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Printed Pages—3 MBA042

(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book)

PAPER ID : 270404 Roll No.


Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Note :– (1) Attempt all the questions.
(2) The marks are indicated on right hand margin.
1. Attempt any four of the following : (5×4=20)
(a) Write in detail about provisions for investor protection in
(b) Explain the contribution of Ramayana in promoting ethics
in management.
(c) Explain how corporate social responsibility is related to
corporate governance.
(d) What do you mean by benchmarking ? Explain the process
of benchmarking.
(e) What do you mean by joint ventures ? What are the benefits
and limitations of joint ventures ?
(f) What is the role of ethics in brand building and promotion ?

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2. Attempt any two parts of the following : (10×2=20) (c) What is the role of information technology in the
(a) What do you mean by corporate governance ? What is economic and social welfare in India ? Explain ethics
combined code of practice used to monitor corporate in technology.
governance ? 5. Attempt any two parts of the following : (10×2=20)
(b) What are the levels of governance structure of an (a) What do you mean by globalization ? Explain the benefits
organization ? What is the role of board of directors in and limitations of globalization in India.
promoting healthy corporate governance climate ?
(b) Explain the concept of TQM ? What are the steps
(c) Explain the global view of corporate governance. How necessary to implement TQM ? Why is TQM important
can corporate governance be related to the countries for an organization ?
in which a company operates ?
(c) What are the supply chain management problems that
3. Attempt any two parts of the following : (10×2=20) mangers should note to smoothen the distribution process ?
(a) Describe the Indian value system and the impact of Explain the supply chain of an FMCG corporation.
GITA in management.
(b) Explain the meaning and characteristics of values. What
are the different types of values ? How can an
organization build its value system ?
(c) Stress management is an important aspect of any
organization. Explain the contribution of BIBLE in
promoting ethics in management ?
4. Attempt any two parts of the following : (10×2=20)
(a) Is there an alternative model to capitalism that can
enhance social justice and global welfare ? Give the
argument for and against capitalism.
(b) Explain insider trading and describe how Ethics in finance
helps in promoting fund raising capabilities of companies ?

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