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Horacia was a former teacher who got imprisoned for a crime she did not commit.

she finished her 30 year sentence, she worked on her revenge towards his former lover Rodrigo
Trinidad who was the one who set her up and the mastermind of all her sufferings. It was not
an easy task because she had to be with different people and used them to make her revenge a

It was fascinating how Lav Diaz made it bearing to watch even though it was lengthy as
compared to normal movies that were played in movie theaters. The movie Ang Babaeing
Humayo is an interesting story which although a long 4 hour video is full of message and
revelations especially with the social economic status and injustices of our country. While
watching it, I felt that it was dark because revenge is its main theme. Clearly, it showed how
creative anyone can be after bearing all the sufferings she had over the years. She was an angel
turned monster by night as she plots her revenge towards her ex-lover. Although Horacia
became a helping hand to those whom she had encountered with, she played a double
character. It was good to see how Horacia effectively lived her character as a caring mother
figure to a street sleeper Mameng in exchange of information about Rodrigo. And at night, she
disguised as a hoodlum to hang around her quarry's locale under cover. With its black-and-
white photography – and most of its scenes shot during the night – it reflects the tragic stark
realities of doomed lives making the film quite dark, literally and metaphorically. Watching it as
if we are part of the journey of the characters, it was nothing but natural. The setting, the
sound and the issues are all in sync with what I wanted it be as a viewer. It’s great to
compliment how each character was played with justice by the actor. This has somehow
likened with Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and El Filibustirismo and The Count of Monte Cristo
by Alexandre Dumas. Just like these, it tacked a lot of social concerns and provokes moral
accountability over its viewers. It was realism at its finest how this movie gave us a glimpse on
the lives of the outcasts of the society. Engulfed with all the detailed scenes, it exposed how
social injustice is so prevalent in the Philippine society. Being driven by selfish desires, one
transforms from someone good into someone who does not care anymore just to pursue his
wants. Lastly, having all the questions in the mind of the victim which perpetuates until the
movie ended is a big manifestation of how zealous this character is and how it did not spare
even the church accusing it of giving vain hopes. Is there really a hope for people seeking for it?
Or is there really a chance to be someone good and forsake that innate selfishness?

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