beauveria spp. used in this
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(*and other methods), Version 4b10. Sinauer & Associates, Sunder-
land, Massachusetts. Please note: Wiley-Blackwell are not responsible for the content or
Tilman D (1994) Competition and biodiversity in spatially functionality of any supporting information supplied by the
structured habitats. Ecology, 75, 2–16. authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be
Urtz BE, Rice WC (1997) RAPD-PCR characterization of Beauveria directed to the corresponding author for the article.

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