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Guided Visualization Teaching Plan

Name: Rylee Osterberg

Title of activity: Guided Imagination Script: Scenes From A Forest

In this activity you will create and lead a guided imagination exercise to a small group of students.

 Plan on about 8-10 minutes of the actual activity. Your script needs to have enough material to
last this long but not so much that you rush through the script. Provide enough detail in your
script that anyone could pick it up and lead the activity. Include pauses and cues for delivery of
the imaginative journey.

 Plan on about 2 minutes for introducing the activity (i.e., explaining the objectives, setting up
the participants in the activity space, establishing rapport by introducing yourself and how/why
you use this guided activity).

 Plan for 2 minutes to conclude the activity by assessing whether you met your objectives (e.g.,
How will you know if your classmates achieved the objectives you set for them? What will they
know and be able to do?).

1. Objectives

As a result of participation in this activity, the participant will (know and do):

a. Visualize a forest scene in order to promote positive and relaxing thoughts

b. Practice both thoracic and diaphragmatic breathing in order to relax the entire body

2. Activity Plan

a. Materials and equipment needed (list)

a. Blanket, phone to play soft music

b. Write and copy and paste your guided meditation script on this document. 2 pages doubled
spaced usually gives enough content for a meaningful experience.

c. Environment setup (how you will set up the activity space)

a. I will place the blanket on the floor, and my partner will lay flat on their back with
their feet on the ground, palms up
d. Step-by-step instructions for the activity (with approximate times noted).

a. Introduction – setting up the space, finding my music, having my partner find a

comfortable position on the floor – 2 minutes

b. Delivery – Guided imagination script delivery – 7 minutes

c. Reflection – Conclusion and assessment to whether the objectives were met

e. How will you evaluate whether the participants achieved the learning objectives?

a. I will watch them throughout the activity to monitor their breathing, and I will ask
them what they thought of the activity afterwards to get an opinion on how well they
thought I delivered the script and how relaxing it was.

3. Reflection (after the activity)

What went well? What would you change to better facilitate this activity? Use your own observations,
participant feedback, and feedback from instructor.
Guided Meditation: Scenes From a Forest

Lie on the floor on your back and shift around until you find a comfortable position.
Close your eyes. Place your arms at your sides with your palms facing up.

Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale deeply through your mouth. Relax
your jaw. Continue deep breathing as you find your comfortable position.

Let your muscles become loose and relaxed, focusing first with your feet...

Then your ankles....lower legs....knees.... upper legs.... abdomen ..... spine… upper
back....shoulders....arms.... hands....face....and finally your forehead.

Feel your body....loose and relaxed.....

As your thoughts wander, simply return your attention to your breathing.

Notice your breath as it flows gently in and out of your body.... Without any effort....

Allow yourself to relax as you begin to create a picture in your mind.

Imagine yourself walking a path at the edge of a forest. The path is clear and easy to
follow, so you step inside. The trees are a brilliant green and you take a deep breath in
through your nose, filling your lungs completely. You exhale completely, feeling

You continue breathing deeply as you walk, and can smell the pine and the earth under
your feet as you walk slowly down the path.

Every now and then you feel the warmth of the sunshine on your face as you continue
farther into the forest. Take another deep breath in, enjoying the scent of the forest
around you.

All around you hear leaves rustling and birds chirping, the soft crunch of twigs and
leaves under your feet is steady as you walk down the path. Off in the distance, you can
see an opening in the forest.

You walk towards it until you reach what appears to be a small meadow surrounded by
trees. The meadow is filled with grasses and small patches of purple and pink flowers.
You take a deep breath in, and the air smells sweet.

The path continues on to encircle the meadow, so you continue to take deep breaths and
walk in the sunshine to see where it leads.
As you survey the clearing, you can see insects and butterflies flying from plant to plant.
The sun is shining bright and you hear cicadas are humming in the distance. You look
up to see a beautiful blue sky with a couple of white fluffy clouds. The wildflowers blow
gently in the breeze, and you feel at peace with your surroundings.

The path is drawing near to another entrance back into the forest. As you draw near it,
you can hear the sound of a stream nearby. You step back into the forest and walk
towards the direction of the trickling water. The sunlight filters through the trees, and
the dappled pattern moves as the breeze picks up.

You continue walking until you see a small wooden bridge ahead of you. It is sturdy
beneath your feet as you walk across to the other side of the stream. The path winds
along next to the stream, so you follow the it and listen to the soft, steady trickle of

A deer quietly emerges from the trees on the opposite side of the stream and you pause
to watch her. She quietly makes her way to the bank of the stream to take a drink. As she
looks up, she spots you, and pauses in her tracks to sniff in your direction. You continue
walking on the path, and she turns around and slowly wanders back into the woods.

As you walk farther down the path, there is a large, flat rock in a patch of sunlight next
to the stream. You decide to sit and pause to relax, taking a deep breath in and exhaling
slowly. The rock is just big enough for you to lay down on, and you sun yourself and
continue taking deep breaths. The sound of the forest and stream surrounds you, and
your body becomes very warm and heavy.

You continue to breathe the clean, fresh air.

Feel the warm sun and light breeze on your skin.

Smell the damp earth, grass, and pine trees all around you.

You feel comfortable and safe here.

Take one final deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Know
that you can return here whenever you would like.

When you feel ready to leave this place, slowly start to wiggle the tips of your fingers and
toes, and work your way up the body. Slowly open your eyes, take a stretch if you need

Carry the feelings of peace and relaxation with you as you go.
Rubric – Guided Imagination Activity

The instructor and participants (peers) assess how the student led this activity. Rate each item on a scale
of 1 to 5 as follows:

5 = Exemplary (really successful!)

4 = Successful

3 = Somewhat successful

2 = Attempted but did not accomplish

1 = Did not attempt

Voice, pace, and language used in script 5 4 3 2 1

Script has clarity/depth of images and directions along with creating a rich 5 4 3 2 1
and varied sensory experience

Clear introduction of objectives of the activity including what the activity is 5 4 3 2 1

and the benefits of participation

Eye contact and rapport established 5 4 3 2 1

Follow-through on objectives 5 4 3 2 1

Reflection: Provide some subjective feedback about the activity.

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