Cokinos Pre Reading Lep

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Lesson Plan Template 

Date: ​24 February 2019 Teacher’s Name: ​Ms. Katina Cokinos 

Subject:Global History and Geography I Grade level:​ 9th grade 


Unit: ​Interactions and Disruptions Length of lesson: ​45 min 

Central Focus: ​This learning segment will evaluate Christopher Columbus and the celebration of 
Columbus Day. To preface the lesson, students will take a pre-reading quiz and fill out a KWL chart 
which will stimulate their knowledge of Christopher Columbus. This pre-reading strategy enables 
students to tap into what they already might know about a particular subject and/or prepare their 
minds to focus on the informational text(s) that are to come. The goal of this learning segment is for 
students to learn about Christopher Columbus and the celebration of Columbus Day. A biography of 
Christopher Columbus will be given during the lesson as well as an overview of his expedition and the 
origins of what we now call / celebrate “Columbus Day”. Students will experience a multimodal lesson. 
Students will attain a great understanding for Christopher Columbus and why we celebrate him. 
Students will be able to formulate their own opinions based on the informational texts given.   
Lesson Title​: Christopher Columbus: Facts, Myths, and Controversy.   
For unit​, 1 out of 3 
Essential Question(s)​: Who is Christopher Columbus and what did he do? Why do we celebrate him? Is 
celebrating columbus day disrespectful to Native Americans?  
Learning Standards: ​New York State Content Standards 
9.10 INTERACTIONS AND DISRUPTIONS: Efforts to reach the Indies resulted in the encounter between 
the people of Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas. This encounter led to a devastating impact on 
populations in the Americas, the rise of the transatlantic slave trade, and the reorientation of trade 
(Standards: 2, 3, 4; Themes: MOV, TCC, GEO, SOC, GOV, CIV, ECO, TECH, EXCH) 

9.10d European colonization in the Americas and trade interactions with Africa led to instability, 
decline, and near destruction of once-stable political and cultural systems. 
➢ Students will examine the political, economic, cultural, and geographic impacts of Spanish 
colonization on the Aztec and Inca societies. 
➢ Students will investigate the different degrees of social and racial integration and 
assimilation that occurred under colonizing powers, laying the foundations for complex and 
varying social hierarchies in the Americas. 
Literacy Standards: ​Common Core Standards  
RH.9-10.1. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, 
attending to such features as the date and origin of the information. 
6. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text. 
WHST.9-10.1. Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. 

1. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and 
create an organization that establishes clear relationships among the claim(s), 
counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. 

Pre-Assessment:​ ​N/A 

Learning Objectives​:    Assessments​:  

Exhibit the life and alleged legacy of  Handout #1 KWL Chart  
Christopher Columbus and his voyage to the  Handout #2 Pre-reading T&F Quiz 
New World.    Handout #3 Reaction Response Paragraph  
  Handout #4 Homework Assignment - Short answer 
Identify the origins of Columbus Day and explain  questions
its relevance to Native Americans.  
Describe how the celebration of Columbus Day 
can potentially be disrespectful to Native 
Use textual evidence to formulate arguments 
and opinions. 
Differentiation: ​During the guided practice students will be paired up with a fellow classmate based on 
ability level (approaching, on-level, and beyond). Students will read an article about Christopher 
Columbus and the origins of Columbus Day. The students will be given sections of the article to read 
based on difficulty. A Lexile analyzer will be utilized to measure the text level. Approaching students 
will read the introduction paragraphs because it is the easiest comprehend. Beyond students will read 
the entire article, and On-Level students will assess the last 2 paragraphs. All students will have the 
option of reading the entire article. All students will be responsible for gathering information from the 
sections they didn't read and filling it in on their KWL charts and class notes.  
Academic Language: ​This lesson will contain academic specific vocabulary phrases such as: colonization, 
conquering, exploitation, and integration. Students will also have to confront the following language 
functions: argue, analyze, and interpret.  
Anticipatory Set ​(hook, motivation, etc. to engage students) 

a. The teacher will have the essential questions written on the board and there will be a picture 
of Christopher Columbus projected on the screen. Students will be asked to write down the 
essential questions in their notebooks. Students will be asked to turn to the person next to 
them and discuss what they think today’s lesson will be about for ​one minute​. The teacher will 
then give the students their KWL charts. This is a pre-reading activity that will help prepare 
students for today’s lesson. It will enable students to tap into their prior knowledge about 
Christopher Columbus, European colonization, and/or the treatment of Native Americans. 
Students will be asked to fill out the “K“ and “L” columns of their KWL chart.​ ​Students will be 
given ​three minutes​ to do this. After the three minutes commence, students will partner up 
with a fellow classmate of their choice to collaborate ideas. Students will work together for 
two minutes​ and then return to their seats.  

Initial Phase 

a. The teacher will ask for volunteers to answer the essential questions. The teacher will then ask 
for volunteers to share their findings on their KWL charts. If no students volunteer, the teacher 
will then call on on-level or beyond students to share their work. After students share their 
work, the teacher will then give them a pre-reading T&F quiz. Students will have ​three 
minutes​ to complete this quiz. Students may use their KWL charts to complete the pre-reading 
quiz. After time is up, the teacher will go over the answers to the quiz. The teacher will then 
show a video about the biography of Christopher Columbus ​(3:17)​. Students will be asked to be 
attentive while the video is playing and jot down any new information they gather from the 
video onto their KWL charts in the “L” column and/or in their notes. Once the video ends, the 
teacher will ask students if they have any questions or comments about the video. The teacher 
will ask students to share an interesting fact or comment they have in response to the video. 

Middle Phase 
a. The teacher will hand out an article about Christopher Columbus and the origins of 
Columbus Day. The students will also receive a reaction response worksheet. The teacher will 
pair students up with a partner based on ability level. The teacher will use the Lexile tool to 
evaluate the difficulty of the text. Approaching students will read the introduction 
paragraphs, beyond students will read the entire article, and on level students will assess the 
last two paragraphs. All students will have the option of reading the entire article and all 
students will be held accountable for writing down important information from the sections 
they weren’t assigned to read. Students will utilize their KWL charts and class notes to record 
the newly acquired information. Students will read their assigned sections, complete the 
reaction response worksheet, and work with their partners for​ 30 minutes​. The teacher will 
walk around the room and assist students if need be while also checking their progress. If 
students finish prematurely, the teacher will ask those students thought-provoking questions 
to think about. If students are struggling with the task, the teacher will guide those students 
in the right direction to help them answer questions. If students do not finish their reaction 
response papers in time, they will be asked to finish it for homework.  
Concluding Phase 

a. In the last ​3-4 minutes​ of class, students will be given their homework. Their homework is a 
worksheet with short answer questions. Students will be encouraged to use their KWL charts, 
pre-reading quiz, and reaction response worksheet to help them answer the questions. The 
students will also have the link to the video accessible to them and a personal copy of the 
article. The teacher will tell the students that BOTH the short answer questions and the 
reaction and response prompts are due at the beginning of class tomorrow.  

Follow up: ​Students will complete the short answer questions and reaction response worksheet for 
homework. This homework assignment is based on the video and article the students analyzed today. 
Students may use their notes, KWL charts, and other materials to help them answer the questions. This 
assignment will help set up tomorrow’s lesson. 
Video: ​  
Article: ​  
Whiteboard, expo markers, Smartboard, Laptop/Computer 
References and Resources: ​Cite (APA style) sources, texts, lesson plans used 
KWL Chart - ​  
Christopher Columbus Quiz -  
Christopher Columbus Article - ​  
Christopher Columbus Video -  
Ms. Katina Cokinos
11​th​ Grade U.S. History & Government

Task​: Complete this pre-reading quiz to the best of your ability. You will work independently.
Consider what you ​already know​ about Christopher Columbus to help you complete this
exercise. You may use your KWL charts or any other notes you have to help answer the
questions. Good luck!
Ms. Katina Cokinos
11​th​ Grade U.S. History & Government

1. In a short paragraph, explain the expedition Christopher Columbus endured. What were
his goals? Was he receptive to the Natives? Were the Natives receptive to him? Who
gave him the “green light” to conquer? What were his goals? Did he accomplish what he
set out to do originally? Support you answers.


2. Are there any lasting impacts of Columbus’ expedition? Explain.


3. Many people feel as though celebrating Columbus Day is offensive and should be
banned. Furthermore, many believe it should be re-named “Indigenous People’s Day”.
Do you think that this is a valid argument? Why or why not? Support you claims.

Ms. Katina Cokinos
11​th​ Grade U.S. History & Government

Task​: Write down what you ​already​ know about Christopher Columbus, his expedition, the
treatment of Natives or anything related to European conquest in the ​“K”​ column. Consult with
a partner and share your ideas. Together, come up with information you ​want​ to learn from this
unit and write it in the ​“W”​ column. After reading the article given to you and watching the video,
write down what you ​have​ learned in the ​“L”​ column.
Ms. Katina Cokinos
11​th​ Grade U.S. History & Government

Task​: After watching the video and reading the article given to you, reflect on your thoughts and
opinions on why we celebrate Columbus Day. Keep in mind our inquiry question: ​Is celebrating
Columbus Day disrespectful to Native Americans? ​Support your argument with evidence
(quotes, pictures, data, etc.)


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