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Kenny Nova

Kenny Nova

Emily Litle

ENG 121

April 22, 2019

The Technological Advances

Technology is part of our day to day, it is very naturalized and we use it on a daily, many

times we are not aware of how this comes to our hands, how many people had it before us and

what is the impact that occurs, (Social, Economic, Environmental and especially cultural) that

has on our lives. Technology on the one hand has a great impact on youth since all young people

use the Internet to carry out school activities or to use the resource for fun, but I think that

technology is very useful and has a positive impact today. With technology we can use social

networks, something that can help to enrich the social life, share interests and even maintain

contact with family members who live far away. Technology can also be used for safety, it can

help us immediately communicate with someone in an emergency at the touch of a button. We

can also use calendar applications to control the medications and health care. Technology helps

the environment because when natural disasters approach people can take precautions before the

situation, also we can reduce the impact of man on the environment and promote awareness on

the issue worldwide by technology, it is beneficial because helps us in all aspects of life.

The positive effects of the use of technology in education, such as communications,

entertainment, and the ability to make things easier and faster, can be one of the obstacles in the

classroom. Several of the elements of entertainment such as cell phones, mobile games,

applications and in general surfing the Internet can distract students. In addition, the common use

of chat through cell phones drastically increases the lack of concentration among colleagues.
Kenny Nova

With new technologies students can get good grades without the greatest effort by doing quick

searches to solve any kind of problem. The technology made fraud become something very

simple to do as never before, with a very low probability of being caught. Another negative

effect of technology is the reduction of the need for human interaction to solve doubts, since with

the Internet only puts what the consumer want to know and many sources of information will

appear. It also increases the problems of marginalization of groups that cannot access new

innovations because, if it does not have the last devices that have come out, it is null, it is nobody

because the people who own them believe more than the others. "Technology and social

networks have brought power to the people”. - (Mark McKinnon.)

Undoubtedly in recent years the new information and communication technologies have

had a very rapid development. They have made it possible to unite ever stronger bonds between

people and the world. From my point of view I believe that far from influencing technologies

have come to improve in some aspects in our lives and in many cases to facilitate our work since

for many technologies have become our own work tools. For many, the technology represents an

affectation, since, instead of benefiting, the technology is doing us removing activities, because

everything a cell phone or a device can do for us, sometimes we do not need to get up from the

seat or bed because it is enough to have a control or an application that manages the blinds, lights

or other types of appliances. In the case of accounts or operations, it is enough to have a

scientific calculator that no longer only performs the basic operations. Currently it already

performs any operation that includes algebra or calculation. For another sector of the population,

the technological advances if they represent a great assistance, for example, for those with

different capacities, recently have been created devices that can be ignited through a blow, this in

order to help those who do not Have mobility of arms or legs or have lost them. "The usefulness
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of virtual reality is unlimited, and in fact little by little we are becoming aware of what is

important and how much it is going to be integrated into our lives" (Estrella Digital said)

While half the world thinks about how we can change the way we work to respect the

environment, the other half seems to continue ignoring the symptoms of our planet. Even so, we

are optimistic, since technology, our great ally, can help achieve positive objectives in this

regard. "Technology has evolved so much to become the only viable means to safeguard the

integrity of the planet." - (Red Bull page said). In recent years, we have seen extensions that

allow to save paper when printing web pages, devices that help find better routes in traffic to

save fuel, proposals for electric bicycles that allow to leave the car at home, collaborative

projects where several users identify problems from photos taken from satellites, printers

designed to save paper.

Today the youngest are characterized by belonging to the generation of digital natives,

that part of the population that was born after the invention of the internet. That's why

incorporating technology into education brings a series of benefits that help improve efficiency

and productivity in the classroom, as well as increase the interest of children and adolescents in

academic activities. Technology in education plays a fundamental role, not only because it

allows students to acquire the necessary skills to function in this society focused on technological

knowledge, but because it provides tools to Higher Education institutions to improve the quality

of life of all students and Community. Technology is being integrated into processes that range

from academic planning and evaluation to student follow-up, and provides a number of benefits

that help improve efficiency and productivity, since the combination of talented teachers and

high-quality technology, which is used in the right way, can create an empowering classroom

experience for both the students as for the teachers "Educators are beginning to focus on how to
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integrate technology to improve student outcomes." (Sari Factor, CEO of Edgenuity.). The

Internet and access to increasingly intuitive mobile devices have put a paradigm shift in the use

of technology. This change is also evident in the field of education, in which more and more

things can be done, taking advantage of the network and its possibilities, both inside and outside

the classroom.

In this work we were able to appreciate the great impact that technology brings to our

lives, and the fundamental role it has for us as users, also helps teachers and even the

environment. The technology in our lives works according to the use we give it, it can act

positively as in some negative cases. When done positively, the results of the search are

included. When it comes to an action in a negative way, there are unfavorable aspects, stress

genres, human labor is replaced and sometimes students are lazier because they do not study or

investigate only copy and paste what they need from the internet. But without taking into account

if it acts in a positive and negative way, technology us benefits in all areas of our life and the

most important thing is that it is always in constant evolution, we just have to know how to use

Kenny Nova

Work Cited

Cifuentes, Luis. “Technology and its influence in our lives” Estrella Digital, 23/01/18.

vidas/20180123133451340037.html .4/22/19

Mollejo Verónica. “The technology to the rescue”. Red Bull, 2 October 2018, .4/22/19

Rivera, Nicolas “How technology is transforming education”. October 13, 2016, . 4/22/19

MacNeil/Lehrer Productions .“Is Technology Wiring Teens to Have Better Brains?” Distributed

by Films Media Group 2014.

57969 4/22/19

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