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MAED- English July 14, 2018

FLOWER SHOP by Arturo Rotor

Analyzing Literary Text

A simple story using simple words, yet it tells a message that at first a simple
mind couldn’t fathom.

Like most of Filipino short stories, Flower Shop depicts a typical Filipino
setting of which most of its readers would love the thread of the writer’s
imaginative mind. The story revolves inside a flower shop, of which most of the
characters don’t have that significant roles. The story has symbolically presented
the plot with concrete and manipulative details in which most of its readers had
to read it many times prior to the consolation of digesting the concealed meaning
of it.

The story uses the power of symbolism; thus, it has highlighted its overall
message other than the elements of the story. “The flowers speak language of soul”,
this line has lingered around my head not until I’ve read the text twice that I
finally realized the message of the story. However, this power of symbolism
made me think of things that are almost similar to its literal objects. Like in most
cases, a writer would somehow develop his story through the use of switching
setting, and the use of dynamic and static characters to build up a logical
sequence. But this time, the author has reasonably able to come up with a stretch
of ideas through the use of “Flowers” as his “symbolic object” and has
categorically made sense though the message was indirectly stated.

The flowers, with its various features like sizes and colors, symbolize the
different personalities of humanity. Everybody, in this crazy yet very
competitive world, is unconscious enough in determining the true value in every
person’s soul. For most of us, the physical look of a person would somehow be
the basis of his/her true behaviour and intention which is not true to all. This is
so evident specially to the last customer of the flower shop who bought the
cheapest flower and placed it inside an expensive box to fool the eyes of those
who will receive it; therefore, people would expect that “What is outside should
also be the one that is inside”. Meaning, we always categorize the physical look
totally the same as what is supposed to be the person’s inner beauty.

The story also reflects the author’s interest in flowers because he was an
orchid fancier and even took his interest further by taking up his Ph.D at Cornell
University in Orchid Biology. This also reveals the idea that “A well written story
or a poem is the beautiful result of its author’s own personal views and experience”.
MAED- English July 14, 2018


Analyzing Literary Text

“You’ll only understand the person’s worth until you realized it when it’s too late.”

The story, Catch Me A Firefly depicts a typical set-up of a love story between
two childhood friends who eventually had separated their own ways because of
their differences. The complications of the story had developed enormously, and
has created an eye of connections as the story approaches to its end part. Like most
of the typical Filipino stories, Catch Me A Firefly has directly encompassed the
taste of Filipino readers; however, the end part suggests a not-so style of most
Filipino writers.

Unlike the Flower Shop, the story Catch Me A Firefly is not using most of
symbolic features but is so effective enough in putting-up a stretch on typical
Filipino values. Like in most cases, the author seems to plunge on the characters’
usual and unusual behaviours. The main characters project a lot of changes as to
how each of them put some glamour in the story’s classical and modern views;
thus, love and changes of feelings through times are the centermost part of the
story--typically a more essential nature to humanity.

The characters Carolina and Michael are the symbols of the centermost part
of the story in which the author has established the relationship on the reader’s
point of view because the story focuses more on the relationship between two
people, their shared interests, and Michael’s personal feelings towards Carolina
that is pure, but is in vain. Carolina also shows most of the typical Filipina values
who shows mild effete feature of a woman; however, she realizes at the end that
she is also falling in love with Michael which she had never felt at first before.
The author’s way of describing the characters’ feelings and emotions are so
common in Filipino values and style of showing affection towards others. Hence,
the parents of both characters are also included in the story perhaps to add a
simple description about Filipino values.

Technically, the story’s setting divulge more not only in a single paradigm,
but also in some other aspects or sides in life that will show the commonalities
among its readers. Thus, the story relates to all in such a way that it has directly
applied the “catch the pan” strategy of every writer. The “Firefly” on the other
hand is the most evident symbolic feature that is present in the story. The firefly
serves as the tangible and the abstract object at the same time that gives
connection between the two major characters and the readers itself.
“You will only appreciate the beauty of a firefly in the evening, just like appreciating
the worth of a person when it is too late”.

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