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Get up =Levantarse

to rike form a bed or any lying position

 I got up late today

 I get up from a chai

Get together=Reunirse
To meet

Get along (With Someone)= Llevarse bien

To have a Good relationship with person

 My sister gets along with everybody

 He doesn´t get along with them

Get away= Alejarse

to leave or to move

 Paul didn't come to the party because he couldn't get away from work.
to go on holiday or for a short break

 Work has been so stressful, I need to get away!

to escape

 You're too late, the thief (ladrón) got away.

Get down =Bajar

Opposite get up

To make so feel depress (no passive) | Hacer deprimir a alguien

Lower your body to avoid being hit | Bajar (parte de tu cuerpo)

 Doing the same thing every day can get you down.
Hacer la misma cosa todos los días te pone mal.

 I hate this weather. It’s really getting me down.

Odio este clima. Me pone depresiva.

 She gets down from time to time,

Ella de vez en cuando se pone mal.

 She got down on her hands and knees on the floor!

Ella se echó sobre sus manos y rodillas en el piso!
 I wanted to get down on my knees to him
Quise arrodillarme hacia él.

Get across= Atravesar

Get in=Entrar
to enter

 Get in the car and I will take you to school. Súbete al coche y te llevaré a la
to enter

 You can't get into the club without a ticket.

No puedes entrar en la discoteca sin una entrada.

Get on =Subirse
to enter or to board
Gett on the train

He got on the bus for the airport

Get off =Bajarse

to exit or leave

 We must get off the train at the next stop.

to finish or leave

 We usually get off early on Fridays in the summer.

Get out=Irse, salir

to leave or exit

irse; salir; marcharse

 It's too smoky, I have to get out of here.
Hay demasiado humo, tengo que salir de aquí.

to leave or exit


 He got out of the car quickly.

Él salió del coche rápidamente.

to avoid doing something

escabullirse o librarse de hacer

 How can I get out of going to work today?

¿Cómo puedo escabullirme de ir a trabajar hoy?

to remove


 I tried, but I can't get the stain out of my new dress.

Lo he intentado, pero no puedo quitar la mancha de mi vestido nuevo.

Get through=pasar
to finish

terminar; acabar

 I'm never going to get through this book with all of these distractions!

to manage or deal with difficulties

aguantar; pasar; sobrevivir

 These are difficult times, but we'll get through.

to pass or be accepted (laws, proposals, etc.)

pasar; aprobar

 The bill just barely got through Congress. La ley apenas aprobó por el Congreso.

to contact or communicate

contactar; communicar

 I have been calling her all morning, but I can't get through.
Get over= Superarlo
to recover; to recuperate

 She's still very upset. She can't get over not having been accepted to the university.
Aún está muy triste. No puede recuperarse de no haber sido admitida en la universidad

Get ahead= salir adelante

To suceed or make progress

 “If you want to get ahead, work hard”

 You can get ahead in life

Get by= (to survive)= Arreglárselas

To survive

 How do you get by without the internet?

 Can you get by withoutyour cell pone?
 We don't have a lot of money right now, but we'll get by.
Compound adjectives/ Adjetivos compuestos
He´s well dressed____He´s a welldressed man
One way Street
Some handmade toys
A two -faced politician
A left- handed boxer
A long legged model
A five dollar note
A poorly ventilated room
A well known person
(Si adverbio termina en Y, no se pone guión)

Adjetivos Adjetivos
Adverbios Adverbios (complemento-
Participios (ado-edo)
Gerundios (ando-endo-iendo)

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