Control Volume Analysis Week - 3 - : Dastan Khalid

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Control volume analysis

Week - 3 -
Control volume analysis
•In all our previous examples and analysis we have considered closed systems.
•As such, there were no mass exchange between the system and the surrounding.
•using the conservation of mass

mass rate
Control volume analysis
An expression for the mass flow rate 𝑚ሶ of the  The volume of the matter crossing 𝑑𝐴 during the
matter entering or exiting a control volume
can be obtained in terms of local properties time interval ∆𝑡 shown in the figure is an oblique
cylinder with a volume equal to the product of the
We do this by considering a small quantity of area of its base 𝑑𝐴 and its altitude 𝑉𝑛 ∆𝑡 .
matter flowing with velocity 𝑉 across an  Multiplying by the density gives the amount of mass
incremental area 𝑑𝐴 in a time interval ∆𝑡 that crosses 𝑑𝐴 in time ∆𝑡
The velocity of moving matter might not be
perpendicular to the area we have, therefore
we need to consider the component of
velocity that is normal to the area 𝑑𝐴, we call
this velocity 𝑉𝑛 .
Control volume analysis
This means

The mass rate equation can be applied

at the inlets and exits of a system to
Dividing by the time derivative we get account for the rates of mass flow into
and out of the control volume

Leading to
Flow Rate

One dimensional flow

For the following ideal conditions: In terms of specific volume we have

The flow is normal to the boundary at locations What is the SI unit

where mass enters or exits the control volume. of specific volume?
All intensive properties, including velocity
and density, are uniform with position (bulk
average values) over each inlet or exit area
through which matter flows.

Then we have one dimensional flow

One dimensional flow
From the conservation of mass principle we One special case of the flow is Steady State
have Flow where

Where again the product AV is called the As a result we can write our master equation
Volumetric Flow Rate as
Application of Mass
Rate Balance
Example 1  Feedwater Heater
A feedwater heater operating at steady state has two
inlets and one exit.
At inlet 1, water vapour enters at p1 = 7 bar, T1 =
200°C with a mass flow rate of 40 kg/s.
At inlet 2, liquid water at p2 = 7 bar, T2 = 40°C enters
through an area A2 = 25 cm2.
Saturated liquid at 7 bar exits at 3 with a volumetric
flow rate of 0.06 m3/s.
Determine the mass flow rates at inlet 2 and at the
exit, in kg/s, and the velocity at inlet 2, in m/s.
Conservation of Energy for a Control
Similar to mass, energy is an extensive property, so it too can be transferred
into or out of a control volume as a result of mass crossing the boundary.
As a result we can express the previous energy equation in the rate form as
Conservation of Energy for a Control
For the one-inlet, one-exit control volume with
one-dimensional flow

Can you tell

what these
terms are?
Evaluating Work for a CV
Because work is always done on or by a For the first form of work and at the exit we
control volume where matter flows across the have
boundary, it is convenient to separate the
work term 𝑊ሶ from the equation we had into
two terms
1. One contribution is the work associated At the inlet we have similar expression as
with the fluid pressure as mass is introduced above.
at inlets and removed at exits.

As a result we can write the work rate (𝑊)
2. The other contribution, denoted by 𝑊ሶ 𝐶𝑉 , equation as
includes all other work effects, such as those
associated with rotating shafts, displacement
of the boundary, and electrical effects.
Evaluating Work for a CV
In accordance with the sign convention for
◦ the term at the inlet has a negative sign because
energy is transferred into the control volume
◦ A positive sign precedes the work term at the Which is commonly called Flow Work.
exit because energy is transferred out of the
control volume there.
Note: i = Inlet
With the definition of
E = exit
Where 𝑚ሶ is the mass flow rate and 𝑣 is specific
volume we can write the previous master equation
One-Dimensional Flow Form of a CV
With the use of flow work equation and the energy conservation equation for a CV, we can write

But we also know that 𝐻 = 𝑈 + 𝑃𝑉 (or ℎ = 𝑢 + 𝑝𝑣 ) , therefore substituting for ℎ we have

For a steady state we have:

One-Dimensional Flow Form of a CV
Finally, many important applications involve one-inlet, one-exit control volumes at steady state.
This means we have 𝑚ሶ 1 = 𝑚ሶ 2 and therefore we can take the mass flow rate as common and our
equation reduces to
Applications - Nozzles & Diffusers
A nozzle is a flow passage of varying cross
sectional area in which the velocity of a gas or
liquid increases in the direction of flow.
In a diffuser, the gas or liquid decelerates in
the direction of flow

change in
compared to
h and K.E.
Example - Nozzle
Steam enters a converging–diverging nozzle
operating at steady state with p1 = 40 bar, T1 =
400° C, and a velocity of 10 m/s.
The steam flows through the nozzle with
negligible heat transfer and no significant
change in potential energy. At the exit, p2 = 15
bar, and the velocity is 665 m/s. The mass flow
rate is 2 kg/s. Determine the exit area of the
nozzle, in m2.
Applications – Steam & Gas Turbine
A turbine is a device in which power is The equation characterizing a turbine, in its
developed as a result of a gas or liquid passing simplest form can be expressed via
through a set of blades attached to a shaft free
to rotate.

Too small and it

can be neglected Usually these two
terms are
Example - Turbine
Steam enters a turbine operating at steady state
with a mass flow rate of 4600 kg/h. The turbine
develops a power output of 1000 kW. At the
inlet, the pressure is 60 bar, the temperature is
400° C, and the velocity is 10 m/s with the
change in enthalpy being -831.8 kJ/kg.
At the exit, the pressure is 0.1 bar, the quality is
0.9 (90%), and the velocity is 30 m/s.
Calculate the rate of heat transfer between the
turbine and surroundings, in kW.
Applications – Compressors & Pumps
oCompressors and pumps are devices in which oAs a result we have
work is done on the substance flowing through
them in order to change the state of the
oTypically to increase the pressure and/or
oThe term compressor is used when the
substance is a gas (vapour) and the term pump
is used when the substance is a liquid.
oThe mass and energy rate balances reduce at
steady state as for the case of turbines
oNote that, depending on the application, the
K.E and the P.E term might not cancel!
Example – Compressor
Air enters a compressor operating at steady
state at a pressure of 1 bar, a temperature of
290 K, and a velocity of 6 m/s through an inlet
with an area of 0.1 m2.
At the exit, the pressure is 7 bar, the
temperature is 450 K, and the velocity is 2 m/s.
Heat transfer from the compressor to its
surroundings occurs at a rate of 180 kJ/min.
Employing the ideal gas model, calculate the
power input to the compressor, in kW.
Applications – Throttling device
A significant reduction in pressure can be In most cases, there is no appreciable change
achieved by introducing a restriction into a line in kinetic energy and therefore we have a
through which a gas or liquid flows. special condition of
This is commonly done by means of a partially
opened valve or a porous plug as seen from
the figure. Under such condition, we have Throttling
Such additions are called Throttling device.
The equation that describes these devices can
be written from

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