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CONTRACTS was not absent. The sum of P1.

00 appears in the document as one of the

consuderations for the asignment of inheritance. In addition – and this of great
A. GENERAL RULE legal import – the document recites that the decedent of Mateo Carantas had,
during his lifetime, expressed to the signatories to the contract that the property
Article 1356. Contracts shall be obligatory, in whatever form they may subject matter thereof rightly and exclusively belonged to the petitioner Maximo
have been entered into, provided all the essential requisites for their Carantes. This acknowledgement by the signatories definitely constitutes valuable
validity are present. However, when the law requires that a contract be consideration for the contract.
in some form in order that it may be valid or enforceable, or that a
contract be proved in a certain way, that requirement is absolute and In the case of DBP v. Adil, an agricultural land granted in 1940 was
indispensable. In such cases, the right of the parties stated in the unpaid for 10 years. In 1961 a second promissory note was executed by the debtor
following article cannot be exercised. (1278a) acknowledging the loan on Aptil 11, 1961, and promising to pay it on June 15.
1961. A complaint was filed on Sept. 11, 1970 to recover the amount of the second
Article 1318. There is no contract unless the following requisites concur: promissory note.
The Supreme Court said that the consideration for the second promissory
Consent of the contracting parties; note was the pre-existing obligation, as the statute of limitations bars the remedy,
Object certain which is the subject matter of the contract; but does not discharge the obligation. In the case of Bagnas v. CA, a deed of sale of
land worth P10,000 was considered false and fictitious, and hence, void. It was not
Cause of the obligation which is established. (1261) a donation, because there was no acceptance.

DBP v. Adil, 161 SCRA 307

The Code speaks of the “cause of the obligation which is established,” and not Effects of a new express promise to pay a debt – This is not a mere case of
“cause of the contract”. “Cause” is defined by Manresa as the essential reason acknowledgement of a debt that has prescribed by a new promise to pay the debt.
which impelled the contracting parties to celebrate the contract while “motive” are The consideration of the new promissory note is the pre-existing obligation under
the particular reasons for a contracting party which do not affect the other and do the first promissory note. The statutory limitations bars the remedy but does not
not prevent the existence of a true and distinct cause. discharge the debt. “A new express promise to pay the a debt barred will take the
case from the operation of the statute of limitations as this proceeds upon the
Article 1350. In onerous contracts the cause is understood to be, for each ground that as a statutory limitation merely bars the remedy and does not
contracting party, the prestation or promise of a thing or service by the other; in discharge the debt, there is something more than a mere moral obligation to
remuneratory ones, the service or benefit which is remunerated; and in contracts of support a promise, to wit – a pre existing debt which is a sufficient consideration
pure beneficence, the mere liberality of the benefactor. (1274) for the new promise: the new promise upon this sufficient consideration constitutes,
in fact, a new cause of action.” It is this new promise, either made in express terms
In the case of Carantes v. CA, the heirs of the decedent assigned their or reduced from an acknowledgment as a legal implication, which is to be regarded
right of inheritance to Lot 44 to the eldest son of the decedent for P1.00, as it was as reanimating the old promise, or as imparting vitality to the remedy (which by
expressed by the decedent during his lifetime that the land belonged to said heir, lapse of time had become extinct) and thus enabling the creditor to recover upon
who has been in possession for more than 10years. The court held that there was his original contract.
valuable consideration.
Bagnas v. CA, 176 SCRA 159
Carantes v. CA, 76 SCRA 514 Civil Law: Consideration; The apparent gross disproportion between the
Contracts; Total absence of consideration is what renders a contract absolutely stipulated price and the undisputably valuable real estate allegedly sold,
void and inexistent. – It is the total absence of a cause or consideration that demonstrates that the deeds of sale in question state a false consideration, thereby
renders a contract absolutely void and inexistent. In the case at bar, consideration making them not merely voidable, but VOID AB INITIO - without necessarily
according all these assertions its full concurrence, but upon the consideration
alone that the apparent gross, not to say enormous, disproportion between the 1. Essential – The essential elements are those without which there can be no
stipulated price (in each deed) of P1.00 plus unspecified and unquantified services contract. These elements are, in turn, subdivided into common (comunes),
and the undisputably valuable real estate allegedly sold – worth at least special (especiales) and extraordinary or peculiar (especialisimos).
P10,500.00 goin only by assessments for tax purposes which, it is well known, are
notoriously low indicators of actual value – plainly and unquestionably The common elements are those which are present in all contracts, such as
demonstrates that they state a false and fictitious consideration, and not other true consent, object certain and cause;
and lawful cause having been shown, the Courts finds both said deeds, insofar as the special elements are present only in a certain contracts, such as delivery in
they purports to be sales, not merely voidable by void ab initio. real contracts or form in solemn ones;
the extraordinary elements are those which are peculiar to a specific contract
COMMENTS: such as the price in a contract of sale.
As can be gleaned from the above cases, a moral or natural obligaions may
be sufficient consideration for an onerous contract. Moreover, subsequent articles 2. Natural – The natural elements are those which are derived from the
in the Civil Code show that cause is not essential requisite for a contract: nature of the contract and ordinarily accompany the same. They are
Article 1354 provides that although the cause is not stated in the contract, presumed by the law, although they can be excluded by the contracting
it is presumed that it exists, and is lawful unless the debtor proves the contrary. parties if they so desire. Thus, warranty against eviction is implied in a
Article 1355 provides that except in cases specified by law, lesion or contract of sale, although the contracting parties may increase, diminish
inadequacy of cause SHALL NOT invalidate a contract, unless there has been or even suppress it.
fraud, mistake or undue influence. 3. Accidental – The accidental elements are those which exist only when the
Article 1470 provides that gross inadequacy of prive does not affect a parties expressly provide for them for the purpose of limiting or modifying
contract of sale, except as it may indicate a defect in consent, or that the parties the normal effects of the contract. Example of these are conditions, terms
really inteded a donation, or some other act or contract. and modes.
As can be gleaned from the above mentioned articles, “cause” need not be
proved nor is it required to be adequate. The inadequacy of the cause could only Q: How are contracts perfected?
evidence the fact that the consent of the promissor was vitiated, or that the A: We must distinguish. If the contract is consensual, it is perfected by mere
promissor was prompted by generosity. consent; If the contract, however, is real, it is perfected by the delivery of the object
The theory of cause, as the French doctrine has constructed it, has been of the contract by one contracting party to another.
attacked as false and useless. In reciprocal contracts, to say that the obligation of
one is the cause of the other is false, because both obligations cannot come into Q: What is meant by consent and what are its requisites?
existence simultaneously. In real contracts, the obligation of the borrower, the A: As applied to contracts, consent signifies the concurrence of the wills of the
depository, and the pledgee arises from the act of having received the object of the contracting parties with respect to the object and the cause which shall constitute
contract, an act generative of the obligation which is different from the theory of the contract; It signifies the meeting of the offer and the acceptance upon the thing
cause; and in donations, the cause of the liberality is the will of the donor, and the cause which are to constitute the contract.
independent of his motive in giving.
Q: Who are incapacitated to give their consent to a contract?
Q: Define Contracts. A: The followin are incapacitated to give consent to a contract:
A: A contract is a meeting of minds between 2 persons whereby one binds himself, 1. Unemancipated minors
with respect to the other, to give something or to render some service. (Art. 1305) 2. Insane or demented persons;
3. Deaf mutes who do not know how to write
Q: What are the elements of a contract? 4. Married women of age in cases specified by law
A: the elements of a contract may be classified as follows: 5. Persons suffering from civil interdiction; and
6. Incompetents under guardianship.
Statute of Frauds – Article 1403 (2)
Donations (Articles 748 – 749, CC; Article 83, FC)
Article 1403. The following contracts are unenforceable, unless they are
Article 748. The donation of a movable may be made orally or in writing. ratified:

An oral donation requires the simultaneous delivery of the thing or of the Those that do not comply with the Statute of Frauds as set forth in this
document representing the right donated. number. In the following cases an agreement hereafter made shall be
unenforceable by action, unless the same, or some note or memorandum,
If the value of the personal property donated exceeds five thousand pesos, thereof, be in writing, and subscribed by the party charged, or by his
the donation and the acceptance shall be made in writing. Otherwise, the agent; evidence, therefore, of the agreement cannot be received without
donation shall be void. (632a) the writing, or a secondary evidence of its contents:

Article 749. In order that the donation of an immovable may be valid, it Express Trusts (Article 1443)
must be made in a public document, specifying therein the property
donated and the value of the charges which the donee must satisfy. Article 1443. No express trusts concerning an immovable or any interest
therein may be proved by parol evidence.
The acceptance may be made in the same deed of donation or in a separate
public document, but it shall not take effect unless it is done during the The Statute of Frauds do not apply to executed or partially executed contracts,
lifetime of the donor. not only because there is evidence of an overt act of the party against whom the
oral agreement is sought to be enforced, but also one should not be permitted to
If the acceptance is made in a separate instrument, the donor shall be invoke the Statute of Frauds to perpetuate fraud on the other party. Neither does the
notified thereof in an authentic form, and this step shall be noted in both Statute apply to an agreement creating an easement of right of way, it is not a sale
instruments. (633) of an interest in real property.

Partnership where real property is contributed (Art. 1773) D. WHEN FORM IS NOT ESSENTIAL TO ITS VALIDITY

Article 1773. A contract of partnership is void, whenever immovable Articles 1358, 2125, 2096
property is contributed thereto, if an inventory of said property is not
made, signed by the parties and attached to the public instrument. Article 1358. The following must appear in a public document:

Agency to sell real property or interest therein. (Art. 1874) Acts and contracts which have for their object the creation, transmission,
modification or extinguishment of real rights over immovable property;
Article 1874. When a sale of a piece of land or any interest therein is sales of real property or of an interest therein are governed by articles
through an agent, the authority of the latter shall be in writing; otherwise 1403, No. 2, and 1405;
the sale shall be void.
The cession, repudiation or renunciation of hereditary rights or of those of
Antichresis (Article 2134) the conjugal partnership of gains;

Article 2134. The amount of the principal and of the interest shall be
specified in writing; otherwise, the contract of antichresis shall be void.
The power to administer property, or any other power which has for its (b) According to their perfection:
object an act appearing or which should appear in a public document, or 1. consensual – those which are perfected by the mere agreement of the
should prejudice a third person; parties. Examples – sale, lease.
2. Real – those which require not only the consent of the parties for their
The cession of actions or rights proceeding from an act appearing in a public perfection, but also the delivery of the object by one party to the other.
document. Examples – commodatum, deposit, pledge.

All other contracts where the amount involved exceeds five hundred pesos (c) According to their form:
must appear in writing, even a private one. But sales of goods, chattels or 1. Common or informal – those which do not require some particular form.
things in action are governed by articles, 1403, No. 2 and 1405. (1280a) Examples – loan, lease.
2. Special or formal – those which require some particular form. Examples –
Article 2125. In addition to the requisites stated in article 2085, it is donation, chattel mortgage.
indispensable, in order that a mortgage may be validly constituted, that
the document in which it appears be recorded in the Registry of Property. (d) According to their purpose:
If the instrument is not recorded, the mortgage is nevertheless binding 1. Transfer of ownership – ex. Sale
between the parties. 2. Conveyance of use. – ex. Commodatum
3. Rendition of services – ex. Agency
Article 2096. A pledge shall not take effect against third persons if a
description of the thing pledged and the date of the pledge do not appear in (e) According to their subject matter:
a public instrument. (1865a) 1. Things – ex. Sale, deposit, pledge
2. Services – ex. Agency, lease of services
1. Effect of Non compliance – article 1357
(f) According to the nature or vinuculum which they produce:
Article 1357. If the law requires a document or other special form, as 1. Unilateral – those which give rise to an obligation for only one of the
in the acts and contracts enumerated in the following article, the parties. Ex. Commodatum, gratuitous deposit.
contracting parties may compel each other to observe that form, once 2. Bilateral – those which give rise to reciprocal obligation for both parties.
the contract has been perfected. This right may be exercised Ex. Sale, lease.
simultaneously with the action upon the contract. (1279a) 3. Onerous – those in which each of the parties aspires to procure for himself
a benefit through the giving of an equivalent or compensation. Ex. Sale
Q: What are the different classes of contracts? 4. Gratuitous – Those in which one of the parties proposes to give to the
A: Contracts may be classified as follows: other a benefit without any equivalent or compensation. Ex.
(a) According to their relation to other contracts:
(g) According to the risks involved:
1. Preparatory – Those which have for their object the establishment of a 1. Commutative – those where each of the parties acquires an equivalent of
condition in law which is necessary as a preliminary step towards the his prestation and such equivalent is pecuniarily appreciable and alreadu
celebration of another subsequent contract. Examples – partnership, determined from the moment of the celebration of the contract. Ex. Lease.
agency. 2. Aleatory – those where each of the parties has to his account the
2. Principal – those which can subsist independently from other contracts acquisition of an equivalent, although pecuniarily appreciable, is not yet
and whose purpose can be fulfilled by themselves. Examples – sale, lease. determined, at the moment of the celebration of the contract, since it
3. Accessory – those which can exist only as a consequence of, or in relation depends upon the happening of an uncertain event, this chargin the parties
with, another prior contract. Examples: pledge, mortgage. with the risk of loss or gain. Ex. Insurance
(h) According to their names or norms regulating them: law is established. If the fulfillment of the obligation is offered by the grantor when
1. Nominate – those which have their own individuality and are regulated by it becomes due, he may demand the reconveyance of the property to him.
the special provisions of law. Ex. Sale, lease.
2. Innominate – those which lack individuality and are not regulated by Articles 2087 – 8 prohibit what is known in Roman Law as pactum
special provisions of law. commissorium, presumably on theory that the value of the property given as
security is very much more than the amount of the principal obligation. Therefore,
II. STIPULATIONS CONTRARY TO LAW the law requires that the property be sold so that the excess should be given to the
debtor. The chanfe made by the Code Commission in Article 2115 nullifies the
Article 1306. The contracting parties may establish such stipulations, clauses, rationale behind article 2087-8 because the creditor can always outbid the highest
terms and conditions as they may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary bidder as he does not have to pay his bid due to a merger in the person of debtor
to law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy. (1255a) and creditor. What is the use of an auction sale when the creditor gets all the
Article 1484. In a contract of sale of personal property the price of which is Article 1454 is taken from the common law, where to avoid foreclosure,
payable in installments, the vendor may exercise any of the following remedies: the contract is made in the form of an absolute conveyance and ownership vests in
the grantee if the obligation is not paid. Not only would this be a circumbention of
Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the thing sold, if one has been constituted, should the prohibition of pactum commissorium but it is already covered y Article 1604
the vendee's failure to pay cover two or more installments. In this case, he shall regarding equitable mortgatge.
have no further action against the purchaser to recover any unpaid balance of the
price. Any agreement to the contrary shall be void. (1454-A-a) INVALID STIPULATIONS:

Article 2087. It is also of the essence of these contracts that when the principal In the case if Francisco Realty v. CA, a stipulation in the promissory note
obligation becomes due, the things in which the pledge or mortgage consists may that upon failure of respondent to pay interest, ownership over the land is
be alienated for the payment to the creditor. (1858) automatically transferred to the Realty and the deed of sale of the land in its
favor registered, was considered void although not embodied in a contract of
Article 2088. The creditor cannot appropriate the things given by way of pledge or mortgage; citing several cases: where property held in trust was ceded to trustee,
mortgage, or dispose of them. Any stipulation to the contrary is null and void. upon failure to pay debt, where a pacto de retro was construed as an equitable
(1859a) mortgage, and failure to redeem would vests automatic ownership in the vendee,
and where deeds of sale were registered upon failure to redeem.
Article 2112. ... If at the first auction the thing is not sold, a second one with the
same formalities shall be held; and if at the second auction there is no sale either, Francisco Realty v. CA, 298 SCRA 349
the creditor may appropriate the thing pledged. In this case he shall be obliged to Stipulations in the Promissory note providing that, upon failure of the maker to
give an acquittance for his entire claim. (1872a) pay interest, ownership of the property mortgaged would be automatically
transferred to the mortgagee and the deed of sale in its favor would be registered,
Article 2115. The sale of the thing pledged shall extinguish the principal are in substance a pactum comissorium. In the case at bar, the stipulations in the
obligation, whether or not the proceeds of the sale are equal to the amount of the promissory notes providing that, upon failure of respondent spouses to pay interest,
principal obligation, interest and expenses in a proper case. If the price of the sale is ownership of the property would be automatically transferred to petitioner A.
more than said amount, the debtor shall not be entitled to the excess, unless it is Francisco realty and the deed of sale in its favor would be registered, are in
otherwise agreed. If the price of the sale is less, neither shall the creditor be entitled substance a pactum commissorium. They embody the two elements of pactum
to recover the deficiency, notwithstanding any stipulation to the contrary. commisorium as laid down in Uy Tong v. CA to wit: The prohibition on pactum
commissorium stipulations is provided for by Article 2088 of the Civil Code.
Article 1454. If an absolute conveyance of property is made in order to secure the Article 2088. The creditor cannot appropriate the things given by way of
performance of an obligation of the grantor toward the grantee, a trust by virtue of pledge or mortgage, or dispose of the same. Any stipulations to the contrary i null
and void. The aforequoted provisions furnishes the two elements for pactum wrong with escalation clauses. Escalation clauses are valid stipulations in
commisorium to exits: commercial contracts to maintain fiscal stability and to retain the value of money in
1. That there should be a pledge or mortgage by way of security for the long term contracts.
payment of the principal obligation;
2. That there should be a stipulation for an automatic appropriation by the A clause that simply states that the interest rate should be based on the prevailing
creditor of the thing pledged or mortgaged in the event of non-payment of market rate is not an escalation clause – The contractual provision in question
the principal obligation within the stipulated period. states that “if there occurs any change in the prevailing market rates, the new
interest rate shall be the guiding rate in computing the interest due on the
Nakpil v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 225 SCRA 456 outstanding obligation without need of serving notice to the Cardholder.” This
An agreement whereby property held in trust is ceded to the trustee upon failure of could NOT be considered an escalation clause for the reason that it neither states
beneficiary to pay his debt to the former is void for being pactum commissorium. an increase nor a decrease in interest rate. Said clause simply states that the interst
rate should be based on the prevailing market rate.
Olea v. CA, 247 SCRA 274
Pactum Commissorium; A stipulation that the ownership of the property would Escalation clauses are not basically wrong or legally objectionable as long as
automatically pass to the vendee in case no redemption is effected within a they are not solely potestative but based on reasonable and valid grounds.
stipulated period is void for being a pactum commissorium which enables the
mortgagee to acquire ownership of the mortgaged property without need of A stipulation in the Bureau of the Philippine Rating to the effect that no
foreclosure. Its insertion in the contract is an avowal of the intention to mortgage member shall effect reinsurance with any underwriter not a member in good
rather than to sell the property. standing of the Bureau is valid, as the purpose is to promote ethical practices
among non life insurance agencies, and does not affect the public at all.
Although the Usury Law was abrogatedwhen the Central Bank was given the pwer
to fix interest rates for forbearance of money, and later the Central Bank left it to Filipinas Compania de Seguros v. Mandanas, 17 SCRA 391
the parties to fix their rates, a stipulation in a real mortgage of interest of 6% per Test to determine whether an agreement constitutes unlawful machinations or
month or 72% per annum was considered outgrageous and inordinate, and was combination in restraint of trade; Article 22, Constitution of the Philippine Rating
reduced to 12% per annum. A stipulation in a trust receipt agreeing to any Bureau is not illegal – The test as to whether a given agreement constitutes an
increase or decrease in interest rate after Central Bank floated the interest unlawful machination or a combination in restraint of trade is whether under the
rate was considered invalid as the rate was left to the sole will of the petitioner, particular contract involved in it, he contract is, or is not unreasonable.
and no reference was set. Restrictions upon trade may be upheld when not contrary to the public welfare and
A stipulation between a student and a school that the shcolarship is good not greater than is necessary to affor a fair and reasonable protection to the party
only if he continues in the same school, and that he waives his right to transfer to in whose favor it is imposed. The question to be determined is whether the restraint
another without refunding its scholarships in case, is contrary to public policy. imposed is such as merely regulates and perhaps thereby promotes competition, or
Scholarships are extended in recognition of merit and to help gifted students, and whether it is such as may suppress or even destroy competition.
not to keep outstanding students in school to bolster prestige and increase business
potential. I. BINDING EFFECT
A stipulation in the contract, in the nature of an escalation clause, that if Article 1311. Contracts take effect only between the parties, their assigns and heirs,
there occurs any change in the prevailing market rate, the new interest rate shall be except in case where the rights and obligations arising from the contract are not
the guiding rate in computing interest is considered valid, as there is a reference transmissible by their nature, or by stipulation or by provision of law. The heir is
rate. not liable beyond the value of the property he received from the decedent.
Polotan v. CA, 296 SCRA 247 If a contract should contain some stipulation in favor of a third person, he
There is nothing inherently wrong with escalation clauses – They are valid may demand its fulfillment provided he communicated his acceptance to the
clauses in commercial contracts to maintain fiscal stability and to retain the value obligor before its revocation. A mere incidental benefit or interest of a person is not
of money in long term contracts. Be that as it may, there is nothing inherently
sufficient. The contracting parties must have clearly and deliberately conferred a 1. Where the contract contains a beneficial stipulation in favor of a third
favor upon a third person. (1257a) person, provided that such third person has communicated his acceptance
to the obligor before it is revoked.
Article 1314. Any third person who induces another to violate his contract shall be 2. Where a third person comes into the possession of the object of a contract
liable for damages to the other contracting party. (n) creating a real right.
3. Where the contract is entered into in order to defraud a third person; and
( BAR QUESTION 1980 ) 4. Where the third person induces a contracting party to violate his contract.
Q: “Lorna K”, a very popular movie star was under contract with “P” Movie
Productions to star exclusively in the latter’s films for 2 yrs. Lorna K, was Q: What is meant by a stipulation pour autrui? What requisites must concur in
prohibited by the contract to star in any film produced by another producer. order that such stipulation may be enforced? What is the form of acceptance by a
Chico Film Co. induce Lorna K to break her contract with Vive Movie third person or beneficiary?
Productions by giving her twice her salary. Vive MP sued Chico Film Co. for
damages. Chico Film Co. contended that it had a right to compete for the services A: Using ART. 1311 (2) as basis, a stipulation pour autrui may be defined as a
of Lorna K and that her contract with Vive MP was in restraint of trade and a stipulation in a contract, clearly and deliberately conferred by the contracting
restriction on her freedom to contract. parties as a favor upon a third person, who must communicate his acceptance of
the favor or benefit to the obligor before it could be revoked. In Florentino v.
Whose contention would you sustain? Encarnacion, it was defined as a stipulation in favor of a third person conferring a
clear and deliberate favor upon him, and which stipulation is merely a part of a
A: The contention of Vive MP should be sustained. According to the NCC, any contract entered into by the parties, neither of whom acted as agent of the third
third person who induces another to violate his contract shall be liable for damages person, and such third person may demand its fulfillment provided that he
to the other contracting party. In the law of torts, we call this “Interference with communicates his acceptance to the obligor before it is revoked.
contractual relations”. However, in order that it will be actionable, it is necessary
that the following requisites must concur: The requisites are:
1. The existence of a valid contract; 1. that the stipulation in favor of the third person should be a part, not the
2. Knowledge on the part of the third person of the existence of such whole of the contract;
contract; 2. That the favorable stipulation should not be conditioned or compensated
3. Interference by the third person without legal justification or excuse. by any kind of obligation whatever; and
3. Neither of the contracting parties bears the legal representation or
All of these requisites are present in the case at bar. authorization of the third person.

Q: What is meant by the relativity of contracts? What are the different There is, of course, a fourth requisit – acceptance of the benefit by the third
exceptional cases where a contract may produce effect directly or indirectly on person communicated to the obligor before it could be revoked.
third persons?

A. relativity of contracts refers to the principle of law that a contract can only II. RECISSIBLE CONTRACTS
bind the parties who had entered into it or their successors who have assumed
their personality or their juridical position, and that, as a consequence, sich Article 1191. The power to rescind obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in
contract can neither favor nor prejudice a third person. Thus, Art. 1311, NCC case one of the obligors should not comply with what is incumbent upon him.
declares that contract takes effect only between the parties, their assigns and
heirs. The injured party may choose between the fulfillment and the rescission of the
There are however, 4 exceptional cases where a contract may either favor obligation, with the payment of damages in either case. He may also seek
or prejudice a third person. They are: rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter should become
The court shall decree the rescission claimed, unless there be just cause authorizing In the case if Simon v. Adamos, a complaint for specific performance of
the fixing of a period. the sale of two lots was brought against the defendant in 1963, and judgment was
rendered in his favor in 1964. However, in another case, the previous sale of said
This is understood to be without prejudice to the rights of third persons who have lots to the defendant by his vendor was annulled on May 3, 1967. Because
acquired the thing, in accordance with articles 1385 and 1388 and the Mortgage fulfillment of his contract became impossible, the plaintiff filed another case for
Law. (1124) recession of the sale to him by the defendant in August 16, 1968. The period of 4
yrs for recission was counted from the finality of the judgment for annulment under
Article 1192. In case both parties have committed a breach of the obligation, the Article 1191.
liability of the first infractor shall be equitably tempered by the courts. If it cannot
be determined which of the parties first violated the contract, the same shall be Article 1387. All contracts by virtue of which the debtor alienates property by
deemed extinguished, and each shall bear his own damages. (n) gratuitous title are presumed to have been entered into in fraud of creditors, when
the donor did not reserve sufficient property to pay all debts contracted before the
In the case of Central Bank v. CA, a loan of P80,000 secured by mortgage donation.
was granted in 1965. In 1968, it became legally impossible for the bank to release
the entire loan as it become insolvent. It was able to release only P17,000, When Alienations by onerous title are also presumed fraudulent when made by persons
the debtor failed to pay the loan, the mortgage was foreclosed. As the land against whom some judgment has been rendered in any instance or some writ of
mortgaged measured 100 hectares, the area was proportionately reduced and only attachment has been issued. The decision or attachment need not refer to the
21.25 hectares of the mortgaged property can be foreclosed. Both committed a property alienated, and need not have been obtained by the party seeking the
breach of contract, and the debtor cannot ask for recission as he failed to pay the rescission.
loan. The mortgage on 78.75 hectares of the land must be released.
In addition to these presumptions, the design to defraud creditors may be proved in
Central Bank v. CA, 139 SCRA 46 any other manner recognized by the law of evidence. (1297a)
Where the bank approved a loan for P80,000 but was able to deliver only
P17,000, it is in default for P63,000 to the borrower. When Island Savings Bank Simon v. Adamos, 152 SCRA 459
and Sulpicio Tolentino entered into an P80,000 loan agreement on Aptol 18, 1965, Actions, Obligations; Prescription; Contracts; Action for recission may still be
they undertook reciprocal obligations. In reciprocal obligations, the obligation or filed after action for specific performance though successfully granted has
promise of each party os the consideration for that of the other; and when one become impossible for realization – Article 1191 of the CC provides that the
party has performed or is ready and willing to perform his part of the contract, the injured party may also seek rescission if the fulfillment should become impossible.
other party who has not performed or is not ready and willing to perform incurs in The cause of action to clai rescission arises when teh filfillment of the obligation
delay. became impossible when the Court of First Instance of QC declares the sale of the
The fact that the creditor is incsolvent or was stopped by the Central Bank from land to defendants a complete nullity and ordered the cancellation of the CTC
granting further loans is no defense to its fulfillment to extend the loan applied issued on them. Since the two lots sold to plaintiff by defendants form part of the
for and approved by it to the full amount. – The Monetary Board Resolution land involved in Civil Case, it became impossible for defendant to secure and
cannot interrupt the default of the Island Savings Bank in complying with its deliver the titles to and the possession of the lors to plaintiff. But plaintiff had to
obligation of releasing the P63,000 balance, because said resolution merely wait for the finality of the decision.
prohibited the Bank from making new loans and investments, and nowhere did it
prohibit Island Savings Bank from releasing the balance of the loan agreements The prescriptive period for filling an action for recsission is 4 years counted from
previously contracted. Besides, the mere pecuniary inability to fulfill an the time judgment on prior action for specific performance, which has become
engagement does not discharge the obligation of the contract, nor does it constitute impossible to execute becomes final.
any defense to a decree of specific performance. And, the mere fact of insolvency of
a debtor is never an excuse for the non fulfillment of an obligation but instead it is In the case of Dilag v. IAC, a fishpond was sold by the sps. In favor of
taken as a breach of the contract by him. their children in 1973 after the filing of a civil case for damages against them. The
land consisted of 21 hectares and was mortgaged to DBP. The children were not in 1. That the plaintiff asking for rescission has a credit prior to the alienation,
possession of the land. The fishpond was leased by the parent to another in 1979. although demandable later;
The decision in the civil case became final onf Oct. 24, 1979. At the time of the 2. That the debtor has made a subsequent contract conveying a patrimonial
levy, the spouses was still the refistered owner. The above circumstances show that benefit to a third person;
the sale was simulated and fictitious and was done in fraud of creditors. 3. That the creditor has no other legal remedy to satisfy his claim, but would
benefit by rescission of the conveyance to the third person;
Redemption; Where petitioners failed to avail themselves of their rights as 4. That the act being impugned is fraudulent;
registered owners to redeem their property from the buyer in the sale by public 5. That the third person who received the property conveyed, if by onerous
auction within the period provided for by law, their claim as valid and legal title, has been an accomplice in the fraud.
owners of the lot by virtue of the deed of sale executed in their favor cannot
prosper. Same; Same; Same; Same; An accion pauliana then presupposes the following:
1. a judgment
In the case of Khe v. CA, a cargo vessel owned by petitioner sank in 1985, 2. the issuance by the trial court of a writ of execution for the satisfaction of
and its cargo was lost. On Dec. 20, 1989 petitioner donated all his properties to his the judgment; and
children. The insurance company paid the cargo owner and filed an action against 3. the failure of the sheriff to enforce and satisfy the judgment of the court
the ship owner for the recovery of the said amount. Judgment against the petitioner It requires that the creditor has exhausted the property of the debtor.
was rendered in Dec. 1993. A writ of execution was issued, but no property of the
petitioner could be located. The insurance company learned of the donation only on III. UNENFORCEABLE CONTRACTS – Articles 1403-8, 1317
Feb. 25, 1997 and immediately filed the action for recission of the donation.
Article 1403. The following contracts are unenforceable, unless they are
Actions; Rescissions; Accion Pauliana; Obligations and Contracts; Prescription; ratified:
Since Article 1389b, NCC is silent as to when the prescriptive period would
commence, the general rule i.e., from the moment the cause of action accrues, Those entered into in the name of another person by one who has been
therefore applies – Article 1389 of the Civil Code simply provides that, “The action given no authority or legal representation, or who has acted beyond his
to claim rescission must be commenced within 4 years.” Since the provision is powers;
silent as to when the prescriptive period would commence, the general rule, i.e.,
from the moment the cause of action accrues, therefore applies. Article 1150 of the Those that do not comply with the Statute of Frauds as set forth in this
CC, is particularly instructive: Art. 1150. The time for prescription for all kinds of number. In the following cases an agreement hereafter made shall be
actions, when there is no special provision which ordains otherwise, shall be unenforceable by action, unless the same, or some note or memorandum,
counted from the day they may be brought. Indeed, this Court enunciated the thereof, be in writing, and subscribed by the party charged, or by his
principle that it is the legal possibility of bringing the action which determines the agent; evidence, therefore, of the agreement cannot be received without
starting point for the computation of the prescriptive period for the action. the writing, or a secondary evidence of its contents:

Same; Requisites; An action to rescind or an accion pauliana must be of last resort,  An agreement that by its terms is not to be performed within a year
availed of only after all other legal remedies have been exhausted and have been from the making thereof;
proven futile – Article 1383 of the Civil Code provides as follows: Art. 1383, an
action for rescission is subsidiary; it cannot be instituted except when the party  A special promise to answer for the debt, default, or miscarriage of
suffering damage has no other legal means to obtain reparation for the same. It is another;
thus apparent that an action to rescind or an accion pauliana must be of last
resort; availed of only after all other legal remedies have been exhausted and have  An agreement made in consideration of marriage, other than a mutual
been proven futile. For an accion pauliana to accrue, the following requisites must promise to marry;
 An agreement for the sale of goods, chattels or things in action, at a A contract entered into in the name of another by one who has no
price not less than five hundred pesos, unless the buyer accept and authority or legal representation, or who has acted beyond his powers,
receive part of such goods and chattels, or the evidences, or some of shall be unenforceable, unless it is ratified, expressly or impliedly, by the
them, of such things in action or pay at the time some part of the person on whose behalf it has been executed, before it is revoked by the
purchase money; but when a sale is made by auction and entry is made other contracting party. (1259a)
by the auctioneer in his sales book, at the time of the sale, of the
amount and kind of property sold, terms of sale, price, names of the
purchasers and person on whose account the sale is made, it is a V. VOIDABLE CONTRACTS –Articles 1390 - 1402
sufficient memorandum;
Article 1390. The following contracts are voidable or annullable, even
 An agreement for the leasing for a longer period than one year, or for though there may have been no damage to the contracting parties:
the sale of real property or of an interest therein;
1. Those where one of the parties is incapable of giving consent to a
( f ) A representation as to the credit of a third person. contract;

(3) Those where both parties are incapable of giving consent to a contract. 2. Those where the consent is vitiated by mistake, violence, intimidation,
undue influence or fraud.
Article 1404. Unauthorized contracts are governed by article 1317 and the
principles of agency in Title X of this Book. 3. These contracts are binding, unless they are annulled by a proper
action in court. They are susceptible of ratification. (n)
Article 1405. Contracts infringing the Statute of Frauds, referred to in No.
2 of article 1403, are ratified by the failure to object to the presentation of Article 1402. As long as one of the contracting parties does not restore
oral evidence to prove the same, or by the acceptance of benefit under what in virtue of the decree of annulment he is bound to return, the other
them. cannot be compelled to comply with what is incumbent upon him. (1308)

Article 1406. When a contract is enforceable under the Statute of Frauds, V. VOID OR INEXISTENT CONTRACTS – Articles 1409 - 1422
and a public document is necessary for its registration in the Registry of
Deeds, the parties may avail themselves of the right under Article 1357. Article 1409. The following contracts are inexistent and void from the
Article 1407. In a contract where both parties are incapable of giving
consent, express or implied ratification by the parent, or guardian, as the 1. Those whose cause, object or purpose is contrary to law, morals, good
case may be, of one of the contracting parties shall give the contract the customs, public order or public policy;
same effect as if only one of them were incapacitated.
2. Those which are absolutely simulated or fictitious;
If ratification is made by the parents or guardians, as the case may be, of
both contracting parties, the contract shall be validated from the inception. 3. Those whose cause or object did not exist at the time of the
Article 1408. Unenforceable contracts cannot be assailed by third persons.
4. Those whose object is outside the commerce of men;
Article 1317. No one may contract in the name of another without being
authorized by the latter, or unless he has by law a right to represent him. 5. Those which contemplate an impossible service;
6. Those where the intention of the parties relative to the principal object thereunder was to help save one of the defendants from a criminal case. Particular
of the contract cannot be ascertained; motives of the parties in entering into a contract are different from the cause
thereof (Article 1351, NCC).
7. Those expressly prohibited or declared void by law. Cause is the essential reason which moves the contracting parties to enter
into the contract (General Enterprises, Inc. vs Lianga Bay, Aug. 31 1964). It is the
These contracts cannot be ratified. Neither can the right to set up the defense of immediate, direct and proximate reason, which justifies the creation of an
illegality be waived. obligation through the will of the contracting parties. In the case at bar the cause
of the agreement was the existing account of one of the defendants with appellee. It
1410. The action or defense for the declaration of the inexistence of a contract does was mere liberality or gratuitousness that moved appellant to oblige himself
not prescribe. severally with the said defendant.

In the case of Rodriguez v. Rodriguez, the wife sold her paraphernal In the case Menil v. CA, 84 SCRA 413 a lot acquired through homestead
property consisting of 2 fishponds to her daughter for P2,500.00 on January 24, patent was sold to the defendant within the 5 year prohibitive period. After the
1934, who transferred said property three days after to her mother and stepfather. lapse of said period, a secod sale was executed by the grantee in favor of the
The stepfather died in March 1953. In 1962, the widow brought an action agianst defendant for the same prive. The sale was registered one year after. Two year
the children of the second husband for the annulment of said sale. The Supreme after, the grantee of the homestead borught an action to queit title.
Court held that, the transfer was intended to circumvent the prohibition of The Supreme Court ordered reconveyance on the theory that the policy of
donations between spouses, and therefore was executed for an illegal purpose. The the Public Land Law is to preserve and keep in the family of the homesteader what
court applied the doctrine of pari delicto non oritur accion. the givernment gave them. This is in accordance with the provisions of Article
1416, NCC. To the effect that when the agreement is not illegal per se but is merely
Same; Annulment of contract on the ground of intimidation; Prescription; Time prohibited, and the prohibition by law is designed for the protection of the plaintiff,
within which action should be brought; Estoppel – An action to annul a contract he may, if public policy is thereby enhanced, recover what he has paid or delivered.
on the ground of duress which is a mere vice or defect of consent must be brought Same; Simulated contracts; The second contract of sale for the same
within 4 years after it ahd ceased. Where the intimidation ceased 28 years before homestead in favor of the same vendee for the same price is ample manifestations
the action for annulment was filed and nine years had passed after the person, wh that the second sale is simulated and that no object or consideration in the second
allegedly employed intimidation had died, the action has prescribed. contract of sale has passed between the parties.

Same; Simulated Contracts; Characteristics of simulation In the case of United Gen. Industries v. Paler, 112 SCRA 404, the
The characteristics of simulation is the fact that the apparent contract is not really mortgager of a chattel mortgage sold the property without the consent of the
desired or intended to produce legal effects or in any way alter the juridical mortgagee and was charged of estafa. Because of a promissory note executed with
situation of the parties. Thus, where a person in order to place his property beyond the defendant as accomodation maker, the information was dropped. The Supreme
the reach of his creditors, simulates a transfer of it to another, he does not really Court held that the agreement was to stifle prosecution and is contrary to public
intend to divest himself of his title and control of the property; hence the deed of policy. Public Policy was later changed, allowing minor criminal offenses to be
transfer is but a sham. compromised on the barangay level.
In the case of Basic Books v. Lopez where an agent failed to account for his sales
and was charged of estafa, a third person bound himself severally with the agent to In the case of Marin v. Adel, an agreement was entered in 1963 between
pay his obligation in order to avoid criminal liability. The court distinguished the heirs of different decedents exchanging what they would inherit located in
motive, from cause, stating that cause is the immediate, direct and proximate reason different provinces. However, one party could not comply with her agreement
which justified the creation of an obligation. because she assigned her hereditary rights to her sister. When the other party sought
to rescind their agreement in 1976, the Supreme Court, after finding that the
Basic Books v. Lopez, 16 SCRA 291 intention of the parties cannot be definitely ascertained because the exchange was
Obligations and contracts; Motive is different from cause; The agreement cannot in anticipation of a declaration of their rights to properties, and yet it was stipulated
be declared void merely because appellant’s motive in assuming obligation that the other party may take possession of certain properties upon the execution of
the agreement, held that the contract is void and the action to declare it void does Actions or defense for the declaration of inexistence of a contract does not
not prescribe. prescribe – The fact that the alleged sale took place in 1950 and the action to have
it declared void or inexistent was filed in 1963 is immaterial. The action or defense
Same; Prescription; Rescissory action treated as an action to declare void the for the declaration of the inexistence of a contract does not prescribe (Art. 1410,
deed of exchange; An action to declare the inexistence of a contract does not CC)
In the case of Cabral v. Court of appeals, a registered land belong to the
plaintiff was sold by a forger in 1948 to another. An information for falsification Article 1307. Innominate contracts shall be regulated by the stipulations
was filed against the forger in 1974. The crime has prescribed. An action was filed of the parties, by the provisions of Titles I and II of this Book, by the rules
by the owner on May 2, 1974 to nullify the title of the vendee. The supreme court governing the most analogous nominate contracts, and by the customs of
held that an action to declare void the deed of sale is imprescribtible, and is not a the place. (n)
bar to a civil action under Article 1410.
The case of Dizon v. Gaborro, involved an innominate contract where the
In the case of Yanas v. Acaylan, a deed of sale consisting of 13 hectares legal right of redemption an execution sale was sold to another by the judgment
was sold by a forger in 1950 for P200.00 in English by an illeterate Subano in debtor, who was given by his vendee the right to redeem the property from him.
Zamboanga del Norte, approved by the Governor 3 years later and registered 3
years later. The deed was thumbmarked by the alleged venfor who occupied the Dizon v. Gaborro, 83 SCRA 688
land from 1946 up to his death in 1970. The actio to declare the sale void was Innominate Contracts; Where petitioner and respondent agreed “to give and to
brought in 1963. The Supreme Court held that the action is imprescribtible. do” certain rights and obligations respecting the land and mortgage debts of
petitioner, but partaking the nature of antichresis, the agreement enetered into is
Yanas v. Acaylan, 136 SCRA 52 an innominate contract. – In view of all these considerations, the law and
Civil Law; Sales; Badges of fraud and fictitiousness; Case at bar. – We hold that jurisprudence, and the facts established, we find that the agreement between
the sale was fictitious and fraudulent. Among the badges of fraud and fictitiousness petitioner Dizon and respondent Gaborro is one of those innominate contracts
taken collectively are the following: under Art. 1307 of the NCC whereby petitioner and respondent agreed “to give and
1. The fact that the sale is in English, the alleged vendor being illiterate; to do” certain rights and obligations respecting the lands and the mortgages debts
2. The fact that his wife did not join in the sale and that her name is of petitioner which would be acceptable to the bank, but partaking the nature of
indicated in the deed as “Maria S. Yanas” when the truth is that her antichresis insofar as the principal parties, petitioner and respondent are
correct name is Maria Aglimot Yanas; concerned.
3. the obvious inadequacy of the price for a 13 hectare land;
4. the notarization of the sale on the day following the alleged thumbmarking
of the document;
5. the failure to state the boundaries of the lot sold
6. the fact that the governor approved it more than 2 years after the alleged
7. its registration more than 3 years later, and

the fact that the Acaylars were able to occupy only four hectares out of the 13
hectares and were eventually forcibly ousted threfrom by the children and
agents of the vendor. It was not a fair and regular transaction done in the
ordinary course of business.

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