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Reg. No.

29. a A thill l00cm long and 10cm wide horizontal plate is maintained at a unifom tem!,€rature of
150oC in a large tallk fulI of water at 75'C. Estimate the rate of heat to be supplied to the
plate to maintain co[stant plate temperatue as heal is dissipated from either side ofplate. B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NO!'EMBER 2015
Fifth Semeste!
b. A thin 80cm long and 8cm wide horizontal plate is maintained at a temp€ratue of I 30'C in a ME1O2I _ HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER
large tank fill of water 70oC. Estimate the rate of heat input into the plate necessary to (Fo/ the candidates admitted during the academic yeat 2013 - 2014)
mahtain the temperature of I 30oC. (Use ofheat and mass trawfer data book permitted)
30. a- Two large parallel planes having emissivities of 0.35 and 0.55 arc maintained at temp of (i) P.rt - A should be answered in OMR sheet withir first 45 minutes and OMR she€t should be handed
800'C and 300"C respectively. A radiation shield having an emissivily of 0.05 on both sides over to hall invigilator at the end of45d minute.

is placed betweel the two planes, Calculate of

(il) Psrt - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklel.
Heat traosfer for unit arca without shield
Time: Thee Hours Max. Ma*si 100
[Ieat transfer per unit arca with shield
Temperature ofthe shield
PART-A(20x 1=20Marla)
(oR) Answer ALL Questioos
What is a black body? How does they differ from a gray body? (4 Ma*s) 1. Heat Transfer takes place as per
(A) Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics @) First Law of Thermodynamics
11. A Gray surface is maintained at a temperah[e of 900"C and maximum fidssiye power at (C) Second Law of Thermodynamics (D) Stefan's Law
that temperature is 1.4 x l0r0 Wm2. Calculate t}Ie emissivity of the body and wave length
coresponding to the maximum intensity ofradiation. (8 Marks) 2. Thermal conductivity ofwater itr general with rise in temperatule
(A) Increases @) Decreases
31. a.i. Discuss the various regions of a pool boiling heat tansfer. (t 0 Marks) (C) Remain constant @) May inrease (or) decrease depending on
ii. What are the application ofboiling heat tansfer? (2 Mark)
3. Heat transfer by mdiation mainly depends upon
(oR) (A) Its temperahre @) Nature of the body
b. A cormter flow concentrate tube heat axchanger is used to cool engine oil (C = 2130 J/kgK) (C) Kind and extert ofits surface @) All the above
from 160"C to 60'C wilh water available at 25"C as the cooling medium. The flow rate of
cooling vr'ater though the irmer tubc of 0.5m is 2kgls $,hile the flow rate of oil through the 4. Heat is transfered by all three modes oftransfer viz, conduction, convection and radiation.
outer annulus OD = O.7m is also 2Kgls. If h is 25OW/m'I! how long must be thc heat (A) Steam condenser (B) Melting of ice
exchanger to meet its cooting reqiirement? (C) Elecfric Heater @) Boiler
32. u Water in the tank 20mm deep is filled with water to 10mm level and exposed to dry ah at 5. Thermal conductivity ofwater at 20'C is ofthe order of
40'C. Calculate the time required for all the water to evaporate. What is the time required (A) 0.51 (B) 0.23
for evapomtion if the air temperatue is 80"C. Take dismeter of tank as 2 meter. Take D (c) 0.051 (D) 0.15
(water to air) 0.0925 m2lh.
6. Urdt of thermal diftusivity in
(oR) (A) n/ln (B) m'lhr
b.i State Fick's Law ofdiffirsion. What are its limitations? (c) m3nr (D) N'zM.,tr
ii. Write short notes on various mechanism ofMass Transfer 7. A non-dimensional Number generally associated with nahfal cormection heat transfe]
(A) Nusselt Number @) GrashoffNumber
(C) Waber Nurnbe! @) Pmndti Number
8. Unit ofheal tnnsfer coefficient is
(A) Wmk (B) Wm'K
(C) Wm'?K (D) w/dP

23NA5MEl02l PtSe r of{ ZINAsL

9. Emissively of a white polished body in comparison to a black body is
(A) gisher (B) Lower
(C) Same @) Depends on the shape ofbody
I 0. The value of Stephen Boltzmann Constart is Answer ANY FfVE Questioas
(A) 5.67 x 10E Vm2Ka 8
@) 5.6? x 10 dm'zKa
(c) 5.67 x lOa dm2Ka @) 0.567 x 10'10 wlm2Ka 21. Consider a slab of thickness L as in fig. The boundary swfaces and x = 0 and x:
L are
maintainod at constant, but different temperatue T1 and T2 respectively. There is no enerry
I l. According to Wien's Law, the wavelergth coresponding to maximum Ener$/ is generation in the sotid and thermal conductivity K is contact. Develop on expression for
goportional to temperature dist ibution T(x) in the slab.
(A) T (B) T,
(C) T, (D)r
12. The wave lenglh ofthe mdiation emitted
(A) Depends on temperatue @) Depends on (temperature)2
(C) Do€s not depends on material of @) (a) and (c) above
22. What do you unde$tand by free and forced convection?
13. Effectiveness ofheat exchanger is defined as
(A) (tbr - t',y(hrthi) (B) (t* - LrV(tu-LJ 23. An electrically heated plate dissipates heat by convection at a rale of 8000 Wm2 into the
(C) Greater of(a) and (b) (D) (tn - k/(tm-tr) ambient air at 25oC. If the surface ofthe hot plate is at 125oC. Calculate the heat t ansfer
coeflicient for convection between the plate and the air.
14. Depending on the radiating properties body wiU be Aansparcnt when
(A) c.+0=1 (B) p:0t= l ando=0 24. Distinguish between a blaak body and $ay body and specular and dimrse surfaces.
(C) p:0, t = larLdo.=2 @) ct+e =l,t-0 25. Dry saturated steam at a pressure of 2.45 bar condenses on the surface of a vertical tube of
height lm. The tube surface temperatue is kept at I l7oc. Estimate rhe tiickness of the
t rcK s -Law oI dllluslon
15. -..- ma
condensats film,
(A) n -----
^ dc,
26. What do you mean by Equirnolor Counter dif;hrsion?
(c) DLB dc/ (D) DA3& 2'1_ Explain the various regions of satuated pool boiling.
16. Plank's law holds good for
(A) Polished bodies PART-C(5x 12 = 60 Marks)
@) Black bodies
Answer ALL Questions
(C) All colored bodies (D) Grey Colored bodies
28.a. i. What do you understand by critical radius of insulation? Obtain an equation for the same.
17. Cork is a good insulator because it has
(A) Porous Body (B) Free electrons
(C) Low Density
ii. A cyliuder of lm Iong and 50m in diameter is placed in an atrnospherc at 45"C. It is
@) Atom colliding fiequency provided with 10 longitudinal staight fins ofa material having K = 120 WmK The height
18. Which of the following in of 0.76mm thick fins is 1,27 cm from cylinder surface. The heat transfei co€fficient
a case of steady state heat transfer
between cylinder and atnospheric air is 17 Wm' K. Calculate the rate of heat Aansfer and
(A) IC Engine (B) Air Preheaters temperature at the end of hns, if the surface temperature of cylinder in t 50oC.
(C) Heating ofBuilding in winter @) None of these
19. Which of the following has least value of conductivity
Consider a steel tub€ with 5cm ID, 7.6cm OD and K = 15 WmK. A hot gas ar 33OoC and
(A) Glass (B) Air h = 400 Wmk flows inside the tube. The outer surface of the insulation is exposed to cool
(C) Plastic (D) Wate! air at 30oC with h = 60Wm2K. Calculate &e heat loss from the tube to the air for 10m ofthe
tube and tempemture drop resulting from the thermal resistanca ofthe hot gas flow, the steel
20. Thermal diffusivity is
tube, the insulation laye! and the outside air.
(A) Dimensionless parameter (B) Used as mathematical model
(C) A physical property ofthe material (D) Function ofTemperature
23NA5Mf,'O2T 23N,a5MEt02t

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