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Adopt A Sunnah no.

24 Rajab 1433 | May 2012

With the sighting of the crescent of Rajab, Imaam ‘Ataa Ibn Yasaar - a distinguished Tabi’ee-
Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) would said: “ After Laylatul Qadr, there is no other night
anticipate and begin preparations for the month of
more virtuous than the middle (15th) night of
Ramadhan. i.e, two months in advance. Sayyiduna Sha’ban .”
Anas Ibn Maalik  reports that Rasulullah  would(Ibid, pg. 197)
Imaam Shafi’e  has stated: “I have heard that du’as
recite the following supplication when the Month of
Rajab would commence: are accepted by Almighty Allah on five nights:
1) The night of Jumu’ah,
Allahumma baarik lanaa fee Rajaba wa Sha'bana wa 2 ; 3) The nights of the two ‘Eids,
balligh-naa Ramadhan

ْ ‫بان َو َب ّل ْغنَا َر َم َض‬

‫ان‬ َ ‫ار ْك َلن َا ِ ِْف َر َج‬
َ ‫ب َو َش ْع‬ ِ ‫َال ّٰل ُه َّم َب‬
Translation: Oh Allah! Grant us Barakah (Blessing) 4) The first night of Rajab,
during (the months of) Rajab and Sha'ban, and 5) The middle (15th) night of Sha’ban,
allow us to reach Ramadhan. (Lataaiful Ma’arif, pg. 196)
(Shu'abul-Imaan #3534, Ibnu Sunni
#660, Mukhtasar Zawaid Bazzar Note: There are no specific types
#662, also see Al-Azhkaar #549) of Salaah etc. that are prescribed
Rajab is the second of the four for the Month of Rajab or the 15th
“Sacred months” in the Islamic night of Sha’ban. One may engage
Calendar which are referred to as: in whatever form of ‘ibadah one is
"Al-Ash-hurul hurum" (Surah comfortable with.
Tawbah, verse: 36) (Lataaiful Ma’arif, pg.168,
The others are: Zhul-Qa'dah, Zhul Islamic Months, pgs.63 & 79)
-Hijjah and Al-Muharram. Opportunities like these only
Explaining their significance the come once a year. Fortunate are
'Ulamaa mention that during these months, good those who maximise their benefit there from.
deeds are more virtuous and evil deeds are more
detestable to Almighty Allah. Sayyiduna ‘Ubadah ibn Samit  said that
(Lataaiful-Ma'arif, pg.163) Rasulullah  would recite the following Du’a when
Ramadhan drew near:
As for Sha'ban, there are authentic Ahadith that
‫وس ّل ْمه ِِل ُم َت َق َّبال‬ َ ‫َال ّٰل ُه َّم َس ّل ْمن ِ ْي لِ َر َمضا َن َو َس ّل ْم َر َم‬
َ ‫ضان ِ ِْل‬
describe special significance for the 15th night.

Rasulullah  is reported to have said: "Certainly

Almighty Allah forgives everyone on this night 8/584 ‫ كنز العامل‬-‫ وسنده حسن‬، ‫رواه الطرباين ِف الدعاء والديلمي‬
besides those who ascribe partners to Him and
those who harbor enmity for others". Allahumma Sallimni li Ramadhan. wa sallim
(Sahih Ibn Hibban #5665, Al-Targheeb,vol.3 Ramadhana li wa sallimhu li mutaqabbala
pg.459, Majma'uz-zawaaid,vol.8 pg.65 &
(Kitabu Du’a-Tabrani 912-913, HayatuSahabah vol.3 pg.182)
Lataaiful-Ma'arif, pg.194)

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