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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan

Living Vs. Non-Living

Madison Scheiner
Kindergarten/ Science
Common Core Standards:

● Physical and behavioral traits of living and non-living things

● What is the difference between Living & Non-living things?

Lesson Summary:
The lesson entails introducing to the students what makes something living and what makes
something non-living. I will start off with a hook to pull them. Talk about the differences by
having physical examples and having a short video that goes more in depth that has pictures.
After I will give them worksheets and break into groups.

Estimated Duration:
This lesson will take about 110 minutes. I will have it split into two days and around 50 minutes
every day. They will not be sitting still the whole time. Every day they will spend about 20
minutes on a specific activity and then we will start another thing. The remaining 10 minutes will
be used to talk about the homework assignment and then the following day used to go over the
homework assignment.

Commentary: ​My approach to the lesson is more hands-on because I think that with the
students it will register better if they can physically see things. But, I am going to include
technology in a few parts to make the assignments more fun. I could see understanding the
properties of living things a little challenging but, I am hoping that if I go slow enough and
practice with them enough they will not be as confused.
Instructional Procedures: (This will be one of the most detailed sections of this
Previous day:
30 minutes: Pre-assessment- Hand out pre-assessment with glue sticks and scissors. Explain
which side of the paper is living and which side is non-living and have them cut out the pictures
of the objects and glue them on which side they belong.

Day 1:
First 10-15 minutes: Introduction/Hook - I will start off being asking the students if they know
what a living creature is. Let them answer a few and then again ask if any students have any
pets. Then go into the explanation that their pets are living because, they sleep, eat, breath, etc.
15 minutes: Youtube video- I will then turn on a video on youtube that breaks down the basics
that explain the differences between living and non-living. After the video concludes I will have
students talk at their small tables about what they saw in the video and what they found
interesting. I will have then have students share what they thought was important and
interesting.​ ​
20 minutes: Stations- Put them in groups of two and have them go around the room and go to
the 5 different stations and look at the item and go through a checklist that is pictures and check
off what that object can or cannot do i.e (eat, sleep, ever have babies, breath, etc.).
10 minutes: Go over homework- this is when I give the homework assignments to the students
and explain they will be going home and taking pictures on their ipads of living and non-living
things. I have a paper that explains what I told them and they are to give it to their parents so
they can help.

Day 2:
First 20 minutes: Homework- Have the students get out their Ipads and talk to their tables about
the cool pictures they took of living and non-living things around their house. Let them do that
for 5-10 minutes and then go around the room and let each student say their favorite picture
they took.
5-10 minutes: Have physical things and pictures and talk to the students again about living and
non-living things and the properties of each. Have students answer which is which.
15 minutes: Assign the post-assessment - meet with each student so they can choose what
object they want to do. I explain to them that they can either bring in the physical object and if
they cannot do that they have to draw the object. Once the due dates arrive they are to talk
about it to the whole class and tell us the properties they either make it living or not.

For the Pre-Assessment I am going to do a little “quiz” in a way that would not be a normal quiz.
I am going to make a worksheet that is split into two tables. One labeled living and one labeled
non-living and obviously I would tell them which side is which maybe color code each side since
in kindergarten you may not be able to read. Then I will have pictures of living and non-living
things like animals, rocks, flowers, etc. and tell them to cut the pictures out and glue the pictures
on which side they should go on. Then I will collect the worksheets.

Scoring Guidelines:
My scoring guidelines are not that complicated I am going to collect the pre-assessment and get
the score of how many they got right for each student. Then I would find the average out of all
the students so that I could gage the whole classes progression as well as individually.

For my post assessment, I am going to have the students choose either a non-living or living
thing and talk about it to the whole class. Either they can bring in the item or draw a picture. I
want students to be able to come up and list the reasons why their object is either alive or not.
They should be able to list the 5 traits it has that makes it either or.

Scoring Guidelines:
I am going to score this by how well the student is able to talk about/ list the reasonings for his
item whether it is alive or not. The goal is for them to be able to talk about the things we learned
earlier in the week. This will help me cage where each individual student is at.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted
or accelerated students:​ I can make the pre and post assessments harder. I made them for the
majority of students that could need read at this grade level but I could give them quizzes that
have writing on it to challenge their reading skills. Even could give them grade level above them
books that talk about living things that they can read at home and answer questions about them

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling
with the material:​ I could work with students one on one when students break off into groups.
Instead of having them partner up I can pull the students that are struggling to the kidney bean
table and have more physical examples to go over. As well as that I can make them flashcards
and have their parents go over them as homework as well as the normal assignment.


This website is a fun interactive website that not only has fun living and non-living games where
they click on the things they see in a picture that is non-living and living. But, it also has author
information about the topic we covered in class that will speak to you. This website could also
be a fun tool for other topics and lessons in the future since it covers a ton of other topics.
Homework Options and Home Connections
My homework assessment is going to be technology based. I will explain to students I want
them to go home and use their Ipads to take pictures of things around their house that are
considered living and non-living based on what we learned in class that day. Though this might
be tricky for some students I am sending home the assignment on a piece of paper they would
share with their parents. They could go around the house and take pictures of the tv, a house
plant, their dog, just things that they could easily find. In class the next day we will go around
and talk about what they found. In small groups and then with the whole class.

Interdisciplinary Connections
● Art
○ The way I can include art with this is by allowing students to use scissors and
glue sticks with the pre-assessment. Another example with this is they can use
their creativity if they choose when it comes to the final project. They are allowed
to draw the non-living or living item of their choice.
● History
○ I could include this about talking about animals that are extinct by explaining that
at one point these animals were alive but, as time went on the whole population
of animals was wiped out and now they are non-living because they do not eat,
breath, or have children.
​Materials and Resources:

Teacher Smartboard, worksheet for pre-assessment, youtube video, rocks, flower,

laminated pictures of animals, hula hoops, Living and non-living card,
post-assessment quiz, google account,

Students Ipad for a homework assignment, scissors for pre-assessment, glue stick,
pre-assessment worksheet, post-assessment matching worksheet

Key Vocabulary
Living, Non-living, Reproduce, breathe

Additional Notes
**Links I used that are not mine**
Includes extra website for kids to go to, youtube video I am using, and where I found the

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