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Principles and Practices

The Catolohan Elementary School discourages the use of corporal punishments

to the learners. Therefore, the school is fully committed to the following key principles
and practices in protecting the child.

Catolohan ES promotes a positive school culture and climate which is welcoming

of diversity and differences among learners and is based on inclusivity; encourages the
learners, teachers and parents to instil the proper way on how to discipline a child
abiding the Child Protection Policy. This positive school culture and climate is achieved

1. effective role modelling and leadership among the school head, teachers and
2. school-wide approach in learners code of conduct
3. implementation of education and prevention strategies that build empathy,
respect and resilience in pupils in accordance to the Child Protection Policy.
4. effective supervision and monitoring of students by teachers and parents;
5. full support for staff through training, monitoring and reward;
6. on-going monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of Child Protection


1. The Catolohan Elementary School promotes a friendly social norm of the entire
school environment to prevent learners from bullying their peers and have the
patience, and depth of understanding about bullying and compassion and
empathy for the victims of bullying.

2. The teachers in Catolohan Es should be trained and retrained on how to detect

bullies and bullying victims as well a appropriate and proactive interventions and

3. Wholesome and fun-filled activities should be organized within the classroom and
in the school to strengthen friendship and brotherhood among learners.

4. The officers of the Parent-Teachers Association, Guidance Counselor and

teachers shall comprise the Anti-bullying advisory coordinating team. They
should work closely with parents and children who are suspected bullies and
those who are suspected bullies and those who are victims of bullying.
Consistent individual interventions for both bullies and victims shall be
implemented in accordance with the recommendations of the coordinating team.
5. Learners who are proven to be bullies shall be given more love and should be
regularly practiced to instil and enhance their values of love and respect for
human dignity.

6. Homeroom period and ESP classes shall be the avenues for giving constant
reminders about anti-bullying campaign promoting love, God-filled friendship and
respect for fellow beings.

The office of the Principal shall be conducting regular Monitoring and

Supervision of the Anti-Bullying Campaign including its success, stories,
needs and rewards for a zero incident of bullying in the classroom and in



Bullying is the unwanted negative behaviour, verbal, psychological, or physical

conducted, by an individual or group against another person or people and which
repeated overtime.

Principles and Practices

The Catolohan Elementary School recognizes the very serious nature of bullying
and the negative impact that it can have on the lives of the learners. Therefore, the
school is fully committed to the following key principles and practices in preventing and
tackling bullying behaviour.

Catolohan ES promotes a positive school culture and climate which is welcoming

of diversity and differences among learners and is based on inclusivity; encourages
pupils to disclose and discuss incidents of bullying behaviour in a non-threatening
environment; and promotes respectful relationships across the school community.

This positive school culture and climate is achieved through:

7. effective role modelling and leadership among the school head, teachers and
8. school-wide approach in bullying prevention
9. shared understanding of what bullying is and its impact
10. implementation of education and prevention strategies that build empathy,
respect and resilience in pupils; and explicitly address the issues of cyber-
bullying and identify-based bullying;
11. effective supervision and monitoring of students by teachers and parents;
12. full support for staff through training, monitoring and reward;
13. on-going monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the anti-bullying


7. The Catolohan Elementary School promotes a friendly social norm of the entire
school environment to prevent learners from bullying their peers and have the
patience, and depth of understanding about bullying and compassion and
empathy for the victims of bullying.

8. The teachers in Catolohan Es should be trained and retrained on how to detect

bullies and bullying victims as well a appropriate and proactive interventions and

9. Wholesome and fun-filled activities should be organized within the classroom and
in the school to strengthen friendship and brotherhood among learners.

10. The officers of the Parent-Teachers Association, Guidance Counselor and

teachers shall comprise the Anti-bullying advisory coordinating team. They
should work closely with parents and children who are suspected bullies and
those who are suspected bullies and those who are victims of bullying.
Consistent individual interventions for both bullies and victims shall be
implemented in accordance with the recommendations of the coordinating team.

11. Learners who are proven to be bullies shall be given more love and should be
regularly practiced to instil and enhance their values of love and respect for
human dignity.

12. Homeroom period and ESP classes shall be the avenues for giving constant
reminders about anti-bullying campaign promoting love, God-filled friendship and
respect for fellow beings.

13. The office of the Principal shall be conducting regular Monitoring and Supervision
of the Anti-Bullying Campaign including its success, stories, needs and rewards
for a zero incident of bullying in the classroom and in school.


Catolohan ES is committed to develop, promote and maintain a school culture

and climate that fosters love, understanding, harmony, honesty, integrity, discipline and
respect for human dignity.

To realize and model this commitment, the Catolohan ES community members


1. Observe courtesies and classroom routines that promote respect and positive
2. Promote positive and constructive behaviour management, modification, and
interventions for learners.
3. Model respectful behaviours to ll the members of the school community at all
4. Explicitly teach learners what respectful language and respectful behaviours
looks like, acts like, sounds like and feels like in class and around the school.
5. Consistently disallow the use of discriminatory and derogatory language in
school-this includes homophobic and racist language and language that is
belittling of learners with disability.
6. Have a system of encouragement and rewards to promote desired behaviour
and compliance with the school rules and routines.
7. Explicitly teach learners about the appropriate use of social media.
8. Actively engage the officers and members of the Parents-Teachers’
Association in awareness raising campaigns around social media.
9. Actively promote the right of every member of the school community to be
safe and secure in school.
10. Support the establishment and work of SPG officers and members of the
student organizations.



Members of the Catolohan ES Anti-bullying Coordinating Team adhere to the

following duties and responsibilities

1. Formally adopt the anti-bullying policy of the school.

2. Disseminate the policy to the parents, learners and provide a copy to the
3. Ensure the policy is available to the school staff.
4. Familiarize the policy and procedures to enable them effectively and
consistently apply the policy in their day to day endeavours.
5. Ensure that the policy is adequately communicated to all students.
6. Document the prevention and education strategies that the school applies.
7. Record and deal with incidents in accordance with the policy.
8. Discuss how will the school is handling all reports of bullying including those
addressed at an early stage.
9. Receive complaints from parents regarding the school’s handling of bullying
10. Make data available of the cases reported to the Principal using the form on
bullying incidents in school.
11. Analyze and identify any issues trends or patterns in bullying.

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