Writing Prompt 10

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John O’Brien

Professor Raymond

UWRT 1104-003


How my Research has varied from my Proposal

My research was done on Old/Odd jobs that no longer exist or are not as common as they

used to be. In the beginning, I wanted to do some research on some basic jobs that I was told

about from my parents like a milkman. Through my initial research, I quickly found that I was

more interested in some of the odder jobs than just the jobs that you already knew about. One of

the interesting jobs was a Lector who would read aloud to factory workers during their work day.

This is very interesting for a couple of reasons, the first is because we no longer have people who

show up to work just to read to others and another is because we no longer have many factories

in this country. Throughout my research I’ve realized that once you take a step back and think

about what the task at hand is, the assignment becomes easier.

I have critically thought about this project and how I need to write the information

gathered throughout the assignment. One area I struggled with was procrastination. Because I

procrastinate, it is important for me to allow myself the time to reflect and think critically about

this assignment and how I want it presented. One thing I was really surprised with in this process

was just how many odd jobs there used to be that aren’t around anymore because of how

technology has advanced. This led me to deeper research which allowed me access to better

information to present.
Of the five Student Learning Outcomes, critical thinking was the easiest to accomplish. I

can tell a difference in my writing because it has developed more than I initially thought it

would. I have learned to take my time which results in a well-written paper.

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